Personalised Learning In Business Management

SWOT Analysis

Swot analysis is frameworks by which an individual can identify own strength, weakness, opportunity and threat through implementing strategic planning technique. Moreover, I can understand sustainable niche in this competitive market in context of business (Salar and Salar, 2014). A variety of subjective issues can be addressed through the tool that helps during brainstorming.

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Capability of multi tusking

Communication skill

Quick learner

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Uncomfortable during speaking in group members

Poor in stress handling

Little work experience


Ready to involve in a specific company project

Involving in presentation improving course

Getting chance to speak in upcoming conference


Insufficient training and development session

Provide much responsibility without proper help

Stress happening due to overwork

Table 1: personal SWOT analysis

Source: Created by learner

Advantage of SWOT

Disadvantage of SWOT

Involving minimal cost

New ideas are developed through simplification

Inadequate research involving

Outcome is very important happening by data integration


Application neutrality

Judgemental biased due to subjective analysis

Multi-level analysis

Absence of weighting factor

 Table 2: advantage and disadvantage of SWOT analysis

(Source: Madhavaram, Hunt and Bicen, 2017)

After accomplishing SWOT analysis, I will be able to identify my strengths and weakness. Moreover, my response and behaviour will be expressed through external opportunity and threats. However, after identifying my weakness through SWOT analysis I will get chance to improve the areas of my weakness.

As per kolb’s theory, learning is the process where experience is transformed and creates knowledge. There are four elements such as concrete experience, reflective observation; abstract conceptualisation and active experimentation mutually support one stage to another and execute effective learning.

At first stage the learner face new situation and encounter new experience under concrete experience stage. Then, in reflective observation stage, a good observation is being happened in variety of perspective. In third stage, new ideas are formed or modified after implementing a critical thinking under abstract conceptualisation cycle. At last, new developed ideas are applied in order to understand outcome of the experiences in active experimentation stage.

As for example, I am weak in mathematics. Therefore, I follow my tutor and discussed with them so that I can develop my skill. After that, I attained lecture for accumulating knowledge as different process of maths are demonstrated in the lecture session. After that, I take my time for studying myself. During this time, I try to develop clear idea about the procedure of mathematics through thinking critically. At last, I try for objective test, self-paced activities so that my maths skill is being improved (Konak, Clark and Nasereddin, 2014).

My mathematics skill is not good. After implementing Kolb’s learning theory it can be said that I can improve my mathematics skill through attaining lecture demonstration as well as participating in objective test.    

In order to develop clear understanding among them, the learners write a well-structured and maintained formal style. Moreover, it is covered by evidence entirely that is academic writing. Four kinds of academic writing including descriptive, critical, analytical and persuasive are observed. An academic writing comprises with three parts that is introduction, paragraph and conclusion. In order to convey the topic, introduction is necessary. Apart from that, particular focus related information with essential context is included in the introduction part. The explanation of subject is included in paragraph. At last, a sense of closure is required in academic writing that is provided through conclusion (, 2018).   

Kolb’s Experiential Cycle

According to Swales and Feak (2004), the language of writing is complex in comparison of spoken language. Moreover, precision is being maintained in respect of giving information and figure. In academic writing, avoiding personal objective, general objective is used. Therefore, rather than using verbs and adverbs, the writer uses noun adjective. During any statement, evidence and justifications are must be added. Academic writing is well planned and organised (, 2018).    

A writer cannot write a statement or argument without appropriate evidence. Moreover, direct question cannot be used in the academic writing. Using contractions (isn’t/ won’t) is also not allowed in academic writing. Word limit exceed is not acceptable. Using phrase is decrease the quality of academic writing. At last, plagiarism is strictly prohibited in academic writing (Huerta et al. 2017).

In case of reflective writing, the entire part is divided in three part such as introduction, body paragraph and conclusion. In introduction part, issue identification is vital. Then, relevant theories are implemented to address key theme of the subject. In body part, experience, events and opinions of writer are used. Moreover, self-knowledge is included with proper evidence. At last, restate key point related to the issues in conclusion. Possible changes in respect of business are also included in this part (Swales and Feak, 2014).

I have gained knowledge about academic writing and I will be able to write all sorts of academic writing maintain formal structure.

A paragraph consists of around 250 words with five or six sentences. In the course of paragraph, ideas are organised in logical way under a structural framework. A regular paragraph is converted to great paragraph through four elements such as unity (topic sentence), order (organising supporting sentence), coherence (quality of paragraph that is responsible for understandable) and completeness (well developed) (Bailey, 2014).

As opined by Bailey (2014), a paragraph comprises of five sentences including topic sentence, three supportive sentence along with one concluding sentence.

Two kind of paragraph such as PEEL and PEAL are used.

PEEL paragraph

PEAL paragraph

PEEL strands for point, evidence, elaboration and link.

PEAL strand for point, evidence, analysis and link

Overall description is described.

A clear vision of the writing topic needs to describe

The points are proved by evidence

Analytical description based on own understanding and perception

Table 3: difference between peel and peal paragraph

(Source: Bailey, 2014)

Before studying about paragraph structure, I do not have clear idea about paragraph. Before, I knew only about structure of the paragraph. However, after studying this, I am able to make clear idea about paragraph elements, types of paragraph those will help me in my future during academic writing.

Presentation is the process by which a topic is presented to the audience through lecture demonstration in order to inform, motivate and build a good will about a specific subject. Four kinds of speeches such as informative, demonstrative, persuasive and inspirational are provided through presentation (Hovey, Watson and Disney, 2015).

