Overcoming Resistance To Innovation And Change In Schools: A Qualitative Study
Theory and Hypothesis
New technologies continue to developed and have an impact on learning. It allows schools and teachers to learn new techniques of teaching. The effectiveness of innovation in school organization depends on the extent to which people are aware of a problem, and therefore the need to be aware of a range of alternative solutions and feel themselves in an appropriate regulatory environment (Karmel Report, 1973). Online learning environments and computer-based exams had emerged alongside the traditional learning; this has become a new form of schooling that provides numerous advantages. Since online learning environments aroused besides traditional classrooms, more traditional strategies have been transferred to be online. However, schools’ principals and teachers continue to face limitations forced by technology. While the internet access has increased greatly over the last period, some schools continue to experience capacity shortages and most schools do not have enough computers for every student. Education technicians are known to be responsible for implementing and promoting a variety of innovative programs and devices to improve teaching and learning method. Educational technology has advanced its ability to improve education more quickly than implementing it in the classroom. One of the factors that is affecting this adoption is the resistance of professors. It is clear that in the recent changes in technology and the need for change in education in schools requires redesigning of teacher education. This is particularly important when leadership and guidance are considered important factor for training eligible generations.
The purpose of this qualitative study is to investigate what teachers and principals of the government schools anticipate when operating a new educational system in their school and how to improve the implementation outcome. A qualitative study is more appropriate for understanding shared experiences. According to Creswell (2007), a qualitative approach is more appropriate when exploring people’s perceptions and experiences, where a purposeful sample selection must be conducted.
According to the research, the researcher sets the experimental hypothesis for testing.
The hypothesis of a research provides a predictive statement of independent and dependent variable. The research method is based on the research hypothesis-
Null hypothesis (H0): The principals of government schools of UAE are resisting the introduction of online system in teaching and exam process of online system.
Alternative hypothesis (HA): The principals of government schools of UAE are not resisting the introduction of online system in teaching and exam process of online system.
The hypothesis concludes the statistical significance between dependent and independent variable of the model.
Research Methods
The problem that would be analyzed through this study is the level of principals and teacher’s resistance through change in education. Not much work has been done to analyze and investigate this specific issue, which is believed to be a large-scale problem, and therefore not much investigation has been done. The Internet has become a major tool for schools around the world, but does it actually help them with their teaching and learning needs. What elements developed the experience of change has not been evaluated and has not been identified. This again is an issue that must be highlighted to understand how to deal with change in schools more effectively and can reduce teachers’ resistance. The negative consequences associated with the study are that it will end up presenting a general point of view.
New technologies are being developed day by day in this ever-changing world. The innovation of technologies is also bringing changes in the teaching and learning techniques. Online learning environments are being launched in various schools all over the world (Raven 2011). This process is gradually replacing traditional teaching, learning and exam mode (Guessoum 2006). Such type of new form of schooling is a new trend in educational system.
For promoting the nurturing and sustainable environment, the secondary schools of UAE are promoting a prepare plan for the modern world. The pattern of education is drastically changing these days in UAE (Abulibdeh and Hassan 2011). There is also a renewed focus in the teaching is being observed for practical competencies and critical thinking. The innovation and allocation of high standard technology in classroom teaching and examination process are decreasing school drop outs and class bunk (Macpherson, Kachelhoffer and El Nemr 2007).
Some resistances are coming from Islamic religious approach of the principals and some sort of resistances are coming from the misconception among the teachers and principals of government schools. Some of them considers that online system in education is complex (Gaad, Arif and Scott 2006). However, the mis-conceptions and uncertainties regarding online approach in educational system is not valid.
The analysis would indicate a new horizon of E-contextual learning in UAE as in Oman (Sarrab and Elgamel 2013). The hypothesis of resistance towards this global-approach is a considerable fact (Findlow 2005). The probable measure and validity of the suspicion of resistance is to be rechecked in this analysis (Godwin 2006).
The research of the qualitative data is executed here. The data is collected with the help of interview method. The data is based on the responses of four teachers and one principal of a government school of United Arab Emirates. The questions are open-ended. Overall 21 questions are asked to each teacher and 20 questions are asked to the principal of the school. Respondents answered the questions of the interview as per best of their knowledge. The researcher would analyse the answers of the responders of the school of UAE.
Samples and Data sources
Research design simply defines the research problem and it is the preparation method of research project. It is actually a collection and analysis of data that combines the relevance of the research to the purpose of the study and procedure. Mainly four types of research designs are the sampling design, observational design, statistical design and operational design. The interview method is considered as an observational design. The objective of obtaining information, nature of the problem and availability & skills is fulfilled in this research design. The phenomena can take various qualitative values for different responders. The presence of some independent variables could be found in this research design.
