Policies And Procedures Aligned With HR Goals And Objectives
Set of policies and procedures that can be aligned with HR goals and objectives
Discuss the set of policies and procedures that can be aligned with HR goals and objectives. Importance of collaboration between HR and department managers when filling open positions?
Goals and objectives provide organizations with a blueprint that determines a course of action and aids them in preparing for future changes. A goal can be defined as a future state that an organization or individual strives to achieve. For each goal that an organization sets, it also sets objectives. An objective is a short-term target with measurable results. Without clearly-defined goals and objectives, organizations will have trouble coordinating activities and forecasting future events.
According to Barney and Griffin, organizational goals serve four basic functions; they provide guidance and direction, facilitate planning, motivate and inspire employees, and help organizations evaluate and control performance. Organizational goals inform employees where the organization is going and how it plans to get there. When employees need to make difficult decisions, they can refer to the organization’s goals for guidance. Goals promote planning to determine how goals will be achieved. Employees often set goals in order to satisfy a need; thus, goals can be motivational and increase performance. Evaluation and control allows an organization to compare its actual performance to its goals and then make any necessary adjustments.
According to Locke and Latham, goals affect individual performance through four mechanisms. First, goals direct action and effort toward goal-related activities and away from unrelated activities. Second, goals energize employees. Challenging goals lead to higher employee effort than easy goals. Third, goals affect persistence. Employees exert more effort to achieve high goals. Fourth, goals motivate employees to use their existing knowledge to attain a goal or to acquire the knowledge needed to do so (Dessler, 2000).
The goal-setting model indicates that individuals have needs and values that influence what they desire. A need is defined as a lack of something desirable or useful. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, all individuals possess the same basic needs. Individuals do, however, differ in their values. Values are defined as a group of attitudes about a concept that contains a moral quality of like or dislike and acceptable or unacceptable. Values determine whether a particular outcome is rewarding. Employees compare current conditions to desired conditions in order to determine if they are satisfied and fulfilled. If an employee finds that he or she is not satisfied with the current situation, goal setting becomes a way of achieving what he or she wants.
Importance of collaboration between HR and department managers when filling open positions
Health care industry employees in hospitals and in nursing homes are aligned and challenged to maintain the new processes and procedures o that to maintain the life of the people. The extra time and resources must be able to be gained from joint commission (formerly the joint commission on Accreditation of Health care Organizations). This is not only an accreditation agency in the health care industry but also the largest and most popular and prestigious as well. Hospitals and other health care providers provide with the highest level of performances and service to their patients as well. The reasons to seek for joint commission accreditation is mainly to provide a competitive edge in the marketplace and also to provide professional advice so that it can successfully boost the staff recruitment and development as well. The main goal of the Joint Commissions survey is to evaluate the healthcare organization along with promoting and providing education and guidance that can help the staff to continue to improve the performance of the organization as well. This helps to gain an insight into a few key benefits of Joint Commission accreditation. Therefore it helps to increase the ability to recruit and retain high performing clinical and administrative staff as well (Holland and Stocks, 2015).
A company’s human resources department is the connection that takes place between its people and every department under its roof. An HR department have to take care of all the HR department and have to take care of all the departments as well. An HR department takes care of the entire payroll processing of a company and also addresses all the related compliance issues to do the relevant research and paperwork as well. An HR department cannot alone withstand in any company. It needs the help and support from all the related other departments as well. HR professionals have a great deal of specialized knowledge regarding human capital, financial planning and other important elements that make a business successful. Nowadays it is common scenario that the HR and financial departments are to work together. HR executives are having a great deal of information about what can be the estimated costs so that the company is able to build an effective workforce and a better system of management as well. These expenses are considered to be a major part of the company’s budget as well (Ma and Ye, 2015).
A training plan is a detailed document that helps in guiding the planning and delivery of instruction. Training can take place one-on-one or in groups, in person or also online. A well developed training plan will allow to prepare for delivering of thorough and effective classes. There are few strategies to develop a training plan.
