Organizational Structure And Feasibility Plan For 21st Century Solutions Health Care Hospital

Hospital’s Organizational Structure

1. Provide a detailed summary of your hospital’s organizational structure. Include a tabulated description of the levels of professionals within the organization. Describe the duties of each major head within the organization.

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2. Provide a detailed hypothetical mission and value statement for the hospital. Provide a rationale for the development of your particular mission and value statement.

3. Outline a detailed feasibility plan for the hiring of nurses, physicians, and allied professionals. Provide a rationale for the chosen plan, and explain the main reasons why the plan in question would be suitable for use with different health care professionals.

4. Justify the use of information technology to increase patient services. Provide a summative table of some pros and cons of using information technology in an era of networking and security breaches.

5. Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.

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Service/ department



 Administration Service

Hospital administration

• Vice president

•Departmental heads

• manage and examine the organisational operation

Examine and evaluate budget and finance.

Regulate hospital policies

Establish public relations

 Information Services

Documentation and proceed information


Billing and collection professional

Medical records department

Health education department

Human Resource department

Information technology department

Checking patient’s vital information and details. Assign patient to actual Department

Process bill of the service of the patient.

Maintaining all the records of the patients.

Evaluate and establish the arrangement for staff and patient health education.

Recruiting and hiring staffs for the hospital.

Duty bound towards the hospital networking and computer related issues.

 Therapeutic Services

Provide the treatment for the patients by doctors and nurses.

Physical treatment personnel

Occupational treatment personnel

Speech Pathology

Respiratory treatment

Medical psychology personnel

Social service department

Pharmacy personnel

Nursing Staffs

Treatment regarding the muscle and permanent disability which includes exercise, ultra sound, heat therapy, hydrotherapy etc.

Help the patient to make the coordination with the organs and help to built up mental health.

Help the patient with language disorder.

Provide therapy to the patient suffering from heart and lungs related disease (Cummings, Hayduk & Estabrooks, 2005).

Apply talk therapy, counselling etc. They concentrate on mental health of the patient.

Provide assistance in child welfare and family welfare.

Provide medicine to the patient according to the directions of the physicians.

Provide care to all the patients, help in delivery and other surgical process (Flood & Scott, 1987).

Provide proper chart to maintain the nutrition value of the patients according to their needs.

 Diagnostic Service

Medical laboratory staffs

Scanning staffs

Emergency medicine providing staffs

Examine different body tissues and fluid of the patient

Scanning, MRI, radiology etc are area of action.

Give the diagnoses and medicine in emergency situation.

  Support Services

Central supply provider

Biomedical technology staffs

Housekeeping and hygiene staffs

Supply and receiving all the required equipments. Clean and maintain the cloths and other products of the patients and hospital.

Built the equipments and provide preventive biomedical equipments to the hospital

Maintain hygienic and clean environment in the hospital. This department is very essential in a hospital as because the cleanliness is very essential thing in case of hospital organisation.

We belief in equality and try to promote proper heath care services in a highly qualified a professional manner. We believe in providing service on time with an exceptional skill and diligence.

We provide physical and emotional care to our patients and their respective families.

We provide a special service to the poor sections of the society by a group of specialist doctors and staffs (Flores, 2005).

We want to promote proper environment for the patients as well as for the staffs of the hospital.

We focus on the medical research and study to enhance our services.

We promote Social responsibility to proper use our natural resources.

The high commitments of our staffs are precious value to us which help us to promote and maintain high quality services to our patients.

We are dedicated to provide our society by ongoing to offer the extremely finest service in hospital and subsidiary healthcare. Our objective is to boost up the society consciousness of our range of health care, our price efficiency and patient responsive ambiance to employ, uphold and hold up excellence doctors and employees in a modern skill (Georgopoulos, 1986).

To achieve the above mission and vision of us, we value:

Excellent, qualified and dedicated health care professionals.

We apply to the continuance quality improvement in the health care service.

We value the patient safety and security.

The sympathetic care is focused on the matter of physical, psychological, spiritual and social requirement of our patients.

Mission and Value Statement for 21st Century Solutions Health Care Hospital

We respect people in our arena.

We value efficient communication to our patients and their family.

We value to use the resources appropriately.

The mission and vision statement provide the scenario that the hospital wants to maintain the entire required and desired goal in the society (Lees, 2012). The Main rationale behind setting the he statement is to provide quick and immediate services to the patient as well as provide good and appropriate treatment to the poor sections of the society (Keller, Hunter & Shortt, 2004). This plan developed because it covers all the required criteria of a good hospital. The mission and vision statement are very important to motivate and staffs and provide confidence to the patients and their family.

Physician and other medical staff employment is a long lasting and comprehensive procedure which should be began at least 5 months proceeding to assignment. It is, consequently, significant for an authority, society or organization to make a outline of the existing and anticipated vacancy and give advertisement according to that

Before start with the recruitment process for a recently formed doctor position or a substitute situation, get in touch with the accountable health agency to make sure that the place is accepted as part of the in general doctor supply plan. In accumulation to approvals, the liable health agency can supply precious and needed help to aid the staffing of a new physician, mainly if hiring a globally knowledgeable doctor necessitate temporary license on that situation.

