Organizational Behaviour And Management In DBS Bank: An Analysis

Selection process of DBS Bank

Discuss about the Organizational Behaviour and Management.

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One of the most important aspects of an organization is the internal culture. It can be defined as a system, which is based on the values, beliefs and assumptions of the people of the organization. The shared values of the people influence the overall functioning of the organization. The organizational culture is specific to a particular organization and changes from one organization to another (Cummings and Worley 2014). There are several features of organizational culture such as attention to detail, innovation, emphasis on outcome, fairness orientation, collaboration orientation, stability and others (Cummings and Worley 2014). This paper would discuss the organizational culture with respect to a particular organization. The selected organization for the purpose of study is DBS Bank. It is a multinational bank and financial services organization based in Singapore. It was established in the year 1968 and the chief products of the organization are financial services ( 2016). The “Government of Singapore” established the “Development Bank of Singapore Limited” in order to gain control over the financial activities of industry. The operating income of the Bank was SGD 9.467 billion in the last quarter of the financial year 2015 ( 2016). It is regarded as the largest bank in the entire South East Asia. This paper would discuss some intricate details such as selection of employees, trainings, communication, organizational issue, reward system, motivation level of the employees and power of authority in the organization.

The DBS bank selects its employees based on the fitment and the merit. The Bank is looking for candidates with right set of skills, which is required for performing the job duties of the Bank. The typical candidates must possess adequate communication skills and must be decisive, dedicated, creative, team players and adjusting. The company also has unique program named “DBS Management Associate Program”, which is a major talent development program ( 2016). The Bank puts high emphasis on the innovative minds of the candidates and selects only those who possess a creative mind. The organization looks for candidates who are willing to accept changes in the organization ( 2016). This is important as the Bank is constantly going through the processes of change by implementing innovative measures. Suitable candidates can carry out the full implementation of the change, which makes the Bank customize its selection process. The Bank expects its employees to embrace change whole-heartedly and find innovative ways of improving their job tasks ( 2016). The Bank invites online applications from the interested candidates. There are four steps in the selection process namely-

Training and development in DBS Bank

Completion of the online application- This is the very first step in the selection process. The interested candidates find the job vacancies and complete the online job application (Gatewood Field and Barrick 2015). The same job application is submitted through the company website or other job portals.

Online Assessments- The Bank matches the job specifications with the educational backgrounds as well as experience level of the candidates ( 2016). If they match, then the candidate is being called for a face-to-face interview.

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Interviews– The organization engages in face-to-face discussion that evaluates the knowledge, skills and expertise of the candidates ( 2016). This step is important as it is helpful in building a rapport with the employees.

Assessment Centers- This selection tool is used for assessing the performance as well as aptitude of the candidates in a real life situation (Ulrich 2013).

DBS bank engages in extensive training and development of the employees. The Bank provides structured training programs expanded across the diverse business areas. The contents of the training follow an intensive curriculum, which is a mixture of the education, relationship and experience of the trainers ( 2016). Special focus is laid on the core financial as well as banking concepts ( 2016). The Bank also put emphasis on the practical aspects of the training such as field trips ( 2016). The initial training of one month is followed by ongoing development opportunities.

The nature of leadership communication is essential for creating employee engagement. The leadership of the organization can create a great impact in fostering employee communication (Epstein and Buhovac 2014). The Bank believes that the employees are instrumental in the success of the Bank. The motivated employees are believed to impart greater value to the organizational productivity. The organization believes in inculcating “strong workplace culture” which is vital for the organizational success (Epstein and Buhovac 2014). The management of the organization believes in the clear, consistent and open communication with the employees ( 2016). The leaders are eager to help the employees so that they can understand the broad scenario. The employees must also understand how their roles contribute to the goals of the organization. The CEO of DBS Bank believes in transparent communication with the employees ( 2016). This is the reason he holds staff briefings, open forums and others. In these interactive sessions, he welcomes feedback from each employee and answers the queries of the employees. He maintains communication with the employees with the help of an internal blog ( 2016). He updates the employees regarding important matters through this blog. The departmental and the functional leaders also maintain effective communication with the employees such as networking sessions, informal meals and various teambuilding activities ( 2016). The internal communication is also fostered by “internal staff magazine” that encourages the employees to add valuable content. The organization also launched “Flexible Work Arrangements” so that the employees can manage their professional as well as personal life efficiently ( 2016). The leaders must engage in the creation of trust among the employees by fostering effective organizational communication.