In this qualitative research study, the researcher collected data for testing assigned hypothesis in the interview method. The target population are the teachers and principals of government schools. According to the target population, the researcher selected the focus group of four teachers and one principal of two randomly selected higher secondary schools.
The data collected in interview method is primary data. The responses are neither manipulated nor deployed.
Interview is actually a question-answer process in which answers are scripted in structured, semi-structured or un-structured mode. These particular interviews are arranged in structured method. The common factors that influence interviews are experience, opinion, feelings, knowledge and ability to express. Qualitative data analysis (QDA) is the procedure in which interpretative philosophy is examined. For Qualitative analysis, predefined analysis is not provided in advance. In interview method, qualitative data analysis describes phenomenon or generate theory on ground data.
In this research methodology, analysis is circular, progressive and iterative. The responses are first structured and then familiarized. Interview data is primary data. The researcher took the help of NVivo-11 software for analysing primary and unbiased data.
Mainly three types of variables could be measured in the study design. The dependent variable is the response variable of the model, independent variables are the predictor variables of the model and control variables in the research model minimizes the effect of extraneous independent variable (Source: Anon, 2018). In this research design, the measures are mainly a dependent and an independent variable. The presence of control variable is tactically neglected here in this method. No conformed relationship is approved in this analysis.
The other types of analysis that could be executed with the progressive focusing is decision tree analysis or text-mining analysis. In these processes, the qualitative analyst interacts with the data gradually and refines the focus.
- How long are you in this school?
Other types of analyses
R: As long as I can recall, I have been in this school for over 7 years and running
- Is this your first school or you had any other previous experience? Any ICT teaching experience?
R: No, this is not my first experience in teaching in a school. Previously I was in a government aided secondary school where I had worked for around 2 years.
- I think you like your profession? Isn’t it?
R: Of course… I am in this profession just because I like to teach and stay around the little one and share my own experiences.
- How you feel yourself in front of student? Do they communicate and interact with you properly?
R: Students are like my children and therefore in front of them I am a mentor and a guide who will assist them in creating their future. Obviously, I maintain a friendly and cordial relationship with my students and therefore they never hesitate to come up to me in any circumstances.
- Which subject you generally teach in the classroom? Is desktops or computers necessary for teaching and learning in your subject?
R: I am a graduate on Mathematics and therefore I teach math in my school. I don’t think desktops and computers are necessary for my subject for the primary students as they initially need to have knowledge about the formulas and the basic ideas about mathematics. But, the students who are in the secondary classes may require desktops and laptops as they need to improve their skills in Microsoft Excel and other software and learn to calculate by making use of the formulas in the software.
- Do you prefer pen and paper mode in the classroom? Do you have any suggestion about its pros and cons?
R: In my classroom, I always prefer pen and paper as pen and paper provides the basic foundation with the help of which the students can have knowledge about how to calculate the sums and figures that can be used by them in their daily living. The use of pen and paper makes a student more competent and they are able to use their brain because in case of computers the students do not need to use their brain.
- Many researchers say that use of online learning is better than traditional mode of teaching. I would like to know your suggestion?
R: I cannot suggest as to whether traditional learning or online learning is better as both of them have their benefits and it is in the discretion of the school to implement both the processes in an effective manner. The balance between online learning and traditional learning is the best way to bring out the best teaching
- The facilities like projector, laboratory, computers and technological instruments are essential for teaching method in online process. Are those things available in your institution? How many machines and labs are there in your school/department?
R: All the facilities and the equipment that you have mentioned are available in our school but the amount in which they are available is limited. There is only one laboratory and an entire computer lab that has 45 computers. Projector is only available in the school hall.
- A significant number of principals of schools of UAE are resisting online activities for learning process in future days. What is the approach of principal of your school in this context?
R: I really haven’t had a discussion with our principal on this topic, but by looking at his mind set and point of view I can say that he would influence online learning activities in the future days as he is always in the lookout for development and better learning experiences in the future.
- I think WLAN and free Wi-fi is available in your school. Isn’t it? Are these factors helping the teaching process?
R: WLAN is available only in the computer lab and free WI-fi is available all over the school premises and I do not rely think that these facilities are generally improving the learning process in a drastic manner.
- What is the perception and interest of students about learning process in online method? Also, add to that please state the consideration of other teachers about it?
