Performance Appraisal And High-Performance Work System In A Hospital
Theory of performance appraisal
This report typically focuses on measurement of approvals as a performance management tool for the entire hospital setting in order to improve and lower negative views. This particular report highly considers understanding the importance of setting objectives and feedback (Boachie-Mensah, & Seidu 2012, p.77). Furthermore, it will recommend ways and methods that incorporates or integrates high-performance work system for head of clinical support department in the hospital
It will include;
- Motivation
- Offering rewards and high recognition of employees
- Use of training programs
According to Smith (2013,p.99), various critical researchers indicates that the effective performance appraisal systems contribute to several significant results of work operations, for instance, improved workers’ productivity and job quality, career satisfaction, increase in commitment and loyalty among the existing employees. Organizations headed by managers such as Waiting List Manager at Wellton NHS Trus and hospital forms of performance appraisal system in order to maximize the merits of both the appraisers and appraise. These include all the stakeholders’ interest of the hospital such as customer service at the waiting room, consultation services and quality treatment in the hospital setting. The key detriments of the appraisal system have been critiqued on the basis of both employer and employees such as the head of clinical support and nurses.
Conversely, individual-focused performance appraisal have been continuously seen as the key measurement of personal differences within the organizational practices (Brown, Hyatt, & Benson 2010, p.376). The individual employee thus has the ability and role to influence activities accomplished in the firm.
Performance appraisal system is highly utilized as a key tool and deemed critically by various firms as a management practice in order to leverage the human labor capital in a required direction so that to ensure effectiveness and efficiency
In the hospital , performance appraisal can be critically evaluated by conduction of questionnaires, surveys and observations strategies on staff such as Head of clinical support and nurses in the consultant and medicine field This perspective is quite important since it will assist the contemporary firm to highly evaluate the employees who greatly adapt and achieves the key objectives and purposes in distinct aspects of the constantly changing business environment (Fletcher, & Williams, 2013, p.88). As a matter of fact, it promotes the great improvement of the firm’s overall performance by use of the aggregation techniques of each employee diversification adaptability. However, in some instance considering individual performance is deemed to offer a distraction to the firm from continually developing in a systematic manner
Individual appraisal tools are highly evaluative and developmental in nature, hence assisting managers to implement their personal informed decisions so as to contribute to the improvement of the performance revolving around worker acquiring knowledge and skills. This is for the betterment of their job career by use of motivation and efficient training skills
In the case of this hospital, the organization is restructured into great interdependent group teams, where members are provided with sole responsibilities of proper allocation of operations, employee recruitment and offering disciplinary action usually carry out an appraisal on the basis of each teams output. Top managers will set the target and access the appraisal performance rate by correct utilization of various multi-rate evaluation strategies, appraising the entire team and finally rewarding on equal terms (Daoanis, 2012, p.58). The superior performer is motivated greatly and internal appraisal of each member highly acknowledged within the group team.
Improvement of decision-making ability
This appraisal system will play a huge role in the hospital to achieve its aims rather than on an individual platform. It will achieve its total quality management and informed changes in the firm with the efficient teamwork incurring relatively low costs.
Team-based appraisal as a tool is more efficient. The hotel will maintain the reliability and validity of high performance for the entire team. It demonstrates fairness and precision thus ensures the confidence of managers in the decisions making process. It also helps workers to acquire strong correlation between their colleagues, maintenance of group evaluator scores thus ensuring positive interrelationships between the elements of task operations in the whole hotel (Fletcher, & Williams 2013, p.77).
Upward or peer appraisal is utilized as a tool that is satisfactorily efficient to rate and appraise the performance of an individual manager by use of the subordinate technique. The ratings issued by this tool is a significant agenda in the implementation of these appraisal systems in order to ensure acceptance of performance appraisal for the hospital. It is integrated through managers improving the key leadership values through the distinct ratings provided by staff peers thus ensuring good objectives.
It can be integrated when the Waiting List Manager at Wellton NHS Trus receives a critical and immediate response when facilitation of departmental communication by the peers. The manager in this instance attempts to support and improving alternative strategies.
