Organizational And Management For Wal-Mart Business: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Approaches And Programs
Importance and limitations of CSR initiatives for companies
The main idea presented by the article is on the basis of how many companies do care more on corporate social responsibility (CSR). The article brings the fact that, in most of the 250 largest companies in the world; about 92% had released the CSR by the year 2015 (Du, Bhattacharya, & Sen, 2010). The report released by the companies contained more information concerning the progressive activities to the firms and it was purposely produced to address the public and shareholders. This was different from previous years such as 2005 where about 64% of the companies all over the world produced their reports regarding the same. It is fortunate that about 500 world companies spend most of their time and over $ 20 million dollars in matters concerning the daily activities in the firm in every particular year (Meier & Cassar, 2018). The article presents the fact that most of the companies find the efforts of the CSR which involves the sustainability initiatives programs concerning the employee volunteer, donation of charity and corporation foundation which are important ways for motivating the employees. Based on what I have read from the article, many forms of the employees’ motivation by a firm engaging some acts have a positive impact towards the appreciation of the society other than just rewarding the employees with money (Gill, 2018).
The readers of this article should be aware that the article has some assumption that all the companies which participate in coming up with the annual reports on the basis of CSR have equal parameters of performance. One limitation of the article is that it does not give the proportion of the individual companies contributing to the processing of the report. At least there should be proportion showing by which percentage the particular company contributes towards coming up with the annual report at each particular year (Sprinkle & Maines, 2010). The article does not consider at which basis are the employees be motivated but is just generalizes by giving the concept on important of imposing the positive acts towards benefiting both society and employees in the firm. The article on the other hand just gives an assumption that the increase of the employees’ production rates is simple but it does not give the reasons as to why to come up with such a general statement (Basu & Palazzo, 2018). The reader of the article should have in mind that there some complex tasks in every firm but the article just mention on increased retention to define the lower wages of the employees which might lead to the lower productivity. The limitation based on this is that the article does not come up with the cause of either lower productivity within the company neither does it give the concept of high production contributing fact.
The article concludes on the fact that most of the companies should not make use of the CSR initiatives. The reason given beyond this is that the initiatives are put for the purpose of benefiting the human resource strategy instead benefiting the employees. The article concludes by stating that the workers give concern and care more about genuine prosocial incentives brings about the negative reactions about the firms (Carroll & Shabana, 2010). The negatives reactions are based on the fact the firms use the social initiative for the purpose of increasing its profit and productivity. It is just like the way each one of us has to care about one another’s initiatives. Similarly, the article does not support the CSR initiative since it is only aimed at benefiting the firm but not the individual employees of the firms. Following what article have already captured, the prosocial incentives have its main goal on increasing the productivity benefit but not bothering on the financial support of the employees. In this case, the article concludes that managers of the same firms should care for the social significance of the actions taken by CSR. This can be done by making sure that the workers are put in front line on the basis of benefiting from the firm’s productivity.
Wal-Mart business CSR approaches and programs
The thematic concern of the article is bringing the light on how the CSR initiatives have no importance to the benefits of the employees but to the benefits of the firms involved. It is illustrated best in the title of the article on the facts that readers should stop talking on how the CSR help the lower rank because it does not do so. Focusing on the concepts taught from MGT100 on the importance of CSR practices, the article tries to bring the idea on how the SCR is no longer looking at how much amount of money the company is contributing to the charity work but the how they involve in the overall activities for the improvement of the life of people. But the article again tries to bring some lights on the fact that the background intention of the CSR initiative is not exactly what they define it (Kampf, 2017). The initiatives try to bring out the firms benefits at the expense of contributions from the individual employees. The article tries to bring the idea on how the companies embrace how the CSR gives the allowance of the positive response for the positive impacts towards the stakeholders, community and the environment. The article defines how many of the firms are basically investing in CSR but the truth of the matter is that they should not focus on CSR for the beneficial productivity of the firms. The article enlighten the employees on the motif part of the CSR initiatives as it is not intended at benefiting them but increase of its profits and production rates.
Wal-Mart business is the company I have worked with from where I will give the Corporate Social Responsibility approaches it uses. Wal-Mart business relies on the following CSR approaches for the purpose of bringing out its overview objectives. Some of the approaches it uses include the creation of economic opportunities focusing on the suppliers, retailers, and employees and also the potential customers away from the Wal-Mart business. The business makes sure that sustainability is enhanced for the operations and productivity level of the customers. Finally, the business applies the approach based on the building a strong foundation for the communities and the retailers. Through the application of the three types of approaches, the Wal-Mart business aims at various goals as stipulated in the year 2005 by Lee Scott the Wal-Mart business CEO by that particular period of time. The aims of using the approaches were to have a supply of 100 renewable energy to the company, creation of the waste-free zone within the company and selling of the products which are able to sustain the people and their environment (Banks & Shilton, 2011). The important of the three approaches used by the Wal-Mart business was seen especially when it produced the global report on responsibility. The annual report gave inclusion details on Wal-Mart business CSR initiative and programs aimed at the engagement of the company. In the basis of supporting the surrounding communities, the Wal-Mart business donated about $100 million as the awards for the neighborhood grants as a US foundation.
Creation of economic opportunities
The US employees in Wal-Mart business volunteered about 1.5 million hours for the purpose of helping the local communities in the year 2015 (Kang, Lee & Huh, 2010). The business gave out about $ 14 million as a dollar for the doer grants. For the purpose of educating as well as motivating the workers, the business contacted a survey which involved around 2 million employees all over the world. The survey showed that about 4 or 5% are so willing to work with the Wal-Mart business in the February 2015 (Burnley, Matthews & McKenzie, 2015). The company gave an announcement on the investment of about $ 1 billion in US associate hours for the purpose of providing high levels of the wages to the employees, facilitating the training to the employees and increasing the opportunities based on building the career foundation for the Wal-Mart business. The company used the approach of gender equality as well as minorities by making sure that around 57% of the Wal-Mart employees’ composition was women. The company emphasized on the Wal-Mart global empowerment initiative for the women which provided the training to the female employees. They were educated on how to access the market and to develop the career opportunities. This was supported by the provision of around 1 million women with farms and factories opportunities.
The article by Michael D. Watkins published on May 15, 2013; basically focus on the definition of the Organizational Culture and its significant (Watkins, 2013). I see the article relevant to the topic of study based on the fact that it defines culture as to how an organization or companies do things. In relation to the organizational CSR, culture is consistent and it involves some observable patterns in organizations. This is related to how the organization applies the CSR initiatives for the purpose of increasing its performance hence the relevancy of the article. The second article I found relevant was by Torben Rick published January 2, 2015, on n organizational culture. The article defines what is culture based on the dynamics of the organization and its significant importance in that particular organization (Rick, 2015). Based on the CSR initiatives, I found the article to be suitable for explaining how organizations carry out its activities by use of cultural diversities.
From article one by Michael D. Watkins the composition of the values and rituals which integrate members within the organization and serving as the glue is what is referred to as organizational culture (Watkins, 2013). Culture is the powerful compensation product which is shaped by the incentives and it predicts what people are willing to do. From second article by Torben Rick, the organizational culture is the reflection of employees’ philosophies, their behaviors, their beliefs, their practices and attitudes which collectively defines the organization culture diversity (Rick, 2015). The culture within the organization is driven by the leadership strategies strengthened by how the leaders behave, what they value and what they say about the culture.
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