Personnel Management For Modernization And Augmentation In Construction Company – Woh Hup (Pte) Ltd
Job Analysis
Discuss about the Personnel Management for Modernization and Augmentation.
The organization selected is Woh Hup (Pte) Ltd and is a Construction Company. It is running its operations from the year 1927 and still enjoying success in the respective industry. This is made out possible by means of key values that are Safety, uprightness, eminence, collaboration, modernization, and augmentation. Mission and vision of the company are to provide with top-notch products and value-based services. This makes company maintain a long-lasting presence and to be the best construction company in the Singapore country. The Nature of the business is to construct and engineer projects with meticulousness. To maintain the growth levels, it continually strives hard for the introduction of the most pioneered and modernized building models. It started its journey long ago, and till today enjoying its presence with regards to private, residential and commercial developments. At the local as well as regional levels, the construction industry is maintaining its presence and earning good name and fame (Corporate Profile, 2015).
The selected job designation is Safety Officer. Under this job, the entitled person is held responsible for the safety management. The person should confirm to the laws and regulations encompassed under Occupational Safety & Health Administration. In the respective profession, the safety officer is to possess a regular watch upon the working conditions. His part of the job is to abide by the laws and regulations mentioned under OSHA and to look upon its violations also. The ultimate aim is to maintain harmless workplace conditions as per legal requirements together with the maintenance of the culture that fosters safety and protection for the workers (Taylor, 2005).
Job brief of the Safety officer is to comply with the standards and regulations concerning with the OSHA. Dutifulness and alertness are needed in this respective job. The major tasks to be performed are as follows:
- Policy preservation
- Accident Investigation
- Scrutiny for site safety on a regular basis
- Recordkeeping
- Providing training to the workers
These are the duties to perform under the designation of the Safety Officer. It links to carry an assessment of the workplace in order to make workers feel safe and secure. Policy preservation is to abide by the set of rules and regulations. The Accident investigation is to determine the chances of accidents. Site safety and its assessment are to stay proactive against any kind of unforeseen hazards, and also to provide with the pertinent records of the workplace safety to the concerning authority at the federal level (Williams, 2007).
Job Design
An eligibility of the Safety Officer is BSc/BA in safety management or Certificate in occupational health and safety. Along with this, the other requirements under this job profile are as follows:
- Vast Experience
- Well-versed with the rules and regulations
- Good at the writing of the reports (Amos, Ristow, Pearse & Ristow, 2009).
- Acquainted with the hazardous materials and its serious consequences
- Expertise in safety management information systems
- Attentiveness and Alertness
- Good command over communication skills
Responsibilities of the Safety Officer:
- Reviewing for a hazard-free working atmosphere
- Job site to be safe and sound
- Tools and equipment to be free from any kind of danger
- Applying safety guidelines
- To provide training to deal with the emergency situations
- Job hazard analysis
- Taking full care of the workers and to defend them from dangerous situations
- Coordinates registration and removal of hazardous waste.
- Serves as the link between state and local agencies and contractors.
- Sets up for OSHA assigned testing (Franklin, 2005).
In the job design, the key intention is to move further with the work arrangement process. Along with this, it also comprises the way organization of the work takes place with regards to the obligations, duties, activities, and tasks to carry upon. Job design also makes use of job enrichment, rotation, simplification, and enlargement. These job techniques are meant for getting over with the monotonous and repetitive tasks (Sims, 2007)
In the case of this particular job designation, the work arrangement process is to possess check on the workplace arrangements and to develop such an environment that is safe and risk-averse. Job design also looks into job designing, motivation, safety, and health. Job designing of the Safety Officer is concerned with forming alignment with the way safety arrangements take place on an organizational level. Moreover, the strict compliance with the rules and regulations would also assist in making the workplace safe and fit for the workers (Werner, Schuler & Jackson, 2011).
Motivation takes place by rewarding with the best and apt monetary and non-monetary awards. Work culture needs to be growth-oriented and allowing the person to perform his role with the utmost effectiveness. By conforming to the same, it would help in the successful accomplishment of the duties and obligations. Job enrichment plays a motivating factor in obtaining help from the concerned person and making job more of interesting.
Safety and health are primarily concerned with the way the Safety Manager could arrange job practices with full effectiveness. The arrangements should meet all the standards and furnish workers with the best and suitable workplace ambiance. Proper communication should also take place to convey about the workplace safety and the way workers are protected from any kind of hazard (Armstrong, 2010).
With this, it is to ensure that the job design is contrived by considering all the relevant aspects. Moreover, the workers are to align with the set of tasks to be performed. Safety standards under this particular job are to be taken care of in order to feel safe and secure from the ongoing circumstances. Safety and health come out to be an effective element of the job design process. Job designing of the Safety Officer revolves around the key concept of having the best possible preparations and arrangements against any kind of probable risk and hazard. With this, the job would be very much interesting and would aim towards goal accomplishment (Kleynhans, 2006).