The hospital can integrate this system by managers utilizing various surveillance domains like collecting client feedback and recording their staff-customer talks in order to ensure immediate feedback on the process performance of its high esteemed employees.
For instance, Waiting List Manager at Wellton NHS Trus in the hospital should integrate counter staff observation checklist where workers are usually based on several surface acting skills. Like for example waiters have a casual smile while greeting, be pleasant and voice audibility and also maintenance of eye contact when conversing with the customer who is making the order. This pleasantly is important since it enables customers to complete an appraisal file report utilized to appraise the workers. This particular methodology is important in increasing profit volumes by decreasing time and cost of employees being rewarded.
How and to what extent performance appraisals might improve organizational performance (in ‘theory’ and in ‘practice’
This is an important part of the HRM contribution to a firm.
Improvement of decision-making ability
The organization acquires detailed information on the overall performance of a worker hence the decision-making process becomes quite simple. Filling up vacant potions with other personnel strengthens the organizational framework and ensures called for loyalty. The informed decision-making process is accomplished by managers without employee limitation this increases efficiency and total focus.
Performance appraisals assist the managers to acknowledge the weaknesses, opportunities, and strengths of workers. By understanding this they will be able to plan for the future goals and how to develop skills of workers in the long run. It also creates a deep link and interrelationships between the worker’s expectations and work success (Goel 2012, p.111). They maximize benefits by creating rapport between the top management and workers, raises work satisfaction and offering a sense of loyalty and fulfillment. It increases workers morale and optimizes on organizational productivity levels.
Importance of feedback and objective-setting
It also maximizes on the expert insight by making clear on an exchange of ideas, behaviors and solving organizational conflicts
practice consideration. The characteristics of effective and ineffective appraisal design and implementation
- Objectives must be clearly stated. The aims should be clear to understand and highly specific. It will have the specific attributes in order to be incorporated with the workers job description
- The data set should be both valid and reliable. It must give dataset that is more consistent and ensure validity. The information should be utilized to serve the aims of successful based planning.
- The performance design criteria should be well defined. It should strictly adhere to the available forms, rules and the correctly set procedural frameworks. In order for it to be much effective, a performance appraisal design should ensure that it follows up the criteria and maintain the standards.
- It must be economical and consume less time. This means that effective appraisal design should neither be expensive nor incur high initial cost during implementation. It should also be able to save on time in order for the management to be able to carry out other plans and practices. This is done in so as to maximize on the benefits acquired by the entire organization
- Must initiate follow-up. A post appraisal performance system design must establish a correct set of arrangement so that the existing staff and workers acquire consistent and immediate response from the organization top managers and supervisors, It also enables the company to be able to; learn new things regarding the challenges and problematic issues which might be currently arising thus increasing their awareness to sustain a proper training program.
- Must acknowledge feedback and participation
- Effective appraisal system should create an environment of mutual trust and cooperation
An ineffective appraisal system does not satisfy any of the above characteristics. It is less standardized, unrealizable, less confident and not object-oriented.
The effective appraisal implementation are customer oriented
Customer-based appraisal tools integrate it via customer care programs that highly spread in private firms. This evaluates the performance of a worker standard through the use of consumer feedback and appraisal of staff. It is integrated through a collection of primary data set utilizing techniques such as online surveys, customer cards, and interviews with clients and completion of questionnaires.
An effective performance appraisal goes to a large extent in the elimination of bad behavior and job quality challenges in an organization. It also in a great extent helps to motivate employees to increase their active participation (Gittell, Seidner, & Wimbush 2010, p.490).
Must initiate follow-up to improve communication regarding strategies, alternatives and any challenge to enable managers to come up with solutions. Challenges that arise in a firm as a result of poor communication between top managers, supervisors, and employees can be solved by the integration of an effective performance appraisal. It promotes meetings that make employee have better understanding and confidence in conducting his/her duties
Must acknowledge feedback and participation
An appraisal is considered as the typical opportunity to focus on long-term strategic goals making orders to be of great use of feedback. The employee feels appreciated and pleased thus giving away to diversify his professional path. Active commitment leads to the inspiration of loyalty, commitment and job satisfaction thus contributing to the overall performance.
