Personal Leadership Model

Core Skills and Focus Areas

Describe about the Personal Leadership Model for Retrived Business Review.

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I have learned that leaders have to lead from front. It is important that the leaders should be able to have a vision in mind and the same should be communicated to different stakeholders. It can be done only when leaders can maintain a balance between their lives. It is expected that leaders should be able to drive the change in the organization. I have learned that personal leadership plan should also include the focus on emotional aspect of business. It is important for leaders to consider that change is not a purely rational process but also involves emotions (Hechanova, 2013). The sense of loss and feelings of powerlessness must be addressed. This issue is one of the biggest problem areas in leadership. A manager may have great vision and be clearly communicating where they want to go but if they do not bring people along emotionally in change they will have limited success. It is believed that people who are emotionally stable will be more productive and the organization will be more successful. I personally believe that execution is one of the top reasons that businesses are not successful when implementing change.  I have experienced lack of leadership and execution throughout my career.  Many times the intention and the intended direction of the organization were great. But there was not any follow through.  All talk and no action. This is the reason that my personal leadership development plan is focused on planning as well as executing. The three key areas on which my leadership development plan is focused on are communication, leading from front and change management. These three areas are identified as the core skills of my leadership communication plan.

I believe that leaders should have certain core skills like communication, leading from front, etc. The core skills are the skills that are generally common across all the leaders in different fields. For example, the political or the industrial leaders are expected to have the effective capabilities of communication and leading. In addition the leaders should have the support skills. The support skills could be specific to the domain. For example, the industry leaders must have the market knowledge and the political leaders must have political knowledge. My leadership development plan also focuses on partnership with different internal and external stakeholders. I would agree with the point of having insufficient partners when it comes to implementation of a strategy. This part that interest me the most is why and how that breakdown on communication between the brilliant idea that will allow to company to continue to be relevant and the employee that will execute that plan (Ladegard, 2014). How can there be such a breakdown. Communication is important and allowing those to understand how vital these processes it is for everyone’s position. Accountability and rewards must be part of that process. The core and the support skills and the logical depiction of my personal leadership development plan can be shown as:

Challenges of Implementing Strategies

I believe that the leadership development is a continuous process and there is no end to master the art of leadership. I think the greatest challenge of operationalizing strategy across various functions would be how managers and leaders of the organization use the operational goals in regards to planning for individual departments, show what that looks like for each function of the department while staying to the message of the strategic plan (Daft, 2014).  I absolutely think these challenges change depending on the circumstances. In Leadership Development, we are consistently looking at ways to help develop employees and departments and personalize training for department and their functions within the organization.  When people have a large organization that have multiple business groups that all function as a separate function, but then have to work together with all the business groups to ensure the success of the organization is an example.  If an organization is implanting new software that can increase speed of measurements of luggage, this can impact employee staffing, budget to departments and ultimate cause angst amongst employees (Kurt & Zehir, 2016). 

My leadership development plan is focused in the field of business. It is important that the business strategy of the organizations should be based on the internal capabilities of the organization. I think that is a challenge many organizations face when implementing strategy across business function.  When implementing strategy’s managers’ needs to plan based on operational goals to archive the individuals’ department goals, a challenge mangers face would be the knowledge could get lost in the planning process (Daft, 2014).   Employees who are resistant to change can also add to the challenge of implementing new strategy, which can also impact your point of knowledge getting lost. I believe that individual behavior will be one of the biggest challenges in implementing new strategies to reach organizational goals.  There are going to be people at all ends of the spectrum in terms of being on board and compliant with all the necessary behavioral and process changes required to put the strategy to work.  These people will also encompass all types of positions including administration, leadership, supervisors, and followers.  All of the preparation leading up to the roll out is critical to all employees embracing the change and working toward the goal.  Daft (2013) explains that planning is “the most fundamental of the four management functions” (p. 210).  If not planned out efficiently, the risk is not gaining employees’ buy-in and facing an uphill battle to obtain it.  

