Personal Development Plan For Academic Skills
Strengths and Weaknesses in Academic Performance
You are required to develop a Personal Development Plan (PDP), which includes goals for the development of your academic skills after the completion of the module. This should include skills we cover on this module. To help you, write down the strengths and weaknesses you listed in EAP 1 in the box below, which can also be from your feedback. Use complete sentences.
Strengths |
· I display the capability of composing a huge number of the academic literature. The pieces that are composed by me do bear all the characteristics of the assignments that might be termed to be of a good quality. · The learning skills that are depicted by me tend to be the quick learning skills. These skills help me to complete the given assignment within the stipulated time. I generally do not find it hugely necessary to attend a huge number of the lecture sessions in order to form a better understanding of the subject. · I do tend to finish up with the given assignments within the stipulated time. This helps in the timely submission of the allocated assignment. · I tend to display collaborative nature while working in a team. This helps me to develop my team-work skills which might help me in the matters relating to my future career. |
Weaknesses |
· I feel that my organisational skills need improvement. This might help me to maintain the coherency in the thoughts and the compose the essay in an organised manner. · At certain points of time during the composition of the assignment, I might display an obsession with the tasks at hand. · I might tend to attain the peaks of the perfection in the task at hand. This might lead to the heated discussions with the various members of the team in attempts of solving the given assignments. · I might tend to be demonstrated a dominating attitude at times during the completion of the given assignment and might want to complete all the assignment by myself. This might lead to the conditions of unrest within the concerned team members who have been allocated the given assignment. |
Now think about what you would like to improve. Be specific when describing your goals and how you will achieve and measure them. (100 – 150 words)
Target |
Goal |
Action |
Success Criteria |
Completed by? |
e.g. |
To have clear paragraphs |
To produce an outline before writing |
The reader can identify the topic/ideas of those paragraphs |
February 2018 |
1 |
To put forth the demonstration of the attentiveness to the points of view that are shared by the other members of the team. |
To make a list of the various strengths of the members of the team that has been assigned a single topic for the composition of an assignment. |
The betterment in the matters pertaining to the comprehension of the opinions and the ideas that are shared by the members of the team that has been assigned the given topic for the completion of the assignment. |
February 2018 |
2 |
To depict various organisational abilities during the completion of the assignment, especially in the presentations and the reports that are necessary for the completion of the concerned assignment. |
The important checklists of the tasks that have been undertaken or have been completed need to be prepared as well as maintained by the concerned composer of the assignment |
The honing of the skills that are necessary in organising the facts and figures that need to be presented in the concerned assignment. |
February 2018 |
3 |
To demonstrate the ability of handling the approaches of the critics and the educators on the given assignment. |
To depict a clearer understanding of the limitations of one’s own. This might also lead the concerned individual to crave less for the achievement of the perfection in the given subject. |
The demonstration of the understanding of the fact that huge amounts of practice in the given fields is necessary in order to attain the hugely craved perfection in the given field. |
February 2018 |
Week 3: Organising your ideas: Are my sources reliable? |
Look at the table below. Using the sources you have found (not from GSM Learn or the reading list), answer the questions below to determine if they are reliable. Make notes.
Source 1 |
Source 2 |
Who wrote/said it? |
Dan Corry |
Ian Johnston |
Are they qualified to speak on this topic? |
Yes |
Yes |
Do they have a personal interest in that issue? |
No |
No |
What type of source is it? |
Magazine Article |
Newspaper Article |
Has it been verified in any way? Can it be proved? |
Yes |
Yes |
Is there evidence to support this claim? |
Yes |
Yes |
Was the source created to persuade, sell, entertain, inform or for another purpose? |
The article was written in order to provide the commoners with the knowledge about the current situation of the NHS and the ways in which Privatisation might affect it. |
The article was penned in order to put forth the fact that the rapid decision of privatisation of the NHS might lead to serious consequences on the lives of the common people. |
Is the content relevant to your research? |
Yes |
Yes |
When was it published/last updated? |
January 11, 2018 |
July 28, 2016 |
Does this impact its relevance or objectivity? |
Yes |
Yes |
To format the text, highlight the word(s) or line of text you want to change and select the required formatting option (colour change, bold, italics etc.).