R: The students are always keen to learn through the online process as it is effortless for them in accordance to conventional teaching but I really do not have any idea about what other teachers perceive about the same.
- What according to you could be to the strategy to attract uninterested students and teachers towards online teaching and learning process?
R: Uninterested students can be attracted with the help of various colorful and attractive power point presentation slides so that the colorful features can influence them to learn. I have no idea about how to attract the teachers.
- According to you what are the facilities that internet and technology would provide to the classroom that traditional teaching system cannot provide?
R: I cannot find any other facilities that would be provided by technology and internet in accordance to the traditional teaching method other than reducing the time of teaching and availability of new and current information and news.
- Do you think that the days of globe, charts, maps, tables, markers and white-boards has finished? Are those totally obsolete? Are these totally backdated compared to e-marker and projector?
R: No absolutely not, the days of charts, maps, table, markers and white boards can be replaced by the e-marker and the projectors as there are certain queries that comes from the students which cannot be solved by these technologies. The balance between the traditional and the new process should be maintained.
- Could you estimate any kind of misuse that students can do?
R: I really don’t thing I can help you out on this question because I don’t have any idea myself.
- Would there arise any kind of harm of student’s mental growth and performance when modern techniques would be applied?
R: I feel that the implementation of the modern techniques can have an impact on the mental development of the students as they would slowly become reluctant to use their brains and hands while gaining knowledge and education and so their level of education would hamper and they would not feel like studying by using their brain as they feel that everything is available in the new technologies.
- Will your principal take necessary steps to diminish the restrictions regarding online teaching method?
R: Online teaching methods can be restricted if the principal feels that these techniques can have an impact on the mind-set of the students.
18.Would this technique be able to generate more classroom interaction, ICT awareness and professional development?
R: I really do not think.
- Should school authority provide laptops, soft-materials and gadgets to school students for free to enhance learning process?
R: Yes, that can motivate the students but the school should provide only those gadgets that will be useful to the students not the ones that can be mis-utilised by them.
- ICT based activity would be fruitful in near future as per my concern. May I know about yours?
R: I am not sure but I feel certain aspects can be fruitful.
- One last question. School committee is allowing internet free computer use only for students or computer use with internet for all students. According to you which one is more probable in your school?
R: I suggest computer use with internet but with certain limited websites that the students would be allowed to visit which would be helpful for their educational purpose.
- How long are you in this school?
R: 10 years. I joined on 23rd October, 2007.
- Is this your first school or you had any other previous experience? Any ICT teaching experience?
R: No, my first experience was in Regent international school in Dubai. I worked there as a part time teacher for 9 months. Then I moved to Ajman Academy School. The experience was superb in that school. That time I was familiar with online teaching processes. After 2 years, I settled in this school.
- I think you like your profession? Isn’t it?
R: Ya…you can say it. Lots of experience and lots of culturing of students made me happy and satisfied in this profession.
- How you feel yourself in front of student? Do they communicate and interact with you properly?
R: Yes, I feel enough comfortable to be in front of a classroom. They communicate and interact with me cordially.
- Which subject you generally teach in the classroom? Is desktops or computers necessary for teaching and learning in your subject?
R: I teach many subjects such as literature, philosophy and history. But, I prefer philosophy mostly. I think desktops or computers are not necessary in my class.
- Do you prefer pen and paper mode in the classroom? Do you have any suggestion about its pros and cons?
R: I think pen and paper mode is the most effective process of teaching. One to one interaction is most effective in this method. No strain on eyes…. No worries about technical glitches.
- Many researchers say that use of online learning is better than traditional mode of teaching. I would like to know your suggestion?
R: As per my point of view, online learning and teaching process is not much worthy. I realize its drawbacks. Students do not receive proper knowledge in this method. Besides, their understanding always is not good in this process.
- The facilities like projector, laboratory, computers and technological instruments are essential for teaching method in online process. Are those things available in your institution? How many machines and labs are there in your school/department?
R: I cannot comment about number of machines. But, I know that our school have only 2 labs.
- A significant number of principals of schools of UAE are resisting online activities for learning process in future days. What is the approach of principal of your school in this context?
R: The points of views of different principals in different schools are not similar. It is their consideration. I cannot talk about that.
- I think WLAN and free Wi-fi is available in your school. Isn’t it? Are these factors helping the teaching process?
R: Yes…these are available. However, I do not know whether these factors are at all helping teaching or learning process or not.
- What is the perception and interest of students about learning process in online method? Also, add to that please state the consideration of other teachers about it?
