Practice Development And Person Centered Care For Quality Patient Care
Defining Person Centered Care
Discuss about the Person Centered Care for Clinical Interventions.
Person centered care may be defined as the procedure by which healthcare professionals should think and perform tasks which would mainly portray patients as equal partners in development of plans, performing and also monitoring care with the help of different health as well as social services (Brooker and Latham 215). This framework of care mainly puts the patients as well as the family members to be in the central position of making decisions working along with the professionals. This framework of care mainly puts the patient’s desires, values, family situations and different social circumstances and lifestyles as the topmost priority. It believes in shared decision making with the patients and thereby helps people to manage their health (Entwistle and Watt 2013). The essay should mainly portray how practice development and person centered care are associated with quality care of patients and how both can be implemented to ensure safe practices.
Previously the traditional practices expected patients to fit in with the practices, routines, rules of healthcare already set beforehand in the healthcare centers and in the social service centers. This is no more followed nowadays where the care is mostly person centered now. Different types of researchers have explained different aspects of person centered care which helps in providing a high quality care for the patient that in turn develops the quality of life of the patients (Brownie and Noncarrow 2013). This framework of care respects people’s values and thereby helps in putting people in the central position during the times of decision making so that the feel themselves to be include in their care. Such care also ensures taking into account the different preferences and expressed needs of the patients maintaining their dignity and autonomy. Moreover the professionals make sure that a team based approach is made so that all the requirements of the patients are handed by coordinating and integrating care thereby working together. Professionals should make sure that there is proper communication of information with the patients and educating them to empower them with the best healthcare strategies (Evardsson, Sandman and Borrell 2014). This care also makes sure that that the patients are made physically comfortable and safe providing them with emotional support. Many researchers are also of the opinion that as this framework involves family and friends, it results in decreased stress among them as well as the patients for which there is increased cooperation which has positive effects on the service care delivery (Deewar and Nolan 2013).
The Evolution of Person Centered Care
Researchers are of the opinion, that the term practice development has been associated with supporting modernization as well as organizational, service and also different quality improvements. However, above all these, practice development is mainly concerned with development of person centered approach. Many researchers are of the opinion that the sole aim of the practice development in this phase of time should be mainly focused on the development of a facilitative approach which would engage patients as well as different users in various changes for betterment like innovation through collaborative care, proper team working and partnership building (Bramley and Maitti 2014). Thereby practiced development can be broadly defined as the framework of development of skills and education for the healthcare professionals which would help in the continuous process of gathering knowledge and development of person centered cultures in the healthcare workplace. Such practice development is mainly enabled by different facilitators who are able to successfully engage with different patients and also with teams effectively. These help individual professionals to blend personal qualities as well as different creative imaginations with the proper combination of practice wisdom and practice skills. The learning that occurs through practice development is helpful in bringing about huge transformation not only in individuals but also in different forms of team practices (Fossey et al. 2014). Both processes and outcomes are embedded in the corporate sustenance with proper sustenance. Researchers are of the opinion that the person is centered care uses the perfect practice development principles by incorporating the characteristics if inclusiveness, respect for each other and also valuing contributions by the establishment of social bonds and connections.
Critical social theory is been said by researchers to mainly underpin the entire concept of practice development. The concept mainly assumes that social structure as well as the collective culture is mainly helpful in shaping the society and also the community where individuals thrive. There arise many situations in the healthcare fields where cultures often require patients or professionals to participate completely in a proper mode of discussion (Kitson et al. 2013). This in its turn is found to be extremely helpful in developing decisions for the improvement of the patient care. Over the years, researchers have noticed that practice development methods usually help in allowing the professionals (participants) to participate successfully in various types for meaningful conversations not only about practice but also about the environment. These would help the professionals to understand, challenge and then change the culture to improve patient care. All these together are seen to provide a greater opportunity to the professionals as they become active participants in knowledge generation and also in the continuous change process. This altogether leads to embedded cultural changes (Pulvirenti, Mcmillan and Lawn 2014).
