Performance Management Process And Techniques For Achieving Strategic Objectives

Task 1

The strategic objectives of the organization aim at enhancing the position of the businesses while operating in diverse international markets. On the other hand, the team performance in the different departments of organizations helps in supporting the strategic objectives of the same (Prashar  2017).  The key changes that are undertaken by the organizations depends on the identification of the different issues that are faced by the organization while operating in the diverse economies. On the other hand, strategies that are implemented by the organizations are dependent on the assessment of the market position that is held by the same.

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The smooth functioning of the teams in the organizational frameworks assists the same in enhancing the functions as per the strategic objectives. The strategic position of the organization works as an element of trust among the workforce, which helps the organization in guiding the operations towards a common goal. Sheikhpour  and Modiri (2012) stated that the team performance helps the organizational management in ensuring the sustenance of the position in the international markets. On the other hand, Pietrzak  and Paliszkiewicz (2015) stated that the strategic objectives of the organizations helps in ensuring the smooth functioning of the different departments as per the common objective. The key changes that are undertaken by the organizations are based on the evaluation of the position and applicability of the strategies as per the objectives of sustainability.

The performance of the organizations is dependent on the smooth functioning of the different departments as per the common objectives. On the other hand, the strategic objectives of the organizations guide the operations of the different departments towards the common goal of the enterprise. The teams in an organization are entrusted with a target, which is placed through an assessment of the capabilities and talents of the members in the team.  Proficiency of the organizations in allocating tasks as per the strategic objectives of the same will be helping the same in establishing the smooth functioning of the different processes. Anttila  and Jussila (2013) stated that the key changes that are considered by the organizations are based on the assessment of the needs of the same and thereby planning the strategic discourses to support the common objectives.  

The application of the 7S framework in the processes of the business helps the same in enhancing the performance as per the common objectives of sustaining in the competitive markets (Matsuo and Nakahara 2013). The model by McKinsey focuses on the development of the organization in the different paradigms like structure, systems, style, staffing, skills, strategy and shared value. The development in the different paradigms will be helping the organizations in maintaining the efficacy of the operations as per the collective objectives (Jovanovi?  and Filipovi?  2016). The implementation of the model in the processes of the business will be helping the same in understanding then areas in which developments are required for the smooth functioning of the systems. Guruler  and Istanbullu (2014) stated that the identification of the key areas of modifications will be helping the organizations in enhancing the operations that are undertaken by the teams. On the other hand, the identification of the key areas that requires modifications will be helping the organization in framing the strategic objectives in support of sustenance (Al-Haddad  and Kotnour  2015). The model will be helping the organization in understanding the resource allocation needs and thereby helps the same in prioritizing the different proponents for the successful functioning of the business (Guruler  and Istanbullu  2014).

The Importance of Team Performance in Achieving Strategic Objectives

The smooth functioning of the organization towards the common strategic objectives are based on the collaborative functioning of the teams (Sheikhpour  and Modiri  2012). On the other hand, the delineation of the objectives to the teams and specifying different targets will be helping the organization in dividing the work load for the smooth functioning of the business units.  Antunes, Carreira and da Silva  (2014) stated that the key changes in the organizational operations are based on the  smooth functioning of the different departments. As per the case of London Enterprise Academy, the issues that are faced by the organization are based on the lack of suitable collaboration among the staff members, which has affected the smooth functioning objective of the firm. Therefore, the strategies that might be undertaken by the organization might be reviewed under the guidance of the 7S framework in order to replicate the needs of the organization through suitable task distribution among the different teams in the enterprise. Suitable resource allocation will  be helping the organization in facilitating the uninterrupted functioning of the business units as per the strategic goals of the same (Al-Haddad  and Kotnour  2015).

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The PDCA (plan-do-check-act) model helps the organizations in understanding the different steps that might be undertaken by the same in order to bring forth improvements in the organizational performance. Sheikhpour and Modiri (2012) stated that the  PDCA model helps the organizations in maintaining the effectiveness of the operations through the identification of the desirable steps and procedures for enhancing the performance (Guruler  and Istanbullu 2014). The four steps of the model includes planning, doing, checking and acting phases which helps the organizations in understanding the different procedures that might be undertaken by the enterprise. The key changes that are undertaken by the organizations are based on the assessment of the position of the same while operating in diverse economies. On the other hand, Seidl  and Newhouse (2012) stated that the strategic objectives of the business helps in framing the activities that might be undertaken by the teams for supporting the common objective. The different assessments that are undertaken by the organizations helps the same in understanding the different strategies that might be undertaken by the same for sustaining in the competitive markets. The delineation and adherence to the PDCA model will be helping nth organizations in perfecting the operations of the same while operating in diverse international markets (Yadav  and Sagar  2013).

