Patient Review System: Use Case, Class, Sequence, Collaboration, And Activity Diagrams

Use Case Diagram

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Figure 1: Use Case Diagram

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Use Case Name

Book Appointment

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Use Case ID



Patient and Admin


Organization and patient


The patient must be registered into the system

Post Condition

The selected dates must be available for appointment


The patients sends request for booking the appointment

System check user validity

Check if dates available

If dates available then appointment is booked


The patient is not present at the time of appointment

Use Case Name

Search Patient Record

Use Case ID





Organization and Administrator


The patient must be registered into the system

Post Condition

The patient must have booked at least a single appointment


The administrator enters the patient id or name

The system checks the patient with the inputted keyword is present in the system or not

The system then fetches all the data of the patient from the database and shows to the admin through a UI


The patient name is changed and admin is not notified of this fact

Use Case Name

Update Patient Record

Use Case ID





Organization and Administrator


The patient must be registered into the system

Post Condition

The patient must provide all the verified documents


The administrator enters the patient id or name

The system checks the patient with the inputted keyword is present in the system or not

The system then fetches all the data of the patient from the database and shows to the admin through a UI

The admin changes the data and save it into the database


The patient id cannot be changed as it the primary key

Use Case Name

Delete Patient Record

Use Case ID





Organization and Administrator


The patient must be registered into the system

Post Condition

The patient must not have a pending appointment


The administrator enters the patient id or name

The system checks if the patient is registered into the system

If the patient is available in the system then the system shows two options delete user and cancel

The admin clicks on the delete button and system deletes the user data


The patient appointment needs to be deleted if he/she has any pending appointment

Use Case Name

Cancel Appointment

Use Case ID



Patient and Admin


Organization and patient


The appointment should not be on the same day

Post Condition

The system updates the appointment schedule to be available


The patients sends request for cancelling an appointment

System check user validity

The system checks if cancellation and appointment date is not in same day

The system cancels the appointment and updates the appointment slot to be available


The patient can be fined for cancelling the appointment on the same day

Review System: The patient posts a review of the system. As the patient posts their review after using the system for few days or months, the review time will be different than registration date. The admins can access these reviews. In case a patient posts fake review, the patient can be contacted and ask for giving low review.

Update Contact: The patient can change their contact number due to many reasons. The system will allow the patients to update their contact details. The patient will just enter the new contact number and select a verification method.

Register: The patient will register into the system on their own. The system will generate form which will be used to collect data. The system will verify the entered data and store the data into the database if the data are verified.

Figure 2: Class Diagram

(Source: Created by Author)

The class diagram has six classes. Each of the classes are connected to each other via a path. The appointment class will hold the patient id who has set the appointment. The class diagram also shows that the system will hold the tools and devices used in a treatment. Each of the treatment will be done in an appointment. The patient review will be stored in a different class. It is because the patient may provide a review regarding the system or may not. The class diagram will hold all the essential data to process the required operations. The class diagram can be later modified to suit with the extended and newly found scopes.

Figure 3: Sequence Diagram

(Source: Created by Author)

The sequence diagram shows the process of appointment scheduling. There are three objects included in the process such as patient, appointment and DBMS. The DBMS is not originally an object but it is shown as an object to make everything easily presentable. The customer calls the function to set an appointment. This method checks whether the customer is logged in or not. Here it is assumed that the patient is logged in and has provided the dates. The class has two date variable that collects the appointment date. The system then uses the date to check into the database whether the preferred dates are available for appointment. If the dates are available then the system will set the appointment.  

Figure 4: Collaboration Diagram

(Source: Created by Author)

The collaboration diagram shown the Figure 4 has three types of components. The links has been used for showing the flow of process from one object to another. The collaboration diagrams has been created based on the appointment booking use case.

Figure 5: Activity Diagram

(Source: Created by Author)

The diagram has been generated by following the conventional approach of generating activity diagram. The activity diagram is based on the sequence diagram shown in figure 3. Here it is assumed that the patient is logged in and has provided the dates. The activity diagrams shows that if the appointment is not set, the user request is cancelled. This approach can be changed by showing alternatives dates to the user. If the user is not willing to book appointment on other date then he/she may cancel the appointment. The activity has two date variable that collects the appointment date. The system then uses the date to check into the database whether the preferred dates are available for appointment.

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