Organizational Behavior For The Philippine Daily Inquirer
Problem Identification
Discuss about the Organizational Behavior for Philippine Daily Inquirer.
Among all the newspaper organization, the Philippine Daily Inquirer posses its position as a well known company regarding the highest revenue and a maximum number of newspaper readership. Since 2001, it achieved best journalism awards consistently by acquiring a maximum number of profits along with strong readers’ loyalty. In the year 1985, it was established for controlling the dictatorship and authoritarian rule of Ferdinand Macros, the president of Philippine. This newspaper organization carefully handled all the employees namely business operations and journalists in a proper way ( 2016). As this newspaper opposed the dictatorship and revealed the truth of Macros regime, they faced a lot of trouble in terms of political uncertainty and overstressed. However, this organization gives the positive result instead of this type of barrier. Apart from this, with the growth of this organization, new employers are assigned though they are not so much efficient and dedicated than the older one ( 2016).
This research analysis is made by providing the justification of problems associated with it and it has been evaluated with the help of MARS model. Moreover, after analyzing the problems of this newspaper agency, a suitable recommendation is provided for mitigating the issues as soon as possible.
Some symptoms are assessed following related to the newspaper organization of the Philippine Daily Inquirer.
- The newspaper lovers turn their pattern of choice into internet, gadget, and computer.
- Profit margin, revenue earning and popularity diminished from the earlier period.
- Inquirer updated their newspaper through online which created a problem of hiring sufficient amount of editorial staff along with increasing the risk factor and degradation of quality work related to the news content.
- Confliction, rivalry, and inefficient cooperation are noticed between the old and new editors.
- Due to increase in popularity of the internet, gadget and computer, the normal human being along with the newspaper lovers are distracted from the reading of daily newspaper specifically the well popular Inquirer newspaper. The internet accessibility and easy access to mobile to the human being give the tough competition to the above-stated newspaper.
- The primary difference between the newspaper and online newspaper is the way of their operations. In general, the traditional newspapers first collect the news through journalists and then edited it by an editor. After that, they make the front page by features, news and advertisement and lastly they sent it to the printing press. After finishing the whole process, this type of organization cannot be able to update any alarming or sudden news in that day. The whole process is lengthy and not flexible ( 2016).
- On the contrary, online newspapers, internet provides the updated news to the people anytime and anywhere. There does not exist any deadline. The collection of news and processing the news take a little time and always it provides the latest news to the people. Thus, all the newspaper lovers turn their addiction into e-paper from a traditional newspaper.
- Apart from this, the higher authority of Inquirer newspaper, Letty is not so much responsible and dedicated to her work. She always comes late in the office by which the way of decision making process, guidance and scrutiny have delayed severely. Moreover, she disallows any editorial work done by the junior editor which hampers the work process badly. Apart from this, as per the leadership style of micro-management by Letty, the editors have no freedom regarding their work. In addition, Letty believes in the reading of traditional newspaper and does not want to update these procedures. As a result, due to delay in newspaper processing system, the distribution process set back along with the increasing competition and rivalry with the internet users ( 2016).
With the help of following theories, concepts, and models, the issues of Inquirer newspaper can be analyzed in the following manner. According to Haleem, Gan and Lu (2013), the theoretical framework of individual behavior model of MARS showcases the individual behavior through the four factors namely motivation, perception, ability and situational factors.
In the words of Tayyebi and Pijanowski (2014), motivation factor is considered as internal forces which affect the direction, persistence, and intensity of the voluntary behavior of an organization. In this context, during the time of tough competition to the internet users, the sufficient amount of salary and appreciation provide motivation to all the employees to their work in Inquirer newspaper. The employees are attached to the organization because of demand for money. This is the process of motivation in their work.
It inferred the information of capable employees which is required during the time of tough competition for Inquirer newspaper. The efficient skills, competencies and aptitudes of the employees help the organization to achieve and remain in its previous position during recession period (Bougher et al. 2015).
Role perception:
Root Causes of the Symptoms of the Inquirer newspaper
As stated by (Riivari et al. 2012), the appropriate behavior, responsibilities and duties of all the employees are needed for achieving foster growth of the organization. In this context, though the old and new editors are dedicated to their work, the chief editor Letty is not so much serious about work in Inquirer newspaper.
This type of factor considers the facts which are out of control to the employees namely budget constraints, work facilities and health issues (Laforet 2016). These issues are directed by the higher authority of the organization. In this perspective, though the organizational culture and sub culture in Inquirer is good, the freedom to work and adaptive new technology for enhancing growth and sustain in the competition are not significant enough. Even after this, Letty would not allow the new editors to do the job freely which is not desirable for Inquirer newspaper.
According to Giltinane (2013), the theoretical concept of Autocratic leadership style showcases the fact that this leadership style includes the characterization of individual control on all the decisions relating to the organization. This type of leaders take the decisions based on owns concepts, ideas, and their judgment powers. The autocratic leaders totally ignored the innovative thought, ideas and judgment of junior employees and accept any advice from the followers in rare case (Metcalf and Benn 2013). In this perspective, the chief editor of Inquirer newspaper Letty is considered to be an autocratic leader. All the decisions from starting to the end such as the type of news collecting, materials which are written in the editorial column, scrutiny, added any inputs and guidance are only instructed by her. As a result, the whole procedure is delayed and time-consuming. Moreover, the chief editor cannot give priority to the junior editors and follows the traditional procedure instead of advanced technology. In addition, though the Inquirer newspaper takes the strategy of doing the 24 hours in the news cycle, the implementation goes in vain due to late coming of Letty in the office.
In the words of Ybema and Nyíri (2015), the organizational cultural theory of Hofstede inferred the information about the organization whether it is goal-oriented or not, the extent of professionalism, discipline and strictness of work process and whether the work is internally or externally driven. With the help of this theory, the organizational culture and subculture of Inquirer newspaper can be evaluated properly. In this context, to sustain in the competitive market, this organization would promote their news into the website for increasing popularity along with the higher amount of revenue. However, some orthodox employees cannot want to adopt this system. Furthermore, the above-concerned newspaper organization wants to accomplish a procedure of 24 hours in the news cycle by which this organization can be able to compete with the internet and website system. On one hand, this would lead to hiring more editorial staff along with proper controlling of quality and quantity work. In this organization, a proper segregation is done between the junior and senior editors which would help to finish the work in a positive manner along with innovative ideas, thoughts, and judgments.
Analysis of the case study
From the above analysis, it can be concluded that the newspaper company Inquirer has faced a tough competition with the new advanced system of internet, gadget, mobile and computer. New generations are attracted to e-newspaper instead of traditional newspaper. As a result, it severely hampers the revenue generation of this company along with low popularity. Moreover, the chief editor, Letty is responsible for this fact as she implements the micro-leadership style in this organization. Thus, to mitigate this situation the first and foremost thing is done by Sandy is to update the procedure of newspaper editing, front page making, advertisement system and distribution system. In this perspective, e-newspaper needs to launch in the market and 24 hours in news cycle need to implement for sustaining in the competitive market. The CEO of Inquirer newspaper, Sandy wants to mitigate the issues of a clash in sub cultures within the organization. Apart from this, he brings changes in direction process, complacent in the organizational culture, suspicious and contentious editors for the foster growth of this organization.
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