Political, Administrative, Economic, And Social Policies Of The Welfare State Of Canada
Advantages and disadvantages of welfare state like Canada
The aim of this essay is to discuss the political, administrative, economic and social policies of the welfare state of Canada. In discussing the welfare nature whether extended or reduced it can be stated that the welfare state like Canada remains always responsible to promote and protect economic and social wellbeing of the citizens. However, the state does not allow people to choose their way to spend their own income. the surveillance on the income of a person is continued. Privatization can be applied but in some limited aspects so that the welfare nature doe not get hampered. The less developed countries can get help from this type of developed democracy like Canada by following its policies. The taxation, fiscal system, management of natural resources are well maintained. This essay will be detailing whether the democratic country like Canada as welfare state should be expanded or reduced, the definition of privatization whether the government services must be handed to the private companies, the developed democracies must help less developed countries, natural Resources in Canada takes care of the natural resources, the fiscal and taxation policies of Canada and whether the global governance support or challenge democratic political life of Canada.
Thesis statement: Canada takes care of the people providing provisions for their good life but faces tremendous pressure both internally and externally to maintain its positive and welfare status.
There are numerous criticisms regarding the fact that Canada as welfare state should be expanded or reduced. In this aspect the advantages and disadvantages of welfare state need to be discussed. The welfare state like Canada remains always responsible to promote and protect economic and social wellbeing of the citizens. This aims to provide equal opportunities for each of its citizens and equal wealth distribution among them. The state is also responsible to take care of the people who are incapable to avail minimum provisions for their good life. Canada as a welfare state involves into the actions like transferring the funds from state to services like education as well as health care. This country follows the ideologies of social democracy which is based on the principles of universalism. This particular ideology grants the access to services y the government as well as advantages based on the citizenship. Based on these views, the government of this country provides social benefits to the minorities. Due to these reasons the scholars praise this type of social and political structure in all over the world so that the issues of economy, society and culture remain balanced.
The concept of privatization and its effects
On the contrary some of the critics like Rod et al. (2015) state that this type of system is not perfect for the all-inclusive growth of the people living in that country hence must be reduced. For the reason they have found out that Canada though provide autonomy to its citizens but limits their reliance on the families or market. Hence all these government policies are against the market and economic growth. The state does not allow people to choose their way to spend their own income and the surveillance on the income of a person is continued. The welfare state imposes high rate of taxes to the higher income group to collect fund for their services. The people of welfare states cannot use the natural resources in accordance with their own value. In addition to this, the government intrudes in the personal lives of the people and manipulate their decision-making process (Hodge 2018). However, despite these issues, the welfare state is highly popular among the citizens as the benefits are more compelling than those of the disadvantages.
Privatization is the method of transferring of the government assets, functions and services to the private associations. This also refers to the deregulation of the government actions where the heavily regulated private industries become less regulated. This involves the removal of restrictions that were previously preventing the private individuals as well as businesses from participating in some particular industry or services. Through privatization, the control of the government either loses or eliminated in the series and the private companies take care of those responsibilities from where they continue their profit mechanism.
Regarding the issue that whether the government services must be handed to the private companies to save them is mandatory or not, there are regents among the experts. The critic like Hodge (2018) government services must be handed to the private companies, as this may lead to have improved efficiency as well as profits from these services. As the private companies run largely by the competition incentives, therefore, there are chances for innovation as well as improvement. The private companies ensure that they must improve their operation efficiency for reducing their costs as well as improve their profits. To the critics like Denhardt and Denhardt (2015) the privatization method of the government assets reduces the political interference. The government when find to difficult to make decagons like the layoffs and pay cuts as these facts their political footing, transfer their responsibilities to the private companies to avoid negative publicity. The efficacy of the services or institution increases as these do not get the protection from the government anymore hence work more effectively to survive in the competition (Montagnes and Bektemirov 2018).
Why developed democracies must help less developed countries
On the contrary, the critics like Abramovitz and Zelnick (2015), reveal that the privatization affect the citizen in a far-reaching way. Though this method, the government loses dividends which affect the asset building of the state. Moreover, the privatization of some very important state entities like electricity and water authorities, create single monopolies but after privatization of such entities leads to increase of the prices at the detriment of the customers limitlessly. In addition to these, the government can no more use the companies for the social welfare as they companies are regularized. This means the government cannot ask the companies for employing its citizens or raise fund for carrying out social welfare process. In case of the welfare states, privatization challenges the whole setting and end the welfare process.
The developed democracies must help less developed countries to become democracy as the main criteria here is the development process. All the developed democracies of the world are successful as this system is the most efficient government systems. The developed democracies have mechanisms to protect the interest of the citizens. These people have right to vote and choose their representatives who take care of the political, economic and social issues. these people are directly connected in the government’s decision-making policies and they have complete understanding of how these decisions will impact on them in the future. This process is the best for the welfare of the citizens of the countries democratic system of government prevents monopoly of authority (Raphael 2014). In this system, the government operates under the threat of the positions hence cannot execute policies without any consent of the people. This ensures that this system remain exploitation free which supports development.
