Principles Of Research For Values, Skills, And Attitudes In Adult Education
Research Philosophy and Methodology
Discuss about th Principles of Research for Values, Skills and Attitudes.
Part A: Adult education is a type of practice where the adults are made engaged within sustained and systematic activities of self-education with the aim to earn more knowledge, values, skills and attitudes (Flicker and Worthington 2012).. It has been found that the adults want to learn and have willingness to take responsibility about learning as this respond to their wants (Schunk, Meece and Pintrich 2012). In addition to this, the reason behind selecting a particular methodology and philosophy approach for the research is to discover the types of research that is predominant in the field
The philosophical approach in this study makes use of positivism research philosophy. It is because the paper sticks to the factual knowledge from the journals and books written by the significant authors and agreement and disagreement to old age education. Positivism research philosophy determines the positive knowledge based on the natural phenomena and their properties and relations. The two renowned thinkers in this area are John Dewey (1859) and Stanley Hall (1846).
The philosophical approach looks into the adult education by looking at the information that is understood from the explanations of the author. Therefore, the knowledge gained from the sensory experience that are translated through reasons and logics and becomes the highlighted base of all the authoritative knowledge about adult education. This process is helpful in undertaking an independent study. Therefore, positivism realism philosophical approach is undertaken. Thereby they try to launch the educational practices and understand the relationship between them and the support every associated argument to every issues.
The methodological approach used in the adult education study, for instance study by Hala 2017 and Leroi 2016 is correlated to the Canon’s experimental inquiry that was constructed by J.S Mills Cannon 1967, which tries to evaluate the effect of adult education in the psychology of human beings. In this system of Ratiocinative and Inductive study provides a certain set of strategies for undertaking experimental generalization. For comparative analysis, two methods of relevance are considered for the adult education program. (1) The process of agreement (2) The inverse of agreement is the easiest and the straightforward under the descriptive methods of study. The process argues that if two or more cases of phenomena understudy have only one of the various probable casual situations in common, then the situations during which all the instances concur is the reason of the phenomenon. This method can be related to the adult education can be evaluated with another constant when all the cases that are being analyzed agree to only this cause. The indirect process of difference tries to approximate a model as a close as possible (Kruk 2013). This process consists of a double application of the process of agreement and has a stage in which rival explanations are refused through paired comparison.
Data Collection Methods
The methodological approach appears to be complex. In a simple way, an educator may like to evaluate some process and the reasons that are required for the development of adult education (Lang et al. 2012). At the end of the examination, the process and the reasons for improvement are in relation with the process and the reasons for accurate funding of adult education, then the disputes that proper funding of adult education programs for the enhancement of adult education curriculum becomes valid.
The paper takes into consideration only one type of data collection method known as the quantitative data collection method (Bechhofer and Paterson 2012). The quantitative data are those data that cannot be evaluated in numbers.
From the detailed study, it can be said that in case of the peer reviewed journal articles, where the researchers have applied the philosophy “ontology”, whether it might be objectivism or constructivism, the researchers have mainly used the qualitative and secondary method of data collection (Carter and Lubinsky 2015). The author has provided the best argument regarding the use of qualitative and secondary method of data collection. Nevertheless, it has been identified that in one of the peer reviewed journal articles the researcher Man (2002) has applied the Concept of Objectivism of “Ontology” along with the research methodology “six sigma model”. The reason behind this is that the intention of the particular researcher is to adopt the particular method of “six sigma model” for enabling the adult learners to get occupied in the lifetime learning activity in their workplaces and also in their personal lives (Crano, Brewer and Lac 2014). Moreover, it has been found that all the researchers who have implemented epistemology kind of philosophy for their research work regarding the adult education, have implemented positivism. For instance, “European Society for Research on Education of Adults” made use of the epistemology concept of ontology to determine the philosophical and the methodological background of the research on adult education. It is because of the ease of finding the result of the desired research problem.
On the other hand, in all other three identified peer reviewed journal articles, the researchers have gathered data for quantitative analysis from primary sources through the arrangement of interviews and online and offline questionnaire surveys (Bhattacherjee 2012). In most of the peer reviewed journal articles, where the researchers have implemented ontology philosophy, they have incorporated secondary method for analyzing the gathered information except in the journal written by Furterer (2016 ) where the researcher has used “six sigma methods”. Therefore, it can be said that in most of the researches regarding “Adult Education”, the researchers have used epistemology philosophy and primary and quantitative data analysis method (Lang et al. 2012). The reasons behind this might include the importance of the quantitative research and the epistemology philosophy. It has been found that the quantitative research is more reliable and more objective and can be used along statistics in order to simplify a finding of the research (Smith 2015). In addition to this the quantitative research also helps in reducing and restructuring any complex issue to a restricted number of variables. Thus, most of the researchers have used epistemology philosophy and the quantitative data analysis method in order to do the research work on the topic ‘Adult Education’ (Punch 2013).
Analysis of Research on Adult Education
In the mentioned journal articles, Hala (2016) and Leroi (2017) argued that researchers have implemented positivism of the epistemology philosophy as statistical data analysis of the collected data from the primary resources has been done (Nuttin 2014). Moreover, in these particular journal articles of Hala (2016) and Leroi (2017), all the researchers have implemented primary data collection method that is collecting data through arrangement of interview and online and offline questionnaire surveys.
