Principle Of Marketing For Tourist Place In Australia – Daylesford
Discuss about the Principle of Marketing for Tourist Place in Australia.
This report is basically made by considering a new destination as a tourist place in Australia which will add one more destination in its tourism industry. Therefore the report will have the inclusion of a destination in Australia, which will have to be established or added as the part of tourism in Australia. Also, the destination must have to be that much competent as per the Australian market which will make the existence of the destination as a tourist place and will make actions in drawing people’s attention towards the destination (Loose, 2014).
The destination that is chosen for the tourism industry to make a plan in the Australian market is Daylesford. Daylesford is a town situated in Victoria in the foothills of the Great Dividing Range which is generally 115 kilometres away from Melbourne city. This town is quite famous for its Australian spa. This town is the broad area which includes the springs and also has the natural spring mineral spas having the mineral water reserve. The climate is a bit wetter and cooler than Melbourne, situated 616 meters above the sea level In addition to its beauty this place is much economic having the presence of a good amount of industries with developed accommodation and healthcare along with the good amount of trading facilities (Lindstrom & Mahdavi, 2013). Out of everything, Daylesford is intended towards its spas due to which people get attracted. The transport facility is majorly going through the Midland Highway and the Western Highway which directly linked to Daylesford. Also, there is railway route of Daylesford (Laczniak & Murphy, 2012). The beauty of Daylesford is visible basically in its spring season making it heartthrob beautiful, and this will be the reason the people will be attracted to Daylesford Below are some pictures which will show the beauty of Daylesford.
With such conditions, there must be the destination which must have very important specifications with beautiful attractions and most importantly having the effective target audiences. Daylesford has those much specific demographics with the geographic areas. After the market review by taking into consideration all the factors, the next is to highlight and advertise the destination of Daylesford. For this, there must have a strong layout which involves all the ways of advertisements (McDonald, 2013). The selection of the destination and the advertising of the destination like Daylesford involve the goals and objectives that are being to the target audience which makes the basis of attraction that includes the destination’s market placement with the short term and long term goals of the market.
With these desired attractive features, Daylesford will be cooperated by the Australian Government for the governance to be declared as the part of the tourism industry of Australia having many specific reasons for its existence. Majorly the purpose of this plan is to make the high standard people and the international students those coming Australia for higher studies to be aware of such attractive places so that they can visit and increase its amount of visitors. By this, the destination will get more famous, and it will be more develop by the growing time (Lindstrom & Mahdavi, 2013). Therefore the Australian government will acquire all the marketing strategies including the locality of the destination and the competition in the market. It will make the promotions of the destination by involving many public figures and also by improving the public relations (Erragcha & Romdhane, 2014). The social media and its advertising through web enable the popularity of the destination by which the targeted audience get aware of the destination for exploring the beautiful places of the destination.
Environmental Forces
Daylesford, a place in Australia, is good at attracting the eyes of the visitors due to its beauty and services. Therefore Australian government is intended in making Daylesford a tourist place and a place in the tourism industry. Daylesford is basically famous for the springs in it, i.e., it is basically having famous for the Hepburn Springs. Daylesford, as a destination for the tourism, is the place for the tourist to enjoy the enchanting voice of the birds and the natural attractions (Czinkota & Ronkainen, 2013). The tourists use to unwind themselves and pamper themselves by coming to that place by indulging their senses. The entire nature of Daylesford is both effective through many physical and spiritual senses which makes the tourist or people who come to visit here very much satisfied from within the soul. This place is somehow near to Melbourne, which is a city full of noises (Kubacki et al., 2015). Therefore the people those residing in Melbourne can opt for coming to this place to get themselves free from their busy schedule and to make a perfect escape from the busy schedule and hectic hustle of Melbourne.
The Hepburn Springs make the availability of the spas to the tourists and people who make the people both enjoying the beauty of nature and relaxing in nature which ultimately makes a romantic gateway for the folks coming here. Along with the Hepburn Spa, there is many another spa, they are mineral spa at Peppers Springs Retreat and Salus Spa, etc. In addition to that, there is having many wellness centres and the healing centres. These provisions are the important natural attractions of the destination (Lindstrom & Mahdavi, 2013). These natural beauties and the attractions that can be enjoyable by the people by any transportation i.e. by car or by walk. The people who are basically interested in the beauty of nature, wine, uniqueness and antiques of nature, then this destination of tourism will definitely provide immense happiness to their soul.