Communication in DBS Bank

The decision making process is a vital function of every organization. The DBS Bank is involved in effective governance so that the interests of the stakeholders can be protected. It aims to make the Group sustainable in the long-term. The Board of Directors provides extensive guidance to organization in crucial matters and makes sure that the ethical standards as well as corporate responsibilities are adhered to ( 2016). It undertakes the responsibility of the functioning of the organization in terms of financial performance, operating revenues and risk management. The organization follows several steps in the decision-making process regarding crucial matters (Pettigrew 2014). The first step involves the identification of the specific problem regarding which the decision needs to be taken. The second step involves the information gathering regarding the concerned decision (Pettigrew 2014). The third step involves the inherent principles of the decision maker that helps him to take the decision. The next step requires the decision maker to brainstorm and gather various alternatives. He is supposed to analyze and compare the different alternatives gathered in the earlier step (Pettigrew 2014). The fifth step comprises of the evaluation of the alternatives and measures the advantages as well as disadvantages of each alternative. The next step involves the selection of the best alternative after assessing all the laid down alternatives. The next step is involved with the execution of the particular decision. The last step of the decision making process comprises of the evaluation of the results and check if the particular decision satisfies the organizational goals.

DBS Bank has diverse workforce since it is a multinational organization. It is a challenging task to work with employees from diverse backgrounds. There are people from different regions, cultures, ethnicity, race and religion who come together to work for the same organization ( 2016). DBS Bank makes it sure that it manages the diverse workforce effectively. The cultural differences may imply different behavioral attributes among the employees (McShane and Von Glinow 2015). The organization engages in collaborative work practices and believes that teamwork is an effective tool in enhancing the productivity of the diverse workforce. The organization strives to create a healthy and diverse workforce, which would help the Bank to transform the world of banking in the fast-paced business environment (McShane and Von Glinow 2015). The Bank aims to equip all the employees with the updated technological tools so that they can perform their work effectively. The Bank also engages in the creation of strong organizational culture, which would motivate all the employees coming from diverse backgrounds. The Bank believes to create a supportive work environmentfor the betterment of the employees ( 2016). This is  done by providing the employees with flexible benefits, which fulfils their present as well as future needs. DBS Bank puts high emphasis on the creation of a “future ready workforce” ( 2016). The Bank believes in the continued investment in the human resources. It facilitated “Academy Learning Centers” in order to create innovative learning environments for the employees (McShane and Von Glinow 2015). The Bank also engages with the Government of Singapore in order to create “life-long” learning opportunities for the employees ( 2016). This is done by the formulation of “Skills Future Program” which focuses on recent topics such as the computational thinking, social intelligence and the media literacy. The company engages in fostering a digital mindset among the employees so that they can overcome their cultural barriers easily ( 2016). The company has also launched an “internal mobility program” which allows the employees to have wide knowledge regarding different markets and businesses (McShane and Von Glinow 2015). All these measures are aimed at fostering the employee relations in a diverse employee pool.

Decision-making process in DBS Bank

DBS Bank takes active problem solving steps in order to increase the operational efficiency. The Bank understands that the primary goal of the problem solving process is to minimize the barriers for achieving the organizational goals (Verzuh 2015). It is important to resolve any conflicts in the organization so that the employees are able to deliver optimum performance. The DBS Bank has not effective problem solving mechanisms. It is important to define the problem and investigate the root cause of the problem. The bank defines the problems that arise in the workplace in a lucid manner ( 2016). However, there are instances when it is unable to determine the root cause of the problem. If the organization fails to identify the underlying cause of the problem, then it would not be able to solve the problem (Kerzner 2013). It is also important to identify as well as evaluate the probable measures that can be taken. The organization must determine the effectiveness of the selected measures for solving a particular problem (McShane and Von Glinow 2015). It is important to clearly understand the problem so that the desired results can be achieved.

