Perception, Asbestos, And Public Relations: Analyzing The Great Wall Motors Case

Perception is reality and its impact on Great Wall Motors

1. It has been said that ‘perception is reality’ since what we perceive is what we then accept as reality and as fact. Do you think that this is the case with Great Wall Motors? Is the perception that some consumers have that the vehicles are of relatively low-quality accurate? Is it worsened by the asbestos situation?

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2. Do you think that Ateco handled the asbestos problem appropriately? Provide support for your response.

3. What other options could organisations take when faced with a major public relations (PR) problem such as the one which currently confronts Ateco and their Great Wall and Chery brands?

4. Toyota’s stereotype of providing a high-quality vehicle was only slightly tarnished by a safety recall for their Hilux Ute in 2010. Are stereotypes always true? How can we manage in ways that lessen the negative impacts of the stereotypes that we hold of other individuals, groups, organisations or brands, especially if the stereotype has no real basis in reality?

1. ‘Perception is reality’, this underling statement states the true corner to the human recognition. Many people have their own set of viewing and actualizing things. They only believe after they perceive it and believe after they get into the real facts. This is a natural tendency that these days motor and vehicles have set their privilege claiming more about their speculations and diving into the chances of upliftment. This characterization of people has a sense of virtual and real concept evoking due to the base of scaling factor. As seen the present scenario of branding and model of car’s rear view of stationing in the market is more than a buzz world. In this case it is absolutely sure that this forwardness to take perception as reality was found with Great Wall Motors too (Anderson et al, 2015). People were much affected with the growing stream of Australian Cars leading motors that it their ideas went like a constant praise among the owners all around the country.

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Taking into picture the facts about new and upcoming cars like Great Wall Ute China that consumer found was momentarily a chosen frame of pleasing. Because of many lining trending brand name aroused out of China new market and bundling in Australia made a great distinction to the showcase (Berg et al, 2015). It also enlarged its dimension offering safety, technology, reassurance and reliability standards of services thus inhabiting critical minds among the consumers. Here we see the company Ateco distributing this low priced Chinese brands; the Great Wall Ute (Berg et al, 2015). Being under the same privilege that the owner had found concerning the dealership making rose up to a high level giving satisfaction to many riders. Seeing its rapid growth led to the distinct thinking upon the consumers that it represents a good dealing to health and safety (Hislop, 2013).

Handling of asbestos problem by Ateco

Now regarding the perception that some consumers have that vehicles are of relatively low quality is true. This can be noted of the fact concerning one of the buyers named Toby Hagon, the motoring writer. His experience was accompanied by a rather dissatisfaction statement. This belief came up when various problems were encountered after purchasing the vehicle (Haddow, Bullock & Coppola, 2013).  The vehicle had to undergo certain defect in to door seals, dysfunctional cup holder, in operational parking sensors and missing number plate. Again the engine showing a relatively low power and needed regular change of gears was faced by Hagon (Alvesson & Willmott, 2012).

Further it is found that the engine and exhaust system contained elements of asbestos that were harmful for the functioning of cars. They pose a threat to the safety and health issues and are harmful for having a safe drive (Runyon, 2013). This situation steadily worsens Hagon since he had to sell his car leading to this difficult arrival of asbestos issues.

2. This answer could be stated here after considering the case of Toby Hagon buying the Great Wall Motor X240. As per his experience he had to face difficulties with the car leading to repair and many other bunch of maintenance. It is been seen that asbestos were found in the engine and exhaust system of the car thus leading to functional dysfunctioning. It also highlighted many other issues like slipping door seals, in operational parking sensors and missing number plate cover (Dorfman & Cather, 2012). In case of asbestos problem the issues was reflected among any consumer. Now the company that sold this brand was Ateco. He had many distributions in Australia and knowing to the fact that this problem had arisen because of defect in manufacturing of car parts, necessary remedies did arouse.

Now to properly recognise the issue with asbestos is a serious concern and is likely that most Australians had to face. In order to resolve this serious problem the company decided to put far of the trouble. After discovering this issue of asbestos serious supplication efforts were carried out. Ateco tried to change the engine component by changing the supplier parts on all new cars that were imported from China (Chance & Brooks, 2015). This had however solved half of the issue pressing to the adjustment of working responding to settle down the problem. It however recovered the underlined statement that asked covering up the demands among the consumer handling to Ute X240 China cars.

However, even after the swift respond to the problem Ateco did not properly handled the situation. It was accounted that even after letting continuous effort over replacement of car parts the change was not hidden and made a major threat to the contingency of the company. This was because the company did not inform the general public regarding the issue and made it under private concern (Walker & Walker, 2012). This misstatement raised to the put forth many misleading effect among Australian seeing that asbestos pose a sensitive problem to which people might be affected with lethal disease mostly due to the continuous expose of car parts in the road.