A detailed outline of a training program for managers
Consider the goals of your organization. The purpose of the training may be to prepare employees for emergencies, improve business offerings or protect the privacy of clients.
Identify the benefits for trainees. Outline the skills, information and certifications that participants will gain by undergoing the training. These might include mastery of specific software applications, detailed knowledge of company policies and procedures, or enhanced customer service skills.
Indicate which individuals and groups will participate in the training. Your training may be organization-wide, geared toward a single department or designed specifically for entry-level employees.
Group the trainees by training type. For example, some members of the organization may need simple overviews, whereas others involved in the day-to-day completion of tasks may require in-depth training.
The design process is started by identifying desired outcomes and goals for your organization. This is often referred to as developing your compensation philosophy. Your philosophy is formed by considering a number of factors. The balance of direct and indirect rewards, the complexity and responsibility of a role and the candidate or employee filling it, as well as your focus on internal versus external equity are just few factors explored in this section. It is the ability to achieve results that is critical to organizational success.
To develop a competitive advantage in a global economy, the compensation program of the organization must support totally the strategic plans and actions of the organization.” Labor costs greatly affect competitive advantage because they represent a large portion of a company’s operating budget. By effectively controlling these costs, a firm can achieve cost leadership. The impact of labor costs on competitive advantage is particularly strong in service and other labor-intensive organizations, where employers spend between 40 and 80 cents of each revenue dollar on such costs. This means that for each dollar of revenue generated, as much as 80 cents may go to employee pay and benefits (McDermott and Keating, 2011)
A performance appraisal meeting is the most important component of a performance appraisal. After the rater uses the company’s appraisal form to evaluate the performance of the rate, both sides meet to discuss positive and negative instances of performance. Thus, the meeting serves as the key medium through which the rater gives feedback to the rate. The goal of providing performance feedback is to help the rate solve performance problems and to motivate the employee to change behavior. Conducting this meeting is often stressful for both parties, and training managers in providing performance feedback may be useful to deal with the stress of the managers as well as creating a more positive experience for both parties.
In the most effective meetings, feedback is presented in a constructive manner. Instead of criticizing the person, the focus should be on discussing the performance problems and aiding the employee in resolving these problems. By moving the focus of the conversation from the person to the behaviors, employee defensiveness may be reduced. When the supervisor is constructive, employees develop a more positive view of the appraisal system. Another approach to increasing the effectiveness of appraisal meetings is to increase employee participation. When employees have the opportunity to present their side of the story, they react more positively to the appraisal process and feel that the system is fair. Finally, supervisors should be knowledgeable about the employee’s performance. When it becomes clear that the person doing the evaluation has little understanding of the job being performed by the employee, reactions tend to be more negative (Shen, 2015).
Dessler, G. (2000). Human resource management. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Holland, S., & Stocks, D. (2015). Trust and Its Role in the Medical Encounter. Health Care Anal. doi:10.1007/s10728-015-0293-z
Keating, L., & Heslin, P. (2015). The potential role of mindsets in unleashing employee engagement.Human Resource Management Review. doi:10.1016/j.hrmr.2015.01.008
Ma, L., & Ye, M. (2015). The Role of Electronic Human Resource Management in Contemporary Human Resource Management. JSS, 03(04), 71-78. doi:10.4236/jss.2015.34009
Mathis, R., & Jackson, J. (2003). Human resource management. Mason, Ohio: Thomson/South-western.
McDermott, A., & Keating, M. (2011). Managing professionals: exploring the role of the hospital HR function. J Of Health Org And Mgt, 25(6), 677-692. doi:10.1108/14777261111178556
Mondy, R., Noe, R., & Gowan, M. (2005). Human resource management. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Shen, J. (2015). Principles and Applications of Multilevel Modeling in Human Resource Management Research. Human Resource Management, n/a-n/a. doi:10.1002/hrm.21666
Tharenou, P. (2015). Researching expatriate types: the quest for rigorous methodological approaches.Human Resource Management Journal, 25(2), 149-165. doi:10.1111/1748-8583.12070