Organizational Behavior Of Mercury Print & Packaging Limited

Describe about the Organizational Behavior of Mercury Print & Packaging Limited?

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Bottom And Kong (2010) commented on the fact that Organizational Behavior is a study that deals with the activities and performance of both individuals as well as groups within the organization. Organizations are the social systems that combine science, technology, people as well as humanity in order to produce advantageous results. According to the opinion of Foxall (2010) a good organization behavior assigns tasks as well as responsibilities to the groups as well as individuals that increases the effectiveness of the employees and enhances the productivity.  It is also essential to maintain a good organizational culture within the organization as it depicts the operation of the organization vividly (Johnson et al. 2014). This assignment will be dealing with Mercury Print & Packaging Ltd initially for analyzing the organizational culture and behavior.  

This assignment will be dealing with the organizational culture, relationship between the structure and culture along with factors that influence the behavior of the individual at work. In addition to this, the leadership and management styles, leadership and motivation along with information regarding the team and individual behavior is also discussed vividly.

Mercury Print &Packaging Limited has 20 staffs that all are well trained with the printing knowledge. The company is in Leeds and is a private company operating for more than 20 years in the market. Mawhinney (2011) had commented that though there are only 20 employees working in this organization, still the culture and structure of the organization are well structured. The work is subdivided into different departments and according to the work specialization. In addition to this, Ng (2015) also had a view that this organization is a centralized organization, where the decisions are made by the top management. Moreover, the employees of the organization are governed by the rules and regulations that help in maintaining consistency within the organization.

According to Robbins and Judge (2007) in a large organization like Duncan Print Group the organization is subdivided into multiple departments where on the basis of homogeneity of work, departments are subdivided. In this organization, in each department, there are several employees doing the same work in a broader version with a huge productivity. In addition to this, from the viewpoint of Zhong and House (2012) in Mercury Prints, there are specialized employees but the numbers of employees are less. But in this company, the numbers of employees are more, and hence the experienced people are present those guilds and teach the other junior employees for making them specialized for the work. This increases the productivity of the organization that leads to increase in profit. Apart from this, Whillans and Dunn (2015) had an opinion that the large organization has a good chain of commands. Each and every department has a head of the department that will be responsible and authorized to report the higher authorities. The large organizations have a good as well as systematic and lengthy process of reporting that is quiet efficient. Moreover, Ludwig (2012) had a view that the large organizations have both centralized as well as decentralized decision making process that allows the free flow of opinions information from both the sides. Moreover, the large organizations also need to be flexible enough for carrying out the tasks and duties effectively and efficiently.

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Comparing this with that with a large organization

According to McShane and Von Glinow (2000) the structure and culture of Mercury Print have a very strong impact on the performance of the company.  It is believed that the better the organization will be, better will be the culture and structure. A well cultured organization will be motivating the employees to work in a coordinated as well as methodical way for the ultimate success of the organization. In addition this, Avery et al. (2015) had a view that Mercury Print have a good structure and culture and the coordination between the employees are also harmonious. This inspirer’s and motivates each of the employees to worki n a team and brings profit to the organization.

The factors that influence the individual’s behavior at work are good working culture, structure and working environment. Ludwig and Frazier (2012) commented on the essential fact that the better will be working culture and working environment, the better the employees will be motivated that will positively affect on their performance. A good salary structure and air compensation benefits as well as incentive structure also affects the employees to the maximum. The employees are automatically inspired and motivated that will also help in improvement of their performance. So, better their performance will be, the better the productivity will be that will lead to the higher revenue collection. According to Fox and VanStelle (2010) the individual in an organization if works sincerely and obediently, then others will also be inspired by that individual to work for the company in order to bring benefits. A positive outlook towards the works helps in making the working culture positive that will also help in improving the performance of the business as a whole.

According to the view point of Johnson and Beehr (2011) the different leadership styles have different effectiveness within the organization that affects the performance of the organization to a huge extent. In case of autocratic style of leadership, the leaders are the sole decision maker that doesn’t involve the ideas of the employees of any kind. DeNisi (2011) also commented that the leaders are the sole makers of making rules and responsibility and are also the sole decision makers. Here, the employee feel left out and ignored that affects their work to a large extent. Moreover, Kugler and Bornstein (2013) also had a view that in participative leadership, the employees make the decisions along with the leaders. This enhances the employee’s motivation and inspiration that helps the employees to get encouraged by providing feedback, ideas and suggestions.