After more and more compensation funds for the victims of asbestos were arising and people those who posed threats were being support for damage that asbestos could cause. As the reality were shown at straight noting the claiming made by Ateco regarding the lethal substances used in the manufacturing and industrial materials (Dorfman & Cather, 2012). Thus positioning the great sarcastic damage occurred could not be properly settled and people still had dismays regarding the assurance of cars notwithstanding to safety engines. This possibly mean that due to the negligence and poor built in materials the harness could lead Ateco meet its crisis noting a verge insignificant among people’s point of view (Dorfman & Cather, 2012). It is hard cause to discuss that no matter what whether the company had broken any of the Australian’s law, people were asked to meet this resolve the issue in their own accord.

Options for organizations facing PR problems

3. The problem faced between Ateco and their Great Wall and Chery brands laid to a disastrous end. In public opinion there were issues that could not be directly manageable. Now since China manufactured the cars having low standards and quality and after this issue was revealed among the customer, the reassurance claim that Ateco had pressed got tarnished. Knowing to the situation that Ateco had faced in this regard to asbestos handling met to demand public opinion (Walker & Walker, 2012). Since the company tried to recall the response without revealing the problem to the general public it vast the knowledge and focus to turn from people perception about the brand and model. Again the manufacturing and industrial material equipment were of low quality made with lethal substance, it is evident that it would be a threat to the sale of product reducing the chances of gaining effective ranking in the market.

If this situation is reflected with any organization, the main options that can be taken should meet people acceptance to the known prior statement to the public and need assurance among the people perception. One option that is considered for the general procedure of conducting is admitting for an apology in accordance to the distribution of faulty components (Chance & Brooks, 2015). Since this is a concern about safety and health issues this major issue need to be overcome through replacing all component with similar new component with quality proof material and other related seen faults. This would require a sincere apology followed by the required overcoming steps that the organization should do behalf to meet the desired sentiments of public.

Since public relations allow the recommendation from organization and take primitive surety to deal with people in the most convincing manner. It also has to bring back the company’s prestige and in order to do that it must ask for look for diverse effect that indulges with protecting the image of the organization. The demand of the consumer must be fetched retrieving the positive perception and gain customer base. This will surely change the dimension of product process and other requirement opting to material and manufacturing issue and then trending as per the current market challenging its future prospect and moving in its realistic approach making decision (Canali, 2016). This will relate to the facts how public relation will feature hold to the changing new idea making revealing the adoption of the organization and coping with neutral analysis. This current development to ask a better vital effort is risk undertaking. This will however develop a bridge retaining full participation of marketing mix through the framework of car component best fixing it in real terms.

Impact of stereotypes on Toyota’s brand image

4. This question reflects to the stereotype function and makeup and shape so as to develop a critical thinking amongst the people. Here the Toyota is renowned because of the high quality vehicle making. It has led to change the dimension of people perception leading to a branded manufacturer and producer (Walker & Walker, 2012). The development areas are most targeting the people’s beliefs and motifs that will otherwise guarantee to retain best in market. People have accepted Toyota with a tactical view of satisfaction and assurance. Their radical decision is accompanied with showing of interest to bring a change in the market scenario where they show their participation (Chance & Brooks, 2015).

Now it can be confirmed that stereotypes are not always true. This is because of the facts that they do not convey the real message otherwise bringing a virtual image in people minds. In this case it is seen the partial reflection of this term when trying to tarnish the Toyota in order to recall the safety orientation for Hilux Ute (Bozarth & Handfield, 2016). This case points to the effective utilization of stereotype function and putting in the break ends of rejuvenating the concept to form the Hilux Ute. In order to manage the impact building ways to press designed principles and ethical decisions either individual, group, organizations or brands will be affected. They have come as an ascent scope in determining their radical effort to show their directive towards proposing this statement (Alvesson & Willmott, 2012).

Moreover, even after knowing that stereotypes have no basis in reality they pose a handling measure to acknowledge the standards of the marketplace. The improving tactics will require presenting a highly peak statement that will maximize the need for recognizing the facts. Now that safety handlings are meant for increasing customer perception bringing good rapport and assurance, this measure will help in redefining the acquired knowledge among the audience. In case of individual they look for costs and enhancement, whereas groups always want for additional changes when procured seek for benefits overall. Organizations have rather a rational thought bringing about the prosperity and thus seek good branding and relevant changes to marketing and strategy making (Berg et al, 2015). Brands however opt for advertising and name promoting which is the result of new updates and serving the customer with innovative featuring and branding styles. Thus stereotype act as an assured factor that product production will brief the renewing analysis and its management. Changes in people’s perception would ultimately diverse the peaks and fronts of audience taste letting them come into the real adversity to indulge with (Huong & Thi, 2015).


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