In having the positive team performance, it is important for the managers to have the individual commitment of all the team members in the team. This is due to the reason that each of the member’s individual skill sets and expertise is important in achieving the team objectives (Xerri an d Brunetto 2013). In addition, it should also be noted that determination of the individual commitment for the employees or team members is also important due to the reason that team work will only be successful enough if proper coordination and cooperation can be maintained among all (Wallace, de Chernatory and Buil 2013). The more effective will be the determination of the commitment of the team members, the more will be the probability of coordination in the team. Thus, it is important for the managers to encourage the commitment level of the team members in order to have the maximum level of output from them. For instance, in a particular situation, individual commitment of the team members can affect in both positive as well as negative ways. A team is facing the issue of shortage of team members in regards to their assigned jobs. However, the existing team members are committed enough and they have shown added organizational citizenships to overcome the staff shortages (Ellinger et al. 2013). Thus, each one of the existing team members are being assigned with added jobs and the objectives are being achieved. However, on the other hand, individual behavior can also have negative impact on the team performance. This is due to the reason that if the team members are more self centric do not possess the willingness to take added organizational citizenships then it will only affect the effectiveness and productivity of the team.

Tools and Techniques for Setting Team Performance Targets

 In a different case, the situation of the team was same with having the shortages of staffs. However, the existing team members are self centric and they are not willing to take up added responsibilities (Lee and Steers 2017). In this case, it became difficult for the managers to achieve the team objectives. It is also noted that the manager initiated different motivational techniques mainly by means of financial benefits to increase the output of the employees. Team members are being communicated with the fact that they will be given extra incentives for taking up added responsibilities (Lam, O’Donnell and Robertson 2015). Thus, it can be concluded that it is important for the managers to encourage the team members in enhancing their individual commitment for achieving organizational objectives.

There are number of methodologies can be used in persuading and influencing the employees. One of the major methodologies is following Maslow’s theory of needs. According to this theory, there are certain needs that should be met by the managers in order to increase the engagement of the employees (Lester 2013). These needs include the needs for safety, financial stability, growth and recognition in the workplace. This theory also states that employees are having certain expectations from their workplace and they will be committed enough only when their expectations will get fulfilled. Thus, it can be concluded that employees can be made committed in their workplace by providing them financial benefits and recognition for their good performance (Cao et al. 2013). Another prominent methodology for enhancing the commitment of the employees is Herzberg’s two factor theory. According to this model, there are certain factors that will not motivate the employees but will help in preventing the demoralizing them. On the other hand, certain other factors will help in motivating the employees in their workplace.  

It is stated that hygiene factors are the normal expectations of the employees from their workplace such as safe working environment and proper infrastructures and on the other hand, motivators are the factors that further enhances the level of motivation and these factors are the reward, recognition and career growth. Thus, it can be concluded that in enhancing the commitment of the employees, both the hygiene and motivators should be considered in the organization (Ozguner and Oznuger 2014). Bonus schemes can also be effective in enhancing the commitment of the employees. This is due to the reason that if the employees are getting bonus for their better performances, then they will be further motivated to raise their performance standards. Thus, the commitment level will get increased. However, on the other hand, it should also be noted that initiation of the bonus scheme may cause the reduction in the intrinsic motivation for the employees. This is due to the reason that, it will make the employees to work only for the financial benefits and they will not have organizational citizenships towards their workplace.

For instance, in one of my experiences, it was seen by me that for some employees, they are working for the sake of doing the job and earning bonus. Thus, the quantity is getting more importance over the quality. It is also identified that even though the rate of productivity is getting increased but the quality and standards are getting reduced.

Methods for Agreeing Performance Targets for Individuals within the Team

In the case of the bigger organizations, the factors in the office environment are more diverse and cover more business elements. As my previous workplace was a multinational, thus, the impact of office politics was more on the employee commitment. This includes the prevailing organization culture in the workplace (Hogan and Coote 2014). As discussed in the above theory of Herzberg’s two factor theory, positive and favorable organizational culture also helps in motivating the employees.  This is due to the reason that organizational culture determines the satisfaction level of the employees. It also determines the coordination and cooperation among the employees (Wiewiora et al. 2013). Thus, the more favorable will be the organizational culture and politics in the workplace, the more will be the degree of coordination between the new and existing employees. In my previous organization, it is seen by me that political awareness of the managers can also help in influencing the employees. This is due to the reason that political awareness of the managers helps in having the fair understanding about the current external business factors including the employee standards and legislations. Thus, the employee management process will be in accordance to the current business scenario.

In the current business scenario, delegation, mentoring and coaching are important in employee management due to the reason that these will help in further enhancing the motivation and productivity of the employees. Delegation refers to the process of allocating the difficult and complex task among the different employees to reduce the complexities. This also helps the employees in having more guidance from different stakeholders in achieving the objective collectively. On the other hand, delegation is also being used to complete a certain work in less time. This is due to the reason that in the case of delegation, more employees will be engaged in a particular job and it will get completed in less time.