The Bank has a competitive reward system, which recognizes the good performers. The recruitment strategy of the company is such that it attracts the high performing candidates (Stahl et al. 2012). The Bank aims for motivate the employees and at the same time balancing any inherent risks. This is because the organization believes in the positive correlation between the compensation structure and the motivation level of the employees. The company incorporated incentives into the compensation structure that attracted the attention of the employees. The organization formulated the compensation structure as per the industry benchmarks (Gomez-Mejia Berrone and Franco-Santos 2014). It makes sure that their employees are getting a competitive salary. This will also make employees attach with the organization. The organization can effectively lower its attrition rate by adopting a competitive salary structure (Harper 2015). The introduction of stock plans was implemented for increasing the motivation level of the employees. If the employees are satisfied with the compensation structure, then they can easily meet the “strategic business targets” as well as match their interests with that of the stakeholders. Despite these facts, DBS Bank has certain loopholes in their compensation process ( 2016). The organization has not adopted adequate performance measurement processes ( 2016). It is true that the organization frequently replaces their performance appraisal processes; however, it has still not formulated the best process for evaluating their employees. The Bank has not established KPI (Key Performance Indicators) for evaluating the employees. It doesn’t have clear criteria for measuring the employee’s performance, which is directly related with the compensation structure of the employees ( 2016).

Diversity management in DBS Bank

The DBS Bank takes initiative to motivate the employees of the organization so that they can give better performance. The company believes in the attraction and retention of the labor by suitable measures. The organization aims to create great work environment so that the employees would be motivated to work in it (Mowday Porter and Steers 2013). The Bank aims to attract the qualified individuals and puts high emphasis on the staff referrals for the purpose of recruitment. It also focuses on the gender diversity measures. The organization has 58% female employees in the workforce, which acts as a motivating factor for the female employees ( 2016). The company has many senior female leaders in the workforce, which encourages the female employees to give their optimum productivity. However, the poor performance structure of the employees is unable to increase the motivation levels of the employees (Mowday Porter and Steers 2013). They find out that they are not rewarded properly as per their performance standards. This lowers their morale and they tend to look for better options in their professional life (Mowday Porter and Steers 2013). The organization often fails to give the employees a “purpose” of their existence in the organization. This makes the employees feel detached from the organization.

The vision and the mission of the Bank include providing excellent services to the people and provide quality, innovation and value to the customers ( 2016). The Bank aims at providing excellent services at an affordable cost to the customers. The values of the company must reflect in the behavior of the employees. The organization must enhance the quality of the employee’s performance. The use of innovative practices in the workplace would foster the organizational productivity (Phipps Prieto and Ndinguri 2013). The organization must inculcate values in the employees so that they are motivated to give better performance ( 2016). It is important to incorporate innovation in the workplace so that the employees are prepared for the process of change management (Berman et al. 2015). The mission as well as vision of the organization should be communicated to the employees so that they can work towards it ( 2016). The employees should be provided adequate resources so that they achieve the organizational goals.

The organization has given autonomy to the senior management for taking vital decisions regarding the organizational activities. The hierarchy of the organization decides the level of decision-making powers of the organizational members. The responsible autonomy of the people gives an idea of the accountability of the concerned employees (Christensen and Lægreid 2015). In DBS Bank, the managers are responsible for determining the success or failure of the organizations. If they were not able to take appropriate decisions for the organization, then there would be decreased operational efficiency (Christensen and Lægreid 2015). In DBS Bank, the managers who have increased autonomy, have the ability to reward the team members, based on their work performances. The autonomy is important for enhancing the workplace functions and fostering better workplace dynamics (Kossek et al. 2014). The Bank hampers the unity in the organization by increased autonomy in the organization. The increased autonomy can have a detrimental impact on the organization (Appelbaum 2013). It may limit the performance of the employees. However, the lack of autonomy would make the employees less disciplined and they may feel lethargic to perform job duties.

Communication is very important for the success of the organization. The communication is the foundation of good workplace practices (Cornelissen 2014). It helps the employees to achieve the desire outcomes in the organization (Cornelissen 2014). The bottom up communication, which means that the communication is transferring from the employees to the management, presents the organization with the values, perception, opinions and needs of the employees (Coombs 2014). The communication methods aid the organization to formulate policies as per the preferences of the employees (Cornelissen 2014). It is also important to focus on the top down communication in the organization to transfer the communication from management to the employees (Hackman and Johnson 2013). It is helpful in making the employees aware of their rights, duties and responsibilities in the organization (Cornelissen 2014). It is helpful in fostering positive work culture that motivates the employees of the organization. The organization feels that the management is supporting them and assisting them in carrying out their job duties well.

The organization must concentrate on the problem solving measures. It is important to act on the arising problems by taking a proactive approach. The people management problems can be addressed by the “Soft Systems Methodology”( Blumenthal and Jannink 2016). This would require interaction with the employees and gain a clear understanding of their issues.