The beauty of this destination is basically derived from the 1850s as this place is intended for the gold mining at that time. The possession of gold in this place made the leftover of the remnants with granite, bluestone and sandstone which laid the foundation of this place with such beautiful arts and scripts and culture Hepburn Mineral Springs Bathhouse is known from previous time for the traveller’s ease in getting a good health and well-being (Nilsson & Svane, 2012). The land of this destination can be said to be evolved from the volcanic events which eventually led to the creation of Hanging Rock and the Macedon Ranges. These events led the Swiss-Italian migrants to enter into the place.
Some factors have their effects upon the business; likewise there is same instance where there are the environmental forces which affect the monitoring of the tourism industry. As the tourism is in every means attached to nature, so in any deviation in nature leads to the violation of the tourism laws and affects the sway of the flow of environmental facts.
The environmental causes that affect the regulation of the tourism industry are the depletion of the natural resources, pollution, and physical impacts. The depletion of the water resources, local resources, and the land degradation has very high impact on the maintenance of the tourism destinations (Palia, 2014). The issues in the water resources are making the tourist places lacking in its water reserves, swimming pools, etc. which are the most important attractions of the visitors visiting the places. Also, the decrease in water body making the users use of water in scarce quantity making them dissatisfied. Majorly these used waters are the fresh water which is going on depleting with every increasing day.
The local resources and the land degradation are resulting in the unavailability of the natural beauty and scenic beauty due to rapid globalization and urbanization. This process of depletion is making the visitors and tourists in getting involved in the artificial means of recreation which is making them dissatisfied (Strauss, 2016). Any scarcity or pressure in the locally available resources of the destination make the tourists aware of the situations as they expected before, and it doesn’t meet up to their demands.
The other broad factors that affect the tourism industry are the environmental factors, socio-economic factors, historical and cultural factors, religious factors and the other factors.
All these depletion of the natural resources and the other physical impacts are involved in the environmental issues that affect the tourism industry which also have the involvement of the scenic views which make help in attracting the visitors to the beautiful destinations.
The much broad aspect is the socioeconomic factors; those are the accessibility, accommodation, amenities, ancillary services, etc. These factors are the most important because it depends on all the arrangements of the tourist destination that makes it visible, popular and viable among the tourists or the visitors that usually come to visit the place. The tourist destination must have the good accessibility and accommodation with reasonable cost and availability which enable the reach of the tourist to that place making popular (Lindstrom & Mahdavi, 2013). The maintenance of the amenities and the provision of all the supplementary services also affect the base of tourism. It basically helps in boosting the economy of the destination by enhancing the economy of the nation as well.
The presence of the historical evidence in the destination adds an extra point to the destination place in any tourism department. Visitors are much more interested in visiting the historical places with the scenic beauties like the Egyptian pyramid, Great Wall of China, etc. The religious factors and other miscellaneous factors also affect the tourism industry by their way (Kubacki et al., 2015). But the visitors usually love to respect every type of religion, and they use to respect and explore more and more about all the religions which enhance the importance of the destination.
The SWOT analysis of a tourist destination is intended to make it as beneficial as per the potential of the destination. The rating is to make it good and potential as per the terms and conditions of the tourism industry by making the structure of the tourism enterprise and the product. Therefore the SWOT analysis of the Daylesford is carried out concerning towards the eradication of the negative implications of it. The SWOT analysis of this place majorly carries the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and the threats of Daylesford.
Strengths: Daylesford is having tremendous spring weather with a high quality of scenic beauty which is enclosed by other beauties like the mountains and forests. There are having the important stone crafted area so having the presence of various types of stones like the granite, bluestones, etc. This destination is having some spas which made it popular among the people (Erragcha & Romdhane, 2014). The spas have been enjoyed with the natural beauties which make the visitors spending a quality of relaxing time. It can be said to have a committed private sector to the tourism industry which having a good connectivity for the accessibility to the visitors during travel.
