Political, Social, Cultural And Economic Changes In Europe In The Late 18th And 19th Century
Vienna’s Art and Culture in the 18th and 19th Century
The late 18th and throughout the 19th century in Europe represent large amount of change in the political, social, cultural and economic. This report comprises the changes taken place in 18th and 19th century. It includes urban politics and governance, urban economics, urban societies and urban culture of Vienna. The World War l was began in the year of 1914 in Europe which set new trends and defined modern Europe.
Vienna is identified as the federal capital of Austria. The art and culture has always been a long custom in Vienna comprising music, fine arts, opera and theatre. The theatre has employed a dominant locus in the urban culture of Vienna . The playwrights of Viennese Johann Nestroy, Franz Grillparzer and Ferdinand Raimund urbanized a drama in 19th century. It was accompanied with unique Austrian traits. The Burg theatre is identified as one of the best theatres. Other theatres like Volkstheater Wien and the theatre in der Josefstadt equally relish goodwill. There is also mass of smaller theatres dedicated to performing arts like contemporary, trial plays or cabaret. The city also has several opera houses. The Vienna is also known for its assistances to music in the late 18th and throughout the 19th century. The music mainly captures the classical and romantic periods. Vienna is linked with 2 prevalent genres of music, the waltz and operetta. Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven and Brahms all once survived and composed music in Vienna. Strauss’s and waltz has role in capturing the essence of the glided world of liberalism like Ringstrasse did. Gustav Mahler helped the music world disintegrating before new forms, converted from Judaism to Catholicism to take up post as conductor of Vienna court opera. Arnold Schonberg had role in pushing music into the modernity, challenging classical perfections and accord in the painting. But all of these elements are seen more in his music. He has role in soughing new forms and dissonances. It resulted in opening new forms and discords and opened up new range for composition. The 12 tone technique made contentment in art’s consumption impossible. More of the forge effort in contemporary music was prepared by Arnold Schoenberg, Alban Berg and Anton Webern. These are known together as the second Viennese school.
Vienna is the largest city of Austria. The Hofburd holds the majestic jewels of the Habsburd dynasty. The Sisi museum enables visitors to sight the imperial apartments along with the silver cabinet. There is Kunsthistorissches museum at the opposite of Hofburg. It houses various paintings, ancient and traditional artefacts. A lot of museums are sited in the Museum quarter. It houses the modern art in the museums. The Leopold museum is identified for the major assortment of paintings in the globe by Egon Schiele. The AzW which is museum of architecture features exhibitions. The Liechtenstein Palace comprises world’s largest remote art collections mainly in the Baroque, Castle Belvedere constructed under the dominance of Prince Eugene. The palace has gallery of paintings by Gustav Klimt, Egon Schiele and other painters of the 19th century. Some of other museums were also established in Vienna in the end of 18th and 19th century like Albertina, Military history museum, Technical museum. The Vienna museum undertakes the museums of the Romans, Vienna clock museum along with the residences and birthplaces of several composers. There are also some museums in the Vienna which are dedicated to the individual districts of the city. It encompasses distinct struggles, accomplishments and disaster as Vienna grew and endured in two world wars.
Vienna’s Architecture in the 18th and 19th Century
The painters have a great role in the monuments of the eighteen and nineteen century of Vienna. The contribution of the painters can be seen in the exhibitions taken place at the museums. The painters like Abel, Hedwig Friedlander, Alois Arnegger and more. Abel was a historical painter and etcher. He replicated a popular direction in the art. He pained the figural part of the facade curtain of the old Burg theatre. Hedwig Friedlander contributed his efforts in the 18th century in Vienna. She exhibited her work in the pavilion of the woman’s building in 1893. Alois Arnegger was active in the 18th and 19th century of Vienna. He focused more on the Italian coasts like Naples and Capri. His son was also a painter named Gottfried Arnegger and contributed efforts in the history of Vienna.
Various architectural styles are found in the 18th and 19th century of Vienna. Vienna was characterised by the extensive building activities at the same time. Romanesque Ruprechtskirche is the classic example of the article in the 18th and 19th century. The architectural style in Vienna ranged from classic buildings to the contemporary culture. Art Nouveau left various architectural dashes in Vienna. The best examples of Arte Nouveau comprises secession building, Kirche am Steinhof and more. The city is even identified for using innovative products as structure and exterior surface. Vienna fundamentally turned into a baroque city in the course of reconstruction. The utmost recognized architects were Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach and Johann Lukas von Hildebrandtt. Most of the creation took place in environs in order to conceal the adjacent land with the garden palaces recognized as Palais. A key architect of the 18th and 19th century was Adolf Loos. His work comprised Looshaus, American bar and Steiner house. Adolf Loos initiated modern building which pushed onward the idea of an architecture stripped of ornament. Loos has been successful in attaining this through writing; some of it was published in Ver Sacrum and above all in the form of his buildings. He concentrated more on the truth of the building’s purpose, interior and reliability of the material used then fronts and decoration. The café museum was also designed by the Loos and it became a gathering place for the artists and writers. The popular tourist attraction at that time in Vienna was Hundertwasserhaus. Another unique architecture identified in the 19th century is Wotrubakirche. The unique building projects were also implemented in the city along with the quarters in north of Danube and south of Vienna.
Sports and Education in Vienna in the 18th and 19th Century
Vienna is home to the great number of football teams. The city is also having one of the important sports clubs like First Vienna FC and SK Rapid Wien. Bohm had role in introducing football in Vienna. The sports organizations were required to attain affiliation from the Austrian federal sports. Norbert Katz was a successful and talented football player in the nineteenth century. The English sport football was presented in Vienna at the end of the 19th century and Vienna soon took the top as football was straightly introduced by Englishmen in Vienna. The Vienna cricket club was introduced in 1892 but it did not find enough players so the club decided to host football in Vienna. The name of the club was changed into Vienna cricket and football club in 1894. The imperial administration registered First Vienna Football Club in 1984. Vienna also has one of the Europe’s premier volleyball organizations. The city even hosted various European champion’s Club’s cup.
The 18th century in Vienna is considered a period of urbanization. The families tend to be small in Vienna and the children were given full attention. The childhood development theories acknowledged the childhood in the eighteen and nineteen century of Vienna. It went through infancy to adulthood. The factors affected childhood underscored. The children were treated with utmost care mainly in the earliest years. People had a lot of children due to high child mortality rate. But only a few children endured. The children were not given substantial importance in 19th century. The formal educational and learning did not used to take place inside the homes. The mothers also did not had awareness due to spending less time in nurturing children. The social values and customs provide medium to the children to evaluate their conformity in the society. On the other side, Vienna comprised best education system and all the children were given equal right to free education. The education was considered responsibility of the state. The first secondary school for the girls was opened in 1868. The girls were given right to be graduated in 1872. The nine years of education was considered mandatory in the schools in the 19th century. The schools offered vocational technical tracks. There is legal base for the primary and secondary education under the School Act of 1962. Vienna is country’s foremost source of education and home to the several colleges and universities. The universities namely Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, Medical University of Vienna are proving to the education system of the city. The international schools were established in the 19th century like Danube International School, International Business School, SAE Vienna and more. ECEC (Early Childhood Education and Care) played significant role in the education system of Vienna. The challenges were faced to improve the interaction quality in the preschools. The eighteen and nineteenth century even signified an era of great activity in reformulating educational principles.
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