R: I observe that students and some teachers are pretty much exited about online teaching and exam process. Some teachers like me are not sure about its fruitfulness.
- What according to you could be to the strategy to attract uninterested students and teachers towards online teaching and learning process?
R: Probably two or three seminars can attract more uninterested students. If all the teachers and students agree about its advantages, then some good result might be observed. Otherwise not.
- According to you what are the facilities that internet and technology would provide to the classroom that traditional teaching system cannot provide?
R: Traditional teaching system is manual and therefore it is time taking. But internet and technology are not of that type.
- Do you think that the days of globe, charts, maps, tables, markers and white-boards has finished? Are those totally obsolete? Are these totally backdated compared to e-marker and projector?
R: No..No…These are pretty much vibrant still now.
- Could you estimate any kind of misuse that students can do?
R: Students can cheat or other stuffs with online activities.
- Would there arise any kind of harm of student’s mental growth and performance when modern techniques would be applied?
R: I think yes. Students will not focus on “In-depth” knowledge and concept anymore. This learning would remain incomplete.
- Will your principal take necessary steps to diminish the restrictions regarding online teaching method?
R: I cannot say about it.
- Would this technique be able to generate more classroom interaction, ICT awareness and professional development?
R: May be.
- Should school authority provide laptops, soft-materials and gadgets to school students for free to enhance learning process?
R: No need to do that. Only motivation is enough. Students themselves can manage their gadgets and computers.
- ICT based activity would be fruitful in near future as per my concern. May I know about yours?
R: Ya…..perhaps.
- One last question. School committee is allowing internet free computer use only for students or computer use with internet for all students. According to you which one is more probable in your school?
R: I would recommend internet free computer usage at least in school premises.
- How long are you in this school?
R: Over 6 years. I am still experiencing like a new joiner.
- Is this your first school or you had any other previous experience? Any ICT teaching experience?
R: This is the first institution where I am teaching. I do not have any kind of ICT teaching experience…frankly speaking. I joined this school long ago. However, I did not find any kind of approach from any one to launch online teaching in Al Yasat.
- I think you like your profession? Isn’t it?
R: Why not? I am having good salary here. Students love me. My profession has given me scopes to learn many aspects of life.
- How you feel yourself in front of student? Do they communicate and interact with you properly?
R: As I already said you that I feel comfortable with new generation …. they make me happy. Their queries, their thoughts and innovations attract me.
- Which subject you generally teach in the classroom? Is desktops or computers necessary for teaching and learning in your subject?
R: Off course… I teach physics and computers are necessary for teaching process.
- Do you prefer pen and paper mode in the classroom? Do you have any suggestion about its pros and cons?
R: Not at all. I would prefer online system both in teaching and exam process. The “pen and paper” mode is too much time taking and monotonous. Conversely, teaching process by technological support is more sophisticated and easy. The assessment process is also beneficial.
- Many researchers say that use of online learning is better than traditional mode of teaching. I would like to know your suggestion?
R: Yes, the online learning process is far better than traditional “pen and paper” mode. It is not at all critical to handle gadgets and machines in the school.
- The facilities like projector, laboratory, computers and technological instruments are essential for teaching method in online process. Are those things available in your institution? How many machines and labs are there in your school/department?
R: Not significantly…. the availability of machines in our school is not enough. We have only two labs. Therefore, students feel tremendous adversity at the time of using computers in learning classes. The number of projectors is also only 8 to 10. We face real problems to make online activities.
- A significant number of principals of schools of UAE are resisting online activities for learning process in future days. What is the approach of principal of your school in this context?
R: Principal of Al Yasat no doubt is a broad-minded person. He knows the particular needs of the student. He is not at all resisting the adoption of online teaching and exam procedure. Principal wants all teachers and students to be linked online. He prefers to launch new technologies and modern innovations in education.
- I think WLAN and free Wi-fi is available in your school. Isn’t it? Are these factors helping the teaching process?
R: It is a fact that WLAN and free Wi-Fi often causes problems due to slow connection. But, I cannot deny that school authority has arranged WLAN and free Wi-fi for educational purpose.
- What is the perception and interest of students about learning process in online method? Also, add to that please state the consideration of other teachers about it?
R: Yes…I was waiting for it since long time. Students are happy. What more do I need? I think the students and teachers who are advert of it, would realize the effect of online activities soon.
- What according to you could be to the strategy to attract uninterested students and teachers towards online teaching and learning process?
R: Principal should advice and explain the facilities of online activities. Then, teachers in the classroom gradually would recommend all the students to adopt online method. That is the proper way out.
