Planning A Care Plan For A Stressed Patient: Liam’s Case Study
Factors Affecting the Care Plan
Discuss about the Behavioural Change and Social Identity.
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate a care plan appropriate for a patient undergoing stressful situations. The paper discusses the issues and factors that informs the approach and plan that has been demonstrated. Some of the issues that informs the kind of care plan developed includes the use of lifespan approach and the use of development theories, and the behavioral aspects of the patient (Sigelman & Rider, 2014).
In light of this, the paper will describe the patient by using a lifespan approach and describe the health concern of the patient. Additionally, the paper will discuss a model of health that requires consideration when planning for the nursing care. The factors affecting the health decisions such as the influence of the society, inequalities, and culture shall also be discussed (Capuzzi & Stauffer, 2016). Psycho-physiological aspects of health such as the relationship between stress and stress management, health and emotions, and how the patient responds to such scenarios will additionally be discussed. Finally, the paper will discuss interventions that can be employed to promote health and prevent the illness.
The case study is about an eleven-year-old boy called Liam. Liam is a school going boy and he is new in school. Liam likes being on his own without the company of anybody and most of the times he walks home alone. He prefers sitting under the tree most of the time when not in class for instance, during lunch breaks. Liam does not seem to be interested in having close friends but he is happy having an occasional conversation with anybody who comes by. Furthermore, Liam is not interested in any school extra curriculum activities. When he is asked about any issues at home, he is really not interested in talking about it. On one occasion, he pushed a fellow student to the ground when a group of children used unkind words to describe him. With all these factors put into consideration, Liam is in his middle years of lifespan developmental stage. According to Payne (2017), this is the stage in the development of a child where great emphasis is put on family, school, friends, and individuality. In Liam’s case, there seems to be a problem since there are no signs of any emphasis put on family or friends or his individuality. In consideration to all these factors, Liam is stressed up.
Patient Description: Lifespan Approach and Health Concern
In planning for Liam’s nursing care, the Medicare health insurance scheme is the best for him (Porche, 2017). The Medicare health insurance covers both public and private patients but Liam will be treated as a public patient. Public hospitals are best placed to deal with his mental problem. Additionally, Liam seems to come from a low-income family hence the family may not be able to carter for him as a private patient. Liam struggles with school since he doesn’t have enough pens, writing books, and other necessities. He also struggles with food as he can only afford $2 twice a week, while on the other days he carries a packet of chips or biscuits from home for lunch. (Kail & Cavanaugh, 2018)
When planning care for a patient, several factors affecting health decisions come into consideration (Edelman, Mandle & Kudzma, 2013). Such factors include the impacts of inequalities surrounding the patient, the impact of culture, and the impact of social influences. In the case of Liam, these factors play a very important role in the way he behaves and in the making of health decisions.
The social environment for Liam includes his family, the school children and the teachers. Liam’s family appears to be having major problems which are influencing the child in a negative way. Liam is possibly having inferiority complex since he does not want to join the rest in any activity that may need competition especially with his male peers. According to the psychosocial theory, children at this stage usually begin developing a sense of pride in their abilities and accomplishments (Buckingham & Best, 2016). Liam on the other hand, is very reserved and not ready to showcase any of his abilities of skills. The theory further states that children who are not encouraged at this stage either by parents, teachers, or peers end up doubting their abilities to excel.
Liam is not ready to discuss any maters dealing with his family and so this is an indication that the family may not be socially supportive enough in encouraging him about his abilities. On the other hand, the teachers seem to be very supportive to Liam since Liam is getting along well with them. Some of the children are also ready to play with Liam which is an indication that they recognize the abilities of Liam hence encouraging him socially. These social aspects of Liam are very key considerations when planning care for Liam’s health.
Factors Affecting Health Decisions: Inequalities, Culture, Social Influences
Cases of inequalities in several aspects of Liam’s school life has contributed significantly to his withdrawal and very over reactive behavior. Liam’s family is financially unstable and so they are not able to take care of his school needs properly. Liam, in comparison to other children in school, does not have enough essentials for learning, he does not have a decent lunch, his clothes are not well kept by the end of the week, he has a strong body odor, and he is overweight. The other students make fun of his big body size. Due to these inequalities with the rest of the children, Liam is not confident enough to engage with other students. The impact of inequality to Liam is very significant until at one time when he was made fun of, he pushed one child to the ground. Therefore, inequality is another factor affecting the health decision to be made when planning care for Liam (McLeod, Lawler & Schwalbe, 2015).
Culture plays a critical role in planning care for a patient. Understanding the patients culture enables the nurse plan the care with the cultural aspects of the patient in mind (Matsumoto & Juang, 2017). Additionally, practical knowledge of culture will assist in effective, safe, and suitable clinical communication between the nurse and the patient. The manner in which Liam does his activities in the school enables us identify with his cultural background.
First and foremost, there must be an awareness of the differences in culture that exists between Liam and the nurse. The nurse should appreciate that the differences exist and appreciate them. Cultural awareness of Liam will assist in effective and proper communication with him. Another aspect of culture that needs to considered is cultural safety which means the nurse working from the cultural perspective of Liam. The actions of the nurse should recognize and nurture Liam’s culture in order to safely meet his expectations, rights, and needs. Additionally, cultural respect must be considered. This is whereby the nurse protects, recognizes, and promotes the advancement of the inherited rights and traditions of Liam’s culture. (Matsumoto & Juang, 2017).