In the less developed countries, the main problems are related with the policy making procedure and the democratic countries have solve this type of problem which has helped them to flourish. Despite the fact that in policy making process often gets infringed by the differences of understanding of the political parties. This system promotes equality which means the citizens of the country are equal in the eyes of the government (Ringen and Ngok 2017). Therefore, the government talks care of their welfare as well as different types of rights. As the develop democracies does not face discrimination among the people, they can motivate other less developed countries to transform their political system. This is important because the less developed countries face issues regarding religion, race, sex and wealth distribute and the situation becomes more complicated. These countries do not have responsible and stable administration therefore, their policy making process suffers the most. The elected and fixed representatives lead the countries to have a responsible government. This administration conduct and rule with the ensure of dedication. Therefore, the people under democratic governance can discuss matters as well as other problems thoroughly with sensible decisions. For all these reasons, the developed democracies set an idea and positive image in the world politics that can effectively help the under developed countries to follow.
The role of Department of Natural Resources in Canada
The Department of Natural Resources in Canada takes care of the natural resources. It is responsible for the management of natural resources, energy, metals, minerals, earth science, forests and remote sensing. However, being a welfare state, the Federal and provincial government managed natural resources of Canada properly. It has different types of authorized agencies, departments and branches operating under the control of the government which manage the natural resources of the country efficiently. The constitutional power of this country is divided into two national and provincial governments by the 1982 constitution act (Thecanadianencyclopedia.ca 2018). Therefore, there are laws for the proper management and sales of the natural resources of the country. Moreover, the federal government has abided by the legislation regarding interprovincial as well as export trade in the natural-resource commodities and coastal and inland fisheries which are also with in the natural resources section. Bothe the governments can tax the natural resources revenues.
However, there are issues in the successful handling of natural resources. As there are overlapping powers as well as responsibilities between provincial and national governments of Canada that leads to conflicts with the matters like market, pricing of the products and share of the natural-resource revenues. This also sometimes hamper the broad-scale management of the natural resources of the country (McPherson and Karney 2017). This intergovernmental conflict become further complicated in the urban area’s more importantly where the municipal governments own the land. However, though proper planning and strategies these issues have largely been mitigated. The government has employed managers and natural resource planners who have proper education and trainings in the natural resource management programs. Such skilled professionals are being employed largely in the country, industries and the consulting firms. In issues regarding environmental problems due to unprotected natural resource exploitation, the government has properly laid strategies so that the adverse impact on the environment can be avoided effectively (Thecanadianencyclopedia.ca. 2018). therefore, it can be stated that the natural resource management in the country has been well maintained and managed by the Canadian federal as well as provincial government.
The fiscal and taxation policies of Canada is a unique system in all over the world. The CPA or Chartered professional accountants advocate on behalf of the public interests for responsible fiscal management as well as for a simple, efficient and competitive tax system for the Canadian taxpayers along with businesses (Agency, Canada 2018). The Canadian government’s tax and fiscal policy include publishing and promoting research, analysis as well as commentary on the tax and fiscal policy issues. In addition to this, the system advocates the tax policy recommendations that are based on the public interests. The tax and fiscal system of Canada helps in analyzing and remarking on the tax and regulatory proposals (Demos.org. 2018). The system also provides a perspective of the tax preparer to the administrative matters for improving the tax compliance. This process however, enhances clarity as well as service to the taxpayers. Finally, the fiscal and tax seem of Canada aims to make some pre-budget recommendations in one hand and conduct a post-budget analysis of Canada’s federal budget. The system is completely understood by the agencies related which makes it clean and corruption free. Most of the fund raised through taxes and revenues are spent for the welfare of the people in the country. These are mainly spent to provide benefits to the poor or weaker class of the society (Agency, Canada 2018). Thus, Canada has become a successful welfare state and proved itself better than other countries with other political and administrative system.
In the debate whether the global governance support or challenge democratic political life of Canada, there are various perceptions and understanding. The neighboring countries of Canada follow different types of ideologies in their political system and administration. This is regard, the citizens can compare their position and empowerment with the other countries. After globalization and improvement of technology, the companies of one country can access other country more easily and without mush issues. the democratic countries prefer for providing free services to the citizens where as the capitalism system doe not support this method.
The market freedom though embraced by the capitalist countries but not the political one hence, it has been stated that maintaining and carrying on democratic political system is far more difficult. This is due to the fact that the markets after globalization need more freedom which the democratic welfare states often do not provide. Hence in operating more freely, the private companies prefer to enter the capitalist markets so that they can get all the essential support from the capitalist governments in one hand and market freely their products without any interference of the political bodies or the government regulations. Therefore, the economy of the capitalist countries is showing more development and they also have more efficient human resource. Hence in this particular setting operating a democratic welfare started is really hard under comes under various external as well as internal pressure.
Therefore, it can be concluded that the welfare state of Canada is one of the most important states in the politics of the world. This country is showing development and welfare simultaneously. The Canadian government has different types of authorized agencies, departments and branches operating under the control of the government which manage the natural resources of the country efficiently. Despite the fact there are various issues like globalization, privation and demands of the internal bodies to change the status, the government has been carrying on their services for the citizens making it one of the happiest countries in the world.
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