- According to you what are the facilities that internet and technology would provide to the classroom that traditional teaching system cannot provide?
R: Online teaching and exam method is automatic ….. It does not have much bias.
- Do you think that the days of globe, charts, maps, tables, markers and white-boards has finished? Are those totally obsolete? Are these totally backdated compared to e-marker and projector?
R: Not still now. These are necessary in the classroom. But, the day is coming when students would totally neglect markers and charts. They would prefer e-marker and projector.
- Could you estimate any kind of misuse that students can do?
R: I do not have any idea. But, I belief my students will not perform any illegal activities.
- Would there arise any kind of harm of student’s mental growth and performance when modern techniques would be applied?
R: No. The marks and performance of the students would grow, I think.
- Will your principal take necessary steps to diminish the restrictions regarding online teaching method?
R: Principal is active in this context. He already making arrangement for more computers, projectors and labs. Besides, our school is making its own and individual website. Principal and school authority is monitoring that.
- Would this technique be able to generate more classroom interaction, ICT awareness, professional development?
R: Yes surely. As more as the awareness of online activity and ICT would grow, the classroom interaction and professional development would enhance.
- Should school authority provide laptops, soft-materials and gadgets to school students for free to enhance learning process?
R: Not necessarily. The student who is facing problems in this context can personally contact their professors.
- ICT based activity would be fruitful in near future as per my concern. May I know about yours?
R: I am optimistic about it. Our school would find a new horizon of teaching and learning process ignoring all adversities.
- One last question. School committee is allowing internet free computer use only for students or computer use with internet for all students. According to you which one is more probable in your school?
R: No doubt…..computer usage with internet.
- How long are you in this school?
R: Yeah… I have been teaching over 5 years
- Is this your first school or you had any other previous experience? Any ICT teaching experience?
R: Yes, this is the first institute where I commenced teaching activities. Well to be honest I do not have any form of ICT teaching experience. Though I have been involved in the teaching activities but it is hard to recall when I was approached for ICT Teaching.
- I think you like your profession? Isn’t it?
R: Yeah… I am in love with my profession. The amenities and the culture have contributed to my personality of teaching profession. I often to get to learn from different students.
- How you feel yourself in front of student? Do they communicate and interact with you properly?
R: To be honest, I have been respected by my students and I do feel comfortable in class by interacting with them. The students do communicate with me and I feel obliged to impart my best lesson at the end of the day.
- Which subject you generally teach in the classroom? Is desktops or computers necessary for teaching and learning in your subject?
R: yeah… I teach taxation to students. And to be honest desktops and computers form the vital part of improved learnings.
- Do you prefer pen and paper mode in the classroom? Do you have any suggestion about its pros and cons?
R: Not, really the pen and paper mode of teaching is orthodox and traditional mode of teaching. I would prefer having digital black board with internet sources available at the tip of hand to better provide improve learnings to my student. Pen and paper mode is orthodox and lacks innovation.
- Many researchers say that use of online learning is better than traditional mode of teaching. I would like to know your suggestion?
R: According to my opinion rather than the pen and paper mode, online learning helps in creating a virtual world of improved understanding of the subject knowledge.
- The facilities like projector, laboratory, computers and technological instruments are essential for teaching method in online process. Are those things available in your institution? How many machines and labs are there in your school/department?
R: Currently we do not have these machinery as the medium of teaching. We do have the facilities of projectors and computers but would like to have more digital support with advancement in internet connections.
- A significant number of principals of schools of UAE are resisting online activities for learning process in future days. What is the approach of principal of your school in this context?
R: Well the view point of other principals is not known to me but our principal is in favor of implementing technological mode of learning in the upcoming days. This would help student to get expose to beyond the book knowledge.
- I think WLAN and free Wi-fi is available in your school. Isn’t it? Are these factors helping the teaching process?
R: Yes… the school has provided with such kind amenities. And frankly I would like to say that the internet process speed up the teaching process.
- What is the perception and interest of students about learning process in online method? Also, add to that please state the consideration of other teachers about it?
R: Yeah… this is something very interesting. Students have long been open to such kind of exposure. Though exam process could be hectic for students as this entirely a new process but everything requires changes and change is good I suppose.
- What according to you could be to the strategy to attract uninterested students and teachers towards online teaching and learning process?
R: Well, I guess this is not an overnight process. This requires creating awareness among the students and teachers through holding mass communication such as conducting meetings with them.
- According to you what are the facilities that internet and technology would provide to the classroom that traditional teaching system cannot provide?
