Potential Of Occupational Therapy Services In Early Stage Dementia

Main Context

What is the potential for OT’s working in the early stages of dementia?

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Dementia is a medical disorder which has an effect on the intellectual purpose of the brain – thinking, identification and deciding. This syndrome is characterized by a decline or trouncing in memory and other cognitive aptitudes (Parker and Parker, 2003). Normally, individuals who are suffering from dementia generally have memory loss and problem with other areas for instance:

  • Utterance and writing comprehensible
  • Identifying familiar environments
  • Planning and executing various tasks

Corrosion must represent a continuous refuse from a preceding superior level of functioning, and awareness should not be misted up (Maj and Sartorius, 2000). Memory loss is characteristically for latest events, and continuing memory can be exceptionally unbroken. Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is a demur in cognitive function better than accepted, taking relation of the subject’s age and culture, which is not paying with actions of everyday living. This is frequently clinically a pre-dementia circumstance.  The rational of this stuiy is to identify the potential for OT’s working in the early stage of dementia. Dementia also assumes relations caregivers. Near about seventy-five percent of the dementia patients live in the centre of the population, and family caregivers are chiefly accountable for serving them to stay at home.  Occupational therapists are communal and healthiness care proficient’s that facilitate individuals to survive life their mode – assisting individuals to keep up their each and every day actions and stay self-regulating for as long as achievable after they expand dementia (Patterson and Friedman, 2008).  Dementia infrequently schedules alone, it schedule with various and familiar co-morbidities through which GPs are incredibly recognizable.

Confronts working with persons with dementia

Dementia patients in treatment present confront in the advantageous procedures due mostly to the hallmark cognitive alterations and memory loss connected with the disease (McNamara, 2011). There are three primary concerns in the treatment context comprise:

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  • The amount to which recent learning is probably such that recent techniques, compensatory or therapies policies, exactly those including behavioural alteration to address functional to performance difficulties, can be efficiently introduced and successfully utilised.
  • How to efficiently contend with dementia-related behaviours that can disrupt or interfere beneficial procedures and treatment goals and
  • Advances to efficiently involve family members in the beneficial procedures to exploit benefits for patients with dementia.

The idea of “supportive care” is specifically useful in dementia, in that it provide attention on the requirement of supporting both the individual with dementia and the family members from the time of diagnosis. In term of ethical values, this type of supportive care identifies the value of the individual person who diagnosis with dementia. We also provide great emphasis on two specific points, which are utmost significant in dementia care. Firstly, we have a argument on the process of doing the things, so that the individual, who diagnosis with dementia feel a valued person. It is often more significant than the specific structure or frame work of services. Next, we provide huge importance to the families and friendsat the time of giving care the people with dementia.

Dementia is one of the common syndromes in the community which affects the health of the people largely. Learning and memory are confidentially connected and hard to make a distinction.   Learning comprises of getting hold of recent data which alters the people’s acquaintance of performance. The Memory comprises of the preservation of that data. Since, memory and learning both are interdependent on each other, and further memory cannot survive if data learning does not succeed to arise. Memory injury influences performance and everyday performance potentials, and in dementia, it hinders the capability to learn. Redirect is most rigorous in short-term functioning memory and long-term functioning memory. In dementia, self-important memory is the most satisfying memory store, because of the slower rate of worsening contrast to semantic and periodic memory. It is a region of the conserved cognitive ability which helps learning and can sustain psychotherapy goals (Whalley and Breitner, 2009).  Technical memory-sourced training has the perspective of producing constructive possessions on functional and behavioural alter with these inhabitants. By giving an effectual environmental sign to prompt this remembrance system, rehabilitation experts are clever to help relearning of recognizable, meaningful, technical skills essential for everyday functioning. Recent learning is capitalized on when environmental signs are coordinated with the people’s stage of cognitive functioning. Therefore, recognizing a person’s cognitive potentials and limitations is essential to make sure secure functional performance (Tan, 2004).

Confronts working with persons with dementia

Behavioural symptoms are transferred to as the minor demonstration of the disease procedures, are similar in persons with dementia and can take place throughout the way of the disease. Most of the persons with dementia, minimum one or extra behavioural symptoms through agitated-type behaviours being the most distinctive. Behavioural symptoms have a thoughtful consequence on persons with dementia and with their family members. Negotiating life quality, amplifying caregivers load and hazard for the nursing home position, and mounting time used up in concern giving and wellbeing concern costs (Whalley and Breitner, 2009).