Weaknesses: Sometimes the government is showing less coordination in the campaigning and the marketing procedure by having poor planning. The poor planning of marketing hampering the popularity of the destination as a tourist place (Czinkota & Ronkainen, 2013). Also, the lack of planning hampers the human resource program of the management which lacks in the branding of the product.
Opportunities: Regular provocations led the government in planning for the success of the destination which will increase the popularity of it. The increase in popularity makes the visitor get attracted towards it which will enhance the economy growth of the destination with the growth of the nation’s economy as well. As it has Swiss-Italian immigrants, then there will be an increase in their community in religious point of view.
Threats: The competitive world outside the country and inside the country will give competition to the tourism department of Daylesford which will eventually sometimes makes the dissatisfaction of the customers (Biswas et al., 2013). If there will be any reluctance in the regular renovations, then there will be issues with the visitors regarding the look of the destination. The changes in the environment also give some threat to the destination creating inconvenience within the visitors.
The layout for the target market basically gives an idea about the investment on the market. In the later situations after the formation of layout the individual initiative campaigns and the initiatives are taken for advertisement and launching of the program. An overview of the program is made having all the descriptions of the initiative, then the analysis of the cost, with the targeted audience and the exact figure of the market. The last and the important one is the creation of a plan with described schedules must be there which will run definitely throughout the year (Biswas et al., 2013).
The market and the implications of the destinations will make the availability of it to its precious customers like the high-end customers who can afford all the services of it. The students those are coming for higher studies to Australia as it has a good environment for it, they can get a very good environment for their relaxation and enjoyment in their vacations (Laczniak & Murphy, 2012). The high profile customers who are getting out of their busy schedule they also get into this destination to get some free time out of their busy schedule. Therefore due to having such targets in the marker the business standards and the business performances have grown and enhanced to its higher levels.
For the improvement of the business as per the demand of the customers, the standards of the business needed to have in high levels as there are very high competition and growth in the market having increased specialization and high-quality services. One important strategy to fulfil the target is to get aware of the needs and values of customers according to which it can take decisions based on the customer needs and the existing firm of the business organization; i.e., Daylesford. Another strategy that will be proved to be beneficial is the quality of the product and its services that are coping up with the desire and stature of the customers so that they can get attracted towards the destination to spend their quality time with ease (Nilsson & Svane, 2012). The target that is to be made to meet the needs and desires of the customers are supposed to have value addition for their attraction and proposition which will increase the amount of the targeted customers in the Daylesford. The main strategy for the tourism industry is to make the destination attractive and well displayed for the depiction in the market. The target strategy must have the statement that involving the attractive, informative and captivating information (Strauss, 2016).
The process of the marketing plan is a step by step process which will include a good amount of overview for the establishment of the tourism business in Daylesford to makes it a good tourist place or a luxury getaway. These steps in a whole involve the total effort of the country and the people of that local area in developing the destination to a beautiful place I tourism industry.
The marketing procedure takes the step of the campaigning for the destination. After the campaigning, the destination is going through the various improvements by the suggestions of the people that they made depending upon the needs and the desires of the people or the visitors or tourists of Daylesford those are willing to visit that place for the scenic beauty and the provisions of the place (Laczniak & Murphy, 2012). These improvements are being done by having a view on the competitors on the market to make the product with much efficiency for ease to the visitors and longing towards their long term stay in Daylesford. Now after the development and improvement, the marketing strategies are taken into consideration which involves many sources like the social media advertising, partnership marketing by making business to business and consumer to consumer marketing for the success of business.
For this, the plan that is prepared will have the strategy that will be helpful in completing the goals which will take Daylesford to high levels of success. This planning program includes the proper description for the initiatives to be taken along with the analysis of the costs in accordance to the targeted customers of Daylesford (Nilsson & Svane, 2012). Therefore it can be said that the plan that is strategically prepared after the close and keen analysis of the market of must be of such type that will take the destination of Daylesford to a high level in tourism industry.
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