Personal Development Plan For Leadership – Choosing A Model And Reflective Rationale
Transformational Leadership
For the purpose of understanding of the reason behind the development of this Personal Development Plan as well as the reflective rationale in context of the leadership development in my academic field, these two terminologies have to be defined initially. A plan for personal development is a tool that can be used for the purpose of encouraging further development as well as encouraging in the engagement of lifelong learning. The PDP will highlight the processes like planning, assessing, monitoring and so on, so as to help the peers along with myself for the development of the capabilities as well as potential to fit in the job role as well as the purpose of engagement. This is actually an approach for enhancing the effectiveness of the organisational skills by means of ongoing as well as constructive dialogue for ensuring that the students realise properly, what is expected of them, receives performance feedback, and is capable to identify as well as satisfy the development needs at the current level. The PDP identifies the goals for the upcoming years as well as the methods for the achievement of the goals. The PDP were recognise by the university as a scope of reassessment of the continuing personal development as also the professional development. In the reflective rationale, the practitioner aims at applying learning a well as insights of the peers in the personal development schedule. This would follow the development of the personal insights as well as collecting of peer review on those form the peers. It can be essentially summarised that there are 3 primary stages of reflection. These are, awareness regarding any personal learning issue, analysis of the knowledge as well as the feelings as well as lastly the identification as well as integration of the new learning outcomes. Sharing the personal insights with a team pertaining to multiple discipline will help to foster an honest as well as open communication as well as maintaining mutual trust.
Owing to the emerging needs like workplace leadership, the aspect of transformational leadership in my academic field have become a crucial issue. This is owing to fact that the current literature that covers leadership finds it difficult to characterise traits of the making of an effective leader. The attributes like creativity, highlighting, respecting as well as influencing and supporting can best describe the aspects of transformational leadership.
Creativity is essential for learning new patterns of learning. As opined by Maguire and Blaylock (2017), transformational leadership can be best defined as:
“An individually and socially defined creative process, to meet a recognised business need”
Using the experience of the peers as well as he seniors it can be stated that the strict organisational structure and the hierarchical pattern leaves the scope of a creative workflow that can eliminate the barriers to the realisation of the organisational needs. People like me who have gone through an academic course in the same genre before joining here or those who have hardly applied for the course, can both help in skimming the learning process for them as well as their peers with their cognitive skills and creative ideas.
This attribute provides a learner with the capability to point out ample ways of learning the main working skills based on an environment that requires engaging highly with the peers as well as the other important stakeholders. The attitude of highlighting helps in raising questions regarding the learning outcomes and thus enhance the understanding capability. As identified by one of my peers, it is necessary to identify the individual learning needs through analysis of others.
This aspect makes the individuals able to survive in an atmosphere of a wider organisational area. There are positions where humility and mutual respect helps an individual to gain wider exposure in a big domain and this not only helps in the development of the academic performance, rather it also helps in alleviating the workplace performance also. Authors like Tattum and Tattum (2017), have reflected that proxemics is the best term that defines the scope to develop a perceptual ability and also respecting the vibes that we get from the individuals with whom they work.
The attitude of supporting refers to capability of supporting the peers through change, be that at the individual level or including self-changes or mass changes at the wider levels of the organisation. As per the ideas of Considine et al. (2016), attribute of supporting reflects the support that is available in case of enhanced ownership of the problem. Peers who have faced similar situations before, can help the others in overcoming the similar situations that implies in the context of the same problem.
I have also learned that the art of supporting implies that a transformational leader is one who have the ability to help people to commit to their action. This is the skill required for converting the followers in to leaders and then assisting the new leaders so that they can become most viable leaders of social or organisational change.
As opined by Yount et al. (2018), the attribute of influencing the decision of others by providing a meaningful information is one feasible way of managing intra-organisational conflict. An example of a case of conflict can be provided in this context. In case if an emergency order is placed atop of a team that is already processing scheduled orders, conflict in man management as well as time management might arise. In such a situation, the information and the communication of data properly can help the peers in managing the situation. Those people who have the expertise of handling the cases before also, can come up to manage the case with the new entry or the ongoing process. Such close learning would turn out to be important guidelines or as recommendations for the future. Another most feasible method of managing conflict is the method of having regard for what the peers say or the signals that emanate from the fellow and colleagues in a wider organisational context. Small details can be learnt from the peers, if the people on the floor maintain the attitude of reverence. In case if I remain aligned to a peer who have a learning experience of more than 15 months, I can get to see how to make the deals while despatching a client’s order. Later, this knowledge can help me in several ways. I can get access to the position easily and faster. Along with that, I can also add clinical perfection to the work by utilising the past experiences that I have gained.
