Policy And Planning For Sustainable Development

Policy directions of sustainable development

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Sustainable development is a kind of development which deals with the wants of the people at their without negotiating the capability of the opportunity generation so assemble the desires of the people. It consists of two concepts firstly the concept of needs, which enables the priority to be given to poor, and the second thought is the proposal of limitations, which consists of the technology and the social organization to meet the present, as well as needs of future (Christofi et al. 2013). The sustainable development policy consists of three dimensions in economy, environmental and social. Economic role consist of providing economic stability through producing sufficient land for growth and innovations. An environmental revolve consist of to protect the environment through improving of biodiversity and reducing waste. A social role consist of provide housing facilities for present and future generation (Reid 2013). The policy directions of sustainable are discussed below

  • Building a strong competitive economy
  • Promotion of sustainable transport
  • Delivering of high quality homes
  • Conserve and enhance the natural environment
  • Conserve and enhance the historic environments
  • Facilitate sustainable use of minerals
  • Reduce, Reuse And Recycle Approach
  • Promotion of environmental education and awareness
  • Resource utilization as per carrying capacity
  • Improvement of quality of life

The policies direction should involve in economic growth to create prosperity and jobs. The Government should ensure that planning system concentrated on the growth in economic sustainability. A clear idea need to present in the direction of policies. Identification on the regulation of the economic, provision for infrastructure and enhancement for environment is essential. Sustainability in transportation is necessary. Smart technologies can help to reduce travelling long. Directions should base on giving solutions in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and congestion (Ciegis et al. 2015).

People should provide with affordable house with easy accessibility of market. It should consist of house with gives ownerships and contains of sustainable inclusive of mixed economy. Plan should consist of to protect landscape and geological conservation. The main direction should focus on providing pollution free environment with minimizing the other adverse effect attached to it. The plan direction should include conserving and preserving the heritage assets neglect, decay and other threats. A proposal on development would lead to lesser the harm with the significant of the heritage asset (Taticchi et al. 2013).

Minerals help to provide sustainable economic growth so to preserve it is essential. Sustainability can only achieve through reduce, reuse and recycle approach. It shows to minimize the use of resource along with utilizing the used resource through changing the pattern and recycling of the resource or the product various methods. Involvement of sustainability development should be involves from the school. It should be introduced as an important and major subject. It involve involve an awareness about the sustainability from childhood (Griggs et al. 2013).

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Key contents of policy direction

The resource should be utilized as per the capacity of capacity of carry. Human beings not only need but many other things to live. So, utilization of resource has become very essential. Over exploitation of resources would lead to degradation of the environment. The quality of life should improve in dimensions of economic, cultural and social. It should include equal distribution between rich and poor. It should also include conservation of cultural heritage along with tribal, ethnic people. In the policy and practice strong community participation should be included. A policy direction should also include stabilization of population growth (Anderies et al. 2013).

The directions provided for sustainable development is required for our daily life. The world is facing challenges in all three dimensions of economic, Social and environmental spectrum. The number of people living in property without having the basic needs of food, cloth and shelter the directions made so that they get equal distribution. The directions mentioned are necessary to address all the issues, which arise in the world because of non existence of sustainability consumption. People have become more rely on technology in every aspect of their life. They require a wide among of minerals and other inputs to manufacture of the product. Now, to conserve and preserve those energies or minerals is necessary as at some point of time it will deploy the whole minerals (Blewitt 2014).

The basic need of human is food, cloth and shelter. The supply of basic needs for human has become impossible to provide for all human kinds. Directions on policies should be there so that they the supply of basic need and in affordable options. The directions focused to make measures for the poor. Plan should include which are ambitious, action-oriented and collaborative so that different levels of development can be adopted. The three main aims for the directions are to develop economic, social and environmental needs of the people and the world as whole. It allows the prosperity for present as well as future generations. The directions help o preserve and conserve the resource base through the change of the ways of development and use of technologies. Everybody has the right to provide with better standard of living and getting better opportunities in job. The directions discussed the ways through which country can gain economic, social and environmental prosperity (Rogers et al. 2012).

Australia’s National Strategy on Ecologically Sustainable Development defines to maintain the sustainable development ecologically the community need to conserve as well as enhance the resource through adopting the ecological process of the life. The Department of the Water, Environment, and Heritage are the agency of Government which develop and implement the policy to protect and to conserve the environment. The main function of the department is to support and promote the ecologically sustainable environment. The program initiated by them has implemented the initiatives for the development of Sustainability in Australia (Welford 2013). In Australia the sustainable comes with the word principles which emphasis the essential integration of the economy and the environment.

Necessity of the directions

Ecologically Sustainable Development has some elements of principle. They are discussed below:

  • Principle of sustainable use
  • Principles of integration
  • Precautionary Principle
  • Inter-generational and intra-generational equity
  • Conservation of biological and ecological diversity
  • Internalization of external environmental cost

Necessity of the contents related to ESD

Principle of sustainable use defines that natural resources should be used in a manner which is sustainable, rational and appropriate. ESD defines the principle of sustainable use as the concept for sustainability which applies not only for the development but the main concentration is environment. The Australian National Strategy for Ecologically Sustainable Development further defines ESD as the development which improves in terms of the quality of the life for the present as well for the future (Blewitt 2014).

