Payment Linked With Organizational Change: Exploring The Motivation Factor
Organizational changes are common in case of any business or educational organization. Organizational changes could be defined as the review and modification of the various policies, business structures and management structures that are aimed towards the achievement of organizational success. In order to ensure that the organizational changes are implemented successfully, the employees of the business organizations have to be convinced to accept the changes successfully (Anderson, 2016). The significance of the organizational changes lies in the fact that it results in the enhancement of the operation and management. However, it has often been observed that incentives and payments are used to achieve the desired behaviour and acceptance from the employees. This assignment highlights the importance of the organizational changes (Baumann & Stieglitz, 2014). Light has been shed on the facts, whether payments be linked with the present or expected values of the educational institutions, along with discussing how the process of organizational changes be monitored successfully (Cerasoli, Nicklin & Ford, 2014). Moreover, precise goal setting has a key role to play in ensuring successful organizational change management.
Organizational changes needs to be incorporated successfully, such that the aims and objectives of the organizations could be met. It is important that the employees of any business organization be convinced to accept the organizational changes successfully. Resistance to the organizational changes by the employees is not desired (Cerasoli, Nicklin & Ford, 2014). Setting of clear goals is essential for ensuring the success of the organizational changes.
Educational organizations are essential social institutes that help in the growth and development of the children studying in the educational organization (Cerasoli, Nicklin & Ford, 2014). The present or expected value of any educational organization lies in the quality of the education imparted, along with the educational qualifications of the teachers of the institute (Cerasoli, Nicklin & Ford, 2014). Payments and government grants are often linked with the present or the expected values of the educational institutes (Wojtaszek, 2016). This is important in certain cases (Wojtaszek, 2016). The educational institutes that are not competent enough in the market of education are often given government grants and assistance in order to ensure that they are able to grow and reached the expected values (Anderson, 2016). Moreover, fast growing educational institutes are also given payments, in order to ensure and encourage their steady growth. In contrast to this thought, the educational institutes with a high expected value, often demands high pay as admission fees, thus depriving many deserving candidates, with low affordability (Lam, 2014). Thus, payments linked with the expected or the present values of the educational institutes are often not desirable.
Payments and incentives need to be adjusted in the process of organizational changes, in order to ensure that the employees accept the changes gladly. Payments and incentives are important motivators. The employees of any business organizations are motivated effectively, if high salary and incentives are given to them (Wojtaszek, 2016). Thus, in order to ensure that the employees accept the organizational changes successfully, along with fulfilling the goals set by the organization, additional payment is needed (Benn, Dunphy & Griffiths, 2014). Motivation has a key role to play in the lives of employees (Wojtaszek, 2016). Motivation is important to ensure the successful working of the employees in any business organization (Cerasoli, Nicklin & Ford, 2014). Lack of motivation among the employees will result in the lack of fulfillment of the organizational goals (Lam, 2014). Hence, in order to convince the employees to accept the transformational process successfully, pay needs to be adjusted at certain points.
Should pay be linked to the present or expected value to the educational organization?
The process of payments being linked with the transformational process needs to be monitored successfully. The monitoring needs to be done in order to ensure whether the extra pay that is linked with the transformational process is being effective in motivating the employees successfully (Wojtaszek, 2016). Lack of success of the additional pay or incentives as a form of motivation is not desirable (Howard, Turban & Hurley, 2016). The managers as well as the human resource management department needs to monitor the process, whether the scheme of incentives and additional pay are being effective or not, in the process of organizational changes (Baumann & Stieglitz, 2014). Though the need for additional pay and incentives have been introduced as an essential factor for motivating the employees, yet it has to be monitored successfully, whether it is being effective in ensuring the success of the organizational process (Cerasoli, Nicklin & Ford, 2014).
The positive effects of additional pay and incentives include motivation among the employees, along with encouragement of the employees (Gupta & Shaw, 2014). The employees feel motivated and appreciated for the work that they have done, thus encouraging them to continue the good work (Wojtaszek, 2016). Moreover, motivation and incentives also encourage others to work diligently, such that they could also receive the appreciation and incentives (Anderson, 2016). The encouragement for the good work is important to ensure that the organizational goals are fulfilled successfully (Wojtaszek, 2016). However, there are some adverse effects of the payments being linked with motivation and fulfilment of the organizational goals (Cerasoli, Nicklin & Ford, 2014).
The negative effects of incentives include the process being back-fired. The incentives and additional pay might result in discrimination among the employees due to the payment (Ruckes & Rønde, 2015). Some employees might try hard, yet fail to be eligible for the additional pay (Howard, Turban & Hurley, 2016). For such employees, the incentive schemes might result in lack of motivation, as they are unable to achieve the goals that make them eligible for the additional pay (Benn, Dunphy & Griffiths, 2014). Hence, it is important to monitor, whether the process of payments and incentives are effective for the majority of the employees in the business organization (Jeffrey, Dickinson & Einarsson, 2013). Moreover, the incentive scheme also creates scope of aggressive competition among the employees in order to get incentives and additional payments (Cerasoli, Nicklin & Ford, 2014). This creates an unhealthy environment of fierce competition among the employees, resulting in lack of effective work environment.
Hence, it is essential that the managers of the various departments, along with the human resource management team needs to monitor the entire process of pay being linked with the organizational change management (Speckbacher, 2013). If the scheme is seen to be successful, then additional pay and incentive schemes should be incorporated and continued (Howard, Turban & Hurley, 2016). However, if the scheme seems to be not effective, and creates an adverse effect, then the linkage of payments should be eliminated (Wojtaszek, 2016).
Should pay be adjusted at certain points in the transformational process?
Payments and incentives are important motivations among the employees of any business organization. Incentives are important motivators for the employees, since they aspire to be recognized and highly paid for the good work that they do, in fulfilling the organizational goals (Gupta & Shaw, 2014). The urge of being recognized and getting high payments are important for the employees (Jeffrey, Dickinson & Einarsson, 2013). They often work diligently, in order to ensure that the organizational goals are fulfilled successfully, along with the fulfillment of individual career aspirations. Incentives and payments are important motivators for the employees. They are diligently attracted towards working successfully, in fulfilling the organizational goals. Since financial stability is one of the basic requirements of the employees, hence pay as motivation is effective and significant.
Organizational change management is important for any business organization. The changes need to be well accepted by the employees such that organizational changes could be carried out successfully. Payments and incentives have a key role to play in ensuring effective motivations. The employees feel motivated if their efforts are recognized and appreciated. Moreover, the employees are ready to accept the organizational changes gladly, if additional payments are given to the employees, as incentives (Cerasoli, Nicklin & Ford, 2014). Thus, pay is indeed a great motivator for the employees. This assignment highlights the importance of payments and incentives as a way of motivation. The effectiveness of the payment being linked with organizational changes and transformational process needs to be monitored regularly. This is because, if the incentive schemes are not effective, then such schemes need to be mitigated. However, if the schemes are effective, more incentives and payments have to be linked with motivation. Literature also highlights the fact that pay is an important motivator and helps in achieving employee motivation. The goals that are set by the business organization needs to be clear, such that the organizational changes could be carried out successfully. Thus, it could be concluded that motivation is important for employees of any business organization. Moreover, payments and incentives have a major role to play in ensuring employee motivation.
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