Motivation is an important issue that crops up at any stage of the work life of a person. Considering from this aspect, tsk variety as well as participation permits each member in a work group to execute certain number of tasks that motivates members for using various sorts of skills along with rotating the less desirable tasks. As per, (Lejeune, Beausaert and Raemdonck (2018), interdependence of a team acts to be a crucial motivational element. In order to foster motivation, interdependence within a work group helps in accomplishment of the goals. This implies that the group goals should be linked. Another strategy that can help in fostering motivation is sharing of the workloads. Using of rewards is another feasible policy to foster motivation in the team. In case if rewards are given in a proper manner, the potency of team would be enhanced. Other few factors that help in fostering motivation are providing organisational information to the employees, slackening the bureaucratic control as well as enhancement of task autonomy. Enhancement of motivation allows an individual to execute a task willingly without being instructed.
As a transformational leader, the most important prospect that is required is to groom the people so that they can do their best. I can help the peers to make better decisions, solve their personal problems which are demeaning them and preventing them from learning of new skills. This is hindering the career progress also.
Everybody do not have the exposure to formal mentoring of the coaching sessions. However, the people can develop the necessary cognitive skills by themselves also. This might sound daunting, but in practice, if I can implement some proven techniques, practice them and then trust the instincts, we can end up becoming a great coach. The exponential standpoints of the model are:
- The Goal
- The current Reality
- Options or the Obstacles
- Will to create pathway
I would take the following steps from the GROW model in order to develop myself as a transformational leader. The first step towards this transformation is the setting up of the personal goal. Firstly I identified the behaviour that I wanted to change. The same implied with my peer also. In my case, the development is required in the case of relationship management. It have to be made certain that the goal that I have set for me is a SMART goal. I will assess the activities later on that have been undertaken by my peer in order to assure that the goal have been achieved. Based on the peer feedback, the smart analysis of the goal that have been set by me can be provided.
SMART table of the self-set objectives |
Specific |
The fulfilment of the goals would be specifically recognised by the establishment of the visionary leadership activities that I undertake. |
Measurable |
The achievements would be measured based on the rate of positivity regarding the peer reviews that I receive in the context of activities like listening as well as sending clear and specific task oriented messages and raising distinct skills of conflict management |
Attainable |
This skill is easily attainable as there is the help of the peer from the other end who is undergoing the same process |
Realistic |
This is a realistically set target because this will ensure my future development as well as future sustenance as a leader |
Time Bound |
I can achieve the initial skills within 1 year. |
The next step that I would take based on this model is the action of examining the current reality. The peer have to question the other, what is the current position regarding advancement in the aspect that have been chosen by the person. In my case my peer Carlos, would assess my current position regarding relationship management with the peers as well as the others.
The first question that was asked to me in this context was:
- What have been happening then (what sorts of people were the ones with whom I were interacting with and at what frequency and at what time of the day)?
In return of this question I realised that I have a distinctive lack of patience that is required to pay heed to the problems that my peers face. That is why I am often indulged at reaching conclusion regarding my peers without making an appropriate scrutiny.
- The following question was that whether or not I have taken any step to address this issue?
Against this questions I could reply that although I have not any prominent action so far, I have chieving the goabeen able to depict this problem of mine very prominently. Henceforth I can yield better results in terms of engaging with others.
- The third question was another crucial question. My peer asked whether or not working on this goal interrupted the fulfilment of any other goals that I have been pursuing in the same time?
As this was the most important aspect that I needed to get my hands in to, I replied that my self-awareness score in the EI test was also slightly low. However, the two objectives were quite interlinked with other and as an outcome of that I could concentrate on this goal for now and accomplishment of this goal would lead to the realisation of what is required to be done in the context of the fulfilment of the next goal.
The next step of the GROW model is exploring of the options. Once after the determination of the current situation where the peer and I are standing in the context of our current issues, the discussion of all the feasible strategies that can follow for the case of mitigation of the issues that I have been facing in the context of the problem is to be determined.