Apart from this, Lotfizadeh et al. (2014) also commented that in Laissez-faire leadership, the leaders have a full confidence on the team members and employees and hardly that offer any kind of guidance to them. This also increases the moral of the employees and that helps in increase in responsibility of the employees for carrying out their activities properly.

Though Mercury Print is operating for a long time in the market, still it follows autocratic style of leadership where Mr. S. Siddall has operated this industry with autocratic leadership. According to Robbins (2001) this gives a distinctive problem among the employees since they are not involved in making decisions. The employees had to do according to the orders of the higher authority that also do not allow the flow of ideas and opinions within the organization. But on the other hand, Wells et al. (2013) commented on the contrary that in Democratic Leadership, the leaders have a good effectiveness and efficiency since they allow the employees in active participation in decision making. This leadership style is much more effective since this helps in free flow of ideas as well as also motivates and inspires the employees in working together. They feel important as they contribute their ideas and their ideas bring colors to the organization.

Relationship between structure and culture having an impact on the company’s performance

From the opinion of Foxall (2010) the organizational theories underpin the practices of management. Organizational theories explain the practices that influence the performance of the organization as well as improve the performance of the employees. The culture and structure of the organization are also mentioned in the organizational theories that help in understanding the management practices. This also helps in order to achieve effectiveness and success. In addition to this, Mawhinney (2011) had a view that management practices are the practical implementation of the theories that help in depth understanding of the working culture as well as structure of the organization. This also shows that the employees are influenced and motivated by the practical implementation of the organization theories that help in proper and methodical approach in achievement of the goals,

From the opinion of Robbins (2001) the management practices of Mercury Print and Duncan Print are different. Mercury Print has an operational approach that is a traditional approach that are quiet flexible as well as practical. In this approach, the functions of the managers remains constant that follows the core principles of the management as well as has a good framework of the management. On the other hand, according to Zhong and House (2012) Duncan Print follows Human Behavior Approach that helps the management in effective understanding of the interpersonal approach as well as approach of the group behavior. In this approach, management understands the human relation along with puts emphasis on the psychology as well as sociology. Whillans and Dunn (2015) also commented that this approach also motivates the employees and through proper leadership and also encourages participative management. This approach also helps in free flow of information and gives an immense importance to the employees and about their well being.

Previously, according to Mochon and Frederick (2013) Mercury Prints have thought of changing the leadership style from autocratic style to Participative Style. In order to compete with this competitive world and to retain the employees, it is because for each of the organization to bring a positive change within the organization. Bottom And Kong (2010) also commented that the positive leadership will surely bring colors to the organization as well as will bring motivation among the employees. This will also help in flow of new ideas in the organization that will make the employees feel important to actively participate in the decision making process of the organization.  On the other hand, Fatima (2015) also had an opinion that the other leadership styles such as autocratic leadership, where the leaders are both comfortable as well as confident about their decisions and doesn’t allow the employees to enter into the decision matters.

Mr. Siddall used autocratic leadership were the employees were not allowed to enter into the decision making process. Foxall (2010) commented on the fact that this approach has a low retention of the employees since the employees feel unwanted and unimportant as they don’t take active participation in the decision making process.

Motivational theories have applicability in the organization and are still essential for the managers in order to motivate the employees. This is because; according to the opinion of Lind and van den Bos (2013) the different motivational theories help in understanding the human psychology along with the organizational culture and the employee thoughts. The motivational theories were so made on the basis of the human needs, requirements and wants. Pfeffer and DeVoe (2012) commented on the very fact that the motivational theories helps in fulfilling the lacking of knowledge of the managers regarding their employees. As per example, through Maslow’s motivational theory the mangers have knowledge regarding the understanding of the physiological needs, safety needs, love needs, esteem as well as self actualization needs. Lotfizadeh et al. (2014) also had a view that on fulfillment of these needs helps the mangers in understanding the thoughts of the employees. The mangers try their level best in fulfilling their needs along with the fulfillment of the organization’s needs and requirements.

Factors influencing behavior of an individual at work and its impact on the company’s performance

Moreover, motivational theories Ludwig and Frazier (2012) had commented that it also help the managers in understanding the needs of the employees and also the sentiments that needs to be understood for motivating them. This increases the trust, loyalty, enriches the performance, as well as helps in fulfillment of the expectations. So, it can be said that motivational theories still finds its applicability in today’s competitive workplace environment. Moreover, according to Ludwig (2012) the Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory the managers need to keep in mind the two basic things- the personal growth and satisfaction based on motivator factors and  avoid the unpleasantness that also need to be satisfied by environmental factors.

