Outdoor Sports Venues Infrastructure Policy 2012 – Darebin City Council

1. Classification system can segregate any cauterised information in order to pay attention each and individual section of the facilities individually based on the priority. Therefore, as the initial component classification system enables the authority to identify each sports venue with its required refurbishment by making separate groups for similar venues. The standard for the provision of support the infrastructure works as a benchmarking system (Gash & Murakami, 2015). Through standardisation, the authority can compare the existing and further renovation outcomes with a specific measurable standard. Standardisation will also allow the authority to find out the amount of refurbishments required for any particular venue for maintaining the standard (Yao & Schwarz, 2017). Therefore, both standardisation and classification system need some specific attributes or scoring systems which can help to classify a particular venue or to maintain the standards. The prioritisation system will also help to make the activity list or holistic refurbishment plan. Therefore, along with the basic components of the refurbishment planning implementation or execution of activities need active workforce and monetary investment (Gash & Murakami, 2015). This investments required to be distributed within the council and the respective class according to the type of the pavilions. For this purpose, the responsibility for provision has been developed which can also help to maintain the infrastructure and amenity components up to the standardised level.

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2. All these policies will help the council to impose a strong maintenance system that ensure the quality of the sports venues and its pavilions. The aim of the council is developing a framework to ensure existing and future leisure infrastructure is renewed, upgraded, maintained and operated to meet service standards while involving the responsible Clubs in this consistent procedure. The primary aim of the council is to meet current and projected needs of sports clubs, casual users and the community. In order to do so the council made all these four components. At the same time, all these four components of infrastructure, development and renewal system focus on the infrastructure of the Outdoor Sports Venues. Darebin City Council is seeking for redevelopment of multiuse community pavilions and rationalisation of building stock while maximising the usage, flexibility and multi-purpose potential of current facilities (Darebin.vic.gov.au., 2012). Another aim of this process is to promote environmentally sustainable design for pavilion upgrades. Darebin City Council also wants to prioritise the financial resources to provide equal opportunities to the community for participation.


Darebin.vic.gov.au. (2012). Outdoor Sports Venues Infrastructure Policy 2012. Retrieved from https://www.darebin.vic.gov.au/-/media/cityofdarebin/Files/YourCouncil/HowCouncilWorks/CouncilPlan/CouncilStrategies/Healthy-and-Connected-Community/Outdoor-Sports-Venues-Infrastructure-Policy-2012.ashx?la=en

Gash, A., & Murakami, M. (2015). Venue Effects: How State Policy Source Influences Policy Support. Politics & Policy, 43(5), 679-722. doi: 10.1111/polp.12128

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Yao, Q., & Schwarz, E. (2017). Transnational venue management corporations and local embeddedness. International Journal Of Sports Marketing And Sponsorship, 18(1), 70-80. doi: 10.1108/ijsms-05-2016-0008

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