In the centre of the population, experts can help those with dementia to subsist their individual’s homes security for on condition that probably through environment assessment and alteration.  Occupational therapy interferences for those with dementia engage several advances rely on the occupational therapy custom structure: the sphere of influence and procedures (Braveman, 2006). These approaches contain:

  • Health promotion- the power of the consumers are determined and the concern providers are encouraging fineness, in favoured actions experts can expand their lives
  • Remediation- the remediation of the cognitive abilities is not normal, worldly skills should be restored which may take place in the background of dementia.
  • Maintenance- Experts can choose what is functioning fine in the schedule of the person with dementia, and give sustain to make sure that the individual’s ability are preserved for as extended as feasible.
  • Modification- this involvement is possibly the most regularly utilised for those with dementia. As it makes sure, secure and helpful surroundings through alteration and recompense.

Dementia can be the basis for various different brain disorders. These comprise of:

Alzheimer disease- Alzheimer disease is connected with the fatality of nerve cells insignificant section of the brain. Experts have not yet determined chiefly why and how Alzheimer disease expands, but they do be acquainted with that the brain of the person suffering from Alzheimer disease expands dumps of a protein called beta amyloidal, and that individuals also expand muddled plenty of protein threads inside the brain cells commonly recognized as neurofibrillary interweave (Jackson, 2007).

Dementia with Lewy bodies- dementia with Lewy bodies is a figure of dementia origins by not normal protein figure commonly known as Lewy bodies shape inside the brain cells. It happens with an indication of Parkinson disease, such as sluggishness, stiffness and wobbly. This muddle frequently causes bright and long-term hallucinations. Lewy bodies with dementia syndrome can also source people to do something out their thoughts. This can origin terrifying to bed partners and from time to time origins to injuries which are not good for both health and mind. It is significant to account this symptom of dementia to a health care provider as it is can be curable with medicine (McCormack, Jaffe and Goodman-Lavey, 2003).

Vascular dementia- Individuals with vascular dementia have misplaced or damaged regions of the brain as of abridged blood flow. This can normally happen at the time when the blood vessels present in the brain get congested with blood coagulate or greasy deposits. This appearance of dementia is more familiar in the midst of individuals who have had caress or are at risk for carers, particularly those with established elevated blood pressure and diabetes. It can take place collectively with Alzheimer disease.

Parkinson disease dementia- dementia also takes place afterwards in the route of Parkinson disease and has indications that are very comparable to dementia with Lewy bodies.

 Frontotemporal dementia- as similar to the  Alzheimer disease, front temporal dementia occurs nerve cell hammering in the brain, but frontotemporal dementia objectives to precise parts of the brain, known as the frontal and temporal lobes. Frontotemporal dementia normally arises at an earlier stage than Alzheimer disease. Three forms are more common than others: one cause personality changes and abnormal social behaviour, one weaken speech and ultimately leaves the patient not able to utter; another reasons difficulty in understanding language (McNamara, 2011).

Recent learning

 Other reasons of dementia — Dementia can also be hamper by cumulative injure to the brain of a person, which can happen in people with chronic alcoholism or continuous head injuries (e.g., among former professional boxers or football players). Many persons at more advanced old age (80 and huger) have more than single reason of dementia, for instance, Alzheimer disease and vascular dementia.

Each form of dementia can cause difficulty with reasoning, language, memory and judgement, but the symptoms are often slightly different. The difference between one form of dementia and another form may only be recognizable to skilled health care suppliers who have experience working with people with dementia (Hardman, 2009).

Many people are suffering from Dementia syndrome which creates memory problem, and this problem is expanding in the future. This mental disorder causes short term memory loss problems, which is creating a hasty difficulty within the individuals. In the earlier stage person did not able to remember things related to their life. This creates a lot of confusion within them and afterward they face problems with the language such as by not being able to sort out the appropriate words for the things. This creates difficulties to perform work in their workplace (Engdahl, n.d.).  Dementia also creates problems in concentrating and reasoning because this syndrome makes difficulties concentrate on one thing. A person cannot be able to concentrate on their work due to this disorder of the brain. As well as reasoning cannot be performed, as they cannot be able to analyse anything which is required to be examined.  Other difficulties such as complex tasks also creates a problem to execute, as the person could not be able to concentrate, the person tries to concentrate but cannot. As per this syndrome a person can lost in between their familiar places, as the person could not able to remember the place,  for that reason that person get lost in a memorable place. These symptoms are observed in the early stage of Dementia syndrome.