Moreover, as per Lang et al. (2012), it can be said on the basis of the overall analysis of all the ten articles that the research study regarding the adult education was basically done on the basis of epistemology philosophy. According to Kruk (2013), the research work on the research topic adult education can be done better through the implementation of positivism strategy. In addition to this, it has been found that in most of the selected articles, the researchers have implemented the positivism strategy of epistemology philosophy and have been analyzed the gathered data and information through statistical data analysis method. Opined to Smith (2015), the most useful philosophy for doing any research work on the topic ‘Adult Education’ is the epistemology and its sub section positivism where statistical analysis is generally incorporated. It has been seen that most of the authors have agreed with the result provided by Smith (2015).
The reason behind this is that nowadays most of the people are not alert regarding the lifelong learning, distance, open learning, and adult education. However, most of the researchers have intended to introduce these fields within the society for the welfare of the people. In addition to this, this particular intention can be integrated within the society by understanding the learning based on three key dimensions, these include – environment, emotion and cognition.
Part B: In most of the peer reviewed journal articles, it has been found that most of the researchers or authors have indicated that collection of the data from the case study, or from the people through interview and questionnaire survey as the key issues in the area of particular research. In this paper, the researcher has made use of the quantitative data collection method to find out the effect of adult education in the mind of human beings and the society.
The adult education policies create a strong impact on the overall performance of the economy. The government plays a vital role in promoting the process of adult learning by creating a proper framework for effective adult education policies. These policies encourage the human beings to undertake the adult education program that will enhance their lifestyle and the standard of living. An effective adult education policy monitors the proceedings of the program and restricts any fraudulence.
The paper has used various internet sources to search academic abstract and databases. The work of the organizations like UNESCO, OECD and the World Bank with respect to adult education as well as studies undertaken by famous researchers are even useful for analyzing this paper.
For the assessment of the actions of the policy, the studies that have drawn answers for the meta-reviews of healthy assessments provide better evidence than individual studies. The studies for analysis with factual quantitative evidence of a vital causal impact provide more forceful fact than studies, which evaluate transformation before and after the policy action (Carter and Lubinsky 2015).They agree with the method as it provides better understanding to the study. Thus different studies can be compared and ranked based on the quality/strength of evidence provided (Hair Jr and Lukas 2014)
However, it has also been noted within the journal article that the programs of the adult education have not engaged the low income individuals successfully. The reason behind this is that the poverty of the nation along with the lack of high school education is considered as the two greatest risk factors due to which the poor health of the low income people took place in the nation. Finally, based on all these, it can be said that the collection of data and information from the primary sources is a hard matter, especially for this particular research work of the topic adult education (Smith 2015).
The theme of all the selected peer-reviewed articles is to research on the topic adult education and to implement it within the society based on the understanding of the philosophies of the research. The philosophy of this research regarding the topic adult education is to implement the positivism concept and to utilize the statistical data analysis method. Therefore, it can be said that the theme of this research study is to analyze the viewpoint of the common people in detail regarding the research topic ‘Adult Education’. The mindset of the human beings can be well judged by this theme as it shows how the introduction of adult education shows encourages new participants into the program. The next theme assists the researcher to analyze the factor in detail and to understand the concepts of the people in the society about the research topic. The final theme of the topic of adult education even analyzes the viewpoint of the large organizations like UNESCO and World Bank who is even concerned about adult education tries to undertake various initiatives that will enhance this program and will attract new people to participate in the program.
Part C: The paper in the earlier parts of A and B reveals the methodological and philosophical approaches and compares the various segments to find out the best approach to be undertaken. The literature review highlights the various peer articles and compares the work of various researchers to provide a clear idea about the outcomes. The various outcomes help in understanding the best knowledge about adult education and thereby the results can be undertaken. This can be well understood by looking at the increase in participation of human beings in the adult education program. The increase in participation of human beings encourages the government to undertake various reformation programs to improve the adult education program. The solutions have been able to bring out some philosophical position of adult education in this paper, which reflects the impact of adult education over the common society and the how such initiations motivate the common people. The information attained from this study makes the knowledge about adult education a bit more challenging to understand due to various complex techniques undertaken to complete the research. The answers gathered from the respondents are even not accurate and therefore, understanding the answers become difficult. The development of the research topic was undertaken by looking at the problem of adult education in the country and therefore a review of all the research papers done in the past are evaluated to gain knowledge about the subject. The review of earlier researches provides various analytical tools and process that can be implemented by taking the most effective processes available from the various research papers. The research objective has been to find out the best method in understanding the mindset of human beings with respect to the adult education. The paper answers the research question by identifying the most appropriate method of evaluation. The literature even highlights the various constraints they had to face to undertake the study as the data was not easily available and the interviews undertaken from the respondents were inefficient as they were reluctant to reveal the accurate information. They were speculative in their approach and only answered those questions that related to the public life and not their personal life. However, even with these constraints this method is most appropriate as the other methods that have been identified does not provide the best results and has more challenging technique with respect to the current one.
A clear view of the subject and the core area can be visualized as all the data analysis, statistical data analysis method has helped me to understand easily. Moreover, the literature review of the identified peer reviewed journal articles has broadened the idea and concept regarding the particular aspect of the subject area. In addition to these, it can be said that most of the authors suggest and implement the epistemology philosophy, rather in detail it can be said that they suggest for implementation of positivism strategy for analyzing the particular research topic ‘Adult Education’. In case of the implementation of the epistemology philosophy, the authors opt for positivism concept that is incorporates statistical data analysis. In case of data analysis, the researchers have to gather data from the common people through the process of either interview or questionnaire survey or both. However, as per my viewpoint, this information might be incorrect, as the respondents might not have the proper idea and knowledge regarding the research topic. The reason behind this is that the research study through this philosophy helps the researcher to gather information from the previous researches and journal articles of the researcher. Therefore, the paper uses positivism concept as it provides appropriate results with respect to the other concepts and methods discussed earlier.
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