PPMP20018 Reflection On Project Management Skills And Challenges


1.1. Five Values

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Value group 5




Being the best














Making a difference

Risk taking












Level of importance


1st (Most important)










Have your values changed since completing the unit? Provide a statement as to how and why these have changed or not.

Perfection value provides perfect value to the customers throughout perfect value creation process. Professionalism value changes the profession, sociologies of work along with occupations. Brilliance changes skills and intelligence while quality value for customer’s satisfaction. Safety leads to secure of customer’s health. 

1.2.1 Technical Project Management

Not competent

Somewhat competent



Highly Competent

Agile practices


Data gathering and modelling


Earned Value Management




Lifecycle management


Performance management


Requirements management and traceability


Risk management


Schedule management


Scope management


Time, budget, and cost estimation


Has your Technical Project Managementcompetence changed since completing the unit? Provide a statement as to how and why these have changed or not.

The technical project management competence has changed my managing as well as leading skills into the project. The competence helps to build trust for taking responsibility as part of the project. Earned value management, Requirements management and traceability, performance management and Risk management are at higher competent level.

Not competent

Somewhat competent



Highly Competent

Benefits management and realisation


Business acumen


Business models and structures


Competitive analysis


Customer relationship and satisfaction


Industry Knowledge and standards


Legal and regulatory compliance


Market awareness and conditions


Operational functions (e.g. finance, marketing)


Strategic planning, analysis, alignment


Have your Strategic and Business Managementcompetence changed since completing the unit? Provide a statement as to what these are and why you think these have changed or not.

Into strategic and business management, there are higher competent in customer relationship and satisfaction, industry Knowledge and standards, therefore in order to satisfy the customers there must be better customer relationships by building trust and delivery of quality product and services meet with customer satisfaction. All the employees should maintain a good knowledge and standards for the project.

1.2.3 Leadership

Not competent

Somewhat competent



Highly Competent



Coaching and mentoring


Conflict management


Emotional intelligence




Interpersonal skills






Problem solving


Team building


Error recognition


Have there been any changes to your Leadership Skill Set since completing the unit? Provide a statement as to what these are and why you think these have changed or not.

Leadership skills are based on listening to the employees, problem solving and team building. A good leader should solve the problems of employees and build a team of higher skilled and knowledgeable members.

2.1 Defining success and failure

a)What does success mean to you personally?

In my personal point of view, success is having achieved accomplishment of aim and objective of the project. Being successful means achievement is desired visions as well as planned goals. We have to set goals and objectives based on our desire. Success is a try to pursue own path and achieve own goals.  

  1. b) How did your project perform in relation to Cost, Time, Scope and Quality?

The project manager can trade among four constraints into the project such as cost, time, scope and quality. The quality of a project is constrained by budget, time and scope. The project is completed faster by raising the budget and cutting of project scope. In running a successful project, it is required to improve budget, scope and time without affecting quality.  

  1. c) What can you learn from failures and can they ever be a positive thing?

Success is good but in my point of view, failure is better. From the failures, I learned that it is redirection and it shows why I cannot able to do the work. It is an opportunity and chance to revaluate with better reasoning. Failure is not fatal, but it provides another chance to try again.

  1. d) How successful was your project in terms of how you define success for you?

My project was successful as I referred a time to the team to deliver the project on schedule, along with ensure that the company should maintain higher quality despite the accelerated schedule.

  1. a) What did you hope to achieve (skills/knowledge/personal insights/ contacts etc.) during your time in this unit?

I hoped to achieve of project management skills and knowledge throughout working into the course unit.

  1. b) What did you achieveby participating in this unit?

I achieved to manage time for the project so that it finished on scheduled time. I managed the team building so that there are no chances of conflicts among the team members.

  1. c) Reflecting on your answers above fill in the following table

Compare and discuss your answers to (a) and (b). Is there a difference between the two? What are the potential causes of any difference or similarity?

How does this made you feel?

What lessons I have learnt about myself from this experience?

Comparing answers a and b, I have noticed that there is no a big difference between the answers as in a, I achieved of project management skills and knowledge while working and in b, I definitely achieved manage time, which is one of the project management skills i.e. time management.

I feel that before working into any project whether it is technical or not, we have some basic knowledge on project management.

I learned of time management which helps in my future project to manage the time so that I can deliver the work on estimated time.

  1. a) What do you believe are your major strengths?

I have diverse range of capabilities to manage the project work. I am flexible to execute the project and met with project deadline.

  1. b) Discuss whether you able to utilise your strengths in the project. Include an explanation of how you were OR why you were not able to demonstrate them during your project.

