Policy Proposal For Eradicating Hunger And Homelessness Through Electronic Gadgets

Statement of Need

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Our career goal is based on the inspirational story of the TOMS SHOES. There are several issues of worldwide social causes at this moment and through our career plan, we intend to sort out some of those issues. There are several nations like Nicaragua, El Salvador etc which have a widespread poverty and owing to that poverty; the people are not able to feed themselves with two meals a day. We intend to create a business that will deal in electronic gadgets and the profits earned out of those will be used to eradicate the social evil of hunger and homelessness. The LED plan that we intend to take will be to manufacture the lights which consume very less power and are eco friendly as well. These lights if used in replacement of the regular CFLs or Bulbs can provide higher luminosity and at the same time, their power consumption will be very less. This way, the users can get better lights and pay for less electricity. This way, they will be able to save money. Hence, we will encourage the people to buy these lights and illuminate their homes thereby increasing our sales. If our sales increase, we will be able to get higher profits and hence, the money can help us in our social cause.  

Why necessary and what is the mission?

The purpose of the organization is to eradicate hunger from the nations of Antigua, Honduras, Guatemala, and Nicaragua, etc. Hunger is detrimental for the growth of any nation, and it brings down the quality of life in any nation. While we cannot imagine ourselves hungry for even a few hours, most of the people in these nations remain hungry almost every other day . The people here are so poor that getting two meals a day becomes a burden on their shoulders. The people do not die of malnutrition rather they die because they do not have food.

Mission Statement:

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Solving the issue of world hunger cannot be achieved in a single day. Rather it requires a patient working in this field to ensure that all the people get to eat their everyday bread.

Hunger cannot be solved by us alone. So we intend to start up a small enterprise where we shall be manufacturing LED lights that are environmental friendly and electronics that emit less CFC, provide electronic repairing services to the customers through eco-friendly products and these will be produced by us in a micro level.

Project Description

Specific Need:

We intend to provide the services, and since the manufacturing costs will be very less, there will be taxes imposed on the products. These taxes in turn will be used to help the hungry people in getting g their meals and 1% of every sale will be stored to provide shelter to the homeless .

Since we are well versed with the electrical gadgets, we shall have the necessary expertise to handle all the issues that arise with the customers and the same shall be easily sorted by us. No special expertise will be required in this regard, and we can also ensure that the products will be as per the expectations of the customers.

There are various steps that we need to follow and rely upon prior to starting up and establishing our plan.

The problem of hunger requires people from all the fields to come together and join hands with each other. Career fields including agriculturists, economists, journalists, nutritionists and community builders need to come together and join hands. The process requires improving the roads, setting up cleaner water systems and getting and convincing the politicians to make smart and informed policies and laws that will help in producing healthy food that shall be accessible to all the people. The more ideas we get in this regard, the more swiftly and smoothly can the problem be solved.

The initial problem that we might encounter in this respect is that why would people come to buy our products when there are competitive brands available in the market. This issue can be resolved by us in a very interesting way. We being students of electrical engineering can convince the people of the various energy saving options and the equipment they can use in their everyday life to make their work easier . This way we will be able to win their trust, and gradually our products will flourish in the market.

Another problem we might face is regarding the allocation of resources, and this can be a hindrance towards our goal. We intend to get loans to start up our business from few nonbanking financial sectors who shall give us loans at zero or minimal interest. We need to ensure that the loan is not paid off against the profits earned by our setup . Rather it should be met out of our own pockets in simple and easy installments.

Notification and Advertising

Also, the government and the policies may be a challenge in this aspect. Since we are going to be a for profit organization, the government may oppose our policies. Hence, the taxes and revenue has to be paid off by us in proper time intervals. Due permissions have to be obtained at the earliest, and it needs to be ensured that we continue to have the trust of the ruling houses .

There are certain key issues that we should always keep in mind to succeed in this respect. The trivial matters like a proper driving license, transparency, business musts, etc. should be kept clean by us all the time. Money should be used very wisely and before investing in large investments, we should thoroughly try to check the entire positive and the negative aspects. At times, we need to announce for surprise sales to lure the customers and ensure that customers get the benefit of the same . Moreover, we also need to keep a check on the quality and standard of our products. A few days of success and subsequent poor products are likely to be disadvantageous for the interest of our company. We should always remain accessible to our customers as and when they need us and should try to build a rock-solid reputation .

Since our ultimate goal is to eradicate hunger, we should remain focused towards that end. At least two of us should always try to keep a record of how far have we been successful in achieving our aim.

The target audience will be notified initially on a door-to-door basis in the local community. Gradually, we intend to circulate leaflets and pamphlets through the newspapers. Once we reach 100 customers, we shall be promoting our products through the social networking sites and newspaper advertisements. We shall also put up stalls in trade fairs  for commercial and bulk orders. Certain catchy slogans will be used while we put up posters and advertise for our brand to promote it in the larger scale. The target audience will be the ones who are in the youth and the social workers initially . People will be made aware of the problem of hunger in the society, and they will be encouraged to buy our products more so that we can help those who are starving.