The doctors, nurse and other professional employment needs plan. It required certain preparation with are described below:

Recognize a main contact and allocate tasks:

The health agency will require recognizing main persons accountable for hiring efforts. That thing may trouble the members of the selection committee of the hospital. The hiring process board must include a Medical Director, or a senior physician. It is significant that prepared contacts be conscious of the possible time obligation and of the significance of running the associations with probable candidates in a appropriate and enlightening way.

It is best to set up a deadline for the position to be filled and the culmination of the enlistment process. Once more, six months lead time is normally viewed as the base measure of time to oblige all enrolment steps, for example, publicizing, choice and meeting, authorizing and support prerequisites.

Before starting enrolment process, focus precisely on the terms and stipulations of the position. This, as the majority of the enrolment procedure, is a two-way process. It incorporates the points of interest of the obligations and responsibility that the hospital expects and requires of the doctor position, and the particular terms and conditions that you can offer the new doctor.

Feasibility Plan for Hiring Nurses, Physicians, and Allied Professionals

You may need to confirm compensation and exceptional remuneration courses of action with the conformity with the norms and regulation of the Ministry of Health Services before starting enrolment. The key is precise matters that can be discussed about with possibility to accomplish a common comprehension of desires and responsibilities to the candidate.

Certain issues must be incorporated in the paper of terms and condition prior to the appointment or hiring procedure. The issues relating to charge for administration and yearly compensation, Locum or perpetual (dates and length of time), overhead expenses and obligations , working hours, desired working positions, tour and transfer related terms, accessibility of different premiums and other important fees, transportation fees etc.

The position profile must be created according to the desire and requirement of each and every post. The education, age, experience and other factors must be included to the part of plan. It will help to the human resource department to locate the actual and able person on that particular position. The erasable candidate can easily be found by the application of this plan.

The plan of hiring doctors, nurses and other allied personnel can be accomplished by the above mentioned points. The plan can be very successful because in the first stage time frame must be set and all the work must be done within that specific time. It will help to complete the work within a time.

Secondly, the work and responsibility must be incorporated the plan. So the hiring authority can easily set the desired criteria of the person. They can set the eligibility criteria accordingly.

Lastly, the framing of proper terms and condition is very essential in this occasion. The terms and condition of service must be legally and morally correct for the appointment. If the terms are not suitable for the condition of work in will create legal and moral issues relating to the employment (Aronowitz, 2012).

This plan will work absolutely right way because all the things are pre-planned and time framed. So in this connection the main requirement is to maintain all the set items it the proper time.




 Patient data base

• It will help to keep all the data in exact and accurate manner.

• Provide appropriate data or information about the patient at the time of emergency (Chaudhry, 2006).

• Provide the personal information about the patient which will help the hospital to organize for effective treatment.

• It will increase the dependency of the hospital over the machine.

• In case of emergency, if the system does not perform properly or crashed, will destroy all the efforts or can be endangers for the human life.

• If crate laziness in the professional (Myers, 2012).

Patient portal

• It stores all the medical history of the patient including blood groups and other chronic diseases.

• It will help the physician to get the data base and the patient and prior medical treatment history which will help to provide proper and appropriate medication (Myers, 2012).

• It will extremely helpful for children or old age patients who cannot express their problem properly (Srinivasan, 2008).

• The internet systems are always has the problem with hackers. If the system was hacked by anyone and the tampered the documents of the patients it will destroy the whole system even if take the patients life.

 Automatic system

• The system is generated automatically and updates all of the information of the patient. This thing helps the doctorial s and other health care personnel.

•The machine did the task. So, it is obvious that the system may crash at anytime. In this case informational technology system can be dangerous for the patient’s life.

 Legal issue

• The information technology laws are very strong to provide protection. So use of information technology in the system is quite convincing and safe.

• Law is statutory condition but the health care system is really a crucial system to be handled with. It deals with the human life. So, the system hacking and virus attacks can be dealt by the law but the patient life can be in danger for those situations.

 man power

Though this issue is not directly attached with the IT use in hospital but indirectly affects the job vacancy in the hospital. The hosp[ital may appoint more technical staffs to handle those things which ultimately help to increase employment.

• The use of technology in the can reduce the job vacancy in the hospital. Machine will work in the place of the staffs so that situation reduces the employment in the hospital.

• The system will reduce the cost but increase efficiency

• System will increase the cost and the patient have to bear the extra cost of that system installation.


Aronowitz, P. (2012). Hospital images. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-Blackwell.

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Chaudhry, B. (2006). Systematic Review: Impact of Health Information Technology on Quality, Efficiency, and Costs of Medical Care. Annals Of Internal Medicine, 144(10), 742. doi:10.7326/0003-4819-144-10-200605160-00125

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Myers, S. (2012). Patient safety and hospital accreditation. New York: Springer Pub. Co.

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Srinivasan, A. (2008). Managing a modern hospital. Los Angeles: Response Books.

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