Organizational Behavior For Micro And Small Manufacturing In The Banking Industry
Literature Review
Describe about the Organizational Behavior for Micro and Small Manufacturing.
Head quartered in London, United Kingdom Barclays is a British multinational banking and financial services company. With customers exceeding 48 million globally Barclays operates in over 50 countries across Asia, Europe, South America, Africa and North America including Kenya. Barclays by assets is the fourth largest bank in the world. Retail and business banking and corporate and investment banking and wealth and investment management are the two businesses in which the bank is organised. The corporate banking, investment banking and the wealth and investment management are the three units which are covered by the corporate and investment and wealth and investment cluster covers. While the four business units of Barclaycard, Africa retail business banking, UK retail and business bank and Europe retail and business banking are covered by the retail and business banking cluster. The segments of local business and small to mid-sized enterprises most subsidiaries of Barclays operate under corporate, retail, card services and treasury services with cross functional relationships for support and assistance. Barclays has been the top provider of financial services in the market. This is possible because of its financial strength coupled with extensive local and international resources for a very long time now. A confidence has been built in Barclay’s leadership and management due to consistent financial performance among the banks shareholders and the industry. The best example here would be of the Kenya branch of the bank. This Kenya bank has built a network of 117 branches and has established more than 230 ATM’s. The bank provides internet and mobile banking along with a Customer Service Centre which operates 24 hours a day (Apostolis, 2012).
Business climates over the world present diverse challenges to the bank because of its multinational nature. The bank also operates in diverse clusters. Decisions made at headquarters can affect subsidiaries world over. The increasing globalisation and interconnectivity has increased recently and as the bank hire employees across all nationalities, races, and cultures it is difficult to manage them effectively without planning (Burisch, 2002). These people bring with them different values, beliefs, attitudes, personalities and deal with situations in various emotional spaces and get motivated differently. The bank has successfully managed to develop workable and standard organisation behaviour so that an effective system for day to day activities can be implemented.
The success of MNC like Barclays depend highly on polices and principles adopted and implemented at the organisations subsidiaries. The organisational principles relevant to this paper are personality, attitude, work motivation and work place emotions. According to Mattews, et al, it is difficult to measure emotions at work place, also many traits because emotions cannot be quantified but this has never been a constraint to understand the affects of positive emotions and negative emotion in an organisational setup (Mattews, et al., 2007)
Research methodology
The success of Barclay’s if fully attributed to the quality of service and the quick responsiveness of employees handling customers as it operates in a service industry (Stephenson, 2013). Customers must be attended first before anything else, is one of the values adopted by the bank i.e ‘Customer First’. This is the attitude encouraged at the bank to strengthen customer services and employees according to Dempsey the nurses leave their jobs because they thought they cannot deliver care that hey valued. Thus it can be true for any organisation if the employees do not belief in themselves it could result in job dissatisfaction (Dempsey, 2009).
Organisation behaviour at Barclay’s promotes job satisfaction which in turn is the overall attitude towards their jobs of the employees. The amount of pay, opportunities, promotion, supervision, work itself, favourable work environment and relationship among co-workers are the features that drives job satisfaction at any organisation. Organisations need to develop standard organisation behaviour to promote employee promotion based on merit. Organisations need to develop policies and practices that encourage not only job satisfaction but also provide efficient reward management. A personality comprise of traits like attitude, skills, qualities and grooming. Though there are characteristics common to personality development. There are various theories regarding personality development. For example, aggressiveness, humbleness and being respectful, assertiveness, and with a good listening ability are the traits expected in a customer service executive. To develop a strong base of loyal customers it is important for any organisation to hire employees with positive attitude and personality traits.
The level of motivation of the entire work force is influenced by the employee’s full acquiescence to the organisational culture and behaviour (Devlin, 2008). The intrinsic urge to perform at work is brought out through motivation. This also affects the psychological and emotional wellbeing of the staff. Accordingly behaviour and urge directed towards goal is activated through the level of motivation among the employees in the organisation (Abeid, 2015). The management needs to develop a highly motivated work force for the organisations culture and behaviour to be abided by at all times and the staff would embrace the values of the organisation (Kahn, et al., 2005). To encourage competition among the employees towards production the organisation can take into consideration several factors cas part of organisational culture. A few factors could be job enrichment, flexible time, and empowerment and employee stock ownership plan (Patterson, et al., 2005).
