Principles Of Professional Communication

Future technological innovation impact on accountant skills

Discuss about the Principles of Professional Communication.

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Accountants have constantly enjoyed technological advances to push them to finish their projects all the more precisely, rapidly or simply: from the incised clay tablets of the Sumerian scribes, through the calculators of the nineteenth century, to the current machines and computers of the twentieth century. In any case, all of these innovation improvements were basic propositions by comparison with the various advancements that are now quickly reshaping the worlds of business and bookkeeping  (Grabski et al. 2011). Heading into the 21st century innovation extends into the cloud, enormous information, versatile and social coordinated effort are merging to change the manners by which we store data and get information innovation assets, share learning and encounters, and access items and administrations. In the meantime, these patterns are likewise supporting and impacting improvements in digital security, advanced benefit conveyance, apply autonomy, increased what’s more, virtual reality, and counterfeit knowledge. This paper reports on the several impacts that the technological innovations will pose on the accountants’ skills, ethics and consequently career opportunities.

It is a possibility that the future can be predicted with any extent of certainty.  Through seeking information about new technologies as they come or evolve, giving consideration to them as they emerge, and then evaluating or examining their impacts on the finance professionals, the people they serve and empower. Accountants can get ready to reduce the burdens and maximize on the profits or the benefits for their respective organizations through the proper application of these advancing technologies (Hancock et al. 2009). Otherwise, they utilize these technologies and potentially impact the scope of what they consider or mean to be an accountant, or otherwise the skills. In the 21st century and the coming periods the trending technological advancements in this context are; mobility, cloud, digital service delivery, big data, social integration, digitized payment systems for instance, the block chain technology, cyber security, robotics, augment and virtual reality, and subsequently the artificial intelligence. All these are seen to be technological advancements in the 21st century and beyond, posing influence on the accountant skills to be more specific (De Villiers 2010).

Let’s pursue in this section, such instances like the broadband mobile connectivity to the internet. As it spread and the scope and the availability of resourceful factors like the software also expands, the gadgets like the smart mobiles and tablets are seamlessly morphing integrated devices that cannot be dispensed in the workplace (Buckley and Casson 2016). Accountants and other business workforces get chance to lay their fingertips to communication and information devices whenever and probably wherever place they need it. What does this tells us? It tells us that their efficiency commitment to their duties are improved since they become reliable, they can attend even to urgent balancing of ledger accounts while in their beds.

Impact of digital services on accounting

Furthermore, majority of the populace are increasingly interconnected in their professional and personal lives and the aforementioned recent smart phones, tablets, phablets, iPhones, and the phone pads poses the capability or the potential to revolutionize communication and connectivity further in the scope of workplaces and the personal spheres without any barricade of the geographical boundaries (Kleis et al. 2012). As a matter of fact this will enhance the efficiency and the effectiveness of the accountants. Because of these social integration beyond countries’ boundaries, the new mobile and internet connectivity, professionals get to share through different platforms like the emails, face book, twitter et cetera, and their skills. Through sharing of skills and knowledge in the field of financial accounting, the professionals get to understand the complex paradigms of accounting and they can now solve almost the impossible problems in accounting.

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The internet has developed from a stage that associates a huge number of computers, into the system of intuitive processing stages now known as ‘the cloud’. It can convey IT information or store data, (for example, programming applications, processing power, and information storage) adaptable and productively on the internet, as an administration (De Massis et al. 2013). These assets can be scaled anywhere to meet a request, and got to whenever, anyplace, from fixed and mobile gadgets. Various administrations are advertised from ‘open clouds’, organizations are making their own ‘private clouds’ and these are developing into ‘half and half clouds’ that take care of spikes in demand with open cloud services (Kaplan 2011). Accountants and the associations they work with and for are exploiting the cloud – in business, software as a service. Accounting frameworks were among the principal programming to turn into accessible online where they (and their related information) have been joined by a developing scope of business ‘software as a service’ (SaaS): from planning to spreadsheets (De Villiers 2010).

Utilizing cloud-based structures, for example, computers and data storage can give access to boundless resources without the need for in advance investment, support or IT ability. Be that as it may, the consumption based, pay-as-you-go approach is a blended gift in accountancy.

Digital services are changing business, practice, central and local authorities, foundations and other third division associations, by exploiting new IT structures and innovations to convey electronic business forms, internet business, portable trade, and cloud-based programming and administrations utilizing the web and intranets (Palm and Bisman 2010). Numerous digital services incorporate key highlights for example, self-improvement and self-evaluation answers for benefit clients, and utilize advances, for example, talk bots, artificial intelligence) to deal with upcoming enquiries and solicitations for support (as opposed to, or notwithstanding, email), offer intelligent live talk from sites and entrances, and impart utilizing web-based social networking channels, for example, Facebook and Twitter (Frey and Osborne 2017).

