Organizational Diagnosis And Its Importance In Improving Productivity

The Significance of Organizational Diagnosis

Literature review of 5 current peer reviewed journal articles that provide a range of views about the Weishbord’s organizations six box diagnostic model.

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The focus is not so much on description but analysis and evaluation of the range of views presented in the literature reviewed. Analysis involves dissecting the information presented in order to assess the purpose, the main points, and the findings or conclusions of the article and then comparing and contrasting it to others in the review. Evaluation involves making judgments about the value (both positive and negative) of the research on the specific topic area. So you need to:

a) Critically examine assumptions and propositions of the literature relevant to the diagnostic model selected;
b) Present an evidence-based discussion of your findings that is grounded in relevant academic and professional literature. All information sources must be correctly cited and presented in a reference list at the end of the essay.

Today, organizing of the working ecology and creating proper calm plus efficient working environment which could lead towards a better commencement of the human force plus their happiness and even decreasing the depression plus increasing all the positive services that in return results in enhanced productivity are amongst hallmark worries of firm’s executives as organizational operations are getting extra complicated with each passing day. Can organizing the working ecology as well as creating calm plus efficient working ambiance for human resource provoke the creativity plus improve performance of the firms? How burly is role of managers in providing all their labor force with extra and effective facilities? These also are vital questions which are needed to be continuously raised as well as asked in discussions related to management of the work force. Generally, labor force needs to carry very healthy as well as appropriate mental plus also physical ecology to be capable of obtaining very higher plus extra efficient results for their firms (Beer and Spector, 1993). The most vital concern of HR management is all about absorbing, keeping as well as promoting the human force in order that if executives could employ experts, maintain them for organization utilizing several motivational as well as legal rights plus also promote their status and ranking that they have in reality created best plus most desirable ecology for their employees. This environment excellence must be constantly improved as well as staff decisions are also integrated till they sense justice is appropriately met regarding them plus that they also have sufficient job safety.

Organizational diagnosis needs defining as well as utilization of appropriate pattern for thoughtfulness upon organizational issues, data collection plus analysis as well as coming to the conclusion on the basis of the findings with rationale of making needed changes plus probable amendments. This firm’s diagnosis is also a group procedure meaning that it needs existence of general and analogous approaches plus purposes. People should gravely take lively part within the actions of planning interventions in addition to their completion. Thus, Organizational diagnoses, on the contrary with the medical diagnosis, demands not merely removing of the issue but even making changes as well as taking steps towards novel paths. Such alterations could also help in enhancing future performance along with developments of firm on the whole (Cummings, 2005). The background in which firms work is extra important within the organizational diagnosis. Firms are open structures so that the lot outside of organization could affect their day to day activities. Organizations that work within very stable ecology have usually a dynamic character and from organizational diagnosis viewpoint that needs little changes. Organic firms are actually flexible. Those within the charge of firm’s diagnosis require knowing type of firms for making decisions as per choice of suitable patterns as well as theories. Wrong understanding could also cause unsuitable problems (Smither, 1996).

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The Role of Managers in Providing a Conducive Working Environment

In Marvin R. Weisbord’s Six-Box Model, six categories in reality have been used towards performing a firm’s diagnosis: purposes, organization, relations, rewards, control, helpful mechanisms and leadership. To carry out proper organizational diagnosis, also it is very essential to carry a fundamental know-how about the diagnosis’s meaning plus the reason why it should be done. As per Weisbord, recognizing and solving issues must also be done methodically by same populace, as by doing so, they would learn from own condition and then try to find improvement. A Single step within this procedure is the diagnosis. By meaning, diagnosis is proper path of looking over organization towards determining the total “gap” otherwise variance-amid what is plus what should be. It also implies that information are gathered and conclusions are made by conveying meaning, weight, precedence and relation to facts. Therefore, based on all the available data and information diagnosing must entail proper analysis related to what data mean as well as determine the impacts of data upon what in fact should be happening. Furthermore, the main gaps otherwise variances recognized are prioritized in relation to achievement plans which, if needed could be corrected and variances could be created. Utilizing the Six Box Model could assist merely if supplier acts on diagnosis. Having worn six boxes prototype, problems of firm is recognized as well as their quality enhanced. The mechanism of six boxes prototype are namely the purpose, arrangement, relationships, rewards, leadership plus helpful apparatus.