My peer assessed that what I could do at the current moment is that I can create a better experience of dealing with the other people. Another important aspects is that I need to interact with people by setting a destined target. For evidence, I could use my position of mine as a prefect and detect he issues that needed to highlight to my peers in terms of maintaining discipline in the premises. This would enhance my awareness as well as foster my skill of developing relationship with the people on a daily basis and that too in the context of discussing the most important affairs. The next question that would arise in this context is that what else can be done in the context of developing the skill. Another requirement is that what constraint is still persisting in the way of achieving the goal that was being set by me. I also considered the advantages and the disadvantages of the feasible options that we decided for the mitigation of the problem. Lastly, my peer also highlighted another important aspect, which was what I could have possibly stopped doing for the purpose of alleviating my chances of development of the skills of relationship development and development of self-awareness.
The fourth step in the context of the GROW model is establishment of the will. After that progress that have been made so far, regarding identification of the problem and the depiction of the most feasible ways of mitigating the problems, it was necessary to frame a good idea regarding how to achieve the same goal. However, the, thinking stage is not sufficient. Both I and my selected peer should ponder on what specific actions can be undertaken by the doer so that the motivation to fulfil the same motivation is boosted. One prime question that my peer asked me in this context is what is the frequency that is required to be maintained for reviewing the level of fulfilment of the goal? This implies that I should determine at first at what frequency I should review my progress, daily, weekly or on a monthly basis. I determined that assessment on a monthly basis is the appropriate step that I should take for the review of the targets that I have set for me.
I feel that there are three points that I should be remembering in this context:
- An approach is needed to be undertaken based on understandings of all of the people that support me. That is why I have conveyed the personal development plan that I have made to some of the important person in my life and communicated to them that I require justification regarding the correctness of the approaches undertaken. The necessary people include my friends, my parents, and my cousins and so on. I also need to communicate to my peer regarding what those people have referred to me and if there are some important aspects in their words that might elevate the personal improvement plan that I have been making
- The learning practice involving my peer would work only if I have shown active interest in the plans that I have been proposed to by my peer.
- In a primary case, I should also suggest some of my learning outcomes of this model to others. Then only I can understand what are the most important benefits of doing the steps that have been designed?
In this context, I have to identify the attributes of the GALLUP test. This test have helped me to determine are the most important areas of personal strength. Secondly, it also identifies what are the most feasible attributes that I love that others should see about me. In the ideation stage, my score have been highest in the GALLUP test. It is foresaid that the people who score well in the Ideation stage are most likely to get sight of revolutionary ideas. That is why is such people have a fascinating communication skill, they would be popular among workgroups or also among the peers. This is an area I have been lacking and that is why the undertaking of the decision of going through the GALLUP test is justified. However, the test have had long drawn significances also. I have realised that the two areas that I had selected for personal development are justified. I, however scored badly in the Relator stage of the GALLUP test. As an outcome of taking this stage of the test, I understood that my previous score and the GALLUP score test results are the same.
Lastly, I must say that my futuristic skills are very poignant. As an outcome of this my planning and designing skills are also testified.
(development of understanding and insight,
thinking about the understanding you can take forward to future situations)
What do I need to learn or maintain for this cycle? |
How does this relate to my field of practice? |
Which development outcome does it link to? |
What benefit will this have to my work? |
How will I meet this learning or maintenance need? |
When will I complete the activity? |
There are gaps in developing self-awareness and relationship development |
As a peering leader I need to communicate more with my peers |
Developing my acceptability among the peers |
I can emerge as a better leader |
Through the GROW model |
8 months |
Developing my GALLUP score |
Acting better as a relator and assessor |
Developing my acceptability among the peers |
I can emerge as a better leader |
Through the GROW model |
12 months |
Developing my Global EI test results |
Developing on all the four criteria |
Developing my acceptability among the peers |
I can emerge as a better leader |
Through the GROW model |
24 months |
In the course of this report, the self-development needs of the transformational leader have been highlighted. The leader has lacking in the areas of self-awareness and relationship development. In this context, the GROW model have been used here for depicting the ways in which collaboration with peers can help in the development of the leadership skills. In absence of proper coaching facilities, there is alignment between this model and the peer framework that is applied here. The self-development needs as well as the practices adopted, have been referred to others for confirmation before implementation. There are five basic qualities that are required for the making of a transformational leader. These are creativity, respect, motivation and so on. Based on the analysis in part 1, the second part identifies the areas of personal development. The results of two tests conducted and their outcomes along with the peer review have helped in aligning the process of self-development to the postulates of the GROW model.
Reference List
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