Analysis and Development
For responsible growth recognition for good performance and achievement jobs are to be designed to offer the above mentioned opportunities. As stated by Halimah, 2016 providing emotional intelligence training has proved effective in motivating the employees. (Yusof, 2016). According to Christine, et al motivation is not part of the emotional intelligence construct though it is another major factor. Thus it is evident that for high performance emotions and motivation are two important factors (Christine, et al., 2007). Many scholars believe that letting employees schedule work according to their time management would help the organisation in the longer run. (Huq, 2016) According to Dr. Rozana, 2010 letting employees to occasionally schedule their work would result in making the employees more accountable and responsible and help to eliminate the feeling of being micromanaged (Huq, 2010). To be able to resolve their work related problems and make decisions in their area of operation would empower employees. This empowerment through making work related decisions without supervision would develop a sense of satisfaction in the employees
The choice of research method depended on the objectivity, sustainability and reliability to determine the organisational behaviour based on the environment and nature of the industry. Three methods were used alternatively to determine employees’ feelings concerning organisations culture. To collect data from 25 employees’ in different ranks within the organisation online questionnaire wars conducted. Also 15 randomly selected walk-in-customers were selected for interview purpose. Secondary data was collected through company reports and other relevant research conducted which are cited accordingly.
There is a need to focus on employee wellbeing by the organisation; the organisation need to get on a personal level so that there is an increase in employee motivation. A key tool to attract, retain and motivate employees these days is employee stock ownership plan (Bernoff & Schadler, 2010). A benefit package should be implemented such that the employees can own company stocks. The employee stays motivated works harder and also aims to protect the organisation. The employees are aware that their services directly affect the organisations performance which in turn affects them. Low stock prices because of low performance by the employee. Equity Bank was the one to adopt this strategy making the bank the fastest growing bank in Africa.
Thus the organisation need to implement new incentives and employee wellbeing based policy; this can be done by the HR department. The company needs to provide tasks that offer challenging responsibilities and helps the employee to be engaged completely and offer scope for personal development while enabling greater utilisation of skills. To develop a workable interaction model within the organisation the management need to understand personality of employees which in turn would develop a good organisational behaviour.
Findings and Recommendations
The research was conducted of Barclays PLC Head quartered in London, United Kingdom Barclays is a British multinational banking and financial services company. The organisational behaviour principles adopted and applied in the respective subsidiaries results in the success or failure of an organisation. There is need for EI as a vital skill among employees as it results in job satisfaction, increased commitment and performance enhancement. As stated by Halimah, 2016 providing emotional intelligence training has proved effective in motivating the employees. (Yusof, 2016). There is a need to develop new ideas and innovations to enhance employee satisfaction (Croxword, et al., 2005) Effective and efficient Human resource management can help the organisation to enhance employee performance at all levels.
At Barclays bonuses are given out to the top executives even though the bank had not performed well because it is considered that the executives have given their best in tough environment. According to Treanor giving out bonuses if organisation has suffered losses can be fairly considered as meaningless and is definitely not justified (Treanor, 2008). Thus there is a plausibly necessary to develop a new motivational plan based on high commitment HR system (Marchington & Wilkinson, 2005)
Thus the recommendations to Barclays Bank in short would be:
Adoption of a standard employee motivational plan
Adoption of flexible time plan
Adoption of employees stock ownership plan
Employee empowerment
Training & Development Programme for employees
Helping employees to achieve higher level of work and motivating them is a multidimensional process for any organisation. Approaches by organisations had been made to address and provide extrinsic motivation and lower- order needs; but there is a need to promote employee well being and happiness. Accepted or not factors like emotions, personalities, attitudes and motivation play a very crucial role in any organisations overall performance. There is therefore a need to keep an open eye towards factors like these and develop effective and efficient training and development programs to help employees. Employee engagement and empowerment programs are call of time at Barclays.
At Barclays the employees are given very clear instructions about the behaviour acceptable at the organisation thus including more positive organisational climate and helping employees to connect with this climate would enhance employee wellbeing and ensure that the employees are supported. This approach would help Barclays to climb up the ladder and become a number 1 bank in the world from its 4th position.
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Available at:
[Accessed 26 September 2016].
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