The Bank should devise an excellent performance management system for measuring the job performance of the employees. It is important to be aware of the efficiency of the employees in carrying out the organizational tasks so that they can be rewarded accordingly (Carlos and Rodrigues 2016). There should be ranking system of the employees which measure a wide range of criteria such job commitment, job readiness, team work capabilities, communication skills and others(Carlos and Rodrigues 2016).The organization must try to adopt latest standards of performance appraisal in order to formulate the most competitive compensation structure.

The company must find innovative methods to reward the employees who would automatically improve their motivation levels. The organization must introduce performance-based rewards for the purpose of employee satisfaction (Armstrong and Taylor 2014). It should define the purpose of the existence of the employees so that the employees may feel a greater degree of attachment with the organization (Armstrong and Taylor 2014). The organization must show the employees a bigger picture of their contributions in fulfilling the organizational goals.

The organization must take active steps in balancing the autonomy of the organization so that the employees are able to give optimum work performance (Armstrong and Taylor 2014). There should not be excessive autonomy nor there lack of autonomy in the organization (Armstrong and Taylor 2014). There should be a combination of accountability and freedom in order to inculcate a culture of high autonomy. This would increase the job satisfaction of the employees. The increased job satisfaction of the employees would imply an increase in the productivity of the employees (Armstrong and Taylor 2014). The organization must focus on enhancing the team autonomy of the people (Vessey et al. 2014). This would imply that the strengths of one employee would be balanced by their weakness. This would imply that the overall output of the team would not suffer since they are counterbalancing each other’s skills and competencies (Armstrong and Taylor 2014).

The Bank must focus on increasing the level of communication in the workplace. The Bank should organize awareness sessions focusing on the importance of the communication. The communication is an important tool in the controlling process (Armstrong and Taylor 2014). It alters the individual attitudes and helps them to give optimum organizational performance.

The organization should pay attention to its problem solving abilities. The “Deming Cycle” should be used in order to solve this issue (Goetsch and Davis 2014). The organization must follow the steps identified in this cycle such as “Plan, Do, Check and Act” (Goetsch and Davis 2014). This process ensures effective change management for the organization. It also ensures that the organizational ideas are tested before its actual implementation.

The performance management system must be based on the assessment of the KPI of the employees. The organization must engage in formulating performance indicators and must measure the performance of each employee against these indicators (Korschun Bhattacharya and Swain 2014). It should also engage in adopting 360-degree performance appraisal of the employees that takes the feedback of all the stakeholders who interacts with the employees. This would make the organization manage employee’s performance effectively (Korschun Bhattacharya and Swain 2014).

The Bank must take actions for enhancing the motivation levels of the employees. It should enforce a positive work culture that delights the employees of the organization. The organization must enforce a friendly and cooperative workplace that makes the employee eager to work in the organization (Belias and Koustelios 2014). The Bank must focus on the individual employees and deal with them personally rather than addressing a team. It should listen to the ideas of the individual employees, which would give the employees a sense of pride. The organization must also make sure that the employees are getting sufficient work life balance.

The organization must make sure that they get their work done in some way or the other. The hierarchy of the organization is important for determining the level of autonomy of the organization. The managers must ensure that the employees are able to complete their work in their own possible way (Cameron and Green 2015). It is better if they have flexible work schedule. The management should pay attention to the viewpoints of the employees in the process of decision-making.

The Bank should make effective communications strategies to increase the overall productivity of the employees. The specific steps include the asking feedback from the employees, clarity of the role of the senior leadership, assessment of the needs of the employees and others. It should use multiple channels for communicating with the employees such as orientation, trainings, electronic communications, public address, one to one meetings and others (Men 2014).


The DBS Bank has a mix of good organizational practices as well as some loopholes in the overall organizational performance. The paper focused on organizational culture of the DBS Bank. It discussed the steps in the selection process such as completion of the online application, interviews, online assessments and assessment centers. The importance of the leadership communication is emphasized. The decision making process of the organization is also discussed that emphasizes the patterns of decisions taken by the company authority. The paper also discussed about the diverse workforce of the DBS Bank. The problem solving activities of the Bank is also discussed. The competitive reward system of the Bank is discussed along with the motivation factor of the employees. The organization takes active steps in motivating the employees. The vision and the mission of the employees are discussed with a special emphasis on how these values hold true for the employees. The autonomy powers of the organization are discussed along with the decision-making capabilities of the senior leaders. The importance of communication is explained in detail. The concluding part of the paper discussed about the possible changes that can be undertaken by the organizations along with specific steps to fulfill it.


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