Our mission is likely to be successful in a span of five to seven years. Statistical data shows that to eradicate the entire problem of hunger, a comprehensive strategic period of 15 years  is necessary. Programmes like Food Pantries, Children’s Hunger Alliance, etc. have success within four years. If strategically planned, we can also win the hearts of the people with their support and our enthusiasm .

The Probable Outcome


Alleviating hunger is one of the core missions of our career path. There are various families who have lost their financial stability and at the same time are forced to face the problem of hunger. Students are doing good work by writing projects and conducting research in this field, but the same has not been able to get the desired results intended. As such, our policy will be both eco-friendly and will have a greater focus towards achieving our aim and alleviating poverty. Since we all know that if poverty is alleviated, the nation will prosper on the whole and hence, it should be a positive feedback for all the investors as well.  Social workers and clients are free to contact us to provide any support or seek for any help. Any other suggestions in the implementation process are welcome.


Costello, Helen E., and Anastasia Schepers. ‘Feeding Minds, Fighting Hunger’. Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition 2.1 (2007): 97-99.

‘Eradication of World Hunger Thwarted by Private Benefit Doctrine’. Bruce R. Hopkins’ Nonprofit Counsel 32.1 (2014): 3-4.

Fao.org,. ‘FAO – News Article: FAO presents plan for eradicating hunger in Latin America and the Caribbean’, 2015. Online. Internet. 4 Aug. 2015. . Available: https://www.fao.org/news/story/en/item/275950/icode/.

Google Books,. ‘How to End Hunger in Times of Crises’, 2015. Online. Internet. 4 Aug. 2015. . Available: https://books.google.co.in/books?id=zSiQZjAmuX0C&pg=PT76&lpg=PT76&dq=hunger+eradication+proposal&source=bl&ots=T-jjZPfdWg&sig=ZrG7Bh4sKjKD5V2uWnNdFkXawgE&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CFEQ6AEwB2oVChMIvY-ble6OxwIVy3GOCh0SpQJl#v=onepage&q=hunger%20eradication%20proposal&f=false.

Labue, Gaston T. Hunger in America. New York: Nova Science Pub., 2009.

Mediaethiopia.com,. ‘Engineers Proposal on how to Eradicate Hunger from ETHIOPIA’, 2015. Online. Internet. 4 Aug. 2015. . Available: https://www.mediaethiopia.com/Engineering/engineers_proposal_on_how_to_eradicate_hunger.htm.

Tagtow, Angie, and Marie Boyle Struble. ‘Dear Hunger and Environmental Nutrition Community’. Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition 1.3 (2007): 1-3.

Unesco.org,. ‘Education and Poverty Eradication’, 2015. Online. Internet. 4 Aug. 2015. . Available: https://www.unesco.org/education/poverty/news.shtml.

Worldbank.org,. ‘The World Bank – Millennium Development Goals – Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger by 2015’, 2015. Online. Internet. 4 Aug. 2015. . Available: https://www.worldbank.org/mdgs/poverty_hunger.html.

Helen E. Costello and Anastasia Schepers, ‘Feeding Minds, Fighting Hunger’, Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition 2.1 (2007): 97-99.

Worldbank.org, ‘The World Bank – Millennium Development Goals – Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger by 2015’, 2015, online, Internet, 4 Aug. 2015. , Available: https://www.worldbank.org/mdgs/poverty_hunger.html.

‘Eradication of World Hunger Thwarted by Private Benefit Doctrine’, Bruce R. Hopkins’ Nonprofit Counsel 32.1 (2014): 3-4.

Mediaethiopia.com, ‘Engineers Proposal on how to Eradicate Hunger from ETHIOPIA’, 2015, online, Internet, 4 Aug. 2015. , Available: https://www.mediaethiopia.com/Engineering/engineers_proposal_on_how_to_eradicate_hunger.htm.

Unesco.org, ‘Education and Poverty Eradication’, 2015, online, Internet, 4 Aug. 2015. , Available: https://www.unesco.org/education/poverty/news.shtml.

Gaston T Labue, Hunger in America (New York: Nova Science Pub., 2009).

Google Books, ‘How to End Hunger in Times of Crises’, 2015, online, Internet, 4 Aug. 2015. , Available: https://books.google.co.in/books?id=zSiQZjAmuX0C&pg=PT76&lpg=PT76&dq=hunger+eradication+proposal&source=bl&ots=T-jjZPfdWg&sig=ZrG7Bh4sKjKD5V2uWnNdFkXawgE&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CFEQ6AEwB2oVChMIvY-ble6OxwIVy3GOCh0SpQJl#v=onepage&q=hunger%20eradication%20proposal&f=false.

Fao.org, ‘FAO – News Article: FAO presents plan for eradicating hunger in Latin America and the Caribbean’, 2015, online, Internet, 4 Aug. 2015. , Available: https://www.fao.org/news/story/en/item/275950/icode/.

Angie Tagtow and Marie Boyle Struble, ‘Dear Hunger and Environmental Nutrition Community’,Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition 1.3 (2007): 1-3.

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