As this is the first time into such project, I have lack of knowledge into meeting the project deadlines.



Describe your experience of the following conceptsin the context of the unit, including whether you found this challenging or not.

Your Reaction

How did you react (note both feelings and actions) to the challenges?

Industry readiness

How does having this experience better prepare you for working in industry?

a) Dealing with the pressures of extremely tight timeframes and limited resources.

When working into the project, I am under tight deadlines to complete the work on time.

I become stressed due to limited resources, as I have to complete more of the work on scheduled time.

I gained experience of managing time.

b) Dealing with team dynamics when team members may be diverse, have differing expectations and commitment.

When the team members have different expectations, there is conflict among the teams.

Conflict lessens the success rate of the project.

I achieved to manage of conflicts among the groups.

c) Defining an innovative solutionfor a social issue that is not your primary area of expertise.

While starting to work into the project, I faced issued of lack of project management skills.

Lack of skills and knowledge into technical field, I faced challenge to manage the schedule and budget.

After gaining knowledge into technical field, it helps me to work in this field in the future.

d) Achieving project delivery for a social issue that is not your primary area of expertise.

Delivery of project on time is a bug deal for me.

Lack of knowledge on managing the delivery time

I gained experience to schedule the project activities and allocate the tasks to all team members based on their expertise.

e) Engaging with and eliciting feedback fromstakeholders

I do not have knowledge on how to take survey of the stakeholders.

I have taken help from my senior members to take survey from them.

I analysed the feedback and then come to the require results.

4.1 Hard Skill

Demonstrated Hard Skill

Technical project management skills, the hard skills are ability to perform of technical aspects of the project. The technical skills are included of knowledge, skills into the information technology and scientific tasks.


I prepared work schedule to complete the project on time using Ms project software. I have knowledge to operate work schedule software to keep the project progress.


Technical skills involve preparing of work breakdown structure to provide details of the project.


I have managed various technical reports which include of cost information, project schedule information and risk management reports.


Estimate the completion time of project

Demonstrated Soft Skill

Interpersonal and leadership skills, these skills are required when communicating with the project team members. Leadership skills are required for building strong relationship and motivating people to work more.


I used of interpersonal skills when communicating and interacting with other people both individually as well as into the groups.


At the time of allocating the project activities among team members, leadership skills are used.


Successful leaders are tending to show higher communicational skills when communicating with the members.


Successful completion of project work

I have chosen option 3: Improve your industry exposure and networks

The table below provides further information:




Option 3.

Improve your industry exposure and networks

b)Apply for certification

I planned to get PMP certified to achieve my career objective.  The eligibility criteria for this PMP certification is:

· 4-year of bachelor’s degree

· 35 hours of project management educations

· 4500 hours of experience to lead and direct project

At first, I should apply for exam, then application review and payment.  Second step is prepared for PMP certification exam and then third step is sit for the exam.

I would advise the students those would sit for the exam is to get knowledge on PMP before sit for the exam.

Use the table to identify two actions you will complete in the next six months.

a)Building your CV

Work / career related action to add to yourCurriculum Vitae (CV).

Research and teaching experiences

Award and honours related information

(Please insert your CV) 

b)Finding Balance

Fun / exciting activity that you have never done before (does not need to be work related)

Take a spontaneous road trip with my friends

OPTIONAL – email contact

Provide an email address that will be active in six months if you wish to receive a follow-up email(note if this is your last unit the CQU email may not still be active).

(please enter).

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Binder, J. (2016). Global project management: communication, collaboration and management across borders. Routledge.

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Fleming, Q. W., & Koppelman, J. M. (2016, December). Earned value project management. Project Management Institute.

Ika, L. A., & Donnelly, J. (2017). Success conditions for international development capacity building projects. International Journal of Project Management, 35(1), 44-63.

Kerzner, H. (2018). Project management best practices: Achieving global excellence. John Wiley & Sons.

Kerzner, H., & Kerzner, H. R. (2017). Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley & Sons.

Meredith, J. R., Shafer, S. M., Mantel Jr, S. J., & Sutton, M. M. (2016). Project management in practice. Wiley Global Education.

Peter, G. N. (2018). Leadership: Theory and practice. SAGE PUBLICATIONS Incorporated.

SEC, V. (2015). Software Project Management.

Stoll, L. (2015). Three greats for a self-improving school system: pedagogy, professional development and leadership: teaching schools R&D network national themes project 2012-14: Spring 2015.

Walker, A. (2015). Project management in construction. John Wiley & Sons.

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