Overview Of E-commerce Security: Challenges, Threats, And Risk Management
E-commerce and Its Components
Discuss about the Security of E-Commerce.
It is identified that security of e-commerce is generally considered as one of the part of information security framework which is specifically applied to the different components that generally helps in affecting e-commerce which includes Data security, computer security as well as other different realms of the information security framework. It is found that e-commerce security has its own nuances which are one of the highest security components that generally affect the end user with the help of daily payment interaction (Niranjanamurthy & Chahar, 2013). Security of e-commerce is generally the protection of various assets of e-commerce from various unauthorized users, destruction as well as alteration. In this paper, the author has mainly discussed the entire overview of e-commerce security by understanding the online shopping steps in order to keep e-commerce out of security issues. In addition to this, it is identified that security of information system is one of the most important need of management for any type of efficient as well as effective transaction activities over the internet.
The boom in e-commerce is generally due to the rapid evolution in the fields of computing and communication technologies. The authors identified the reason behind the overwhelming popularity of e-commerce and have found that the main reason is enhance transaction speed, easy global reach to vendors and customers as well as low cost of operation. This article mainly helps in examining the issues as well as challenges that are generally related with the security of e-commerce transactions as well as assets in the activities as well as components of e-commerce (Sengupta, Mazumdar & Barik, 2005). The author also investigates the technologies that are generally utilized in e-commerce. It is identified that e-commerce security is generally viewed as a problem of engineering management. The author identifies the procedure of e-commerce system that is generally made secure by utilizing the outlined life cycle approach. It is identified that the author discusses relevant laws as well as standards that are generally discussed in the perspective of e-commerce.
Electronic commerce generally assist enterprises in reducing cost as well as also helps in obtaining greater market in order to improve the relationship that generally exists between sellers as well as buyers. It is identified that number of risks, threats as well as problems occurred with e-commerce. The author analyzes the threats that are mainly faced by e-commerce and how the threats are generally classified in order to mitigate or control them effectively (Revathi et al. 2015). It is identified that a conceptual risk management framework is generally utilized in order to control the risks as well as challenges of the project. In addition to this, it is found that enterprises that are engaged in e-commerce can generally utilize the framework in order to improve the security. The e-commerce security is generally based on complex interrelationship among database management system, software and network infrastructure as well as different application platform. It is analyzed that single weakness can jeopardize the security of the e-commerce.
Challenges and Threats of E-commerce Security
The paper illustrates that the organization that utilizes the platform of e-commerce for their business purpose are generally taking a risk. The organizations mainly invest in various types of technologies in order to make profit. However, the risk to the organization came in many different ways. The risks that the customers generally face due to the e-commerce mainly include absence of new customer as well as dislikes from the existing customers about the service. As the organizations are generally performing e-commerce, a number of vulnerabilities as well as threats are taken into account (Gollmann, 2000). It is identified that this threats as well as vulnerabilities creates new types of risks that must be managed effectively. Communication security for the application of e-commerce generally helps in covering the security of information which is sent between the e-commerce server as well as customers system. It generally also include confidential information which is generally sent from the server of the computer system including files of the customer.
E-commerce mainly includes shopping as well as product or service commerce over the electronic system like various networks of the computer as well as web. The number must be conducted electronically with proper utilization of web pages. It is identified that during e-commerce method number of crucial business transaction are required to be carried out. The author analyzes that security measures are not helpful for providing assurance about the security of the system but they are required to create proper as well as secure system. E-commerce mainly introduces trade of services as well as products over the web (Niranjanamurthy & Chahar, 2013). The author identifies the attacks that affect e-commerce and the attacks include consumer tricking, inquiring the computer of the consumer, network sniffing, password guessing as well as mistreatment of server root exploitation. In addition to this, the author analyzes the solutions that are helpful in mitigating the risk. The solution includes education, server firewalls, secure socket layer, personal firewall as well as interruption detection review of security logs.
The internet is considered as one of the public network that generally consists of computer system that is generally connected together. It is identified that private computer network system is generally exposed to various types of potential threats on the public network. It is identified that in different areas of ecommerce like networking, data transfer as well as data storage as well as modeling analysis for detecting various types of potential risks. Proper security needs to be provided in order to mitigate he risks (Kaur et al. 2015). It is found that online security helps in providing flexibility, efficiency as better security. In addition to this, the article analyzes the future scope of the study in order to reduce the security related threats. Security is mainly utilized in the long run results for minimizing the number of branches. If better security is operated the chances of net banking as well as e-marketing will enhance.