The impact of future technologies on career opportunities in accounting

Accountants are utilizing digital services to give resources and to get to resources. Accounting practices are offering self- service features, for example, online information vaults that customers can use to get to statutory and administration reports and other material the firm has taken a shot at. Managing an account, shopping, booking flights and more is being made more productive for clients and more cost effective for providers. Administrative services are progressively conveyed carefully: the eXtensible Business Revealing Language (XBRL) is being exploited to streamline and robotize forms by controllers extending from the Australian Federal Government to the European Insurance and Word related Pensions Authority (Hortinha and Lages 2011). In a nutshell, these innovations give the accountants the potential to improve efficiency and clients’ satisfaction, to automate and streamline both business and their personal services, bring about global standardization and finally to get the relevant skill for the reduction of the cost of the public services and maximize on the benefits.

In as much as it is difficult to correctly pinpoint what is likely to happen in the future, the increasing use of technology in accounting acts as an indicator of what opportunities and impact of future technologies in accounting (Russ 2009). According to various sources of information show that accounting as a profession will confront huge changes within the upcoming three decades thus expert accountants as well as their instructive organizations ought to react in order to secure opportunities which will rise as a result of the technological advancement. The three changes in the future technology that are likely to affect and present future opportunities to accountants include artificial accounting intelligence and accounting information technology and technologies related new types of control (Qureshi and Syed 2014). Even though these technological advancement may come with opportunities, they are additionally come with significant difficulties for the profession. According to the research conducted by Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) have   indicate some of the opportunities and essential changes that are anticipated to be experienced by accountants in the year 2025 (Loeb 2015).

In the first place, the study research shows that certified public accountants will utilize progressively advanced and savvy advances to improve their customary methods for working.   These advances may even supplant the conventional approach leading to the “The End of the Accounting Profession as We Know It? Based on the quickness and the abilities of the advanced technologies in accounting (Holtzblatt and Tschakert 2011).  The profession is will also change based on the keen programming frameworks that will bolster the pattern toward outsourcing administrations leading to increased work load as  experts will be expected to work base all the more abroad outsourcing. However the communication accountants will have opportunities where there will be a prominent utilization of online networking through shrewd innovation leading to an enhanced cooperation, divulgence, commitment with partners and more extensive groups (Lakes 2011). Online networking such as Twitter, Facebook, and Google search will uncover more information than any corporate confirmation report and partners will utilize devices to decipher enormous information and this is an opportunity for accountants to utilize.

Moreover, future advanced technologies will serve and support the accountants within the financial sector by minimizing the burdens on accountants arising from traditional accounting procedures.  Through the future technologies, accountants will be presented with the opportunity to exploit technology and significantly change the nature of the profession (Anandarajan, Anandarajan and Srinivasan 2012). Through future technological advancements, accountants are will have more opportunities compared to the current situation. Apart from the above opportunities, the accounting profession will experienced improved, communication, increased speed and well as increased productivity as well as globalization (Ghasemi, Shafeiepour, Aslani and Barvayeh 2011). These opportunities include:

  • Increased communication speed and global accountant connection
  • Efficiency gains and improved accounting productivity
  • Advanced and improved client servicing
  • Ease of data scalability, access as well data sharing and collaboration
  • Enhanced financial decision making
  • As well the capacity to improve personal and professional live among the accountants

Accounting being a profession has been saturated with custom and encompassed by structures and worry for administrative test over the decade will require a deliberate push to grasp and proactively react to the openings and difficulties that will come with computerized and mechanical upheaval accounting. A portion of the greatest obstacles will be around reacting in a coordinated way and having a forward looking outlook that will link with these predicted future technologies. According to some of the senior accountants who have expressed their concern through various social media platforms, it is clear that innovation interruption isn’t a far off future state – it is without further ado (Holtzblatt and Tschakert 2011). On the off chance that accountants will stay will stay important within the industry the profession needs to grasp various progressions which will enable the current accountants to stay within the industry. Also, the pace of progress stays one of the greatest dangers to accounting as a career. In the event that we are not proactive in our reaction to these innovation progressions then the customary review administrations and review firms are totally open to challenge from the more lithe start up group to the larger entities (De Villiers 2010). The reaction required is unpredictable and requires communications from various partners. Every one of these partners is basic in guaranteeing the capacity of the accounting profession to push ahead and the human workforce to remain important.

 The accounting profession is changing massively based on the advanced technology which is taking place such as big data, IT, artificial intelligences and clouding. These changes come with various opportunities and challenges as already discussed in the above sections. Critical changes are coming and there is high possibility that it will offer a vast open door for the future accountants. In order to be more applicable and trusted than any other time in recent memory. This prize will expect accountants to grasp change and to prepare and for the profession to create individuals with an alternate scope of aptitudes and capacities relevant to the future technologies (Buckley and Casson 2016).  Based on the above, it is important for accounting as profession to be integrated with computer programming so that accountants can be able to work with the future advanced technologies being implemented in the sector. The forth coming accountants should be taught in a way that while preparing that capability for the ACA gives an important resources to the accounting graduates. Nonetheless, there is a hazard that accounting profession as currently organized there is yet a larger part to be extremely thin in its graduate choice and required range of abilities (De Villiers 2010).

