Overview Of Marketing And Achieving Career Aspirations
Know Yourself
The basic definition of marketing includes a set of activities that a company or an organisation do in their business operation. Marketing may refer to all those activities that are associated with buying or selling the product of the company (McDonald and Wilson 2016). Marketing is all about satisfying a customer or a client by creating relationships building Communications promoting and delivering goods and services to the people. people who work in a company and are associated with the marketing department, has a job of bringing attention of the targeted audiences by making attractive slogans endorsing celebrities and creating unique packaging designs in order to get high media exposure.
Marketing is all about making and attracting new customers and building a bigger customer base. The study of marketing is not about a one subject but it allows the learner to develop the marketing skills in the context of other subjects for example safe foreign language which allows a learner to develop schemes in case of foreign business activity or the process also helps learner to understand the psychology of customers regarding the behaviour of the customers and why they behave the way they do (Kumar and Reinartz 2016). The study of marketing is a very broad field which allows a learner to work in different departments. A marketing specialist will have various opportunities and options to choose from for example data analysis which allows a marketing specialist to work with various data for research purposes or analysing the behaviour of consumers; there are also various opportunities of doing interactive tasks like selling and promoting a product or services to the customers or to the clients. The study of marketing allows the learner to have personal preferences by which he or she has to decide whether he or she wants to take the challenge of networking and building communication and relationship with the customers or prefers the job of data analysis and handling (Andrews and Shimp 2017).
There are various marketing skills and qualifications that allow a graduate student to have a various opportunity in marketing departments of different companies, marketing consultancies or in advertising firms. Marketing people should have a certain traits and qualities for example they have to be a good communicator, a good project manager and a competent team player and they have to be excellent in data analytics and other creative skills (Kerzner and Kerzner 2017).
Communication skills are very important traits in marketing career as marketing specialists need to communicate with senior management team technical staff product managers and finance directors while presenting a marketing plan.
In marketing, specialists need to make strategic marketing decisions through analysing various data that represents the market for example the data on market size, consumer demographics, competitiveness of the market, products, sales etc. These professionals should have good analytical skills in order to do the job of marketing.
Marketing professionals will have to be very creative in order to attract customers and clients. Developers will be able to build something creative that can effectively and efficiently communicate with the customer only when marketing professionals are able to brief the creative things like designing copywriting to them (Scott 2015).
Every marketing professionals will have to be a good project manager as they have to do a set of activities for example allocating a budget making good schedule and identifying different stages of marketing program in order to deliver the work on time.
Marketing professionals should have at rate of being a good team player as they will have to communicate effectively with the clients as well as the colleagues inside the company they work in like marketing director, marketing managers, developers, public relation managers and the success of marketing department depends on the ability of those marketing professionals who can collaborate and communicate with their colleagues effectively.
A graduate student who wants to be a marketing professional should have a unique set of traits and qualities like he or she should be a good communicator data analyst project manager a good team player and should have all the creative skills to attract customers and clients. All these traits and qualities can be possessed through understanding two fundamental framework i.e. Clifton Gallup Strengths and Johari’s Window theories. Clifton Gallup of strength is a Framework or can be termed as a paradigm that reports to the positive psychology of a person (Lopez, Pedrotti and Snyder 2018). Fundamental theory of Clifton Gallup will allow a marketing student to understand the psychology and the behaviour of the customer from the perspective of alive that is healthy and totally functional (McQuaid, Niemiec and Doman 2018). The learner will be able to understand some aspects optimism satisfaction positive emotions etc. In this case Johari window model is very essential in order to understand the perception of an individual on others. It is important for the marketing student to understand the idea of trust that can be achieved by revealing important and essential information for others and making changes based on the feedback given by others (Marsick and Watkins 2015).
Marketing practice gives an opportunity to the companies to act in more ethical way possible. When a company is able to make an effort by revealing important information about the company to the customers in more ethical way, it shows all the positive aspects of the company that attracts the customers (Charter and Polonsky 2017). There are various marketing companies in UK but the selected two marketing companies have the highest reputation in UK. The learner has selected Carrot Promotions and Heavenly Brand Agency in order to present a clear overview of ethics and values of a marketing company.
Carrot Promotions is doing business for 30 years in food and beverage marketing and is now considered to be the leaders in the market of North Ireland (Crane and Matten 2016). Since the beginning the company has got a huge reputation for promoting iconic and popular brands of north Island and has introduced various unique ways of attracting customers. The company has managed to provide the best possible promotional solutions and desired outcome to the customers and clients. Heavenly brand agency was started in 2003 and since then the company has managed to achieve so many things. The company has worked all over the world from Europe and UK to the countries of Middle East, from United States to the countries of Asia like India. The company has got a huge reputation for exporting unit and strategic business and marketing ideas. These two-marketing company are selected on the basis of the nature and the way they promote the brands like they maintain honesty fairness and ethics and show tremendous responsibility in all the activity of marketing (Ford and Ibrahim 2015). Both these companies maintain a common principle of ethical marketing. Both this company treat their customers and consumers fairly on the basis of their nature end the way they behave. Both these marketing company make compliance with the rules regulation and the standards set by the government. These two Companies maintain the privacy value of that information gathered from the customers.
