Portfolio Management And Governance: An Analysis

Organization of the Portfolio

In this world, at the moment property and all ownership is characterized by political environment and economic environment not excluding the geographical surrounding too. In this research report, let me begin with this question. I discovered that if stakeholders were very rational and market of capital enough with good number of goods and services, economic scale of variables such as income returns as well as price of market share .management as well as stakeholders, for example, investors can either consider or reject organizational investments and this depends on the level of confidence they have in the investment. Rejecting or accepting criteria of the investors depend also on the character and behaviour of the organization decision makers.

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 Investors in the company may focus on great company returns and the conservative ones may consider opting taking other decisions. Investment risk can be reduced by developing comprehensive portfolio which may include several types and levels of classes of safety and security and this will lead to some of them producing hang income returns in an economic environment. Managers and stake holders can constantly choose best initiatives i.e. managing organizational investments. Hosing the ones that suit them best and coming up with objectives to meet their business goals .mangers should also manage their investments by giving constant oversight and good decision making concerning the initiatives to undertake, those to reject and those that they need to stop .

Here I will focus on internal process and system set-to meet customer expectations and their needs .I used capability maturity model [CMM] methodology to create a refined software development for the organizational processes which attempts to describe evolutionary path that is five-leveled of increased, well organized and systematic well developed processes.

The capability of the organization dealt with the level of competence exercised and developed in the organizational internal systems and processes. I can conclude that evolutionary paths exist in an organization that may enable the organization to grow into a more organized one and more systematic. I viewed and assessed the organizational capabilities when trying to understand the organizational culture, how it worked and its competence. I thought it was useful to compare the identified views and asses them against set standards of the organization and its baseline so that I could understand how it was variable .individuals in the organization created and developed models which defines an evolutionary path that traces improvement in the organizational capabilities and abilities starting with the simple ones followed by basic ones then finality the complex ones. I discovered that the discipline in portfolio management is categorized under, strong links to policies of the organization and have elaborative and delegated decision making processes. this also linked to the need for control as well as oversight and organizational performance needs and measures which indicate if there is good governance or not. The management of portfolio also included business areas elements which include business areas elements including business strategy of enterprises, structure of organization and acquiring of skills and al this are enabled by use of good tools and enhancement of technology. Frame (2015)

Portfolio Organization Governance, Management and Organizational Strategy

Portfolio organization governance, management and organizational strategy.

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I realized during my research that management of portfolio supports and enables business enterprise various aspect strategies. The organization direction was led by the set goals which enabled it to develop various initiatives. Eric Kirkland (2015) looking up to the initiatives in order to ensure that they were aligned with the organizational strategy offered good value and promised benefits by utilizing and making good use of the organizational resources, for example, human resource, company assets and the raw materials available. Portfolio management extended to organizational governance which included the exercise of discipline and authority, decision making processes and responsibilities delegated to it through the policies of governance. The management of portfolio also transmitted information and analysis to the mechanism of governance hence supporting the decision making processes and the oversight at the level of enterprise.

SWOT Analysis


A good brand that is strong at attracts many customers.

The organization vision which is “eager to improve our consumer’s life daily.”

Offering good quality products at an affordable price.

Products have good demographic design satisfying needs of all consumers.

The opportunities above help the organization to retain customers as they attract more.


Growing demand for oil products.

Demand for products at low prices.

Proper logistics in the organization.


The company has comparatively small market share and a lot of competitors.

Low cost of oil products leads to low income flow.

Maintaining good communication with communication with consumers and other stakeholders remains to be a challenge.

Social threats the organization experiences includes slowdown of first time buyers.

There is also market forces, for example, change in trends and impact of increasing competitors in the market.

Economic factors, for example, inflation slows down consumer purchasing power.

Activity timetable

Week 1

Reviewing assignment resources, for example, books, websites journals and consultation.

Week 2

I did research and consultations and started portfolio exercise.

I learnt how the organization markets itself and how it maintains relationship with investors.

Some of images that the organization uses include, the company logo and he company brand name.

Week three

I accessed company reports through the help of the organization stakeholders which was essential for my study.

Stimulation method

I chose this method because it ensures that any needed project or research that may not be available physically are made real  and this helps to achieve convenience in the manner that the projects are done.

SWOT Analysis

Data entry method

I chose this method because the sources of information are secondary data collection method which include articles, journals, books and other sources of material.

