Predictors And Outcomes Of Binge Watching Television: A Mixed Method Study
Literature Review
Discuss about the Predictors and Outcomes Of Binge Watching Tv.
The television was one of the major invention in the modern times and it has a major impact on the lifestyle of the people who live to view the television. With the development of the time and the increase in the number of different entertainment option in the televisions, a number of addictions have come into being, which have major implications on the lives of the people who are addicted to the television. The variety of the channels and the modern entertainment and the information media which caters to all kinds of audience has led to a situation known as binge watching. Binge watching, as the name suggests, is the habit of the people to constantly use the media as the source of the information and entertainment to an extent that it affects their daily schedule of life, with them spending 3 or more hours watching the same thing or a series of similar things (Wagner, 2016). Binge watching has also led to a number of physical and psychological issues among the people who were affected by it. One of the major implications of the situation is the fact that the people are affected by the binge watching, facing long term health defects, alienation and a number of mood disorders.
The aim of the research is to understand the: Predictors and Outcomes of Binge Watching Television
The research focusses to developing the topic and ideas on the following questions:
- What are the causes of the rise of the Television viewership in the society leading to Binge Watching disorder?
- What are the possible outcomes of the Binge Television watching which affects the life and lifestyle of the viewers?
The rise of the more accommodating and the interactive media which has made the television more accommodating to the needs of the viewer leading to the addiction are studied. The focus is also on the effect of the Binge watching on the psyche and physical self of the individuals.
The literature review focuses on collecting the different data from a variety of previous research works and understanding the overall cause and effects of Binge watching.
As shown by Horvath et al., (2017), the binge watching among the people have been on the constant rise due to the fact that the audience have been able to plan their own schedules. The viewership patterns were generalized when the people had fixed times of the shows. However, the internet enabled viewing, along with the live stream channels, and the ability to record or view and review the same episodes more than once have led the people to be more dependent on the television as the dependable source of entertainment. The disruptive view has been overcome with the usage of the modern methods of viewership, but the long term implications of the ease of access to the entertainment options are yet to be determined. With on-air channels coming to the mobile phones as applications and the constant increase in the number of mobile applications around the world has led to the mobiles being used as televisions to view a number of web channels (Panda & Pandey, 2017). The ability to view a certain data is not the sole cause for the audience that tends to view and review the episodes of the shows that they like, and this viewership also leads to addiction and binge watching.
Research Questions
According to Walton-Pattison, Dombrowski and Presseau (2018), binge watching has seen a considerable rise in the past decade due to the rise in the different types of viewership patterns and the increase in the number viewership. The flexibility of the television viewership in the television and the different channels and online television have seen a considerable rise. This has led to an addiction among a large number of audience in the society because they constantly have access to the kind of entertainment they want. The research also shows there is a sense of guilt among the different viewers whose sleep patterns and lifestyle are affected by the viewership patterns. The research also shows that the binge watching patterns are also affected by age and has a predominant effect on the overall behavioral patterns in the society. The situation in the Social Cognitive Theory helps in understanding the effect of the habit on the society and the social interactions among the general populous, and how it is affected by binge watching, and therefore affecting the overall behavior (Bandura, 2014).
The research will help in understanding binge watching in the individuals in the current societies and the effect that it has on their overall lives. Moreover the exploration will also focus on the cause which leads to the binge watching habits in the individuals as pointed out by Panda and Pandey (2017). There may be a number of different motivations among the different people leading to the habit of binge watching being inculcated in them. The understanding of these motivations of binge watching will help in understanding the outcomes of the habit among the different people.
The understanding of the causes and the effects of binge watching on the people will help in the understanding of the psychological implications of binge watching on the lives of the people and the ways of mitigating the issue. Another issue that is pointed out by Walton-Pattison, Dombrowski and Presseau (2018), is that the guilt of the binge watching among the individuals can also be understood and mitigated, and in such cases the people may choose to seek help to break the pattern and return to normal schedule patterns.
The research methodology focuses on the different ways to approach the research for a better insight and understanding of the problem and acquiring a solution (Gray, 2013). In this research the methodology will focus on:
The participants of the research will include the people who in general watch three or more episodes of the same television series or are habituated to spend equal to or more than three hours of television. The age group of the population will vary between the ages of 18-45 to study the different causes of the binge television watching across age groups.
Research Methodology
The methodology of this research will be mixed method which will have both quantitative and the qualitative data analysis of the topic for the better analysis and understanding of the research problem (Bryman & Bell, 2015). The qualitative data analysis will help in understanding sociological and psychological aspects of the binge television watching habit. On the other hand the qualitative analysis will focus on understanding the extent of the habit’s spread and its effect on individuals discretely.
The design framework of the research will be experimental which will develop the data and the various findings of the data collected from the primary and secondary sources and analyse them by using mixed methodology (Bryman, 2015).
The research will be based on both the primary and the secondary data to achieve the results so the data collection methods should have a similar focus (Saunders, Lewis & Thornhill, 2015). The primary data should be collected from the population sample chosen through a questionnaire. The secondary data will be collected from the different researches that have been done based on the topic.
The data will be collected at random through an online questionnaire sent through an email and non-randomized sample will be taking into account the hours of watching the television that qualifies as binge watching. The population sample will consist of 50 responses from various age groups.
The ethical consideration in the research should focus on keeping the identities of the people who are giving the responses under cover. The sample population who are helping in the data collection should give their approval in the sharing of information for it to be used in the research purposes. The research that are included in the research to take help in the secondary data should be given their due credit for the information borrowed from them.
The research will help in the development of the data and the information of the binge watching television and their outcomes which affect the general population and their habits and the behaviour patterns.
The scope of the research will include the understanding of the different predictors and the outcomes of the habit. The research will also explore the role of the modern media and the different approaches of the media which is aiding the rise of this habit. The media and the different behaviour patterns of the individuals, which leads them to be addicted to the habit has led to the rise in the binge watching habits that are understood in the research. The outcomes will also help in the understanding the role of the media and binge addiction on the psyche of the individuals in the modern society.
There are a number of problems in conducting the research, as one of the major hindrances in collecting the primary data is the fact that the people usually do not choose to accept their habits as psychological issues, due to the stigma attached to it. Moreover the data gathered is relatively small and the research need a varied and larger population based research to achieve better results.
Bandura, A., 2014. Social cognitive theory of moral thought and action. In Handbook of moral behavior and development (pp. 69-128). Psychology Press.
Bryman, A. & Bell, E. (2015). Business research methods. Oxford University Press, USA.
Bryman, A. (2015). Social research methods. Oxford university press.
Gray, D. E. (2013). Doing research in the real world. Sage.
Horvath, J. C., Horton, A. J., Lodge, J. M., & Hattie, J. A. (2017). The impact of binge watching on memory and perceived comprehension. First Monday, 22(9).
Panda, S. and Pandey, C. S. (2017), Binge watching and college students: motivations and outcomes, Young Consumers, 18(4), 425-438.
Saunders, M.N.K., Lewis, P. & Thornhill, A. (2015). Research Methods for Business Students: Lecturers’ Guide (4th edition). Prentice Hall; Pearson Education
Wagner, C. N. (2016). ” Glued to the Sofa”: Exploring Guilt and Television Binge-Watching Behaviors.
Walton-Pattison, E., Dombrowski, S. U., & Presseau, J. (2018). ‘Just one more episode’: Frequency and theoretical correlates of television binge watching. Journal of health psychology, 23(1), 17-24.