Organization Behaviour For Individualised HRM And Organisational Performance – PC Solutions Case Study
Recommend changes to overcome the current problems
Describe about the Organization Behaviour for Individualised HRM and Organisational Performance.
The report gives a brief description of PC Solutions which is owned by Frank Wallace. The company is related to the selling of desktop computers to home users. The company has developed significantly over the last eight years and has expanded its sales, administration, accounts, customer service and software development department. The case study highlighted how the company has taken merger decision to rejuvenate the software department so as to able to meet the market requirement. It has encouraged women participation in management by giving them senior positions. Louise Machin is an example which controls a team of 25 people and looks after training section consists of 8 trainers, network and software support team comprises of 7 systems and software engineers, and ten persons gives support to the hardware problem. Consequently, the owner Frank Wallace has detected the problem that the software department is facing due to its incapacity to meet the customer requirement and is driven by merger decision to reduce the gap and to provide the better software solution. But Frank has found that as the company is growing the level of customer satisfaction and employee job satisfaction is decreasing. The study has recommended a solution to eradicate the problem in order provide better service which is related to customer satisfaction and developed a strategy for employee motivation to increase productivity and overall job satisfaction of the staff member (Böckerman and Ilmakunnas 2012).
The report highlights the organization PC Solutions that was established by Frank Wallace, an IT professional in 2007 and identifies one problem in their software development department and has given a solution to resolve the problem. One of the acute problems that were identified by PC Solution is its incapacity to fulfill the target customer’s software development need. Keeping this in mind the organization has adopted a strategy for a merger to strengthen the software department so as to able to meet the customer’s requirement by delivering the quality product hence increasing revenue for the company. The company has acquired Software Solutions for this purpose to meet the quality standard and the requirement of the market (Correia et al. 2013).
One of the problems in the organization is that as the team is growing, day by day the level of customer service and employee satisfaction is decreasing considerably.
To improve the customer satisfaction, the company needed to focus on the product and adopted a strategy to provide the client better experience and a more user-friendly software that is cost effective to gain competitive advantage. The enterprise should have strong Research & development team to come up with the latest changes to provide a more updated software to the client to save their time and money.
Develop unique, distinctive feature to the product
The sales team which is managed by Scott Punter need to be much more organized and focused on integrated marketing strategy to increase sale. The customer services department guided by Louise Machin is required improvement to enhance the quality of the product to deliver desired output to the customers. The company should concentrate on substantial infrastructure building of customer service department consists of three teams that are training, networking & software team and hardware support team (Vermeeren et al. 2014).
The team should focus on adding more features to the product to make the product attractive therefore providing better customer service to the clients. Explore new features to make the product more customized at competitive prices and get a competitive advantage (Chang et al. 2012).
Set a clear mission and vision to be achieved by the company and concentrate on the target market to establish the goal to be obtained by the enterprise. To get customer loyalty and trust the company should emphasize the features of the product to reduce cost and increase the problem solving skill hence focusing on the relationship based on trust, truth, honesty, commitment and transparency (Karatepe 2013).
To achieve employee satisfaction PC Solution should concentrate on the following things
The administration department headed by Sylvia Chia should focus on training and development programs to enhance the skillsets of the employee. Proper onboarding programs help the operator to build the proper attitude and set goals those are achievable to reduce attrition (Bal et al.2015).
To create a positive workplace free from discrimination, cooperation, that ensures constructive criticism and motivate an employee to enhance productivity. The company should adopt skill development programs such as training programs, mentoring and feedback-intensive programs to encourage employees to acquire new skills to overcome challenges and deliver the best output (Jamali et al. 2015).
The company should provide fair wage and incentive to keep the workforce satisfied. Moreover, it includes reward and recognition programs to create a healthy competition to elevate employee morale and stimulate efforts and increases job satisfaction of the employees (Armstrong and Taylor 2014).
The PC Solution should arrange the online survey or mobile survey to monitor the employee opinion about the benefits, recognition and feedback programs and the aspects contributing to employee satisfaction. It helps the Human Resource Department of the organization to formulate the action plan to improve the system to minimize cost and reduce employee turnover (Djukic et al.2014).
Clarify the mission and focus on customers
According to Grant (2015), strengths of a company refer to the positive or active aspects that have placed the company in an advantageous position. The power of an organization concentrates on few things such as
- What are the high points the company has?
- How is the company utilizing the advantages?
- How the company is getting competitive advantage
- What is the unique selling propositions?
The company which has started its journey in the year 2007 has developed considerably over the eight years to have 75 employees and four departments that are sales, administrative, customer service and software development which are efficiently delivering the services. The PC Solution and its customer services are taken care of Louise Machin. The company’ strength is its training segment, hardware and networking department and software support team which is providing excellent support to the clients to troubleshoot their problems and providing better solutions to corporate customers. Hardware support is provided by ten technicians from a workshop situated in PC Solutions. By appointing Louise Machin as a team leader, the company encourages women participation in decision making by promoting them to higher positions. The company should create a diverse work culture based on cooperation and respect (Kirton and Healy 2013).
According to Trieloff and Buys (2013), the Weakness of the company refers to the
- What are the weak points that the company has that is affecting its growth?
- What are the factors that are affecting sales?
As far as the case study is concerned the weaknesses of PC Solutions can be marked by the decreasing level of customer satisfaction and employee’s content regarding the job. To overcome the problem, the company needs to strengthen the sales team. They should keep a client database and contact the customers on the regular basis by mailing them the birthday card, newsletter, sales flyer. Email and sending text messages via phone, promotion of products in Facebook, Twitter can be a useful marketing tool to keep the customers updated about the latest changes. The sales team should explore the new market to increase the number of users of the product and generate more revenue for the company (Berthon et al. 2012).
One of the weaknesses is employee job satisfaction which is decreasing can be overcome by providing training and development since employee’s job satisfaction is a key factor to increase productivity. Continuous training and monitoring and evaluating the performance and feedback system enable the employee to face challenges in a better way. Apart from that, reward and recognition should be there to motivate an employee to produce more and help the company to achieve the target (Tangthong et al. 2014).
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