Policies Of Various Countries Regarding Refugee Detention
The morality of mandatory detention
Disucuss about the Policies of various Countries regarding refugee detention and how this process motivates the citizens of that particular Country.
The purpose of this article is to stress on the moral sides of mandatory detention and the laws related to this practice. The refugees who seek asylum, they form a subgroup of immigrants and various researches focused on this group of immigrants, found a likewise pattern in respect to citizen’s attitudes (Opeskin & Ghezelbash, 2015). Vigorous researches made it sure that gender, age, education political and socio economic views affect the attitudes towards the immigrants who seek asylum.
It is seen that the factual evidences this article portrays, means that the governments are nowadays stressing on these issues and that can bring some level of motivation and confidence among the refugees across the globe seeking protection. It is a fact that there are many negative remarks regarding this issue is made by the people who are of very low educational background, without having proper knowledge of the outside world and from poor socio-economic background (Tay, 2013). Apart from them people from different nations are uniting for the cause of this burning issue that our world is facing nowadays.
According to this article, there are a lot of hidden ideologies behind these practices as this has been a problem since the birth of mankind but in today’s market this issue has become a lot more serious than ever due to various political unrests in few areas of the globe (Barnes & Barnes, 2017). In many countries it is seen that the refugees seeking asylum are living a life in hellish condition as the refugee camps are lacks basic sanitary amenities, the hygiene is poor and the food they receive are of very low nutrition value. Sometimes they get victimized by human traffickers and even by the army or police (Atak, Hudson & Nakache, 2017). Women and kids get abused sexually or they are sold to human traffickers at times. In short it can be said that governments barely look at their sufferance in most of the times. It is a fact that, sometimes government looks at this huge refugee camps like a cheap human source and employ them in various works giving them very low wages or no wages.
In this article it has been portrayed that the world is changing and the world leaders are looking at these issues more practically and they are investing a lot of time and money to improve the conditions of the political refugees and this article shows clearly that some changes need to be done immediately. These practices need to be stopped immediately for the betterment of the sociopolitical situation of the world and to stop these kinds of practices the world-leaders need to think it through and come up with excellent unique and innovative ideas to deal with this situation. This is a burning issue in today’s world that can be a potential threat to the basic rights of man and this need to be stopped immediately (Koleth, 2012).
Understanding Immigration Detention
Silverman, S. J., & Nethery, A. (2014). Introduction: Understanding Immigration Detention.
The purpose of this article is to portray many ideas about mandatory detention can be acquired and those are discussed in the summary. In short it can be said that, the people who are accused of immigration detention are generally imprisoned without any proper investigation to justify whether their detention is justified or not.
Impact on people
According to this article, the illegal refugees get detained as they fail to meet some administrative criterions, and the immigration detention can be implemented on the individuals of a whole category not considering what circumstances they have gone through (Silverman & Nethery, 2014). There is another issue with immigration detainees and that is they do not have any basic idea of how long they have to serve in the prison sells as in some cases, some individuals were seen serving in prison for over a decade (Phillips & Spinks, 2013). Generally, two types of individuals are detained due to immigration issues around the globe. The first category is individuals who are noncitizen of a particular nation and they entered the territory of a particular country or they are found to cross the border line to trespass to another country illegally. The latter categories of individuals are someone, who is staying in a particular nation without a valid visa or passport, and after when the investigations are done they get arrested. In most cases people from these two categories get detained.
Changes noticed
The focus of this portfolio is also on the changes that can be brought in regarding this issue where the detention of the individuals who seek asylums, as there are some important legal, political, moral and practical issues those the detention of asylum seekers raise (Dastyari, 2015). Asylum seekers are those, who are leaving their own countries due to political unrest or any issues and trying to seek protection from other countries, for an example the citizens of Syria are seeking shelter due to the unrest in their mother land nowadays. In this case it is worth mentioning that, according to 1951 Geneva Convention related to the refugee convention, a refugee is an individual who has been given protection status under Article 1(a) in the Refugee Convention. It is an important issue that, a minor faction of the 42 million people who are living in a refugee like situation in the world, either has official refugee status, or they have access to the UNHCR or a delegate state to seek protection. Some of them live in the refugee camps and others survive in the network of the ethnic groups, it is a fact that their life is full of insecurities and some of them have to go to a state where they can gain an official refugee status and a chance to start afresh (Landau & Amit, 2014).
Changes noticed
Hidden ideas
From this article, it can be said that there are some hidden intentions of the government of some countries, and those are using this huge manpower at a very cheap rate, or suing them for political purposes, and that is something very wrong as they are seeking help and using them for anyone’s benefit would be against the ethics.
Canetti, D., Snider, K., Pedersen, A., & Hall, B. (2017). Threatened or Threatening? How Ideology Shapes Asylum Seekers’ Immigration Policy Attitudes in Israel and Australia. Retrieved 16 August 2017, from
The purpose of this journal is to portray some serious issues regarding mandatory detention can be found and those are mentioned here. It is been a fact that the laws regarding mandatory detention of the political refugees are unjustified and the impact of these laws are very harmful to the people around the world (Canetti et al., 2017).
Impact on people
Nowadays looking at the shady sides of these laws, people are generally supporting the refugees and they want them to stay and take protection. In today’s world, looking at the global politics and situations, there are innumerable people out there seeking help and protection from various nations as their mother land is war-damaged. Governments sometimes look at the refugees like burdens and sometimes they think that those people would make the population over burdened and the country would lose its normal socio-economic balance (Erakat, 2014).
Much needed changes
It is also a fact that many among the refugees are highly qualified and can potentially help to develop the condition of the country where they are seeking protection. The government needs to understand that they have lost everything apart from their life and it would be nice to stand beside them and not to throw them to some prison cells or keep them in refugee camps and not doing something for them (Mitropoulos, 2015). It is a fact that looking at the oppressions the refugees face in today’s world many countries along with United Kingdom and Australia are taking initiatives in amending the laws related to this issue.
Hidden Ideas
From this article, it can be said that government officials of various countries look at the flow of political refugees like a source of extra income or scapegoats for varieties of scams. Some politicians and government officials use them for their own good and makes huge money, and if they get caught,, they blame these innocents and these people who have already lost everything goes back behind the bars and this evil process needs to be tamed as this practice can destroy the trust and bond between people (Erakat, 2014).
Atak, I., Hudson, G., & Nakache, D. (2017). ‘Making Canada’s Refugee System Faster and Fairer’: Reviewing the Stated Goals and Unintended Consequences of the 2012 Reform.
Barnes, T., & Barnes, T. (2017). The morality of mandatory detention | The Spectator. The Spectator. Retrieved 16 August 2017, from https://www.spectator.co.uk/2016/08/morality-mandatory-detention/
Canetti, D., Snider, K., Pedersen, A., & Hall, B. (2017). Threatened or Threatening? How Ideology Shapes Asylum Seekers’ Immigration Policy Attitudes in Israel and Australia. Retrieved 16 August 2017, from
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