R: Well I guess.. learning beyond the text books. The curriculum are only limited to book. Internet would add more the knowledge of students.
- Do you think that the days of globe, charts, maps, tables, markers and white-boards has finished? Are those totally obsolete? Are these totally backdated compared to e-marker and projector?
R: No not yet… they are still available and contributes much in primary level education.
- Could you estimate any kind of misuse that students can do?
R: No. I don’t believe this could contribute to anything such as academic misconduct.
- Would there arise any kind of harm of student’s mental growth and performance when modern techniques would be applied?
R: No. I do not see this as a drawback instead I think this as an opportunity for new learning.
- Will your principal take necessary steps to diminish the restrictions regarding online teaching method?
R: The principal is ready to implement the new mode of learning and I hope this would contribute more in the future.
- Would this technique be able to generate more classroom interaction, ICT awareness, professional development?
R: I firmly believe this will change the entire process of learning.
- Should school authority provide laptops, soft-materials and gadgets to school students for free to enhance learning process?
R: No, there is sufficient in house equipment which will contribute to the students learnings.
- ICT based activity would be fruitful in near future as per my concern. May I know about yours?
R: Yes… I am looking forward to such an improved mode of learnings.
- One last question. School committee is allowing internet free computer use only for students or computer use with internet for all students. According to you which one is more probable in your school?
R: Yes… I would recommend for this measure.
- How long are you in this school as teacher and/or principal?
R: 16 years. I joined on 2001 as a teacher. I am appointed a principal in 2013.
- Is this your first school or you had any other previous experience?
R: No, my first experience was in King’s school in Dubai from 1998. I worked there as a teacher for 3 years. After that, I settled in this school.
- I think you like your profession? Isn’t it?
R: Obviously. Lots of experience made me satisfied in this profession. The importance of the post is more than salary. My profession has given me chances to maintain the institution.
- How you feel yourself in front of student? Do they communicate and interact with you properly?
R: I know that students always cannot connect with me. But, they try to communicate and interact with me as the scopes arises. Such a big institution, a huge number of students…. their challenges are my challenges and their problems are my problems.
- Do you prefer pen and paper mode in the classroom? Do you have any suggestion about its pros and cons?
R: Not at all. I would launch online system both in teaching and exam process. Online teaching process and the assessment process is beneficial for both teachers and students.
- Many researchers say that use of online learning is better than traditional mode of teaching. I would like to know your suggestion?
R: I am aware of the drawbacks of traditional teaching systems. Students do not receive proper knowledge in this method. Besides, the online learning process is far better than traditional “pen and paper” mode. Within a few days all the teachers will be compatible with computers and software gadgets. Their motivation is essential for students to use the computers.
- The facilities like projector, laboratory, computers and technological instruments are essential for teaching method in online process. Are those things available in your institution? How many machines and labs are there in your school/department?
R: We have 2 labs. The number of computers in the lab is 39…As you see, the availability of machines in our school is not enough. Often, students face problem of using computers in learning classes. The number of projectors is also only 13.
- A significant number of principals of schools of UAE are resisting online activities for learning process in future days. What is your approach in this context?
R: I will be happy if students make their study in online processes. I would like to launch new technologies and modern innovations in education. Students would be benefited with it.
- I think WLAN and free Wi-fi is available in your school. Isn’t it?
R: Yes…WLAN and Wi-fi are available in my school. It helps the students to have detailed study and complete their assignment.
- What is the perception and interest of students about learning process in online method? Also, add to that please state the consideration of other teachers about it?
R: Students and some teachers are eager about online teaching and exam process. I think the students and teachers who are opposite to it like teacher 3, would realize the effect of online activities soon. Specially students of science stream would definitely get a helping hand.
- What according to you could be to the strategy to attract uninterested students and teachers towards online teaching and learning process?
R: I am suggesting a seminar next month to the school committee. It would bring all the students and teachers in a preferable list. I personally will advice and explain the facilities of online techniques in classroom and exam hall. After that, the teachers in the classroom would grow awareness in all the students to adopt online activities.
- According to you what are the facilities that internet and technology would provide to the classroom that traditional teaching system cannot provide?
R: Teaching system in “Pen and Paper” mode is manual and Online teaching and exam method is much handy. Also, it does not have bias.
- Do you think that the days of globe, charts, maps, tables, markers and white-boards has finished? Are those totally obsolete? Are these totally backdated compared to e-marker and projector?
R: No. These are still essential in the classroom. But, students are preferring e-marker and projector more than chalk, duster, graphs, tables and charts.