The motivational theories that the managers have adopted help in increasing productivity as well as in achieving the high outputs. Through these motivational theories, Robbins (2001) commented that the managers energies, controls as well as maintains the behavior of the employees. This pumps motivation in the workplace that also helps in reaching the goals of the organization. In addition to this, Proudfoot and Kay (2014) also had a view that this also helps in keeping a balance between performances of both the individual and organization. An in-depth evaluation of the motivational theories also helps in understanding of the employee psychology. Moreover, according to Fatima (2015) this also helps in sustainability of the employees that also helps in meeting of the objectives for making the employees happy and satisfied in their work. In order to make the performance of the employees efficient and effective, motivational theories need to be adopted by the managers.

According to Foxall (2010) the groups are essential within an organization in order to complete the work most effectively and efficiently. In order to distribute the work among the organization so that the employees specialized in the working in groups that can form homogenous groups and assist each other for the completion of the work. In addition to this, DeNisi (2011) also commented on the fact that groups also helps in influencing the plans, decision making process, policies as well as problem solving capabilities within the organization. An efficient group always has the capability and capacity to maintain the communication with each other in the effective carrying out of the work.

According to Wine et al. (2014) there are 3types of group- formal as well as informal groups. In formal group, the employees are created consciously in order to serve the objective of the organization. This is sub-divided into 2 types- command group and task group. Pfeffer and DeVoe (2012) had an opinion that the informal groups are so created due to interpersonal relationship and specific interests. This informal group arises due to interest groups and friendship groups.

There are the different factors that help in promotion of the development of the team as well as teamwork within the organization. According to Proudfoot and Kay (2014) the effective teams and teamwork helps in raising awareness and innovation along with creativity within the organizations. Effective, open as well as clear communication also helps in building up the team effectively and efficiently thereby making the work more systematically and methodically. In addition to this, Fatima (2015) also commented that good leadership also promotes the development of the team as well as the team work. In addition to this, the development of the team also helps in understanding the adjustment, consistency as well as importance of the levels of energy. Apart from this, Mochon and Frederick (2013) also commented that the teamwork and teams shares the knowledge through sharing as well as experiences. This lowers the chances of making fault to a great extent and makes the work smoothly done. This also co-ordinates and integrate the employees together for the execution of a successful teamwork performance.

Comparing the effectiveness of different leadership style

In this tech savvy world, according to Lind and van den Bos (2013) the organizations need to implement new technology in the organization for competing with its competitors. In order to globally expand the company needs to implement new technologies within the organization. This helps in completion of the work easily and methodically. Moreover, it is also to be noted that implementation of modern technology helps in completion of the work methodically and strategically thereby fulfilling the company goals and also employee satisfaction. In addition to this, Goldman and Cropanzano (2014) also commented on the important fact that in order to expand the industry in Europe, Mercury Prints need to implement new technology in order to have the full control of the organization. Through the new technology, this company will also be able to handle and maintain its operation although Europe from it’s headquartering at Leeds.

In addition to this, Wells et al. (2013) also had a view regarding the implementation of modern technology is that with its implementation, the services provided to the customers will be at ease and methodical. This will satisfy the customers to a great extent which in return will provide the company a good reputation and higher revenue. Moreover, modern technology will also make the work more easy and fast and the delivery of the work will increase. Schermerhorn et al. (2000) commented that more the productivity will be increased; the more Mercury Prints will be collecting revenues. In order to fulfill the productivity of the organization all through Europe, new technology is essential within that organization.


This assignment deals with the structure as well as culture along with the performance of the organization. The influence of the individuals performance is also discussed that affects the impact on the performance of the company. In addition to this, effectiveness of the different leadership styles is also discussed along with its effectiveness. The management approaches of both the companies that are Mercury Prints and Duncan Prints are also discussed. Leadership and motivational theories related to the topic are also discussed along with its importance. The motivational theories are essential for the managers as because it helps in higher productivity as well as satisfaction of the job. Moreover, the different kinds of groups such as formal and informal groups are also explained. Apart from this, the impact of the technology is also discussed that will help the company in expanding successfully in Europe.


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