Organizational Behavior And Dynamic Business Environment: Challenges And Strategies

SWOT Analysis

Organizational behavior is the systematic study of human behavior, perceptions and the attitudes of the individuals in the organization. It focuses on how the individuals and the group will behave in the organization considering the changes in the external business environment and how they will able to cope up with the changing needs of the customers and the changes in the policies done by the government (Valentine, 2014).

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The behaviouristic framework of the organization behavior focuses on the stimulus and the response. Stimulus is the force of action or motivation and the response is the reaction or the behavior of the individuals. It is believed that behavior is not only the outcome of the stimulus but it also considers the contingent environmental consequences (Valentine, 2014).

The dynamic environment in which the business operates consists of various political, legal, social, environmental, technological and the economic environments, which changes continuously, and bring the challenges for the business to cope up in this competitive environment. However, the study of organizational behavior focuses to study human behavior and helps the individuals in overcoming the challenges (Jill, peter & Michael 2017).

From the detailed discussion of the Nestle Company, I was able to compare my strength, weakness, threats, and opportunities with the requirements of the company. By applying the Gallup strength, an assessment tool the personal SWOT analysis includes the following:

Activator, Adaptor, Arranger, Communicator- I believe that I am an activator because I start taking actions according to the current situation and have the belief that actions lead to the performance. The quality of mine will help the company to implement their plans and take the timely actions according to the changing situations of the business environment. I am easy adaptor of the changing conditions as the business operates in the dynamic environment where there is the complete intervention of the political and legal factors. I have the power to command and communicate at all the levels of the organization to make sure that actions are in line to the predetermined objectives. I can provide the company with creative solutions to create brand awareness and increases the productivity of the firm (GALLUP, 2018).

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The weakness, which, I believe can be harmful to the company is that I am impatient which can sometimes, leads to a situation of discontentment and can affect the productivity of the company. I am easily adaptable the quality of mine can be negative because other employees can use it against me. As I am an activator, it can lead to vigorous actions, which can hamper the growth of the company.

Naturally Occurring Data

After analyzing the detailed report of Nestle Company, it is analyzed that there is an inclusion of intense competition, which affects the economic stability of the company and can lead to the actions, which are not socially correct, or against the sustainability of the environment. Due to intense competition among the departments, the threat for me is to inherit the capability to cope up with all the expectations of the company and take the corrective actions.

Due to the technological advancements and intense competitions, it develops the needs to bring the innovations and satisfy the wants of the customers. However, I believe that such advancements provide me the opportunity to learn and develop the creative skills to be a good manager and develop the qualities to be an ethically responsible citizen of the country.

After the detailed discussion in this report, the company can recruit me at a place of manager because I possess the qualities to effectively communicate and coordinate the activities of all the departments and able to compete in the challenging business environment. There is always a scope of self-improvement by constantly putting efforts in handling the situations patiently and taking the timely actions in a proper way.

Naturally, Occurring data are the recordings of naturally occurring activities or the naturally occurring text-based materials, which are selected by the researchers to address the answers of research questions. The activity of naturally occurring data continues regardless of the presence of the researcher. This data helps to gain information about the personal experience of the people and to navigate and understand their lives by having conversations with the customers. It provides the key information to practice better services and make alterations according to the requirements of the customers to enhance their experience and improve productivity (Kiyimba, Lester, & O’Reilly, 2012).

  The natural data is collected in the form of emails, corporate artifacts and conversations that provides the ways to perform the task and influences the behavior of the employees as through corporate artifacts the manager guides the action of the employees to make the perform the task in a better way. The manager collects the data by having conversations with the employees and gets the responses for the particular actions. It influences my behavior by taking the actions in accordance with the response of the employees as well as stakeholders (Kiyimba, Lester, & O’Reilly, 2012).

The qualitative data collected through this method provides the deep insight of the actions and the requirements of the customers, which in turn helps in developing effective marketing strategies to improve the productivity of the company and enhancing the overall experience of the stakeholders. It helps in fulfilling the gaps between the actual and the desired results (Neo, 2015).  

Organization Characteristics influences the decision making

Through the conversations, the actual response of the stakeholders can be evaluated and can be handled in a better way. It helps in developing the attitudes that prioritize the needs of the customers.

The programmed decisions of the top-level management help the managers to solve the problems in a structured way and to take the decisions in favor of the organization whereas the non-programed decisions lead to the creation of ill-structured problems for the manager. If the organization penalizes more for the losses than the rewards in the gain the manager will not be able to take the risk and which will influence the decision-making, as it will be riskier to adopt creative strategies (Gibson, Ivancevich, Donnelly, & Konopaske, 2012).  