Encouraging efficient work and improvement. It celebrates a work well done. It diplomatically and timely evaluates the key areas that require improvement.
A critical evaluation of the components of a high performance work system
This is typically referred to as the given sets of management practices which ensure the creation of a conducive environment within a firm where the workers have high involvement and play various roles. It also involves a combination of a set of specific human resource management practices, job structures and various continuous process that optimizes workers knowledge, ideas, skills, loyalty and the art of flexibility nature (Katzenbach, & Smith 2015, p.99).
It has several components in the entire system. The first component involves the concept of increased opportunity in the participation of the process of decisions. The capability of workers to involve themselves in decisions is deemed to be a vital element of High-performance frameworks. This is because it allows the worker to carry out informed decisions that impact their effective conducive environment thus influencing the whole company (Kehoe & Wright, 2013, p.380). This component enhances the sense of empowerment for workers thus increase their commitment and loyalty levels.
Another component is training. This particular training enables workers to acquire appropriate skills in order to carry out activities in an efficient way. It improves their opportunities thus giving the firm a golden chance to cross train their high caliber personnel impacting them with distinct skills and roles that increase their level of understanding on how to perform their duties diligently.
Effective and ineffective appraisal design and implementation
These components assist in the preparation of employees and firms to promote a successful high-performance work system implementation and operation.
Another component is the concept of employee incentive. Some of the incentives include profit sharing, bonuses and time offs that improve the benefit acquired by the workers and the firm as a whole
There also exists the component of technology which considers a key element for the overall development of a firm. With HPWS, technology offers necessary infrastructure important for communication and link of vital information for sharing of organizational performance. The basic components of HPWS include;
- high labor flexibility
- Involvement
- Great commitment (Krats & Brown 2013, p.410).
How the appraisal discussion should be integrated with other management tools and techniques to support performance development within an HPWS (2 recommendations)
Its major aim is to evaluate the outcomes acquired prior to the main purpose since it emphasizes how people have led to the group work based on the of the hospital role play. The given appraisal discussion needs relatively high integration with various management tools and techniques in order to diversify the employee performance effectively. For example, the poor performing in the hospital should be constantly evaluated by co-employees, managers, peers and low-level workers in order to monitor the performance of an employee (Kuvaas 2011, p.123). Their immediate feedback will be advantageous for the employees to ensure quality service delivery. It is evident that the hotel gets poor level reviews from customers based on customer service and room and food cleanliness. Therefore, with performance appraisal feedback is acquired thus helping a manager to get the staff performance for the support of HPWS. The hotel should empower the staff in order to render quality services delivery own their own behalf so as to fully offer customer satisfaction.
There exist several recommendations for raising the effectiveness of performance management and HPWS frameworks of this organization (Razi & More 2010, p.55). They include open communication channels, proper training, continued support for top management, use of extrinsic motivator tools like recognizing aspects, maximum responsibilities and also strengthening the connection between performance level and reward.
With open communication system, Waiting List Manager at Wellton NHS Trus can be able to effectively communicate some weak parts that need improvement and offering of the job training strategies to promote skills (Smith 2013, p.45). This will increase the capabilities and acknowledgment of Cavendish hotel staff thus offering quality services in the entire hotel premise.
The recommended strategies which would easily integrate the hospital in order to enable a high-performance work system includes approaches such as empowering both the workers and staff. This is done in order for them to partake effective and significant judgment (Thurston & McNall 2010, p.202).
It can be evident that performance management is a significant component at the job place since it offers a given level for top managers to evaluate the performance of workers. As noted they are able to identify if the existing staff members are meeting the anticipated expectations and future goals of the overall organizations (Zheng, Zhang, & Li, 2012, p.740). Therefore, in this case, performance appraisal as a tool and high-performance work system are important tools ought to be established by the hospital so as to measure the performance of employees on the given time horizon. Consequently, this particular report indicates the key significance of setting various aims, strategic goal realignment and immediate feedbacks in appraising the staff. In addition, this report has recommended various methods and long-term strategies which ought to be integrated into high-performance work system (HPWS) for the existing hospital.
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