- Could you estimate any kind of misuse that students can do?
R: I know that students can misuse with online activities. But, probable steps would be taken to the student who would neglect the valid path of using internet. Theft cases would not be any how tolerated.
- Would there arise any kind of harm of student’s mental growth and performance when modern techniques would be applied?
R: No. students would be e-learned in this process I think. No harm of mental growth and performance would occur due to use of modern technologies.
- Would this technique be able to generate more classroom interaction, ICT awareness, professional development?
R: I think…..yes. ICT teaching enhancement would increase the classroom interaction and professional development.
- Will you take necessary steps to diminish the restrictions regarding online teaching method? What should be your strategy?
R: The awareness is first of all very necessary. If the awareness grows among students and teachers about online activity, then use of technology in education purpose will be successful.
- Would you and school authority provide laptops, soft-materials and gadgets to school students for free to enhance learning process?
R: It could not possible from our end. However, after some time, we will think about it.
- ICT based activity would be fruitful in near future as per my concern. May I know about yours?
R: Yes absolutely. ICT based activity would be most fruitful in near future.
- One last question. You are going to allow internet free computer use only for students or computer use with internet for all students?
R: According to me “Computer use with internet”.
- Approach of other principals and current principal towards online activities:
<InternalsPrincipal-survey> – § 1 reference coded [1.06% Coverage]
Reference 1 – 1.06% Coverage
I will be happy if students make their study in online processes.
<InternalsTeacher1-survey> – § 2 references coded [1.73% Coverage]
Reference 1 – 0.87% Coverage
I really haven’t had a discussion with our principal on this topic
Reference 2 – 0.86% Coverage
he would influence online learning activities in the future days
<InternalsTeacher2-survey> – § 1 reference coded [1.53% Coverage]
Reference 1 – 1.53% Coverage
The points of views of different principals in different schools are not similar.
<InternalsTeacher3-survey> – § 2 references coded [2.47% Coverage]
Reference 1 – 1.26% Coverage
He is not at all resisting the adoption of online teaching and exam procedure.
Reference 2 – 1.21% Coverage
He prefers to launch new technologies and modern innovations in education.
<InternalsTeacher4-survey> – § 1 reference coded [2.20% Coverage]
Reference 1 – 2.20% Coverage
the view point of other principals is not known to me but our principal is in favor of implementing technological mode of learning
- Attract students and Teachers towards Online activity:
<InternalsPrincipal-survey> – § 2 references coded [2.64% Coverage]
Reference 1 – 1.00% Coverage
I am suggesting a seminar next month to the school committee.
Reference 2 – 1.64% Coverage
I personally will advice and explain the facilities of online techniques in classroom and exam hall.
<InternalsTeacher1-survey> – § 1 reference coded [1.83% Coverage]
Reference 1 – 1.83% Coverage
with the help of various colorful and attractive power point presentation slides so that the colorful features can influence them to learn.
<InternalsTeacher2-survey> – § 1 reference coded [1.34% Coverage]
Reference 1 – 1.34% Coverage
Probably two or three seminars can attract more uninterested students.
<InternalsTeacher3-survey> – § 2 references coded [2.68% Coverage]
Reference 1 – 1.18% Coverage
Principal should advice and explain the facilities of online activities.
Reference 2 – 1.50% Coverage
teachers in the classroom gradually would recommend all the students to adopt online method.
<InternalsTeacher4-survey> – § 2 references coded [1.71% Coverage]
Reference 1 – 0.57% Coverage
this is not an overnight process.
Reference 2 – 1.13% Coverage
holding mass communication such as conducting meetings with them.
- Availability of machines and gadgets:
<InternalsPrincipal-survey> – § 2 references coded [1.60% Coverage]
The analysis refers that teachers are eager to import online examination method and teaching method in their school. Their principal is an open-minded person who is eager to establish the online activities in educational purpose in school. It is heard that principals of UAE are not eager to introduce online procedures in secondary or higher secondary schools. However, all the teachers admitted that the principal of their school is interested to bring technology in their school.
No teacher is teaching less than 5 years in this school. This particular school is the first institution for teacher3 and teacher4. However, the principal, teacher1 and teacher2 had teaching experience in other schools previously. Some of them had ICT (online teaching) experiences. Naturally, all the teachers conveyed that they are happy with their profession. They all conveyed that they are frank and communicable with the students for any purpose of study. Principal regretted that students try but could always reach to him. Teacher1 is a mathematics teacher. Teacher2 and Teacher3 are the teachers of philosophy and physics. Teacher4 teaches taxation to the students.