The social and cultural influences majorly affect the decision making of the managers, as the managers will be judged based on their decisions. The cultural influences the decisions as in Japanese culture the decisions must be taken on a collective basis by the manager while in America more focus is on the individualistic decisions of the manager (Erbe & Normore, 2015). 

Such cultural differences leave a greater impact on the decisions of the manager. The performance and the size of the organization influence the decision making of the managers as the manager will make the decision that supports the performance of the organization and focuses on increasing productivity (Michael, & Thorbjorn, 2010).

The structure of the organization majorly influences the decision making of managers as all the departments are functionally divided as the top management describes the roles and the responsibilities of all the departments and simplify the decision making of the managers. The application of the hierarchical levels assures that there is proper flow of information among all the departments and scrutinizes the actions of all the departments. Such management levels provide the responsibilities to the managers of all the departments to solve the problems of each department and ensure efficiency in the future operations of the organization. The filtered flow of information by adopting the different organization structures helps the executive management to execute the actions that provide the opportunity to the manager to control the actions of the executives (Sybil & Erma jean, 2015).

Stakeholders are the people who have something to lose or gain through the outcomes of a planning process, programme or project. They are the individuals who directly or indirectly participate in the actions of the organization (Daft, 2016). Due to extensive competition among the firms, it becomes important to focus on stakeholder relationship management.

Organization structure and influence on decision-making

There are two types of stakeholders, which includes internal and external stakeholders. Internal stakeholders are the one who participates in the coordination, resourcing, funding, and publication of the strategy from a local health and well-being partnership. The range of internal stakeholders includes employees, managers, the board of directors, investors and owners while the external stakeholders are the parties or the groups that are not part of the organization but gets affected by its activities. The range of external stakeholders includes suppliers, customers, creditors, intermediaries, competitors, society, clients, and government (Alicia & Anne, 2015).

The manager can build a strong relationship with the stakeholders through many ways discussed below:

  • Actively build strong relationships from the start- The manager must focus to share the vision with the stakeholders on a regular basis and must not wait for any meetings and take the opportunity to discuss and build a strong relationship with them(Andrew & Edward 2016).
  • The manager must involve the stakeholders- Stakeholders are the one who will help the manager in converting the vision into reality, however, the manager must involve stakeholders at all the levels because they will provide the best decision and will help in achieving the aim(Anastasi, 2018).
  • The manager must schedule periodic touch-base sessions- The manager must schedule the regular meetings with the stakeholders to get the appropriate solutions for the challenges and make them feel that they hold an important position in the organization (Andrew & Edward 2016).
  • Address the issue as and when they arise- The manager must provide the transparent information to its stakeholder without any manipulation to the information to reach to the fruitful conclusions and draw the actual result in the minds of stakeholders. The manager must inform the issue on time to have the best solutions for the challenges and develops a healthy relationship with the stakeholders(Andrew & Edward 2016).
  • Listen to the participants- The managers must have this communication skill to listen to the participants and understand their perspectives, suggestions. This will help in building the trust of the stakeholders, as they will feel that they are being heard(Anastasi, 2018).
  • Make realistic promises and keep them- The manager must ensure that the promises made by them are realistic because over-promises leads to project failures and must openly communicate to the stakeholders about any alterations made in the strategy(Anastasi, 2018).

In the complexities of the dynamic business environment, it is important for the managers to build a strong relationship with the stakeholders and effectively manage their needs to make them feel motivated and achieve the desired result (Greenwood & Harry, 2010).  

Due to the increase in the marketplace, it is important for the managers to effectively communicate with the cultural diverse stakeholders to maintain their interest in the organization and however increases the productivity of the organization. To build effective communication the manager must emphasize on understanding the cultural diversity and understanding the different backgrounds and cultural values of the sender and the receiver of the message to communicate effectively and develop the valuable ideas for the projects (Manon, 2008).  

The manager must focus on developing awareness of the individual cultures and provide training to the employees of the cultures where the organization is running a business to understand the diverse cultures of the stakeholders and able to maintain their interest. The manager must develop the personal touch with the stakeholders to retain the interest of the stakeholders and must respect the culture and the values of the diverse stakeholders. The managers must develop the techniques to overcome the global communication barriers and gender communication barriers. The manager must use the simplified language and must focus on the repetition of the fundamental principle of the organization. The manager must avoid using the gender-specific metaphors and must ensure that there are timely deliverables to the stakeholders. This, in turn, will help the manager in retaining the interest of the stakeholders and thus promoting an environment that increases productivity (Gina, 2013).


After the detailed discussion, it is concluded that the framework of organization behavior helps in understanding the behavior, perceptions of the individuals working in the organization. It focuses on the strategies and the techniques used by the manager to communicate effectively with the culturally diverse stakeholders. The levels of management influence the decision making of the managers as it helps the manager in overcoming the challenges of the dynamic business environment


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