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Managing Virtual Teams

One of the core skills in my leadership development model is change management. Managers and leaders contribute to the culture, behaviors, and planning in subsystem within most organizations (Herrmann, 2014). I do agree that the challenges of change depend on the circumstance. Many times in organizations ineffective, and a non-strategic approach change implementation, can cause high employee turn over, low moral, and more resistant.  Organizations can overcome these challenges in several ways. For example communication and training, assessing the needs of employees, and assessing the risk. I agree that as a leader you must build a relationship with your team or department in order for a positive working environment. Leaders must also build trust amongst their team for a successful outcome of the team and the organization. Communication is the key for any team or department work together and to build a positive work relationship. The leadership theory practiced in the above leadership model seeks to identify future goals and establish tasks and processes to achieve long-term goals. A leader is more easily able to identify future goals and create visionary ideas, however, this can be challenging if they are not able to manage their employees and keep their ideas realistic, measureable and relevant to the employees (Kempster & Higgs, 2014).

As a part of my leadership development model, I would also like to focus on the skills to work in a virtual environment. I agree that leading a virtual team is about building a team with positive and effective working relationship along with creates ideas and effective skills and talents. A virtual team builds trust, motivation, and collaboration amongst everyone. Effective communication is also a major factor for virtual teams to be successful whereas open, honest communication not only helps you avoid misunderstandings, but it will also increase your effectiveness. Effective communication and cooperation can help a group get things done (Kreither & Kinicki, 2013). Ferrazzi (2014) discussed the importance of leaders choosing the right team for the beginning to ensure success in virtual teams.  Due to the fact that great communication is essential and that individuals will not be monitored, as regularly, leaders should find intelligent, self-motivated individuals with high levels of emotional intelligence.  These skills will develop a more resilient team that will be more mindful of others and work to create a cohesive team.

I also believe that expectations must be set and adhered to so that when meetings are set people or on task and focused. There is nothing more frustrating then having a team meeting with individuals around the state and no one is sure who is taking the lead, what the focus is and wondering who will move the conversation forward (Smylie, 2015). The more work that is put into developing the team and the team roles at the beginning the more effective the teams will be. A lot of research is being done in the field of leadership. There are various leadership development models in the market. It is important that the leaders should use the leadership development model that goes well with their personal philosophy and definition of leadership. At a generic level, I feel that transformational leadership style and charismatic leadership style should definitely be part of the leadership development model for the leaders that have to manage a large team. 


Daft, R. L. (2013). Management (11th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage

Day, D.V., Fleenor, J.W., Atwater, L.E., Sturm, R.E. and McKee, R.A., 2014. Advances in leader and leadership development: A review of 25years of research and theory. The Leadership Quarterly, 25(1), pp.63-82.

Ferrazzi, K. (2014, December). Getting virtual teams right. Harvard Business Review: Retrieved from:

Herrmann, P. and Nadkarni, S., 2014. Managing strategic change: The duality of CEO personality. Strategic management journal, 35(9), pp.1318-1342.

Kreither, R, & Kinicki, A. (2013). Organizational behavior (10th ed.) New York, NY: McGraw- Hill Companies, Inc.

Kempster, S., Higgs, M., & Wuerz, T. (2014). Pilots for change: exploring organisational change through distributed leadership. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 35(2), 152-167.

Kurt, A. and Zehir, C., 2016. The relationship between cost leadership strategy, total quality management applications and financial performance.

Ladegard, G. and Gjerde, S., 2014. Leadership coaching, leader role-efficacy, and trust in subordinates. A mixed methods study assessing leadership coaching as a leadership development tool. The Leadership Quarterly, 25(4), pp.631-646.

Hechanova, R. M., & Cementina-Olpoc, R. (2013). Transformational leadership, change management, and commitment to change: A comparison of academic and business organizations. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 22(1), 11-19.

Smylie, M.A., 2015. Developing Teacher Leadership: What Teacher Leaders Can Do.

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