Teacher1 and Teacher2 believe in pen-paper mode of education. Teacher3, Teacher4 and principal are the believer of study in online mode. The advantages of pen-paper mode are found out to be no presence of eye-strain, no technical glitches and authentic learning. The traditional technology is automatic, sophisticated and flexible (Macpherson, Kachelhoffer and El Nemr 2007). The traditional mode has some drawbacks too as it is time-taking and monotonous. The principal is very much interested to create a virtual world of teaching and learning. The discrepancy was found for the number of labs, machines and projectors of the school. More or less all teachers told that the school has 2 labs. However, no one of them specifically could tell the numbers of machines and projectors of the school except the principal. He informed that that the number of computers is 39 and number of projectors is 13. It seems that there is a miss-communication between teachers and technological gadgets. They are not fully concerned with technical aspects.
However, generally principals of the schools are against online study processes, teachers did not prefer to speak about the mentality of other principals. It might be very much possible that teachers tactically ignored the questions. The comment of teacher2 in this context is specifically notable. All the teachers admitted that the facility of WLAN and Wi-Fi is already available in the school. It sometimes suffers from the problem of slow connection and bad network.
From the further conversion, it is obtained as information that most of the teachers and students are waiting for the online system in education. Some teachers are against it and some teachers as well as students are uncertain about the utility of the use of computers in education purpose (Aldhafeeri, Almulla and Alraqas 2006). The use of e-markers and projectors are rapidly growing these days. However, all of them regarded that traditional mode is not traditional yet. The misuse of online system and electronic gadget is not clear to any teacher. The professor assured that in any circumstances the theft or illegal usage would not be tolerated. Teacher1 and Teacher2 are concerned about the bad-effect of internet system in brain and creativity development. But, principal and other two teachers are not paying any importance to that fact. Except teachar2, all other teachers considered that their principal is ready to diminish the restrictions with regard to online teaching and learning method.
The teacher1 and teacher2 are unsure about the fact that whether classroom interaction, ICT awareness and professional development would increase or not. The teacher3, teacher4 and the principal are confident about its fruitfulness. Except Teacher1, all other teachers and principal are against the fact that school authority would provide laptops, soft-materials and gadgets to school students. The reason could be that the fund might not be sufficient. ICT teaching method would be fruitful in future according to teacher3, teacher4 and principal. Teacher1 and Teacher2 are not sure about it.
Except Teacher2, all the teachers as well as the principal informed that use of computers with internet would be much beneficial. However, Teacher2 considers that use of computers with internet is vulnerable for growing students.
According to Al-hawari and Mouakket (2010), the use of online education system, would encourage the e-learning processes of semi-urban areas too. Same as developed countries, UAE is also accepting the online oriented classroom and mock-test programs (Bataineh 2001). Information technology would bring a huge development on the distance learning system (Ezziane 2007). E-readings and e-innovations bring e-satisfaction to the students of the secondary or higher secondary schools (Ilgaz and Gülbahar 2015). Use of software and tools would make the study of the students easier (Kats 2010). The preference of online education system is going to increase the education rate especially for girls (Madsen and Cook 2010). According to Richardson (2004), the system would overcome the Islamic restrictions in UAE and become successful. One of the allegations regarding unavailability of student-student or student-teacher communication would be solved due to e-learning education system (Sher 2009). Distance would be no longer a matter of concern of teaching and learning process in government schools in UAE if the online technique is adopted (Suler 2004).
The results are structured on the basis of primary data analysis of only 4 teachers and one principal of government schools of UAE. The sample size is small. Small sample sizes generally do not provide good and proper outcomes. In interview method, responders have an easy option to neglect uncomfortable questions. This may lead to divert the actual aim of the research. The responders have hidden the truth and uneasy truths in some occasions deliberately. These factors are difficult to avoid.
The future research of the study is based on the compassioning of the research limitations. The sample size may be taken bigger next time. The number of questions might be increased in future in the same research. More of all, the questions regarding future planning and the causes of restrictions of online mode should be revealed. The study is based on the location of Abu Dhabi, UAE. Other researchers may choose other counties of west Asia or other cities of UAE except UAE. The results might vary. The researcher can expand more theory or framework in to progress in this qualitative research project (Source: Laerd, 2018).
The report description and analysis conclude that however there was a restriction to implement the online system in the school, the current is showing that teachers and principals are getting more flexible to adopt new technology these days. They are getting an optimism to adopt new innovations these days. In near future, the government schools of UAE would face an abrupt change in teaching and learning processes.
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