Planning And Designing Transportation Systems: Decision Making And Models
Planning and Designing Transportation Systems
Planning and Designing Transportation Systems
Types of Decision-making Concepts
Discuss about the Planning and Designing Transportation Systems.
Decision-making is regarded as a cognitive process in which there is a selection among various processes of actions depending on the possibilities. The processes that are chosen in a decision making process is final irrespective of whether it is going to be used. However, the process that is chosen in the decision making largely depends on the beliefs that the decision maker holds. The decision making process has been broadly divided into two broad categories such as group decision making and individual decision making. Further group and individual decision-making process is divided into categories such as consensus, voting-based, participative, decisional balance sheet, flipism and others. There are also various types of decision-making modes as well such as intuitive decision-making, rational decision-making, considerate decision-making, deliberative decision-making and others (Kelley, Cranor& Sadeh, 2013). The report discusses about various decision-making concepts such as intuitive mode, considerate mode and deliberative mode.It also offers a detailed analysis about two types of decision-making models such as rational decision-making and administrative decision-making models. It further offers an argumentative reflection about the mode I follow in comparison to other modes.
There are various types of decision-making concepts that are applied in daily life according to the beliefs and value of the decision maker. Some of the common mode of decision making that are used in daily life is considerate, intuitive and deliberative decision making. These three models are considered as the three dimensions of judgment that the decision maker considers in the workplace for the achievement of their targets. Personnel in the business are required to take a gainful decision for every task that they want to achieve (Van Solinge& Henkens, 2014). The direction of their decision helps the company to achieve success or failure for the proposed project of the business. The decision making process is very crucial for the management because of the increasing complexity in the business. The process has become complex also because of the changing workplace of the business from the past few centuries. This requires offering greater flexibility in the business so that everyone in the organization can adjust with the changing condition. For such type of business environment it is required that the business follow deliberative decision-making mode. This is because deliberative decision making allows the environment of the business be free from all types of demand and help to form the judgments with complete information such as logical, analytical and others. However, other dimensions such as Intuitive Mode and Considerate mode have replaced this dimension of decision-making (Beach, 2014). Both the dimensions have their own views and values in the decision-making activities. Intuitive mode and considerate mode takes into account the emotions and values of everyone while making any decision.
Changing Environment and Decision-making Modes
The changing situation of the workplace in the modern days has increased a lot of pressure on the decision makers of the business. This is because there are various types of emotions, professionalism and other factors that need to be considered while making any conclusions. This has increased much pressure on the judgment makers to consider everything without hurting any stakeholder of the business. They need to take a wise decision regarding everything. The workplace nowadays has experienced a huge change, facing various ambiguity and higher cost of any decision that they take. Thus, it has been suggested by Hartman, DesJardins& MacDonald(2014) that such changing environment affects the dimension of deliberation. This is because such situation does not allow the decision makers to make any decision deliberately as the change is recurring in the business. This is because in deliberative mode decisions are taken deliberately without reviewing the needs and circumstances of the business. However, such type of mode proves to be failure and everything goes wrong (Betsch, & Haberstroh, 2014).
Intuitive decision making on the other hand largely depends on the intuition that one holds regarding something without considering the situation of others in the company or the needs of the company. This type of decision-making is somewhat related to the deliberative decision making mode. This is because in both the modes the actual situation and opinions of others are not considered. Such type of mode is also known as rational decision making in which people lack analytical skills and facts to reach to a decision. This type of mode is considered to be invaluable while dealing with complex situation and meeting demand of the business with greater speed. However, there are few contexts in which intuitive decision-making have helped offering fast result and worked beyond the limitations and issues related to deliberative mode. This is based on the fact that in intuitive mode the decision makers utilizes its memory and emotion and thus is in the state of offering fast and automatic responses to the situation. This leads to fast conclusion about any issue (Epstein& Gramling, 2013).