Ethical marketing is not a plan or something, but it may refer to as a tool or a technique that every company should use to review and revise their marketing strategy. If a company thinks that the introduction of ethical marketing in the business operation would increase the revenue of the company, this is a big opportunity for the company to review the marketing strategy in order to make some minor changes in the business and introduce itself marketing strategy in the business operation. I, as a marketing specialist, will have to begin with the analysis of the company and its customers’ behaviour. My first job would be reviewing all the features of advertising and promoting a product and services to the customers in order to perform those activities in more ethical way. Sometimes ethical marketing specialists will have to make difficult choices. The main principle of introducing ethical marketing in the business operation is to improve the public relation and to attract the customers by reviewing the true self of the company. The process may not prove to be very profitable for the company sometimes but the tools of ethical marketing would definitely allow the company to connect and communicate with the customers in more fluent way. Ethical marketing specialist will have a job to balance the interest of the company with the responsibility towards the customers and the clients (Crane and Matten 2016).
In order to improve the growth and the development of the business, networking is a crucial tool. In marketing as a career marketing specialist like me should use the tool of networking in order to connect with new customer and build a bigger customer base while promoting a product and services to the customer. Network of friends and associates will allow a small business manager and the marketing professionals to move forward as a group and will give them energy to keep going. There are a lot of benefits of networking for example
I think networking is a great tool to share ideas and views. The process allows how to ask for feedback and allow us to understand things from others perspective.
The tool of networking if used properly will always end up in opportunities. It’s a primary job of a marketing specialist like me to identify those opportunities and make a proper use of those opportunities to get the desired outcome.
I think networking is not just about creating opportunities but also it creates connections with other people who also share same goal and ambition.
While communicating with different types of people and making connections with them, the process of having a bigger network also increases the confidence of our marketing specialist like me.
Career networking events is a big opportunity for those college graduates like me who wants to start his career in a marketing department of a company. Career networking events is like a fear where people from different backgrounds and from different company meet up in a place and try to find college grads would fill their criteria (Mitchell, Schlegelmilch and Mone 2016). Career networking events also helps business owners to expand the number of contacts which will ultimately help them to make their business a bigger one.
This report has shed a light on various aspects of marketing as a career. This report shows a brief overview of marketing and several career options of marketing. The report has also identified some traits and unique qualities in order to become a marketing consultant linking to the fundamental theories of Clifton Gallup Strengths and Johari’s Window theories. The report also describes ethics and value aspects of marketing as a career.
Andrews, J.C. and Shimp, T.A., 2017. Advertising, promotion, and other aspects of integrated marketing communications. Nelson Education.
Charter, M. and Polonsky, M.J. eds., 2017. Greener marketing: a global perspective on greening marketing practice. Routledge.
Crane, A. and Matten, D., 2016. Business ethics: Managing corporate citizenship and sustaWest, D.C., Ford, J. and Ibrahim, E., 2015. Strategic marketing: creating competitive advantage. Oxford University Press, USA.inability in the age of globalization. Oxford University Press.
Crane, A. and Matten, D., 2016. Business ethics: Managing corporate citizenship and sustainability in the age of globalization. Oxford University Press.
Kerzner, H. and Kerzner, H.R., 2017. Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley & Sons.
Kumar, V. and Reinartz, W., 2016. Creating enduring customer value. Journal of Marketing, 80(6), pp.36-68.
Lopez, S.J., Pedrotti, J.T. and Snyder, C.R., 2018. Positive psychology: The scientific and practical explorations of human strengths. Sage Publications.
Marsick, V. and Watkins, K., 2015. Informal and Incidental Learning in the Workplace (Routledge Revivals). Routledge.
McDonald, M. and Wilson, H., 2016. Marketing Plans: How to prepare them, how to profit from them. John Wiley & Sons.
McQuaid, M., Niemiec, R. and Doman, F., 2018. A character strengths-based approach to positive psychology coaching. Positive Psychology Coaching in Practice.
Mitchell, V.W., Schlegelmilch, B.B. and Mone, S.D., 2016. Why should I attend? The value of business networking events. Industrial Marketing Management, 52, pp.100-108.
Scott, D.M., 2015. The new rules of marketing and PR: How to use social media, online video, mobile applications, blogs, news releases, and viral marketing to reach buyers directly. John Wiley & Sons.