Internet has helped in making the idea of an idealized marketplace that seems quite plausible. However, there are number of concerns related with the exchange of money which is found conveniently as well as securely over the internet. The author identifies that proper confidentiality as well as authentication service can be utilized by e-commerce (Al-Slamy, 2008). Proper research have been undertaken in order to study the study of benefit by utilizing the approaches of PGP as a method of e-commerce security for specifying the benefits of various encryption method as well as techniques that are helpful in securing the internet e-commerce. It is identified hat pretty good privacy is generally utilized behind the methodology of SSL for providing high security with the help of e-commerce
Risk Management Framework for E-commerce Security
This article mainly illustrates the study of information security in e-commerce applications. According to () electronic commerce generally refers to selling as well as buying of various types of goods and services with the help of proper electronic channels. The various applications of e-commerce mainly includes online booking store, e-banking, online ticket reservation. It is identified that e commerce applications are quite vulnerable to various types of security threats. This is mainly due to the loss of confidence of the consumer therefore proper security tools are required for countering number of security related threats. It is found that this paper helps in presenting an overview of security threats of various E-commerce applications as well as technologies for countering them. In addition to this, it is analyzed that e-commerce applications are generally required for accessing control, confidentiality, authentication, non repudiation, integrity as well as availability. Moreover, the author also identifies authentication attacks, confidentiality attacks, integrity attacks, worms, Trojan horse and more. All the risks as well as challenges needs to be resolved properly.
The paper mainly reflects at the security of electronic commerce transaction processing. It mainly starts with the introduction of proper security terminology that is utilized in this paper. It is identified that various types of security requirements for card payment as well as all the possible protocols for the electronic transaction processing are generally illustrated. The paper analyses as well as discusses thee remainder of the thesis that is generally based on the various types of assumptions that are generally made in order to provide proper baseline level of security (Khu-Smith, 2003). The author illustrates number of protection scheme for transaction however the existing threats to the PC’s are generally utilized for conducting electronic commerce transactions. These residual threats are generally examined and the designs of the protocol are properly motivated for specifically addressing the threats that are related with the cookies. The paper also illustrates all the procedures of electronic commerce that generally helps in enabling a customer in order to access appropriate information about the product for selecting items and for settling financially
The paper illustrates e-commerce security by utilizing PKI approach. It is identified that e-commerce generally helps in providing number of convenient business mode for lowering the cost of transaction. Presently, the security of e-commerce is considered as an obstacle in the development of e-commerce. It is considered as the need of the hour for constructing safe as well as effective environment of transaction. It is identified that depending on the relationship of e-commerce security as well as computer network security, proper e-commerce security model is generally presented (Rattan et al., 2010). The paper mainly helps in putting forward proper PKI based e-commerce security model that generally utilizes the PKI that is mainly considered as adaptive secure infrastructure. The paper generally identifies the application as well as security of the model for providing proper beneficial attempt in the field of e-commerce security. It is analyzed that the paper helps in undertaking elementary research on the PKI approach or technology in the e-commerce security.
Technologies and Standards Used in E-commerce
The paper helps in representing a proper investigation by comparing different methodologies as well as processes that are utilized for the security of E-commerce. It also helps in presenting number of suggested methods for making e-commerce much more secure. It is identified that applications of e-commerce are generally illustrated by the author. The paper also reflects on the efficiency of various security methods which are generally measured when the efficiency enhances when it generally combined with various security methods. A proper new method of security is generally suggested which is generally considered as one of the combination between hash algorithm as well as public key infrastructure. The paper also discusses number of applications of e-commerce that mainly includes e-banking, e-tailing as well as online retailing. Additionally, the paper also analyzed that as more guards are added within the information system them the system became much more secure
The paper illustrates best practices for securing e-commerce. It is identified that e-commerce helps in utilizing internet for facilitating transactions for selling services as well as goods. It is identified that e-commerce solution mainly comprises of hardware, software, services as well as methodologies in order to enable as well as support different types of transactions. The paper also highlights e-commerce implementations as well as features. The paper highlights number of applications as well as security issues that are related with e-commerce. Proper methods as well as strategies are also implemented in order to mitigate the issues as well as challenges that are generally associated e-commerce. Additionally, the paper also analyzes some of the security requirements as well as engineering procedures in order to develop e-commerce system appropriately.
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