However, it is seen that maximum flexibility is attained in the decision-makingonly if both the modes are used together to reach a successful decision. Thus, the operator can either work deliberately or intuitively or take help if both the modes. Thus, the options that are available are either the two extreme points or the midpoint of both the mode to operate a decision. Thus for better result it is said that the modes can work in a complementary and parallel way rather than working with a conflict with each other (Elwyn et al., 2014)).
Intuitive Mode
The last type of mode that is also used by the decision makers while making decision about crucial matters and dealing with eh rising complexities of business is called considerate mode. This mode is an opposite of intuitive and deliberative mode that was previously discussed. In considerate mode, the decision maker takes into account the emotion and morals of others while taking any decision. This type of mode address the issues that have been ignored by other modes discussed earlier. In such type of decision mode, the makers consider the effect of their decision on other person related to it on some way or the other. They just do not take the decision for their own benefits without analyzing other that take part with them in the process. It is like a judgment and probability that the decision makers consider between the positive and negative pact of the decision and the persons getting affected by it. Moreover, it has also been said that the cognitive considerate mode also helps the company to overcome the conflicts rising between the other two modes such as deliberative mode and intuitive mode. it allow the people of the managers of the business to reduce the narrowness that takes place in their vision by taking into consideration the view point of others. In such type of mode a business works like a family in which everybody can participate in the process that the company is carrying out. Thus there are various benefits associated with considerate mode with the best chance to accommodate various aspects of the business (Baumann et al., 2014).
It is thus seen that all the three modes have their own meaning and importance in the decision making process. However, all the three modes can work in a cooperative manner in case of complex situations in the business to get the best possible result. For the purpose, the company can make use of the entire positive effects of all the three modes (Breen, van de Werfhorst& Jæger, 2014).
Rational decision-making process is the first method that was used by the company for reaching any decision. It is known as the classical approach and involves formal process for analyzing the data. However, for rational decision making it is necessary that the managers have complete information about the problem and the performance of the business. Rational decisions are taken on the ground that it will help in maximize the benefit of the firm and reduces the cost of the company. Rational decision-making is said to be logical, multi-step and involves alternatives that the makers can choose from among them. There are various steps involved under rational decision making such as formulating, indentifying the factors for the decision, recognizing alternatives, carrying out analysis and finally the decision-making. Rational decision-making process offers anall-round effect to the company as a lot of things are taken into consideration (Pettigrew, 2014). There are various assumptions as well that are taken into consideration while carrying out rational decision-making process such as:
- There is perfect information about the company and about the issue that it is facing
- It is necessary to set the measuring criteria for colleting the information and for analysis
- The decision maker has the ability to manage time, resources and cognitive sense.
Combining Deliberative, Intuitive and Considerate Modes
Rational decision-making process is fairly similar to the deliberative mode of decision-making in which the decision make takes decision deliberately to maximize the profit of the company (Lieder, Hsu& Griffiths, 2014).
Administrative decision-making process is yet another model of decision-making that is used by some company or the other to attain the desired decision. In such type of decision making process the managers are bound with some limitation within which they are required to take some decision or the other. The managers need to consider those limitation and think of alternative before moving forward with the process. Unlike the rational decision-making, the administrative decision-making has some surroundings and considers the situation of others before reaching a conclusion. In such as decision making only some important part of the administration takes part as making decision for the company is the sole responsibility of the administration (Shapiro& Stefkovich, 2016). The administrative decision-making takes into consideration the key and strategic decision that the individual needs to consider. Under such a model every stakeholders of the business get a chance to be satisfied with the decision. The effectiveness of such as process is marked as beyond the skills of the decision maker. In the administrative decision making process the company can divide the responsibility of solving the problems among individual depending on their skills and the area that they can serve. This shows that there are various decision making process in the organization and it is necessary that the organization choose one type of model to solve the issue and take beneficial decision(Zemenkova et al., 2016).
