Organizational Behaviour For Data Collection Method: Critical Analysis

Thesis Statement

Discuss about the Organizational Behaviour for Data Collection Method.

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This research essay is valuable to provide a critical analysis of an article ‘the critical challenges facing New Zealand’s chief executives: implications for management skills’ that is written by the authors Ann Hutchinson and Peter Boxall (Hutchison and Boxall, 2014). Along with this, the essay is helpful to identify a relevant thesis statement/question from the article. The essay also demonstrates the strengths as well as weaknesses of the article in an appropriate way. Moreover, this research essay also beneficial to state the key point of this study from the point of view of the reader.

The thesis statement of the article is:

“ To discover the challenges that are faced by the chief executives of New Zealand  in the implementations of management skills and also observe that how these challenges influence the management ability of managing uncertainty, stakeholders, people, and limited resources.”

On the basis of the thesis statement, there are numerous strengths as well as weaknesses of this research article. For case, the major strength of this article is that, the authors used an effective data collection method to find out an appropriate conclusion for the problem. In this article, data collection method is used by the researchers to solve the research problem in a proper way (Grant and Booth, 2009). For example, in this research article, the researchers involved approximately 1000 organizations to collect data and to get accurate results. Moreover, in the research, around 265 chief executives also participated to conduct the research in an effective and an appropriate manner. Along with this, the survey method is an appropriate method that plays a significant role in order to collect current as well as primary data that are related to the problem. Apart from this, the survey method does not involve past as well as secondary data information in order to solve a research problem (Kulkarni, Aziz, Shams and Busse, 2009). Primary data are also beneficial to improve the consistency as well as credibility of the article and to validate the findings or results of the research in an effective and a more comprehensive manner.

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In addition to this, open-ended questions, quantitative analysis, proper sampling and response rate of the research also point toward the strength of the article.  Along with this, the other major strength of this research is that it also includes the secondary data and the results of previously conducted researches to keep up the trustworthiness and reliability of the outcomes of this research article (Datta, Guthrie and Wright, 2005). In this research article, the researchers also include recent articles and authors’ views as references only to increase reliability of the research study. On the other hand, proper formation of the research study, appropriate list of the references, and neat & clean writing style as well as language are also the other major strengths of the research article. It is because of the researchers and readers can read and understand the research article in an ease way (Lindon, Holmes and Nicholson, 2006).

Strengths and Weaknesses of the Article

Apart from this, there are numerous weaknesses of this research article. For case, the main weakness is that the aim, objectives, and hypothesis of the research are not declared in a clear way. Moreover, the researchers did not state the variables types in the research clearly that is also the other weakness of this research study. In other words, it also can be said that, the researchers did not mention that they used independent variables or dependent variables to conduct the research study. This type of uncertainty has a negative impact on the consistency and validity of the research outcomes (Wright, Brand, Dunn and Spindler, 2007).

In the research article, the authors sated that, management capabilities are essential for the nation. Moreover, three fundamental sets of management skills such as: managing uncertainty & renewal, managing stakeholders & partners, and managing people & internal resources are also required. Along with this, the authors also said that, in today’s advanced technological and rapidly changing business era, the chief executives of New Zealand face a lot of challenges and also unable to provide support  to the stakeholders (Johnson and Christensen, 2010). On the other hand, because of the demographic wave of baby-boomer retirements, the chief executives face a war for talent at national as well as international level; and this is influencing the leadership positions business firms.

In addition to this, in the private sector, chief executives of New Zealand are implementing and reframing their business models in order to meet fast-paced and uncertain changes of the businesses. Furthermore, in the public as well as not-for-profit organizations, chief executives are changing their funding on which they have little control. It is because of with the help of this, they would be able to enhance their funding in a high demands and rising costs environment (Goddard and Melville, 2004). Along with this, in the research article, the researchers expressed accurate finding that the current business environment has created numerous major challenges for management that are influencing the management their abilities in a negative way. The article also portrayed that the issues that New Zealand’s chief executives are facing are related to the renewal and restructure of the organizations. In this situation, manages must have better abilities so they can handle all these systematic problems in an effective and an appropriate manner (Hutchinson and Boxall, 2014). Moreover, HR specialists must focus on the skill development and proper training of the employees; so they can deal with the internal and external challenges in a significant way.