The demand management dealt with application of the acquired resources by the initiatives and also included the resources required by creating and developing various operations in the company and functions and maintaining them such as infrastructure. Fuerst (2010)

Enterprise project management

 Discipline and various practices in the enterprise management scope gives capabilities and alternatives for getting the requirements and they include and not limited to planning of project, estimating organizational resources, setting time for project and expense reporting and excursion of needed tools such as artifacts.

Success depends on the organizational culture in the project portfolio, governance and changes in transformation of attitudes and the processes. Most organizations with right organizational culture struggle often to make right decisions which utilize the strategic benefits and projects are chosen often randomly as means to end important meetings of decision making in the organization Jonas (2010). This always led managers to select poor projects and poor allocation of organizational resources.

The portfolio projects and its programs often go against the organization expectations in the process of strategic planning to get the realizations immediately after delivery this is after projects grow and become more operational. According to Boysen (2017) even though organizations have set the right foundations, managers often struggle with unfruitful dialogues.

The skills gained during the interaction with the portfolio exercise. Some of the skills I gained during the portfolio exercise are categorized below


I learnt to work independently without supervision during the exercise


I learnt how to quickly accept changes in the environment and adapt to them


I learnt to practice ethical behaviour during the exercise and become more honest.


I learned to be more competent and striving to be the best


I learnt to persevere and work continuously during the exercise without interruptions.

Tolerance of stress

I learnt to deal calmly with the stress sit-upons during the exercise.

Risk tolerance

I learnt working in dangerous conditions and sometimes extending up to late hours

Handling discomfort

I learnt working in non-pleasant environment condones during the study

Repetition tolerance

I learnt how to deal with the doing tasks repeatedly and continuously.


I learnt to work without supervision.

Social perception

I become aware of other people’s feeling and needs.

Team work

I learnt to cooperate and work with others.

Working with public

I learnt how to represent the organization and relating with people outside the organization.


I learnt how to interact with others during the exercise.

Keeping records

I gained knowledge on how to transcribe record and keep the records of the organization during the exercise.

Categorizing skills

I learnt how to categories and identify items by their similarities.

Information verification skills.

I gained skills concerning information evaluation and comparison with set standards to ensure that they are correct.

Being procedural

I gained skills concerning following a given set of rules and directions in an organization.

Being attentive to details

I gained skills on checking items and ensuring that they are correct and of set procedures.

Vehicle operation

I acquired skills created to driving, running and maintaining of vehicles.

Using computers

I learnt how to operate, use and maintain computers in pursuit of organizational objectives.


I gained skills related to computer programming.

Designing technology

I learnt how to develop and adapt to equipment and technology.


I learnt how to fix, align and set up machine devices and moving parts.

Inspection skills

I acquired skills in evaluating organizational structures and its products.


I learnt how to set up equipment, products and organizational structures.

Mathematical reasoning

I learnt to use mathematical methods to understand organizational problems.

Budgeting skills

I learnt how to allocate financial resources

Scientific reasoning

I gained skills of applying scientific methods to understand and solve organizational problems.

Apart from the above mentioned skills, I also gained problem solving skills such as analyzing evaluating, advising, planning, analyzing, and active learning and using of knowledge. I also gained communication skills during the study which incur and not limited speaking and reading, paying concentration and listening, Hwang and Ng (2013)

During the portfolio exercise acquired also managerial skills including problem solving, decision making, negotiation skills coordinating, and resource management. Moreno, Rodrrguez and Zambrana (2013)

Decision made

Context and goals of portfolio management.

Project portfolio management include set of tools selected to accomplish set projects ,people and processes in conjunction with achievement of the goals of the organization and the objectives which depends on constrains in the organizational and funding. Heinze (2016)

It may include interconnected processes of the organization that the organization allocates internal organizational resources to best accomplish tasks evaluating, organizing, and prioritizing project in order to meet the organizational strategies according to its value mission and the organization vision, Herbots, Herroelen and Leus (2008)

Activity Timetable

Project portfolio management increases chances of attaining organizational or company visions by putting in to action the strategic objectives Nohel, Todd and Wang (2012) Some of the decisions of project portfolio management are discussed below;

  • Ensuring alignment of the strategic management and this shows that all organizational projects should be strategic to the strategy or strategic and critical component, expenditure of allocation are linked to the strategy of business.
  • Maximize portfolio value at any expenditure level and this means that the portfolio will comprise of projects that maximize benefits related to the achievement of the organizational objectives.
  • Utilizing efficiently limited resources in order to attain the organizational goals, mission and values.

