Organizational Leadership Discussion Plan For Mission – BHP
Business Overview
Discuss about the Organizational Leadership Discussion Plan for Mission.
Broken Hill Property (BHP) is an Anglo-Australian multinational petroleum, metals, and mining dual listed public company (BHP, 2018). The company was founded in 1885 in Broken Hill. Currently, the company has its headquarters in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. BHP currently ranks fourth best performing company in Australia (Pash, 2018). The company is listed in London Stock Exchange, New York Securities Exchange, Johannesburg Securities Exchange, and Australian Securities Exchange. Moreover, BHP is one of the largest companies in Australia by market capitalization. It has undergone through mergers, BHP Billiton Plc and BHP Billiton Limited to form BHP. By the end of the trading period in 2017, BHP realized a revenue of $39,164,000,000, signifying a 23 percent increase (Pash, 2018).
The vision of BHP is to become a global leading resource company. Moreover, the mission of the company is to “create long-term shareholder value through discovery, acquisition, development, and marketing of natural resources.” Additionally, the company endeavors to work with integrity in any part of the world (BHP, 2018). Doing what is right as well as what the company promises to do. Upholding integrity has seen the organization grow over time to become one of the leading global mining company.
Communication is a tool for managers and management in any organization (Uka, 2014). Growth in any organization relies majorly on the approach to communication since it influences successful implementation strategies, which leads to high efficiency (Melewar et al, 2017). Ideally, stakeholders include workers, managers, investors, customers, government agencies, financial institutions, and suppliers. As such, communicating with every stakeholder influences the sustainability and efficiency in performance of BHP Company. This depends on the manner, they receive instruction or updates. To deliver effective information to stakeholders, Marcus (2014) recommends the following strategies;
When the management at BHP incorporates videos and images to pass information, then, the likelihood of retaining the message is quite high to the target audience. For example, explaining how certain mining equipment works through video demonstration helps employees understand the concept better. Therefore, BHP management should utilize Microsoft Office PowerPoint to communicate to stakeholders effectively.
Regular meetings between employees and management help foster a positive working relationship (McDade, 2013). For example, having morning briefings before embarking on duties can help BHP to identify weak areas and correct them appropriately. Besides, such briefings can help the company evaluate daily activities to identify where adjustments are needed. Again, when employees share their challenges, they tend to encourage one another which enhances teamwork among themselves for better service delivery.
Vision, Mission and Values of BHP
Moreover, at BHP, the company organizes an annual general meeting to review company’s performance, approve budgets, changes in structure and leadership. Ideally, great leaders use such platform to marshal support for developing strategies for the befit of all stakeholders. To achieve this goal, BHP management can take this opportunity to pass a simple message that everyone understands. Ideally, simple messages are easier to understand and comprehend. As such, the stakeholders will not engage in arguments that often paralyzes good courses of action.
After passing such development information, or changes in organizational structure, BHP leaders should give room for discussion. Asking questions and replying them appropriately. This strategy create openness that boosts the confidence of all stakeholders in the company.
Lastly, BHP leadership should take feedback, analyze, and make a final decision based on the input from the engagement. Incorporating investors’ input in decision making help minimize friction between management and investors for the benefit of the organization.
Teamwork is the driving force for any organization to realize better results. Leaders in every organization have the mandate to influence employees to works towards achieving organizational goals (McEwan et al., 2017; Tohidi, 2011). Organizations working as a team achieve better results than individual oriented companies do. He further asserts that information technology, motivation, size, wage, goals, training, leadership, and rewards enhance team productivity and effectiveness. As such, BHP usually empower supervisors to work closely with other employees to help realize broader organizational goals. Parameters of realizing this encompass decision making, efficient communication, sharing working experiences, and evaluating one’s weaknesses and strengths. Accordingly, BHP can influence groups and individuals in the organization by;
When employees engage in decision making, they get motivated towards working to achieve company. This is because they feel valued and feel as part of the family. Again, allowing employees to own part of the company through buying shares enable them to focus and help the company grow. In essence, leadership should empower people to change their status to be better. Furthermore, training employees on basic skills help the bond with the company since they acquire skills that improve their working conditions.
Observing employee welfare is a sure way of Influencing groups and individuals in the organization. Such include; better working conditions paid overtime, paid leaves, vacation, insurance, and organizing bonding sessions. When employees get together off working environment, they express inner feelings, relieve themselves, and refreshes to deliver optimally when they embark on their duties. Another way of achieving group and individual influence is by engaging employees in programs that inspire individual personally. For instance, having a gym for yoga lessons or gym after work helps individuals to relieve boredom and have an environment for expressing their worries and consequently finding solutions to problems that may distract them from work.