Practice Development as a Framework for Person Centered Care
Researchers are of the opinion that development of quality health as well as social care services can only take place when a combination of certain societal as well as professionals and also professionals factors come in consideration. Each and every professional have to be aware of the different changes taking place in the present generations in healthcare so that they can correctly combine this knowledge and their applications while providing a person centered care (Taylor et al. 2015). Therefore practice development should involve the gathering of knowledge of the following components of change such as the rising patient as well as the client and carer expectations. Moreover increased dependency of those individuals who are accessing healthcare services and also various technological changes are needed to be known by the professionals. Moreover demographic changes in the society as well as various changes occurring in the care delivery systems are important components which need to be grasped by the professionals. Moreover lack of public confidence is also affecting the reputation of healthcare industries and therefore professionals should aim to develop the confidence of public through practice development by following the correct approach of person centered care (McCormack and Dewing 2013). Moreover, threats of litigation as well as the increased demands of the patients and their family members for a greater degree of access to information also need to be noted by them. All these requirement need to be fulfilled by them for a better satisfaction of the patients and thereby providing a proper person centered care to them.
Researchers have thereby advised that professionals should not be only satisfied with the knowledge that practice development helps in promoting excellence in healthcare service delivery. They should mainly try to understand the different target that the practice development tries to achieve. Some of the important targets that the practice development ensures is giving direction and allowing bench marking for the professionals who want to provide excellent care to patients. It also incorporates components like stimulation of the improvement of care along with that of the fostering audit and research while planning the care plan for service users (Felton and royal 2015). Moreover, this also helps in developing team approaches and helps in the engagement of the users in the service which has become one of the most important foundations of the main person centered approach. It also supports innovation and change and provides effective tools and techniques which are extremely helpful in enhancing the change. It also helps in the enhancement of the working environment as well as the culture of the organization and thereby offers a vehicle for sharing and also disseminating and networking purposes. These ultimately help in demonstrating different impacts of changes. In simple words, practice development can be defined as the bottom up approach which basically helps the professionals to review and thereby change the whole process mainly by putting the patient at the centre of the care process.
The Role of Critical Social Theory in Practice Development
Researchers have stated that the different positive impacts that person centered care at the heart of the practice envelopment have on the health of the patients are beneficial for their recovery. The knowledge and application of this type of care developed after practice development cases can help in the improvement of the experiences of the patients who undertakes care making them feel more satisfied (Kong et al. 2014). It also helps in the encouraging patients to lead a much better and healthy lifestyle which takes into account the benefits of exercising as well as eating healthy diets. Not only that, this type of care if applied properly will help in encouraging the patients to be more involved in their decisions about the care they are receiving. These would help the patients to get support and care which are appropriate for their needs. This care also provides a very positive impact on the health outcomes such as blood pressures and others. Researchers although not sure, has put forward a hypothesis that such acre may reduce the frequency of the services used by patients as the accurate care would be provided in first shot which will in turn cause reduction in the overall cost of the care (Hardiman and Dewing 2014). Moreover, one of the very interesting benefits of the care is that it makes the professionals highly satisfied themselves about the care which is provided to them.
The main aims of the practice development that the professionals should incorporate in their routine schedules to achieve a person centered care are needed to be followed. The different initiatives that the professionals should take in the practice development sessions to prepare for person centered approach. The first one should be getting to know the service user as a person and thereby recognizing his individuality to be particular. An important mind set-up that needs to be prepared by the individual professional is seeing the patient as the expert in their own health and care. Proper using of power and maintaining of responsibility ethically and responsibly are extremely important for providing the best care to patients. Moreover, the professionals need to take a holistic approach for properly assessing the needs of the people and then providing a proper care according to requirements. The professionals should also incorporate families whenever appropriate so that autonomy and dignity is maintained not only of the patients but also of the family members whenever so that they do not feel helpless and in turn feels empowered. The professionals should also make sure that each and every service they provide are accessible, flexible and should be also easy to navigate. They should first try to understand the patients’ whole experience of care so that they can promote coordination from the patient and thereby ensure continuity of the care provided to her (Fisher 2017). Moreover, the professionals should also make sure that the physical, cultural as well as psychosocial environment of health services are supporting the person centered care and if not proper arrangements are to be taken for providing the best care to patients. Moreover another very important feature that should be incorporated is that the staffs should make sure that they are supportive and should be well trained in communication and also striving to put the people at the center of care.