Recruitment Strategies
The recruitment strategies are the means for filling in the vacant position in the organization. For this, the company makes use of internal and external sources. Internal sources go forth with successions, promotions, and transfer of the existing employees. External sources are getting assistance from outside such as advertisements, outsourcing, employment exchanges, references, and educational institutions. The internal, as well as external sources of recruitment, are having its own positive and negative resultants (Male, 2010).
For the organization, the ultimate aim is to make use of the cost-effective strategy. Through external sources, the company would be able to have fresh blood in an organization. This is surely going to help in performing the job effectively and successfully. Another vital requirement of a successful recruitment strategy is to connect the right people with the right job. Then only, the goals and objectives could be made realized in the most successful manner.
This seems to be the most important condition to make a company move on successfully and in a continuous manner. Recruitment strategies serve to be an important part to have the best potential within the organization. In the case of the safety officer, the recruitment strategy to be considered upon would be to have the aptest and experienced candidate. For this, the company can have internal as well as external sources of recruitment (Mathis & Jackson, 2011).
For the chosen position, namely, the Safety Officer, the person to hire should possess the knowledge of the OSHA standards and regulations. Along with this, the person needs to be attentive, problem-solver and dutiful. These characteristics are very much needed to do justice to the role assigned. From this, the other steps involved in the recruitment procedures would also be performed effectively.
The other possible way for the recruitment practice is to hire the person within the organization. This could also be effective enough to have such an experienced person very much well-versed with the job duties and accountabilities. It seems to be very much appropriate as no more training is to offer to the concerning person. In this way, the organization would obtain highest possible benefits out of the same (Melvin, 2008).
The nature of the company is a construction type. This makes the company go for the most appropriate and suitable selection that could serve in the company’s best interests. In a similar way, the recruitment strategy detail about the way the company can have the best possible candidates for this job position. The last consideration in this job is a selection of the most potential candidate. For this, the assessment tests are carried upon in order to reach the most lucrative decision.
These recruitment strategies go well with the company and act upon its needs and expectations. Most importantly, the candidate hire would serve the job position in the most dutiful manner. Being a construction company, the risk of life is very much confronted and that is the reason that the person as the Safety Officer needs to be vigilant and alert enough. It is the only way that allows the company to obtain the most pleasing and optimistic returns.
The Selection strategies come up as an important part in getting the most talented person on the job. For this, the various aspects are to consider such as locating the Knowledge, Skills, and abilities. It helps the company to select the most suitable person for the respective designation. Performance levels and the standards demanded of the position to be clearly mentioned. On doing the same, it is very well understood that the person picked out would be the best one amongst the pool of candidates (Köster, 2007).
Along with this, the job requirements need to form matches with the person’s skills and aptitude. Selection is the final decision to get in the person for the respective designation. Selection strategies also make use of the screening tests that are aptitude, situational, and psychological tests just to be aware of the candidate’s intellectual level. These are the tools use to determine the potential and caliber of the candidate.
Moreover, the expectations of the candidate need to be made clear. By doing this, the job potential would raise and help to reach the destined level. Job necessities and the risks linked should also be communicated. Selection strategies are to move further with all these fundamental steps to derive the best possible outcomes (Martin, 2008)
The last step in the Selection strategies is to schedule an Interview Session. Through this step, the interrogation with the person would take place. It seems helpful enough to gain awareness with the actual potential and competence of the candidate. The candidate would also be able to convey about the way he would perform the job. This would draw a clear picture in the mind of the employing organizations and help in reaching a verdict.
Safety Officer is an important designation in the Construction Industry. In this job, the responsibility of workers safety and security rests on the part of the Officer. This is the reason that the selection should take place in the most successful manner. The traits of the candidate to be assessed in order to match well with the job expectations. Before coming to a decision, a higher level of vigilance and alertness at the Officer’s part to be evaluated (Griffin, 2016).
It is the must for the company to make proper use of the strategies and implement it accordingly. The selection strategy helps to hire the aptest and the right person for the respective job position. The position of the Safety Officer in the Construction Company should form awareness with the culture of the company. The prime duty of the person is to ensure the workplace safety and conform to the rules and regulations for maintaining safety and protection.
OSHA standards are to consider in performing the duties. Regular monitoring and supervision of the company are mandatory. A proper communication channel to make use of just to aware employees about the workplace conditions. These altogether allow the company to get the elite person for the respective job position. Roles and accountabilities would also get performed in the most effective manner. In a similar way, the entitled person would help in the company have safe working conditions and to consider the well-being of the workers (Pfeiffer, 2012).
The above-stated discussion with regards to the position of the Safety Officer would add great value to the company. The Construction Company operating in Singapore would obtain highest possible benefits of considering the Safety Officer position. The recruitment and selection strategies turn out to be very much supportive and accommodating. It backs up the company to have, the safer workplace and ensuring about its worker’s well-being and welfare. In turn, the company would obtain trust and faith from the part of the workers and that can be very well seen in their working area. These strategies prove to be of great assistance and make the company function and operate successfully by getting the positive response from the part of the workers.
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