For the future, the blend of ranges of abilities is basic for accountants to achieve the expectations of the future accounting technological advancements. In the coming three decades, accounting as a profession will require individuals who have bookkeeping aptitudes and abilities as well as those who are likewise amazingly Information Technology proficient and skills (De Massis, Frattini and Lichtenthaler 2013). Systematic capacity moving and developing and going to the fore leading to the need for the capacity to code and work with a scope of new technological advancements in the coming future. According to the coming future technological advancements, various organization in the world are meet these requirements through selection of accountants in a more extensive and broader manner than they have done previously and this pattern looks set to proceed (Frey and Osborne 2017).

Added to this is the possibility to utilize the group to convey accounting tasks such as auditing a tasks. A future that will be empowered by innovation stages and which will convey a radical new measurement to the adaptable and deft of the accounting workforce. Future accountants will be of a higher quality empowered by innovation, yet this is just piece of the condition. Profoundly gifted people will dependably be expected to translate the huge information, report and to connect with different people on key judgment zones and give affirmation around the new advancements which are producing the accounting information (Grabski, Leech and Schmidt 2011). Technological innovation is not a silver slug but it is just tantamount to the information underneath. While the everyday transmit of accountants may change, the open doors for accounting as a profession are more prominent than at any other time before. The accountants should take hid the technological changes which may come in the future in a way that they will remain relevant to accounting course (Hancock, Howieson, Kavanagh, Kent, Tempone and Segal 2009).

Accounting as a profession has over the decades been guided by accounting standards and set of professional ethics which are likely to change with the changing technology. Later and future technological progressions in the field of accounting request a reconsideration of the administrative condition and ethics (Horngren 2009). For the time being, as accountants progressively utilize calculations to recognize exceptions for testing, it has been realized that there is a dire requirement for accountant to reassess the significance of the administrative condition and adjust their core interest which are mainly composed of accountings standards and codes of ethics. This implies that accounting controlling boards need to work intimately with accounting firms to comprehend the investigations in advance and to roll out some discount improvements to administrative prerequisites or codes of conduct which will be shaped by the future accounting technologies.

Longer term disruptors, for example, appropriated records will require a totally new administrative conditions and bookkeeping ethics that will guarantee consistency of approach around check of records, approval and recording of exchanges based on the changing rules and roles within an organization as a result of technology (Hortinha  and Filipe 2011).

On the off chance that we need something that will bolster mechanical advancements and be an important and proper administrative condition, we should guarantee that we don’t just attempt and shoehorn the new innovation/approach into a current structure. There should be a straightforward procedure and component for building up these new structures with contribution from every single key partner.

The will be sharing of information form one accounting firm to another based on the advanced communication as accountants will have the most accurate channel of communication and consultation thus changes in the ethics regarding sharing of information.

Future technological advancements will also lead to the creation of new sets of accounting information regulation which will be related to the use of technology such as restriction to access of information that is vital to the organization among various ethics of operation (Kaplan 2011).

Accounting as a sector can be a major ship to turn and a deliberate thus proactive exertion is required with respect to accounting personnel, the set accounting standards as well as organize accounting firms to create a path way for the advancing technology improvement to happen. However, it is evident that current laws and ethics will go about as a boundary to the pace of accounting technological progress hence a consequently activity is required presently to help with the coming future technologies in accounting (Kleis, Chwelos, Ramirez and Cockburn 2012).

Reassessment of accounting ethics and operational environment

The advancement of technology in accounting in the coming future is likely to present various opportunities as well as is therefore important for accountants as well as the accounting oversight authorities to come up with various mechanisms which will be crucial in facilitating the technological advancement progression in accounting. The oversight accounting boards should reassess various accounting standards and ethics of conduct which has been noticed within the introduction as a factor which may act as a barrier to the future accounting advancements.

Integration of accounting with IT

Even though it is difficulty to foretell precisely what will take place in the upcoming three decades, it is vivid that the accounting sector is currently going through a mechanical progression and computerization which require IT literacy. It is therefore recommended for various accounting course offering colleges as well as other learning institutions to integrate accounting course (CPA) with information technology so that the sector can have the best accountants with the knowledge related to the future technological advancement


The artificial intelligence machines is currently taking control of every sector and this is also evident within the accounting sector. However, integrated machines and all the intelligent machines depend on the help of human beings for control.  The accounting sector is likely to change in the coming two decades based on the progressively advancing technology which will as well come with various opportunities and challenges in bookkeeping industry which should be well considered before it supposes the limit of control. It is therefore important for accountants and accounting oversight boards to come up with various ways that will help accountants remain relevant within the industry in the future with the advancing technology.


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