Factors Affecting Quality Healthcare Service Delivery
Organizations should also take proper initiatives to ensure that the professionals get proper scope for practice development in order to instill person centered care in their practices. Among the various duties, they should ensure that professionals adhere themselves to the knowledge as well as skills and competency. They should ensure that the professionals take this as a part of the accountability and also maintain their roles and responsibilities which are outlined in their job description. Moreover the employers and leaders should also ensure that the professionals are also ensuring that they are providing ample supports in their decisions and actions with appropriate evidences. Moreover researchers have also stated that both the organization as well as the working professionals should pay importance to the practice development by mainly generating evidence from the practice so that they can be informed about the future innovations and changes throughout. They should focus on the provision as well as development of the quality care and also services with the patients and providers of the service. The organizations should also take initiatives for introduction of different ways to evaluate, capture, measure and also demonstrate the various impacts of the change of the patients as well as the measuring of the service and clinical outcomes. They would also ensure efficiency and effectiveness of the change of the individuals and also the teams and organizations. Moreover the organization should also make sure that they are providing enough scopes and opportunities to professionals to offer educations along with training to support innovations as well as changes.
Proper training about three important features need to be incorporated in the practice development session to assure the best outcome for the person centered approach. The first of the three aspects is effective teamwork. This should be maintained between all the important stakeholders like the users as well as the carers both externally as well as internally within the teams. The second important aspect that would ensure the success of person centered approach is that a multi professional collaboration is ensured (Carter, Greedy and Sidebotham 2015) This can be achieved by the involvement of the multidisciplinary team members including various ancillary team members. The third aspect is maintenance of effective communication. It mainly occurs between as well as within and across all the stakeholders who are themselves involved in innovation and also changes.
Researchers are currently working on the topic at a extensive range in order to identify the qualities and skills which are extremely important in person centered care and how different strategies that can be implemented during practice development to ensure uninterrupted care service delivery. Every professional should have qualities like being affective with proper energy, optimism, enthusiasm and having a proper outlook. Moreover they should have a proper vision which underpins different practice development activities helping in improvement or provide care through person centered approach (Kon et al. 2014). Thirdly, being motivated and empathic is extremely important to make the outcomes of practice development successful. Moreover being experiential is also important while the professionals should develop the ability for processing personally and thereby learning by going through different experiences and implementing strategies accordingly to maintain clinical relationships accordingly. Others skills involve the professionals to be more cognitive where they have the need to be creative in their problem solving approach in effective ways. Political awareness and being communicative helps the processionals to acquire and thereby process different information articulating arguments for making changes in practices. Also being clinically credible with peers is very necessary as without this, practice development activities and different changes can never be achieved.
The Benefits of Person Centered Care at the Heart of Practice Development
From the entire discussion above, it is well understood that practice development is a term which are used to describe particular approaches which helps professionals to provide support and also help in promoting changes in healthcare. The main focus of practice development is placed on developing a person centered care as this form of care is the new effective approach of treatment which not only cures patients but also empowers them in various ways. Valuing people and maintaining their autonomy should be learnt by them during their practice development sessions. Using proper life experiences and understanding proper relationship among stakeholders like patients and professionals are extremely important for effective outcomes. Moreover developing a proper working environment which is responsible of individual needs of the patients is also important. Often team work, multidisciplinary collaboration and effective communication strengthens the outcomes of person centered approach and hence practice development should be ensured consisting all the important aspects which would help to provide the best care to patients.
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