In attaining results plus summaries of the performed researches in nations about organizational diagnosis of the universities, no study having similar subject with the study was actually found. So abstracts of all moderately similar studies are taken into consideration here. Pfeffer and Levinson (1973) in their study revealed that there is a direct relation amid the pleasing work life qualities, reduction of the working issues, absence, exit from the job otherwise getting promotions as well as employers could also reduce the problems through increasing the employee’s quality of the work life. Robert and Foti (2002) have analyzed relation amid “self leadership and job structure as well as their relation with proper job satisfaction. The level of Job satisfaction was seen very high in the two groups of personnel. First were those who carried higher self leadership capability working within weakly planned ecology and second were those who also had lower intensity of the self leadership capability working within a highly prearranged ecology. Thus if people have higher self leadership tasks in extremely structured ecologies, their satisfaction with their job significantly drops (Lord, Foti and De Vader, 1984). Studies have also shown that firms cannot reach any of their purposes but for both organizational as well as personnel principles are met.

A research was conducted whose title was “the role of team work in improving individual abilities and the quality of organizational processes” by Golshiri (2003) was conducted. Findings of this study indicated all about effects of enhancing team work. It said that encouraging the team work by executives can not only advance quality of the organizational procedures but even can be utilized as a capability improvement plan. Another research that was titled “behavior pathology of the Bakhtar power firm employee” was also conducted by the Lajavardi (2004) where the findings pointed out a very high managerial commitment as well as culture, a proper organizational climate plus very high stage of stress at the job all together with the negative stance of the half of personnel intended for organization. Diagnosis of the industrial units on the basis of European replica of the quality management through Akhavan Sarraf (2004) even was conducted. The outcomes indicated that firm has never been winning in creating proper job satisfaction intended for the employees like salary and promotion etc as well as providing sufficient motivation otherwise learning chances. They even had never paid attention towards their patrons or had simply no contacts with the clients. Several job connected problems, ecological issues as well as having old workers were additional reasons of firm’s failure (Sarraf et al., 2006). Polities (2005) in the research titled “role of proper leadership plus work ecology in creativity as well as productivity enhancement” found very positive & important relation amid the leadership plus motivational extent of work ecology in output improvement. Also motivational extent of the work ecology had very vital effect upon creativity as well as productivity. Leader within this tip of view also has role of the provider. He supplies essential framework intended for creativity as well as productivity (Gevers and A. G. Peeters, 2009).

The Six-Box Model for Diagnostic Purposes

Izadi (2006) conducted a research titled as “analysis of the organizational structure within University of the teacher training” where findings indicated very significant dissimilarity amid present and favorable firm’s structures. In the meantime employees wanted extra formal plus professional ecology, these characteristics were accurately not visible within structure. They also expected convergent scheme to be altered with specialized bureaucratic ones. Khaghanizadeh (2007) also investigated relation amid job stress plus the work life quality of nurses working in the hospitals of armed force. Findings also indicated that levels of job stress of majority of nurses which was about 90% was at the normal level as well as had vital correlation with the sex plus marital status and also had negative correlation through age plus optimistic correlation with the weekly hours of work. The major quality of the work life level for 81% of nurses was also average plus even had vital correlation with the marital status as well as unconstructive correlation with the weekly hours of work. Nurses also were found unsatisfied with balance amid their jobs as well as their lives. Result also indicated very negative association aimd nurses’ stress from job and also works life quality as well as a constructive correlation amid the most excellence of the work life dimensions.

A research named “challenges, problems plus obstacles within personnel empowerment” also was made by Shahrani in the year 2008. Findings of the study indicated very negative relation amid ambiguity of the purposes, deficit of the power or the authorization plus personnel’s status of capability. Hynes (2008) evaluated effect of the office ecology upon productivity as well as found that this had greatest effect upon the office productivity. Other study that was taken in by Bissel, (2008) which was titled as “organizational evaluation plus organizational diagnosis” where he had found that organizational issues put employees under tremendous stress plus if such stress prolongs, it could also paralyze whole firm. Jamali (2008) also conducted a research titled “learning organization: diagnosis & measurement in a developing countries” plus found that main power of the Lebanese firms lies in personnel methodical training. Zali (2009) also started working upon the organizational diagnosis within a public firm. This firm had issues in areas of the purposes like leadership, structure, reward system, coordination device and organizational alterations (Zali, 2013). The most challenging area was the rewarding scheme whereas least was firm’s purposes. Blanchard (2009) analyzed in a research titled “a mix of the work ecology factors plus individual dissimilarities in the work interfering through family.” Findings of the study indicated very positive relation amid the job stresses and family clashes plus mental health as well as depression plus a very negative relation amid the Organizational Support plus family clashes regarding working (Blanchard et al., 2009).