  But in the later stage the disease expanded its form, an individual’s capability to think precisely continues to demur, and moreover the behavioural and personality symptoms are more likely to be bothersome (Edwards, 2002).  This comprises of the disorientation which decreases the person’s ability, and this loss of nerve creates a hasty problem in the health of the person. The person’s brain will not work properly like as a normal person.  Thus in the above stage an individual can lose his/her temper, thus the anger of the person increases which is very terrible for a human being. It generates aggressive behaviour which in terms affects that person’s well-being. Thus Hallucination is the another symptom which is noticed in an individual’s actions. Therefore hallucination is the observation in the lack of external incentive that has qualities of genuine perceptions.  Most difficult syndrome in this later part is the needing assist with basic tasks.  An individual cannot perform their task lonely, they have to get assist of another person for performing work in any place. For example, eating, dressing, bathing, studying, etc.  Therefore, the last but not the least symptom of this syndrome is the incontinence, which includes leaking of urine or other waste products of the human body. This symptom is very much dangerous for an individual. The number of symptoms and hasty with which the symptoms develop can be varying from one person to another. Some people even suffer from dementia syndrome within five years of diagnosis, for other individuals this procedure may last for more than 10 years.  Maximum people suffer from Alzheimer disease, don’t die from this particular disease, as this disease itself don’t take lives of people, but people die from a secondary illness occurs such as bladder infection, complication of a fall or pneumonia (O’Brien, Burns and Levy, 2000).

Behavioural symptoms

To recognize the type of dementia the healthcare providers firstly diagnose dementia, to sort out the type of syndrome.  Normally interacting with an individual’s the healthcare providers collect data from the patient or speaking with the family members of the patient. The provider will perform such memory and some other cognitive tests which are required to measure   the individual’s degree with several kinds of problems. Thus, the outcomes of the above tests are observed over time. Basically, brain scan helps the health care provider to sort out the type of dementia syndrome. Also, blood tests are also being performed to check out the hormonal or chemical inequity, or vitamin absence is causal to the person’s problems. Thus, several tests are executed on a patient to sort out the type of dementia in an individual’s (Maj and Sartorius, 2000).

The treatment for the dementia syndrome normally relies on the type of dementia syndrome. Thus, people suffering from vascular dementia need to control their blood pressure, as well as cholesterol, , to decrease the risk of additional injury of the brain. Individuals with dementia with Parkinsonism, from time to time required medicines to control the Parkinson disease. There are several medicines obtainable in the marketplace for the Alzheimer disease, which are very helpful for the people to recover from the disease (McKeel, 2007). Depression is frequent, in the early phase of the Dementia syndrome. After that, the stress and aggression are well-known issues for the caregivers and individual with the Alzheimer disease is violent behaviour. Lastly but not the least sleeping problem is another problem faced by the dementia patient.  A sleep disorder can be delighted with moreover medicines or behaviour alteration.

We provide adequate service to the early stage of dementia with proper care provide them essential medicine as well as give them proper respect and make them feel valued.

For the people suffering from dementia disorder, it is significant for an individual with untimely dementia to take care for their mental as well as physical health.  Occupational therapist and speech pathologists can assist to unite in the home to decrease confusion and stay autonomous for as long as probable. For the caregivers, dementia creates an enormous burden on the family or caregiver of the patient.  Individuals with the dementia syndrome become less proficient to pay attention for themselves as the condition develops (Maj and Sartorius, 2002).

Thus, dementiaa syndrome is dangerous for the health and mental disorder. Thus, proper treatment is required for this disorder of the brain. People’s health continuously defoliated if there is not proper treatment is available.


Attractive function, encouraging relationship and communal contribution and verdict ways for those with dementia to take pleasure in life are the explanations to flourishing occupational therapy development (Prasher, 2005). By giving knowledge for the consumers, family members and caregiver and encouraging an individual’s influences, will make sure that those with the dementia syndrome and their care providers have the sustain essential to living the life to its completes. Confirmation of the knowledge’s of an individuals with the dementia  point out that when management medication, the sentiment of an individuals with carers and dementia should taken into deliberation, counting their opinions about whether elevation belongings are reasonable.  This dementia is a mental syndrome which affects the mind in several ways. Thus, if a person suffers from dementia proper treatment should be provided for the well-being of the person.  Therefore, rehabilitation in both cases can be effectual if therapists carry to the treatment background a sympathetic of the person and their surroundings, utilise effectual communication policies. Recently, there is a lack of proper healthcare system infrastructure which is required for the well-being of the dementia disorder, to overcome this syndrome (Whalley and Breitner, 2009).


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