Academic Writing

Six vital features help to convert a regular presentation to effective presentation those are mentioned below:

Focus: Focus of the presentation should be clear and consistent. This only hooks the audience for entire presentation period.

Organisation: Content should be organised in logical order as the audience have knowledge about it.

Support and elaboration: In order to convince respective points to audience it is necessary to include adequate amount of information, images and evidences.

Style: visual design along with text design should be appropriate and interesting. The colour, fronts etc. helps to attract audience.

Convention: Presentation should be error free and easy to read. Moreover, images must be appropriate to understand the information part.    

Presentation skill: Presentation should be thorough, clear and convincing. Moreover, the information provider must have adequate knowledge to welcomed subject related question and give thoughtful answer (Bareket-Bojmel, Moran and Shahar, 2016).  

After gaining knowledge from college regarding technique of the presentation, I will be able to provide good private and public presentation to the audience.

Library is sources of information. Various types of libraries such as school libraries, academic libraries and public libraries provide service. School library designed for the students from kindergarten to 12 standard, academic libraries is designed for the students of colleges and universities. Public libraries are designed for all people of towns or cities.

Work areas should be sufficient so that books are organised in well manner and users need can be fulfilled entirely. Special display area and activity corners must be designed for increasing books users’ attention. Library service updating is important and therefore, monitoring and evaluation must be an important feature under management and administration activity. Adequate budget must be designed in order to develop program and resources. Appropriate modern technology should be incorporated for better help to the service users (Child Aid, 2018).   

It plays vital role by developing a culture by which the readers are motivated for wider reading in their life. Moreover, it is the place of creativity, collaborative learning and independent research, helps to improve literacy skill. In addition, learning, education and increasing literacy, those opportunities are developed by library that is an important, role played by library. Along with this, an innovative and creative society is developed by library as it helps the people to grow new ideas and perspective about the subject (Child Aid, 2018).

In order to accumulate information about any subject, I can use books, newspaper, and other online sources from library. It will help my literacy skill through providing adequate knowledge.  

Paragraph Structure

Plagiarism is the practice where an individual take others’ idea and work and try to pass it saying own work. Hu and Lei, (2016) stated that plagiarism can destroy students’ reputation as it is an ethical offence. A student with this allegation may be suspended from the college or university. Therefore, along with students’ reputation, academic reputation, professional reputation are affected. As per copyright laws, an individual cannot use others works and ideas without using evidences. Thus, the student with this allegation has to face legal repercussion and monetary repercussion.

Clone is the feature of the plagiarism where a writer submits another writers’ work with changing a single word (word-for-word). CTRL-C is another feature, where the writer takes a major part of paragraph from a single work without any changing. Remix is another feature where the writer take an single work of other writer and do paraphrase entirely. Apart from those, recycle, hybrid, mashup, aggregator are the features of Plagiarism (, 2018)   

The writer does plagiarism during writing definition commonly. Apart from that, during writing paragraph and book writers are involving in plagiarism.

In order to avoid plagiarism, students need to conduct the research by their own. The students can take information from previous research paper, but during using that information in their research paper, appropriate referencing is required (Hu and Lei,, 2016).

There are several plagiarism checker tools are used such as DupliChecker, Grammarly, Plag Tracker, CopyLeaks, Plagium. The students can check their job through those tools before submitting their own job. Those tools are reliable plagiarism checker tool.


Madhavaram, S., Hunt, S.D. and Bicen, P., (2017), May. The FREE (Firm Resources and External Environment) Framework as an Alternative to SWOT: An Abstract. In Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference (pp. 49-49). Springer, Cham.

Salar, M. and Salar, O., (2014). Determining pros and cons of franchising by using swot analysis. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 122, pp.515-519.

Konak, A., Clark, T.K. and Nasereddin, M., (2014). Using Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle to improve student learning in virtual computer laboratories. Computers & Education, 72, pp.11-22.

Tomkins, L. and Ulus, E., (2016). ‘Oh, was that “experiential learning”?!’Spaces, synergies and surprises with Kolb’s learning cycle. Management Learning, 47(2), pp.158-178.

Huerta, M., Goodson, P., Beigi, M. and Chlup, D., (2017). Graduate students as academic writers: writing anxiety, self-efficacy and emotional intelligence. Higher Education Research & Development, 36(4), pp.716-729. (2018). Introductions and Conclusions | Writing Advice. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Nov. 2018]. (2018). What is academic writing? | Academic writing | Library | University of Leeds. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Nov. 2018].

Swales, J.M. and Feak, C.B., (2004). Academic writing for graduate students: Essential tasks and skills (Vol. 1). Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.

Bailey, S., 2014. Academic writing: A handbook for international students. Routledge.

Bareket-Bojmel, L., Moran, S. and Shahar, G., (2016). Strategic self-presentation on Facebook: Personal motives and audience response to online behavior. Computers in Human Behavior, 55, pp.788-795.

Hovey, P. and Watson, S., Disney Enterprises Inc, (2015). Coordinated visual presentation using audience display devices. U.S. Patent 9,131,551.

Child Aid. (2018). Characteristics of a Successful Library. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Nov. 2018]

Hu, G. and Lei, J., (2016). Plagiarism in English academic writing: A comparison of Chinese university teachers’ and students’ understandings and stances. System, 56, pp.107-118 (2018). what types of plagiarism exist – [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Nov. 2018].

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