In my previous organization, I got the positive effect of coaching of the top level managers. This refers to the process of providing guidance to the employees in case of any difficulties. In one of my assignment given, I was coached by my manager and he took the entire responsibility of making the job done properly by me. In the course of action, I was guided by my manager and my shortcomings are also being identified and mitigated. Thus, the possibility of having same issues in the future is less for me. In the case of mentoring, the employees are being given training in order to develop their skills and expertise as required in the particular job profile. In addition, mentoring of the top level managers also helps the employees in getting equipped and skilled enough to face the emerging challenges in their workplace. Thus, this concept is being followed and initiated by the organizations to reduce the power gap across the hierarchy level and to up skill the employees. The more will be the skill sets of the employees, the more will be their level of motivation in taking up new challenges.  

Task 2

The performance plan by the London Enterprise Academy aims at maintaining the efficacy of the operations that might be undertaken by the same in order to enhance the operations.  The different activities that are planned by the concerned organization is aimed at bringing forth different changes in the operations of the business. The performance of the organization is based on the different planning criteria that are considered by the organization (Prashar 2017).

Description of the underperformance

The different diversity based issues faced by the organization affecting the collaborative approach  

Aim of the performance plan

To enhance the collaborative  nature among the employees for maintaining the efficacy of the operations of the enterprise

Initiation date of the plan

February 2017

End date of the plan

December 2017

Improvement objective

Success criteria

Additional support required

Review schedule

Objective outcome

Enhancing the collaborative approach in the staff members

The enhanced collaboration of the organization will be helping the same in maintaining the efficacy of the operations that are undertaken by the same.

The organizational management authorities will be helping the organization in framing different regulations in order to enhance the collaborative operations of the staff members and the different stakeholders.

The improvement will be witnessed by the middle of the semester in order to identify the different issues that re faced by the stakeholders  It will be helping the concerned organization in monitoring the improvement process that is planned by the same while operating non the different objectives of the business.

The outcome of the improvement strategies that are considered by the organization is the enhanced collaboration among the key stakeholders for the smooth functioning of the educational processes that are planned by the business. On the other hand, the improvements in the collaborative approach among the stakeholders will be helping the organization in encouraging the involvement of the stakeholders in the business processes.   

Revising the module

The revision of the module will be helping the organization in bringing forth modifications in the education that is rendered by the organization. The assessment of the different professional needs will be helping the organization in maintaining the efficacy of undertaking modifications in the module.

The support that might be required by the organization while undertaking the evaluation of the recruitment requirements of the employers will be supported through a team of assessment experts. The different modifications that are planned by the business in the module has helped the same in maintaining the efficacy of the operations of the same.

The improvement in the module will be reviewed through monitoring the results. The improvements in the module will be witnessed through the performance of the students as they prepare  for their next semester. The different modifications in the module will be helping the organization in enhancing the quality of education rendered to the pupils

The modifications in the module will be helping the o0rganiation in maintaining the quality of the education that is rendered by the organization as per the needs of the students.  

Staff training

The staff training programs will be helping the organization in enhancing the skills and understanding the staff members relating to the job responsibility that is held by the same. The staff training sessions will be helping the organization in enhancing the operations of the same while operating in diverse international markets.  

The organization might require an additional team of experts to guide the staff members relating to the modifications in the job role and approach that is undertaken by the same. The key changes in the operations of the business will be facilitated through the enhancement in the skills of the staff members, which will be helping the organization in maintaining their efficacy while rendering the required educational service to the students.

The efficiency of the staff members will be reviewed by the organization annually, which will be helping the business in understanding the deliberate gaps in the performance, which is affecting the quality of education that is aimed by the organization to render.

The objective that is planned by the organization will be helping the same in enhancing the educational systems that are undertaken by the business. On the other hand, the enhancement in efficacy of the staff members will be helping the organization in supporting the smooth functioning objective of the same while operating in diverse international markets.  

The performance plan that is framed by the organization will be helping the same in undertaking the required steps in a systematic manner through the identification of the issues. The identification of the issues that are faced by the organization will be helping the same in framing different mitigation strategies on order to enhance the operation of the business. The major weaknesses of the organization are based on the financial capabilities of the same. The limited financial capability of the organization affects the organizational operations while undertaking the modifications (Matsuo  and Nakahara  2013). The plan aims at bringing forth modifications in the module that is followed by the organization in order to bring forth changes in the business operations. On the other hand, the organization also aimed at enhancing the staff performance in order to facilitate the smooth functioning of the same as per the objectives of the business. In this connection, the success factors of the organization are dependent on the collaborative functioning of the different stakeholders of the business. On the other hand, the restrictions that are faced by the organization related to the cost and schedule affects the organizational operations while bringing forth modifications.  However, the plan that is framed by the organization will be helping the same in enhancing the quality of education that will be rendered by the same as per the current market standards (Jovanovi?  and Filipovi? 2016). The induction of the staff members and the revision of the module that is undertaken by the organization will be helping the same in influencing the success factors as per the objectives. However, the time and cost constrains might affect the implementation of the viable reforms in order to enhance the educational service that is proposed by the same.


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