From the above analysis, it can be seen that there are various types of decision-making process in the organization, which is utilized according to the issue they are facing, and the structure of their organization. I work in a retail company as a manager in which I need to take a lot of decision on behalf of the company. There are various issues that my company faces being a manufacturing business such as the satisfaction of the customer, the organizational structure for better manufacturing and others. However, it is necessary that the business follow certain type of decision-making model for solving the issues and take effective decision. The decision that I follow in my organization for my branch is deliberative and rational decision-making mode. I try to take all the decision deliberately with my analytical skills. However, I just try to analyses the issue and not the overall performance and ongoing structure of the business. Most of the decision that I take does not allow others to participate in it and the final decision is given by me. According to me the deliberative and rational decision, making method that I follow is effective for the business and allow it to gain maximum benefits (Cascetta et al., 2015). However, I have also notice that the managers in other branches of my company follow a different type of decision-making process. One of my managers follows considerate decision-making mode in which they consider all the factors before taking any decision. In such type of mode they carry out an analytical process in which the survey eh condition of the company compete and then try to take the decision. None of the decisions is taken with the sole benefit of the company. It takes the issues of the employees as well as the customers and worked accordingly. The decision-making mode followed by me differs a lot from my fellow managers of other branches of my company (Li, Ashkanasy& Ahlstrom, 2014). From the analysis of the decision process followed by other managers, I realized that my way of taking decision differs a lot from others and somehow I lack in offering maximum benefit to the company. This is because deliberative decision making mode also have various negative impact on the other members of the society. Other groups as well in my company such as higher directors and authority follow intuitive decision-making in which they take the decision by just following their inner morals. They follow this mode with the view that they know the business better than any other member does and thus they do not require to concern anyone else because of this. They also suffer from various issues lately because of ignorance and absence of true knowledge. According to me my decision, making process is better than the others, while there are others that believes that their process is better for the company. It is a mixture of processes that the company follows depending on the person taking the decision and the values they hold for the issue that is being taken care of.
Considerate Mode
From the above analysis, it is seen that I realized the drawback of my process for taking decision and the benefits of other processes. However, just like me there are other managers as well that follow processes that are not successful. According to my analysis I felt that the considerate process that the managers follow in certain branches is the best process to be considered. This is because it allows the managers to consult with other member of the business and reach an effective solution. Thus according to me either changing my decision making process to considerate mode or using a mixture of considerate and deliberative mode will be useful for me as well as for the company. This is because it will help me to gain an analytical impact of the situation and take a tactful and useful decision about a case. Moreover, it will also help the organization to follow better values and morals within the organizational environment. However, I feel it is not appropriate for me to use intuitive mode because it is somewhat same as the deliberative mode of decision-making. The negative effect of both the modes is same and thus it is not beneficial for me to change to intuitive mode. I will continue to follow the rational decision making model because it allows the business to grow at a faster rate and offer maximum benefit to the company at low cost.
From the above analysis, it can be deduced that there are various types of decision-making process that is followed in a workplace and having its own benefits and cost. The decision making process that is focused here is the three mode of decision making such as intuitive, considerate and deliberative. Further two types of models are discussed such as the rational decision-making model and the administrative decision making model. Each of these models and modes has their own benefits and cost of following them while taking decision in the business. Some causes higher cost while other causes more benefits. It is seen that the deliberative process and intuitive process has more negative effects attached to it than the considerate process. Similarly rational decision making model is better than the administrative decision making models. The better modes and model help in taking all the factors into consideration that affects the business and offers an analytical scenario. Others allow the decision makers to take decision just following their own intuitions, which lacks morals and values. A reflective analysis of the decision model is offer din which I as a manager of the manufacturing business follow deliberative mode of decision making in which I do not follow any analytical process. On the other hand my fellow mates follow better decision making processes such as considerate and rational. Thus, I would improve my decision making process by changing my method to a better one such as considerate process in which I can consider others problems and issues. This will add value to the process and maintain a type of morality in the business. Thus, it is necessary that a proper decision making process is analyzed and followed by a company in order to gain maximum from it.
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