Organizational aims and purposes are same missions as well as perspectives. These aims must be very clear for every member and all the employees related to the firm be it interior or exterior. Each and every staff must abide by the rules and regulations of the firm even if they carry totally dissimilar philosophies within the comparison towards that of firm; they also have to move along same predetermined purposes as well as rules. Structure of any organization also is the biggest picture of the levels of authority and formal relationship amid functional clusters of organization. Structure also must present true as well as appropriate depictions of legal power along with being taken into consideration as very formal path of making things possible for getting purposes of firm fulfilled (Hynes, 2008). Relationships include the individuals, clusters, technology as well as other operational sections that effectively effort together. Also the rewarding systems both official as well as unofficial also should be evaluated and analyzed. Information needs to contain such data that would help towards creating enough encouragement in individuals. Obliging mechanisms also are methods that help staffs organize their actions. Instances of all such mechanisms also are namely; explanation of the organizational looms, seminars, notes, information or ranks which are made with purpose of creating appropriate relationships amid sections of organization. Executives use the human resources, equipments and many other tools for helping purposes of the firm come true. Also they enhance the cooperation amid staff for production of very sole product. Some of processes they utilize for these purposes are concentrated leadership style, centering upon duties as well as relations, recognizing management purposes as well as problems plus also being responsive. Considering significance of the organizational diagnosis as well as its role within civilizing organizational processes, the above detail aims to analyze all organizational diagnosis plans and strategies laid down by several authors and researchers.  


Beer, M. and Spector, B. (1993). Organizational Diagnosis: Its Role in Organizational Learning. Journal of Counseling & Development, 71(6), pp.642-650.

Bissel, (2008). organizational evaluation plus organizational diagnosis.

Blanchard, C., Tremblay, M., Mask, L. and Perras, M. (2009). A combination of work environment factors and individual difference variables in work interfering with family. International Journal of Workplace Health Management, 2(1), pp.63-90.

Cummings, T. (2008). Handbook of organization development. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications.

Gevers, J. and A. G. Peeters, M. (2009). A pleasure working together? The effects of dissimilarity in team member conscientiousness on team temporal processes and individual satisfaction. J. Organiz. Behav., 30(3), pp.379-400.

Hynes, (2008). the effect of office environment on productivity.

Izadi, (2006). analysis of the organizational structure within University of the teacher training.

Jamali, D. and Sidani, Y. (2008). Learning organizations: diagnosis and measurement in a developing country context. The Learning Organization, 15(1), pp.58-74.

Khaghanizadeh, (2007). relation between job stress and quality of work life of nurses employed in armed force hospitals.

Lajavardi, (2004). behavior pathology of the Bakhtar power firm employee.

Lord, R., Foti, R. and De Vader, C. (1984). A test of leadership categorization theory: Internal structure, information processing, and leadership perceptions. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 34(3), pp.343-378.

Pfeffer, J. and Levinson, H. (1973). Organizational Diagnosis. Contemporary Sociology, 2(5), p.516.

Politis, J. (2005). Dispersed leadership predictor of the work environment for creativity and productivity. European Journal of Innovation Management, 8(2), pp.182-204.

Sarraf, K., Abdalla, M., Al-Omari, O. and Sarraf, M. (2006). Diagnostic difficulties of pelvic splenosis: case report. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 27(2), pp.220-221.

Shahrani, (2008). the challenges, problems and obstacles in personnel empowerment. the challenges, problems and obstacles in personnel empowerment.

Smither, R., Houston, J. and McIntire, S. (1996). Organization development. New York: HarperCollins College Publishers.

Weisbord, M. (1985). Participative work design: A personal odyssey. Organizational Dynamics, 13(4), pp.5-20.

Zali, N. (2013). Deconstruction of the Planning Process in the 21st Century. European Spatial Research and Policy, 20(2).

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