Organizational Behavior For Human Resources In New Zealand: Challenges And Implications
Thesis Statement or Question
Discuss about the Organizational Behavior for Human Resources Department.
The article is about a report that was surveyed by the New Zealand Chief Executives, whereas it examined the challenges that are available in the current environment and widely discusses the mew implications of management skills in New Zealand. With this the Human Resources department will strongly support the skill development that is necessary in an organization (Becker and Dan O’Hair, 2007). The relevant information from the article suggests that there are management skills that are needed and these are managing the people, managing the stakeholders and a such managing the uncertainty that prevail in the company.
The thesis statement is about the New Zealands small scale industry and their challenges that are faced with the retainment of workforces. Again, it sounds similar to What are the new ideas of New Zealand Management? The management talent and the overall productivity performance is keenly the main question that is arising in the article (Ng and Feldman, 2008). The main criteria is about the enhancement and development of the human resources and their optimal utilization of skills and productivity in New Zealand (Paul, 2012). The statement regarding the New Zealand’s organizations and their workforce with the education they get is an important thing to be considered because of the economic scales. As compared to the US economy, the Australia and New Zealand labor productivity are much lesser than in the US which states to 69% and 56% respectively.
The article is well framed when it comes to the comparisons of the productivity of the group and the countries that may result to the increase in the workforce of a particular country. While considering New Zealand, there are some challenges and issues that has been consequently noticed with an emphasis and a concern for the productivity problem and the analysis of the capital intensity that has a higher concern which are examined in the statistics (Hedges, Morgan, 2007). The Australian economy with the mining and the industry has a larger ration while it reflects to the capital and the labor market ration all over Australia and there was a research that states that the gap between the two countries of Australia and New Zealand are higher which is mainly because of the reason of under performance of some of the New Zealand’s mining industry that can be rather a major difference in the countries.
Strengths and Weaknesses of an Article
The strength of the article is examined with the given statistics and the information that is related towards the development and the change management that is required in both of the countries (Rosenbusch et al. 2011). As such there are methods that are conducted as such with the managerial implication and the management skills that are economically productive and have a chance of improvement in the study. At this end, these are the strength that is analyzed within an article.
As such there are no such weaknesses, but alternatively there are some implications that are missing and are under represented with the groups and the target of the thesis statement (Bergeron, 2007). The missed information can be collected and analyzed as per the quantitative and qualitative methods that are used in the survey, yet the list can be still widened with an interview to arise some of the challenging questions that are stated as per the productivity and the workforce of the New Zealand country (Sayem, 2012). With the most critical issues are states that are listed with the private and the public concern that can be resolved.
With the current article that states about the productivity for the country New Zealand, it is believed that the implications and the survey matter a lot while it is an integrative approach that spells to cross the various sectors that are important and have a certain implication with the fundamental management skills (Halbesleben and Bowler, 2007). The issues and risks that are encountered have a different approach, yet there should be increase in productivity that is been believed with a constant change. The survey has a strong viewpoint which is correctly examined in the article by stating in detail about the private and the public sectors risk capability and the workforce performance.
The economy of New Zealand need to enhance its productivity with the concerned services and adopting the latest business models that are acceptable all over with an aim of employee engagement. Uncertainty is been managed properly and the key management concepts are been an argument for the country, with this there is a successful organization that can be met deliberately while adopting in an organization the set of policies and the practices which highly facilitate the growth and agility of an organization (Damanpour et al. 2009).
The study and survey identifies that New Zealand CEO’s face a lot of risks and challenges and this is due to many factors like changes in the market, instability of the economy, changes in the weather and geographic conditions, lack of skill and talent retention, lack of proper business and employment opportunities, decrease in profitability, emigration of New Zealand citizens to other countries for employment and better opportunities etc. The lack of proper skills and retention of the talented employees is a huge concern. It can be said that the economy of New Zealand is currently facing a high instability and the CEO’ are facing challenges and issues regarding the business and the finance. This situation develops numerous scopes for the CEO’s to develop more stable, capable and innovative organizations and provide employment opportunities for the citizens (Becker and Dan O’Hair, 2007).
Viewpoint of the Article
Stakeholders are a very integral part of the organization and thus the communication and relationship with the stakeholders must be effective and sustainable. This must be considered by the CEO’s. The skill management is another area where the organizations can improve and the CEO’s can play a very effective role in skill development and management among employees. Even the HR managers can contribute in solving and hindering the issues and challenges faced by the executive officers (Bergeron, 2007).
It has been witnessed that the economy of New Zealand has faced lots of issues and challenges due to the decline of the profit ratios and the emigration of the employees towards other countries due to the lack of proper opportunities. There are several reasons and key points affecting this issue (Cainellei et al. 2006). There are some private, public and nonprofit sector issues which play a huge role in identifying the issues and challenges for the CEO’s. These key points are,
The market issues – the rising and falling share prices, lack of opportunities, and other market risks (Becker and Dan O’Hair, 2007).
Lack of communication with stakeholders- The organizations is not able to develop proper communicational relationships with the stakeholders.
Economic changes – the recent changes and instability in the economic condition of New Zealand.
Retention of talented employees – talented employees are the backbone of any organization and needs to be retained.
Improper skill management – The skill management and development programs must be regulated.
These are some of the issues faced very frequently and on a high basis by the CEO’s a11n1d need some attention.
Along with these factors, there are some other points which affect the economy of the country and needs some focus (Damanpour et al. 2009). There are very few multinational companies operating in New Zealand which gives a very little scope of employment in the country. Also, various emerging areas like electronics, pharmaceuticals, etc., which have a huge scope for employment and development are found in a very less quantity in New Zealand. Also a huge drop in the revenues and the reduced income levels is a huge factor contributing as a challenge for the organizations. The fund raising and financial conditions are too risky and challenging. The management of the stakeholders, the talented employees and resources is somewhere lacking a systematic and impactful approach and needs to get improved. Also, individual development is an aspect which can be considered by the organizations (Hamel, 2007).
Significance of the Study
The employee always looks forward for the opportunities which provide immense scope for self development and learning. The organizations in New Zealand lack in such kind of approach. The HR managers also play a very important role in the organizations and can help in retaining proper talent and resource management (Halbesleben and Bowler, 2007).
It can be concluded that New Zealand is facing a highly difficult time in managing its economy and the challenges and risks in the market has significantly increased. In such situation the tasks and challenges for the CEO’s have too increased with the responsibility to create a stable environment and sustainable development (Hamel, 2007). There are numerous issues and risks which are faced by the organizations like skill management, talent retention, financial risks and gains, etc. which need to get emphasized on. Also the HR managers can help in managing the skills, resources and talent of the organization by providing personal development and developing strategies which can create a win-win situation for all (Halbesleben and Bowler, 2007).
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