Johnston, I. 2018. How the creeping privatisation of healthcare is damaging the NHS. [online] The Independent. Available at: [Accessed 26 Mar. 2018]. Corry, D. 2018. The NHS is in crisis. But it’s not up to volunteers to rescue it | Dan Corry. [online] the Guardian. Available at: [Accessed 26 Mar. 2018]. |
Week 4-9: Organising your ideas: Noting down the main points |
In the space below, create an outline for your essay by making notes about any information you find from class or reading list sources and from the two sources you found. Use bullet points and not full sentences. Include in-text citations where necessary. You should add to this throughout the course. (150 – 200 words)
Essay Question: Should the NHS be privatised? |
Arguments in Favour (Yes) |
Arguments against (No) |
Economic |
· The economic burdens of the government of the country might decrease with the privatisation of the healthcare services in the country. · The privatisation might lead to the increase in the inflow of the necessary funds which in turn might lead to the proper functioning of the NHS. · The privatisation might also lead to the lowering of the taxes that need to be borne by the concerned residents of the country thereby extending a small amount of relief to the concerned taxpayer of the country. · The privatisation of the NHS might also lead to the improvement of the various medical equipments that are necessary for the proper functioning of the various health care activities undertaken within the organisation. |
· The privatisation might lead to the increment in the budget of the persons seeking the medical aids. · The privatisation led to the increase in the expenditure of the concerned common people who need to seek for the medical attention. · The privatisation of the healthcare services might lead to the increment in the healthcare costs that are incurred by the common people of the country, thereby leading to the financial crisis in their lives. · The privatisation of the healthcare services might lead to the conditions wherein the healthcare services might not be affordable by the common people who have been residing in the country. |
Social |
· The privatisation might lead to improvements in the quality of the treatment that is extended to the various patients. · The privatisation might also bring about a decrease in the political influences and the interferences in the healthcare system. · The privatisation might lead to the increment in the sustenance of the NHS · The privatisation might lead to the increase in the number of the branches of NHS, thereby helping in the formation of a number of healthcare centres across the country. This might help the citizens of the country to avail the needed medical facilities. · The privatisation might also motivate the younger generation to actively take part in the healthcare services of the country. |
· The privatisation might bring about a shift in the key focus of the healthcare services. · The privatisation might lead to the conditions wherein the healthcare services might be treated as another commodity. · The privatisation might lead to the discarding of the major issues that pertain to the equality of the people of the country on the economic grounds. The NHS might not be able to serve the financially weaker sections of the society post-privatisation. · The privatisation of the organisation might lay more stress on the economic upliftment while ignoring the ethical issues that are involved in the healthcare services. |
Developing your arguments: Paraphrasing/Summarising |
Choose one aspect (e.g. Economic or Social) and summarise and/or paraphrase the main points you noted in the outline on page 5. Use complete sentences and include in-text citations where necessary. (150 – 200 words).
Arguments in favour (Yes): |
The transferring of the control of public organization like NHS on to a private undertaking would increase the cost of such health services. The unfortunate patients belonging to the economically backward strata of the society would face major financial difficulties in dealing with health problems, as availability of such health services would become scarce. The Commonwealth report published in the year 2014, states that NHS is the organization providing the cheapest health care services among all other institutions in the country. This very fact proves that privatization of NHS is no doubt a bad decision. To add on to this, recent information from the biggest insurance-based policies of UK, ensure the fact that privatization of NHS would only weaken the faith and trust of citizens of the country in all such matters relating to healthcare. |
Arguments against (No): |
On the other hand, if NHS is privatized the country might witness an increase in the number of people employed in the fields concerning healthcare. This is due to the fact that the young generation of the country is more inclined towards working in areas that involve in helping people in matters related to healthcare. Experts are also of the opinion that privatization would indeed form the road for increase in the competition in the quality of the health care provided to the patients. Reputed for its contribution of free health care services to the dwellers of UK, NHS is the most approached organization in terms of health care issues. However privatizing NHS would only mean a halt on the free services to the poor patients of the country. Therefore, non-privatization of NHS needs to be focused on to help the needy and poor people of the society. |
Week 5: Developing your arguments: Combining sources |
Using the summaries you wrote in the previous task, combine them below to create the first body paragraph of your essay. Use the guide below to help you and highlight each part with the same colour. (250 – 300 words)
Body paragraph 1 |
Say why this is a key issue (e.g. Economic/Social) (this is your topic sentence) |
What is the counter-argument of this issue? (this is the opinion you do not agree with) |
What is the main argument if this issue? (this is your opinion) Why is your argument stronger than the counter-argument? What evidence/examples do you have to support this? |
What can you conclude from this? What are the implications? |
You should use at least 2 sources in this paragraph. |
In order to understand the advantages and the disadvantages of the privatization of NHS, PESTEL analysis is necessary. The economic factors and the social factors have important roles to play in the crucial understanding of the feasibility of the privatization put forward.
On talking about the economic point of view regarding the issue, various experts have the view that government of the country might undergo a considerable amount of relief where health care has been funded by private institutions. In this way, the government can focus on issues that are much more severe in magnitude like defense, education or immigration.
However, the transferring of the control of public organization like NHS on to a private undertaking would increase the cost of such health services. The unfortunate patients belonging to the economically backward strata of the society would face major financial difficulties in dealing with health problems, as availability of such health services would become scarce. The Commonwealth report published in the year 2014, states that NHS is the organization providing the cheapest health care services among all other institutions in the country. This very fact proves that privatization of NHS is no doubt a bad decision. To add on to this, recent information from the biggest insurance-based policies of UK, ensure the fact that privatization of NHS would only weaken the faith and trust of citizens of the country in all such matters relating to healthcare ( 2018).
On the other hand, if NHS is privatized the country might witness an increase in the number of people employed in the fields concerning healthcare. This is due to the fact that the young generation of the country is more inclined towards working in areas that involve in helping people in matters related to healthcare. Experts are also of the opinion that privatization would indeed form the road for increase in the competition in the quality of the health care provided to the patients (Corry 2018).
Reputed for its contribution of free health care services to the dwellers of UK, NHS is the most approached organization in terms of health care issues. However privatizing NHS would only mean a halt on the free services to the poor patients of the country ( 2018). Therefore, non-privatization of NHS needs to be focused on to help the needy and poor people of the society.
Corry, D. 2018. The NHS is in crisis. But it’s not up to volunteers to rescue it | Dan Corry. [online] the Guardian. Available at: [Accessed 26 Mar. 2018]. 2018. NHS England. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Mar. 2018]. 2018. Home. [online] The Nuffield Trust. Available at: [Accessed 26 Mar. 2018].