The key thing in selecting projects that lead to accomplishment of organizational strategic goals and this shows that coming up with benefits relative to project of each and every candidate and selections of combined projects that give best strategic benefit.

Project portfolio management process that has agility and is flexible adapting to strategy and performance changing. This suggests that changes that are frequent to the portfolio for example, daily quarterly and weekly changes means the project portfolio management processes should be responsive to revisions and updates of strategy and should be adjustable to the portfolio so that it provides strategic relevance and measuring of actual results against expectations ,Tonkiss (2016)

Statman (2014) this proves to be a very tough decision in much organization due to the complex decisions that are supposed to be made.

In this research report I propose that portfolio selection should be established as decision problem that is complex and demonstrate techniques and tools needed that are productive and accurate structure of the organization and support the organizational objectives and compare them with strategic goals that they support.  Some organization often has a problem making decisions and looking for ways of improving decision qualifying and productivity in attaining them. Rose (2015)

Most portfolio selection is difficult and complex since they involve a lot of elements, make the organization involve in conflict objectives and includes and not limited to qualitative and quantitative factors. Strategic benefits is one of the key factors in identification of portfolio and evaluating strategic performance later and benefit should be taken in to consideration in a way that they solve complexity problems, consider financial and non- financial organizational objectives and put together the input of the  participating people to give good results.

The following decision were not made due to their limitations

Executive fiat

Decisions are made from the top management of the organization which includes the executives the decisions may be quickly arrived at and often of poor quality.

Bunch of old guys Sitting around and talking

This is common method though it is known to produce slow decision that is unproductive and it is often of bad quality .it might be commonly used in the organizations but it is not suit for making complex decisions which includes project portfolio management and how to determine benefits.

Ranking and scoring models

Most companies use selection ranking and scoring method to overcome bunch of old guys and girls sitting around talking although this project is unproductive with results that have no meaning by performance of  poor mathematical calculation and this includes and not limited to weight application to criteria and this is because it comparative ,Williams and Pasian (2012)

Cognitive limitations, conflicting objectives and complexity

Project portfolio management selected decisions form part of complex and very vital decisions. They determine chosen projects in order to maximize the organizational strategic value.it is important that the complexity is restructured since human always use hierarchy to address   complexity .Patanakul, (2015)concluded that big organization are very structural and have hierarchy   and the organization is divided into small units for easy coordination and management. Lancelot described hierarchies as important and powerful way used the brain of human beings in order to observe experience and get information.

During the portfolio exercise I learnt that factors affecting workload include the following;

Weather feedback is necessary.

  • Weather there is assigning degree and this encompasses the expected differentiation degree and the level of reliability that is acceptable.
  • If there is spending of time finding work to be read or not.

The amount of work to be read.

  • The number of facilitators against that of candidates being prepared.
  • The found strategies address one or more of the above factors and are used when combined.

Some of the indirect evidence includes the following;

  • My performance was accessed the vacillator during the portfolio exercise
  • I was this research report based on the portfolio exercise and the activities taken.
  • There are meeting minutes, report of progress and correspondence from both internal and external.
  • There is product evidence of photographs

Some of indirect sources of evidence are;

  • Testimonies of people from inside and outside the organization
  • Attending courses and training of the activities that are related to the outcome of learning.
  • Members from the committee and away from the organizations.
  • Portfolio is a too that increases learner’s self-awareness and improves the learners ability and enables him or her to study independently and reflect on his or her own progress report.

In the portfolio exercise I learnt the following;

  • I was able to reflect on my employment, my studies, my personal development as well as professional development.
  • My performance was influenced by analyzing the previous practice as well as my current position.
  • I gained skills and expertise that influenced my performance
  • I learned based on the skill acquisition and development of knowledge
  • I learnt    how to my goals and career choice based on my past and my present activities

When systematically reviewing on effect of portfolio on learning students who are at undergraduate level, studies of high quality, that is, those that attained a minimum of above seven out of the possible eleven it is suggested as:

  • Portfolio improves ones knowledge and understanding including the ability that enables one to combine the theory acquired in class and the practice Young and Conboy (2013)
  • Portfolio leads one to great self-actualization and personal reflection.
  • Portfolio improves the process of getting feedback from facilitates or tutors and helps the tutor to aware of the needs of his or her student.
  • Portfolio also helps the student to deal with emotion and uncertainties during demanding situations like loss of a loved one. Portfolio also prepares students for reflective future exercise and postgraduate practice.

