Organising An Event To Raise Awareness For Children With Autism
Aim/Problem Statement
Autism Spectrum Disorder or Autism is a permanent developmental condition that can be characterised by a broad range of symptoms like repetitive behaviour, challenges with social skills, nonverbal communication and speech impediment. Autism can be categorised into many sub types and each Autistic person has a different set of strengths and challenges. There are a number of physical and environmental factor that contribute to the development of autism, which is often accompanied with other medical issues like Gastrointestinal disorders, seizures, sleep disturbances etc. an estimated 1 in 59 children are diagnosed with Autism. Sensory issues such as aversion to certain lights, sounds and other sensations are also common in people with autism. Early signs of autism usually manifest by the age of 2 or 3. The event to raise awareness for autism aims to deepen the society’s understanding and knowledge of the subject and improve the lives of people affected by the autism spectrum. Through this event we aim to
- Understand the different causes and types of autism
- Understand the early signs and autism
- Understand the different methods of diagnosing autism
- Enhance the overall understanding of autism in society
We believe that event can enhance the lives of people affected and accelerate the development of a spectrum of solutions for a better tomorrow.
Autism refers to range of developmental inefficiencies like troubles with social interaction, restricted behaviour, cognitive deficiencies, and repetitive behaviour. It manifests differently in different individuals and is thus referred to as a spectrum disorder. While some symptoms are more prominent than others and are clear indicators of the disorder, often symptoms are mild and go undiagnosed until adulthood. It is necessary to increase awareness and create a chance for the affected, to come forward, even at a later stage of life. The Objective Of this event will be to create a sense of mutual understanding of this delicate and complex issue by using helpdesks, presentations and discussions with a panel of qualified medical experts who can elaborate on the subject and clear doubts and biases that may be prevalent in the’ll be platform for interaction between people affected by autism. Autism does not have a specific cause but early diagnosis can ensure significantly improved outcomes. Increased awareness increases the chances of early diagnosis. The project intends to increase public awareness of ASD. areas for targeted education can be identified which help in improving the lives of families affected by autism. Autism has been identified as a relatively common disorder that affects up to 10/1000 children worldwide. Some symptoms of autism are impaired social interaction , difficulty with communication and other stereotyped activities. Early recognition is necessary in order to implement multidisciplinary treatment. In order to deliver theses services without any delays enhanced public awareness is needed. Different presentations on treatment will be organised with q and a sessions. Surveys will be organised to assess the outcome. There is a considerable amount of misconceptions and lack of knowledge on the subject in our are and this event will give us a chance to examine the situation and identify ways to improve the condition. Although there is some amount of knowledge that may be present in some members of the public, the knowledge is weak and often lead to misconceptions. Focused discussions will improve the chances of dealing with these misconceptions face to face and finding a mutual solution. In present day autism is considered as a separate disability different intellectual disability which is assigned to anyone with an IQ of or below 70. ASD rate are higher in society then intellectual society lack of awareness increases chances of speculation and leads to biases that ultimately affect the families affected in a negative way. The event will focus on eliminating such biases and create a better environment for those who are affected by autism.
To increase knowledge and involve public support we have selected crowd funding as our source of finance. Crowd funding is a method by which an initiator without any prerequisite financing contacts a large or small number of people for he purpose of obtaining finance from these people. It is a tendency that evolved with the advent of social media and there is no initial investment needed. For this project as there is limited amount of knowledge and resources that are available in or locality initial investment would not be possible by any other method.
Crowd funding has a low risk factor and there aren’t any obligations to reach the goals. This advantage is often overlooked. Crowd funding increases exposure. Using crowd funding will help in the spreading of our idea. Crowd funding is not only a source for funding but also a platform to promote the campaign and get more exposure. Crowd funding campaign increases the chances of finding potential backers. Through crowd funding has been chosen by us as our method of financing there are some issues that need to be kept in mind before initiating the campaign. After the campaign has been launched we will have a moral obligation to deliver the project. Handling an issue like autism requires delicate measures that need to thoroughly explained. There needs to transparency between the major backers who will be looking forward the results of their efforts. Autism is a delicate issue and our aim is to make the community aware of its existence.
We are using survey as our preferred method of understand the outcome of the event, a detailed survey with a fixed set of questionnaire will help us identify the areas that need to focused and areas have been ignored in the past. Survey is the study of a sample of individual units that represent a larger population. It also includes associated techniques that are used for this purpose like data collection, construction of the questionnaire and identifying methods that will improve the accuracy of the responses. Other methods of data collection would have been impractical n our situation. Compared to focus group responses can be analysed and understood on a face to face situation. Individual issues cannot be possible in a focus group as the groups rhetoric govern the conversation and suppresses individual opinions. Surveys provide a platform for one one discussions about issues whose solutions can be be identified only if they are discussed.
As autism is a sensitive topic the questionnaire will be drafted in an informal format and the interactions will be structured as a semi formal interview. This will nt only provide concrete data based on the survey but also provide a platform were proper guidance can be provided to those affected by qualified professionals. Questionnaires will be prepared based on the guidance provided by medical professionals who have dealt with cases of autism personally. They will assess the amount of knowledge a person has on autism, what their views are on the subject and how he addresses it. A survey is the only to achieve concrete numerical data that can be analysed and used for improvement in future events.
As the survey is based on a varied questionnaire, the survey may produce complex observations which can be identified if plotted on a Gantt chart. A Gantt chart can pictures complex outcomes and possibilities. As there is a possibility for multiple results we can divide the demography and derive a percentage on the basis of age groups. By identifying which sections of the demography require targeted action and help elucidate complexities.Gantt charts are frequently used by software developers to manage the timeline of there projects.. A milestone can be defined as an important goal or in a project, such as a kickoff meeting or major deadline. By using a milestone marker in a project plan one can monitor progress and identify potential delays. These milestones are marked as a gold diamond chart and tasks can be planned accordingly with the help such proper markers. This example displays a Gantt chart used by a software development company implementing the agile approach. Tasks are organized into segments that are based on sprints, with milestones for sprint planning and deployment. Different proposal dates are identified and plotted on the chart. This helps the company in identifying approaching deadlines and will also help them set their priorities and work methodically. The Gant provides a clear timeline for the company to identify its fastest and slowest sections and plan accordingly so that delays can be successfully avoided. The Gantt chart also provides a prior commitment to goals as a fixed timeline always increases efficiency.
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