Critical Evaluation of Article

In this research article, the researchers used previous studies to portray the current challenges that are faced by the chief executives of New Zealand. This article is very helpful to me in order to appreciate the above defined thesis statement and the research topic or problem in an appropriate way. Along with this, in this research article, the researchers applied a direct method of data collection such as: survey questionnaire that improved my understanding about the data collection method (Vorhies and Morgan, 2005). Moreover, the conclusions or outcomes, literature review, data collection and sampling technique also improve my knowledge and skills about the article.

On the other hand, the authors Hutchinson and Boxall (2014) stated that, in today’s advanced technological era, the chief executives of New Zealand are facing numerous business challenges. Moreover, the authors involved current and previous data (approximately previous fifteen years data) to illustrate all the issues faced by the chief executives in an accurate way. Along with this, the problem statement of the article is well-written and therefore I am able to recognize the research problem or topic in a proper way. Moreover, in the research study, the researchers included proper literature review and data collection methods to find desired results or conclusion (Kuada, 2012). The writing style and languages of the article is balanced and fully understandable by the readers.

Apart from this, I observed that, the only weak point of this research study is that, the authors did not present the research objectives, aims, questions and hypothesis in a proper way. But, literature review, data collection method, data analysis with graph/chart, questionnaire response, and outcomes of this research study are beneficial to improve my perceptive, skills and abilities in an appropriate way (Luo and Bhattacharya, 2006). In this way, this research article is beneficial for the readers to improve their skills, understandings, and knowledge in an effective and a significant manner.

I do agree with the thesis statement of the article. There are numerous reasons behind this. For case, the thesis statement focuses on the challenges that are faced by the chief executives of New Zealand in the implementations of management skills. In the same way, the research study clears the same thing in its conclusion. It shows that the thesis statement is accurate and in view of that (Hutchison and Boxall, 2014). Along with this, I am agree because of it is true that in today’s rapidly changing and technological era, business firms face a lot of challenges to do businesses. In this situation, they are required to reframe and modify their operational as well as business activities to survive in the marketplace. Moreover, I am also agree with the thesis statement because of the article represents and explains the challenges that are faced by the chief executives of private, public, and not-for-profit organizations in a clear and rational way. In addition to this, the finding of the article; that the chief executives have to develop three fundamental management skills to manage uncertainty, stakeholders and limited resources is also rational and based on reasons (Vigoda-Gadot, 2007). For this reason, I do agree with the thesis statement of the article.


On the premise of the thesis statement and evaluation of the article, it can be assumed that, in today’s more complex and complicated business era, the chief executives of New Zealand are facing a lot of business challenges that are influencing the success of the organizations. Along with this, the defined thesis statement is related to the topic of the article and also rationalizes the key points of research finding. Moreover, appropriate data collection methods, data analysis, literate review and accurate findings are the major strengths of the research study. 


Datta, D.K., Guthrie, J.P. and Wright, P.M. (2005). Human Resource Management and Labor Productivity: Does Industry Does Industry Matter?Academy of Management Journal, 48(1), pp. 135–145.

Goddard, W. and Melville, S. (2004). Research Methodology: An Introduction. USA: Juta and Company Ltd.

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Hutchison, A., and Boxall, P. (2014). The critical challenges facing New Zealand’s chief executives: implications for management skills. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 52(1), pp. 23-41.

Johnson, B. and Christensen, L. (2010). Educational Research: Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Approaches. USA: SAGE.

Kuada, J. (2012). Research Methodology: A Project Guide for University Students. USA: Samfundslitteratur.

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