The psycho-physiological aspects of an individual’s health are also key considerations when planning care for the patient. Liam is in his middle years of development and various developments are taking place in him in terms of his psychology and physiology. At this stage of his life development, Liam’s emotions, individuality, social relations, and expectations are developing. Additionally, the way he perceives the world, and his skills in solving problems, and his cognitive skills are developing (Feuerstein, 2013). The development of Liam’s emotions has influenced his behavior and consequently he has developed stress as a mental health issue.
Psycho-Physiological Aspects of Health
Emotions, both positive and negative, have an influence to the overall health of a child in the middle years of development. Emotions have the capability to heal and harm both psychologically and physically. According to Carrera (2013) the body responds to the way an individual act, feels, and think. Positive emotions have positive influence towards the body and leads to improved immunity and overall health. On the other hand, negative emotions influence health negatively and may lead to conditions such as stress, anxiety, and high blood pressure. (Carrera, 2013)
Dealing with negative emotions is crucial for survival during the middle years development of a child since emotions that are kept within may lead to disastrous circumstances in the long run as in the case of Liam when he pushed a fellow student to the ground. Certain situations such as financial issues, going through an embarrassing incident, and low self-esteem may be detrimental to the emotional wellbeing and mental health.
There are various situations that can lead to stressful situations in middle years development stage. To some degree, stress is an inevitable component of life (Tummers, 2013). Too much stress in the life of children in the middle years of development can cause a major health concern. Stressful events occur affecting children in different ways and with different intensities. Most of the stressors are similar to one another and are repeated throughout the development of an individual.
The manner in which an individual manages the stressor depends on previous experiences. Tummers (2013) explains that children, however, need to be given effective education on stress management to ensure they cope positively with the stressful situations. Life skill lessons can be given to the child in order to assist the children deal with the stressors successfully even before their occurrence. When the children are taught to manage stress successfully, any acquisition of unhealthy ways of managing stress in the future can be minimized (Tummers, 2013).
The body responds automatically to any situation that may be perceived as dangerous or upsetting. When the body responds to a stressful event, it produces a physiological response. The flight or fight response is the body’s psychological response to stress (Wingo, 2016). The response leads to a release of bodily hormonal reactions so that the body can be ready to either fight or flee to keep an individual out of harm.
With regards to Liam’s response to a stressful event at school, the fight response was evident. Liam perceived or sensed harm when the older boys teased him about his weight and when they went further to film him using their phone while laughing at him. Without hesitating, Liam went to the leader of the group and pushed him down to the ground. Liam responded to the stressor by fighting back.
Stress in Children and its Management
Prevention of stress is an important issue in the life of children at the stage of middle years development. Children are not well able to cope with stressful situations since they do not have any history of a stressful event to learn from. Rather, they are in the stage of developing their skills in stress management (Edelman, Mandle & Kudzma, 2013). Additionally, promotion of health with reference to negative emotions is very key in influencing good health of the child and in the development of the child since at the middle years stage, emotions are being developed.
The intervention plan for Liam would be considering ways of managing his stress and ways in which he can deal with his emotions as he progresses with the stages of development. Liam will be taught ways of managing any stressful situation that may arise in the course of his life. Learning to adapt to stressful situations during the early stages of development has a direct positive impact in the life of Liam at later stages of life development. The objective of stress management intervention is to equip Liam to use workable and productive coping alternatives in the event of a stressful occurrence.
Several planned events that integrate behavioral, cognitive, and affective components will to be tailored to Liam so that he can acquire coping skills and deal effectively with stressors before their occurrence or when they occur (Hetherington & Blechman, 2014). Skills needed for handling real situations of life such as peer pressure, school, and economic pressures are to be included in the stress management plan for Liam so that his coping skills can be enhanced. Stress management skills such as clarification of value, decision making, and communication are also a vital part in the learning process of Liam. Coping skills such as exercise, proper diet, talking about his problems, and techniques in modifying his behavior are also key to Liam’s intervention plan (Hetherington & Blechman, 2014).
In conclusion, several factors affect planning care for a patient. Factors such as identification of life development stages of a patient is very important in determining the kind of planning care to be developed (Krasner, 2013). Liam, who is in the middle years development stage is undergoing stressful situations in his life both at school and at home. The health care plan for Liam involves considering the factors that affect his behavior such as his social interactions, the inequalities he is experiencing at school, and his cultural background. The other aspects that have been considered in the planning care are the psycho-physiological aspects of health such as the effect of his emotions to his health and the stress and stressful events.
Finally, an intervention plan for the stress has been developed whereby Liam will be taught development skills on how to cope with stressful circumstances in a constructive way. Some of the coping skills that would be taught include, behavioral skills, communication skills, decision making skills, and value clarification skills (Newman & Newman, 2015). These coping skills would be taught through events that are tailored towards integrating behavioral, cognitive and affective components. The aim of the stress management intervention plan is to train Liam to handle stressors using productive and workable alternatives.
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