Postnatal Care Services: Improving Quality Of Life For Mothers And Newborns
Why Postnatal Care Services are Important
Postnatal is a service which provides support to families with their newborn. They provide home care services to their families from the first day with a newborn baby. There is a team with caring staff to take care of child and home support services to families.
The main objective is to contribute the knowledge for women and provide the information to their families. To identify the different challenges which are faced by the them? To make patients sure about the things should be available to them and ensure the medical services to follow appropriate standard (Bryman, 2017). The main objective is that to exchange the ideas and information from distance and giving new methods to chance. To make aware the mother to need for family planning. The main purpose of this objective to gather information about the project and as well as factors which are challenging to team.
The purpose of this project is to design frame work for the team which defines the challenges, factors, benefits and the team work for the organization (Bryman and Bell, 2015). This scope is to give the best solution to team who are exchanging the ideas or information from distance so that they can achieve their benefits? To analyses on communication and overpowering with challenges. How should the technologies use by the companies? How to come up with the best solution and assess for the challenges which are facing by the team? The main scope is to provide the information about health of the woman.
In this literature review, the author Cowley, Whittaker, Malone, Donetto, Grigulis and Maben, (2015) are mainly focusing on the fact that how these post-natal care services impact the management of the hospital authorities (Sreejesh, Mohapatra and Anusree, 2014). Also in this paper various suggestions on how the post-natal services could be improved and will be the benefits of it, are included. There are suggestions on how they can improve and strengthen their business by doing so. There is also significant emphasis on various aspects of post-natal services. Its significant effect on new born babies, the effect on women and children are given significant importance. All these factors are discussed in a detailed manner in the entire paper. It is the core aim of every business entity or organization to further enhance their business, take it to a higher level and achieve further benefits in the long run. In order to do so, there is a need to improve the quality of services they are providing to the clients. They need to give prime importance to the quality of services (Wilson, 2014)). Obviously the customers look for the quality of products. With the enhancement in the quality of product, it will attract more and more customers. It would increase the numbers of customers visiting the hospital. This will have a positive response for the business entity; it will grow and become more strengthened. And in an indirect manner, this is good for the patients too, as they are going to receive better services in the future. Hence, enhancements of serviceswill lead to development of organization. In this article, the prior importance is given to the fact that the post-natal services are of significant use both for the organization i.e. the hospital authorities and the patients. There is a direct relation between both factors. If the customers will receive better receive good services, it will enhance the business of the hospital and they would be getting more patients (Hair, Wolfinbarger, Money, Samouel and Page, 2015). Hence for each hospital authorities who are looking for ways to increase their business, this article will be proven to be beneficial. There are various suggestions which guide them through and come to the realization of the growing importance of post-natal services. Various parameters are given at various points on which the post-natal services are proven to be beneficial. There is a need to enhance the post-natal services. In this literature review, various aspects of these post-natal services are discussed in details and various parameters are highlighted. Post- natal services are also called as post-partum services. The post-natal services are given at the initial stage of child birth. These are proved to be of great use for both the child and the mother as it considers important specifications for both. They help in maintaining the hormonal level, uterus size of the mother and the mental aspects after the child delivery (Sekaran and Bougie, 2016). The author has specifically mentioned that such services normally last for six months following the child birth.
Challenges Faced by Mothers
There is weakness after the child birth. In order to restore the bodily strength and to check the health of the mother, the hospital authorities prefer to use the enhanced post-natal services. These are important to be given right after the child birth, for the betterment of both child and the mother. It is very hard for the mother to get back to the normal routine in her life. To gain that stage, the first important thing is to have a balance diet. Balanced diet charts needed to be followed on a regular basis (Metsälä, Lundqvist, Virta, Kaila, Gissler and Virtanen). These steps will assure the clients and they will be relieved and satisfies. This will directly enhance the profit margin of the hospitals ultimately.
With the post-natal services, there are a lot of issues associated. There is various complications post pregnancy, such as post-partum infections. Thus it becomes more important to take post-natal services because sometimes there might be infection in the urinary tract and uterus. After the delivery, there is excessive bleeding which leads to complications for the mother and thus difficult for the patient party also. All the above highlighted problems can be easily solved if the hospitals use the post-natal services in an effective manner right after the child birth. It is the first step which should be recommended after the delivery process.
As it has been earlier mentioned; that post-natal services play an essential role. It helps in overcoming the depression which the new mother faces right after the child delivery; which is often referred as baby blues. Also, the breast feeding process these days happen to be greatly painful (Hiscock et al., 2014). There are problems like swollen breasts, clogged milk ducts and mastitis. All these problems are at trend these days. They have become very common. All these challenges can be easily overcome by using the post-natal services on the recommendation by the experts. Strict measures should be recommended by experts. In fact mothers of the newborn often face the problem of sleep deprivation. Post-natal services are often proved of great success in this case.
As the time is passing, these problems are growing day by day. New problems are arising every time. Thus it becomes the responsibility of the hospital authorities that they become aware of the situation, conduct various training sessions and enhance the advanced post-natal services. The quality of services needs to get updated every time. This will lead to client satisfaction. Hence, eventually the business of the hospitals will get a positive blow. There will be a rise in annual auditing. There are new apparatus being used for ultrasounds these days. The blood tests and urine tests are also done with new techniques (World Health Organization, 2014). The physical and mental state of the mother can be effectively regained with the help of post-natal services. Various other problems like hemorrhoids and constipation can be easily solved with the help of advanced post natal services. Thus these post-natal services are very essential in today’s time. Various problems which occur after the pregnancy can be treated effectively with these new services. This will also give a significant rise to the business of hospital authorities and increase annual audit.
Benefits of Postnatal Care Services
The below mentioned are the research questions that have been developed on the basis of the executed research:
- How these post-natal care services impact the management of the hospital authorities?
- What are the methods of improving post-natal services?
- What are the benefits of improving these services?
The below presented are the varied range of methodologies that has been utilized for for executing the research:
The following are the major steps that are required t be followed during the process of Qualitative data analysis:
- Face to face interviewing and audio-taping the interview
- Transcribing
- Coding the collected information into themes
Moreover, there are three prime mechanisms that can be used for collecting and generating the data in qualitative research (Dahiru and Oche, 2015). Among them purposeful sampling method is the most common method that can be selected. Under this method the participants are selected on the basis of the pre-selected criteria and which is based on research questions.
Quantitative research methodology is a broad process and has been segmented in various phases. The tools or the instruments utilized in this research are the questionnaire and interview. Literature review questionnaire is the tool that has been utilized for generating and collecting and ten analyzing the collected data.
After analyzing the collected research it has been concluded that there will be chances of various issues associated if the health care organizations re not making use of the Post-natal services.
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Introduction |
Literature review |
Research methodology |
Sampling process |
Analysis of data |
Conclusion |
After analyzing the above executed research it has been concluded that Post-natal services are the one which are required to be used by the health care centers and organizations for improving their services.
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