The principle acts as a precautionary measure for the environment. It saves the threat of environmental damage and scientific uncertainty in the environmental damage. The principle of inter-generational ensures the health; productivity and diversity of the environment are enhanced for the future generation. While, intra-generational equity involves the people of the present generation to enjoy equal rights in the use of natural resource and develops a clean and healthy environment (Bastian et al. 2013).

ESD makes principles to conserve the biological diversity as well as ecological integrity which involve the implementation, formulation and the adoption of economic and other development plan or the program (Christen and Schmidt 2012).

Ecologically Sustainable Development defines the effectiveness of the integration in the economic as well as in the considerations of the environment. It involves the process of the decision-making. It concern on economic and social development along with the environmental protection (Benn et al. 2014).

The principle lies in the goals of environmental goals through the cost effective way. It includes establishment of incentives structure and market mechanisms which would maximize the benefits and would minimize the cost so, to develop their solution in environmental problems (Welford 2013).

The principle of the Ecologically Sustainable Development helps to enhance the individual as well the community for the economic development so that future generation can be safeguarded. It also ensures to indulge equity within generations. ESD ensures that the process of decision making should be effective in economic, social, environmental and equity considerations. Their main principle lies to guard the biological diversity and maintain the process of ecology and the life support systems. ESD ensures to protect from the threats of environmental damage. The global dimensions of the impacts of the environment need to be recognized. It also ensures policy which is cost effective and flexible in terms of values, price and the mechanism of incentives. ESD involved in the actions and the decisions for the broader community against the issues which affect them. The guiding principles are the main objectives that need to consider. To implement the principles of the ESD one needs to make a balanced approach (Christen and Schmidt 2012).

ESD Principles

The importance of Governments in the involvement of the policy would provide active and honest aspect at all level. The active involvement of government in sustainability development would responds to the necessary needs involve in its citizen. They could be said more active in implementation if they evolve challenges in development through ensuring the importance of sustainable development. Active and effective government could bring to deliver reliable as well as quality services, which are needed to involve. Government’s can allocate as well invest the funds more wisely so that it would be utilized for the benefits of humankind. It also helps to manage goods, which include land as well as natural resources. The Government involvement would help to benefit the country through proving decent livelihood and expand the opportunities. Therefore, honest and fair government is essential for its implementation. Government should ensure the development of sustainability through equitable approach for every people of the country (Warburton 2013). To make polices designed into much better way government policies and adoption plays the most crucial part. The government role in the policy implementation to achieve sustainably depends upon their activeness in their adoption of different approach.

Government is a composite but vital power, which influences the wide range of development issue. Government embraces political policy, administration, and management. Particularly that the baseline principle of government is to look after and sponsor the best benefit of the community administrate it make sense that it is indispensable that government provide in plan that in every promising way encourage sustainable development.  As we discuss the different the economic, the social and environmental authority and stress of our times we continually find invest philosophically and with institutionally in fundamental sustainability and in significant as well as highly important stroke (Carley et al. 2013).

In a worldwide financial system, corporation as well as country struggle for foreign speculation, for technology and information achievement, for ability advancement and for the marketplace shares and distribution channels. Countrywide purpose in the comprehensive struggle is to accomplish fast growth and sustainable development with a analysis to decrease poverty, contracted down gaps of variation, make more service opportunity, urbanization and development standards of living. The Government has to play a positive as well as supportive role for the development of sustainability for the country’s business as well economy (Ball et al. 2014). The role the State or Local government in regards to this Policy direction is many which are discussed.

  • Government should promote high rate in savings.
  • Governments have to stimulate the investments throughout the policies of monetary and fiscal.
  • They should initiate developments through the education and proper training in schools, workplace and communities.
  • They need to encourage more technological acquisition and the adoption through sustainability.
  • The government should look over in protection of property rights.
  • Maintain moderate rather than low in terms of inflation stability in price and in economy.
  • Government should make initiatives in the expansion of domestic market.
  • Government role’s should involve in public administration through transparency and effectively.
  • Government should involve honest as well as committed polity.
  • They need to adopt fair as well as reasonable taxation
  • Governments need to be committed makers of policy and they should execute it properly.
  • Government should include law and order so to maintain peace internally.
  • Government should also help to maintain the international relationships in fields of eco-politics.

Reference list:

Anderies, J.M., Folke, C., Walker, B. and Ostrom, E., 2013. Aligning key concepts for global change policy: robustness, resilience, and sustainability.Ecology and society, 18(2), p.8.

Ball, A., Grubnic, S. and Birchall, J., 2014. 11 Sustainability accounting and accountability in the public sector. Sustainability accounting and accountability, p.176.

Bastian, O. and Steinhardt, U. eds., 2013. Development and perspectives of landscape ecology. Springer Science & Business Media.

Benn, S., Dunphy, D. and Griffiths, A., 2014. Organizational change for corporate sustainability. Routledge.

Blewitt, J., 2014. Understanding sustainable development. Routledge.

Blewitt, J., 2014. Understanding sustainable development. Routledge.

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Warburton, D., 2013. Community and sustainable development: participation in the future. Routledge.

Welford, R., 2013. Hijacking environmentalism: Corporate responses to sustainable development. Routledge.

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