Communication with Stakeholders
On this note, BHP embraces openness and trust, values relationships that are beneficial, and respects the environment and communities. Essentially, embracing openness helps get rid of underground deals that may affect employee relationship with the management. Additionally, BHP values employees and encourage talent development by offering graduate programs. The leadership at BHP often strive to build a purposeful endeavor and achievement among all people in the activities carried out. This helps create a good working relationship with various teams and encourage the focus on achieving goals.
When support systems such as availability of the right equipment, good working conditions, management’s motivation, and fair organizational policies, then employees are encouraged to work and focus on service delivery (Teti & Andriotto, 2013). Reasoned policies that take care of workers’ welfare motivate workers to concentrate on improving performance. For instance, involving employees in drafting disciplinary measures or the guiding policies enable them to feel part of the company and thus will always strive to meet set targets. Notably, BHP leadership offers moral support to employees. They usually feel that the company values them and thus inspire them to work harder. For instance, when working late in the night, the presence of managers encourages workers that they are together in that assignment to deliver results. In addition, departmental leaders can provide support systems through the following ways;
Leadership plays a critical role in implementing management reforms. In particular, transformational leadership influences performance reforms (Moynihan, Pandey, & Wright, 2011; Chou et al., 2013). Transformational leadership is a style of leading where leaders work with subordinates to identify needed change, then create a vision to guide the process of achieving such change through executing the change and inspiration in line with committed members of the team. In essence, such style of leadership at BHP cultivate moral and material support to carry out processes that inspire performance. The support from management shows the organization’s commitment to achieving the desired results that consequently encourage employees to perform and deliver optimally.
Using the right equipment to carry out duties minimizes accidents and litigation possibilities in a working environment. BHP, being a mining comply, availing the appropriate tools enable employees to work optimally without having divided attention about their safety. In this regard, they feel safe to undertake any responsibility that helps the company grow. Furthermore, a safe working environment free of risks and hazardous materials motivates employees to work hard to achieve respective goals.
Influencing Groups and Individuals in the Organization
Personal and professional competence are critical in service delivery in any organization. Organizational leaders must have behave in a way that encourages other staffs to work hard to reach their ranks. Moreover, such leaders should manage conflicts smoothly as well as project personal skills worth emulating.
Strong leaders have the ability of managing conflicts among employees, managers, between the company and other external bodies (Saeed et al., 2014). For example, addressing environmental issues that BHP can face as they engage in mining and petroleum exploration activities. Solving such conflicts amicably shows the high level of personal growth from a leader’s perspective. The process should follow a defined process which will ensure that final decisions are mutually agreeable. Intrinsically, a leader should identify the source of conflict, looking beyond the incident, request solutions, identify a mutual solution to both parties, and finally settle on an agreement with a goal of maintaining good working relationships (Alok, Raveendran, & Shaheen, 2014).
Interpersonal skills influence the way a leader relates to subordinates. Such relationships should not undermine other workers, whether at the same level or not. Since BHP is an international mining company, their leaders usually cultivate listening and accommodating behaviors for the benefit of the company. As a transformational leader, interpersonal skills help managers bring change not only to the company but also to the community in which they operate.
A transformational leader has a vision and a plan for the future. This involves putting appropriate strategies for the future. For example, future employees’ welfare, growth and expansion of the company, and revenue among others. Having said that, organizational leaders can always arouse optimism among workers of good tiding ahead, create awareness of what is expected of them in 2-3 years, and plan the status of the company together with employees. Doing this will solidify the trust of employees in the company since they will be part of key decisions to improve performance and revenue. For BHP, the company can focus on exploring other oil fields, explore other minerals not currently undertaking, and even offer studies leave to employees when the company realizes set revenue goals.
Moreover, BHP workplace in 2020 and beyond plan can incorporate technological advancement and innovation. Since mining and petroleum exploration is expensive and involves heavy machinery, using current technologies will enhance efficiency that means faster delivery of orders and reducing work burden on workers. As such, the company is bound to grow and does not fall victim to fierce competition on the global scene.
Support Team in the Organization
Transformational leaders are not self-centered but always endeavor to transform the surrounding. The surrounding here encompasses other workers and the community. As such, they emphasize strategies that can help others grow to become better change agents (Well, 2011). Developing skills of other employees may involve;
Providing growth opportunities (Gritzo, Fusfeld & Carpenter, 2017). This can entail giving every employee opportunity to lead other in carrying out a task. Such responsibility nurtures their ability to work as a team as well as horning management abilities.
Another way to nurture growth is by acting as role models to whatever a leader does. Through this, staffs can relate and copy what the leader does to change their perspective on any opportunity or task.
Leadership is key to organizational success. Because of the current competition in business, organizational leaders should strive to be transformational, nurture talents, and engage in activities that motivate employees to work and produce better results. Most importantly, BHP management undertook good leadership that has seen the company grow and become competitive globally.
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