Some people consider portfolio as portable organizational mechanism that is used for evaluating and analyzing the competence level and would not have been assessed easily. This includes practice improvements based on practice that would not have been met use of scientific evidence during practice, good professional and personal behaviour and endeavors that are creative Canbaz and Marle (2016). The portfolio gives tools through which one can give evidence of his skills and record his or her achievements , expertise, professional or personal development and continuing learning progress not just for themselves but also for managers ,scrutiny from the registration bodies employers and also their peers.

Portfolios are important tools that help in formative assessment and professional and personal development as believed by Sadden and Thomas. The value of portfolio is evidence in the learning reflection, and documented inside and not only in work collections. Bible and Bivins (2012) made conclusions in their literature review that if portfolios are well implemented, they can be of great use.it was recommended that for the portfolio to be effective and successful learners should be given direction on their studies, their purpose and the expected uncertainities.


Project portfolio selection decision is complex and needs special techniques to develop priorities that are relative and optimal. Optimization describes budget levels of specific management level with its limitations and provides greatest total benefits. The tools also allow us to measure project performance with continuous and relevant ability to achieve the strategic benefits. The importance of portfolio making selection decisions is to increase benefits and help the organization to realize its potential and develop.


Bible, M. and Bivins, S. (2012). Evaluating strategic project and portfolio performance. Journal of Project, Program & Portfolio Management, 3(1), p.10.

Boysen, Y. (2017). Use Project Management Skills for Volunteer Recruitment. The Volunteer Management Report, 22(4), pp.2-2.

Canbaz, B. and Marle, F. (2016). Construction of project portfolio considering efficiency, strategic effectiveness, balance and project interdependencies. International Journal of Project Organisation and Management, 8(2), p.103.

Eric Kirkland, C. (2015). Organizational Project Portfolio Management: A Practitioner’s Guide. Project Management Journal, 46(1), pp.e1-e1.

Frame, J. (2015). The Power of Enterprise PMOs and Enterprise-Wide Project Management. Project Management Journal, 46(5), pp.e4-e4.

Fuerst, M. (2010). How Community Oncologists Are Adapting to the Challenges of Financial Survival. Oncology Times, 32(16), pp.20-22.

Guo, N. and Xiao, S. (2013). Review of the Development of Project Portfolio Management. Advanced Materials Research, 838-841, pp.3131-3134.

Heinze, T. (2016). Decisions in Portfolio Management. SSRN Electronic Journal.

Herbots, J., Herroelen, W. and Leus, R. (2008). Project Portfolio Management: Capacity Allocation, Downsizing Decisions and Sequencing Rules. SSRN Electronic Journal.

Hwang, B. and Ng, W. (2013). Project management knowledge and skills for green construction: Overcoming challenges. International Journal of Project Management, 31(2), pp.272-284.

Jonas, D. (2010). Empowering project portfolio managers: How management involvement impacts project portfolio management performance. International Journal of Project Management, 28(8), pp.818-831.

Moreno, D., Rodrrguez, R. and Zambrana, R. (2013). The Relevance of Portfolio Management Core Competency in Outsourcing Decisions. SSRN Electronic Journal.

Nohel, T., Todd, S. and Wang, Z. (2012). Leverage Decisions in Portfolio Management. SSRN Electronic Journal.

Patanakul, P. (2015). Key attributes of effectiveness in managing project portfolio. International Journal of Project Management, 33(5), pp.1084-1097.

Rose, K. (2015). Effectiveness in Project Portfolio Management. Project Management Journal, 46(1), pp.e4-e4.

Statman, M. (2014). Behavioral Finance:Peter Bernstein and The Journal of Portfolio Management. The Journal of Portfolio Management, p.140913001535001.

Teller, J. (2013). Portfolio Risk Management and Its Contribution to Project Portfolio Success: An Investigation of Organization, Process, and Culture. Project Management Journal, 44(2), pp.36-51.

Tonkiss, K. (2016). Delegation in Hard Times: The Financial Management of Arm’s Length Bodies in the UK. Financial Accountability & Management, 32(3), pp.362-378.

Williams, N. and Pasian, B. (2012). Editorial – Special Issue: Organisational Project Management. Journal of Project, Program & Portfolio Management, 3(1).

Young, M. and Conboy, K. (2013). Contemporary project portfolio management: Reflections on the development of an Australian Competency Standard for Project Portfolio Management. International Journal of Project Management, 31(8), pp.1089-1100.

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