Organisational Performance And Innovation In Context Of Total Quality Management

Approaches to Quality Management

Describe about the Organisational performance and innovation in the context of a total quality management philosophy ?

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This study focus on the total quality management and how far it affects the company because competition is getting tough to get recognized globally. Improvement is required as the companies need to be more responsive so product offering should be better.  TQM (Total Quality Management is a technique that will satisfy the customers on the basis of boosting with the quality level.

There are four different quality management schemes that are needed proper attention because it is helpful in the commercial operations (Zink, 2012). In this study, quality control measures are discussed with proper justification. Examples are extracted from software companies and in case of product specifications, Adidas has given more importance and their policies are highlighted to a great extent. Identification of quality is required that will help in changing the overall perspective of the customers (Ruan et al.2014).

Definition of quality in terms of business as well as service provision

The quality management is all about to manage every aspects of an organization so that it will be easy to excel within the dimensions (Goetsch and Davis, 2014). This will further help to the customers because they are the person to whom the products are actually being served. The three attributes to quality management are as follows:

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Continuous Improvement

Development in Partnership

Development in Leadership

One of the approaches to quality management is the six sigma quality that includes the following specifications that are illustrated under:

This method is used by the company in order to eliminate the defects that are found in their specific products as well as processes.

It also helps in seeking variation that will reduce in the process in order to view at the product defects.

The six sigma actually refers to the amount of variation that takes place in between plus or minus standard deviation in the respective process outputs.

John Lewis approach has a unique way of conducting their business because they aim at providing happiness to everything for what they are best at (Oakland, 2014). This is the largest as an employee owned company but at the same time there are other businesses which are purely people owned (Frederickson and Rohr, 2015). The main focus of this company is to promote the interests of the stakeholders as well as other sectors in the government. Basically, companies which are employee centered, aims at operating in all the sectors of a given economy, starting from manufacturing to retail, home care to architecture, advertising to engineering. This actually believes in keeping the employees responsible for the entire decision making so that their potential are easily realized over a period of time. The sector who believes in employee centered actually can generate revenue up to $25 billion as well as the growth rate of UK is rising at a fast pace of time (McColl-Kennedy, 2015).

Illustration of Process of Inspection and Assurance

Several models of co ownership have been adopted by this business because they adopt the policies of direct employee ownership (Sallis, 2014). It is useful in the sense of maintaining the share plans; registered employees can easily become individual shareholders who can have the majority of available shares with them.

In other words, quality represents the overall features as well as characteristics of a particular products or services (Kim, Kumar and Kumar, 2012). This will help in satisfying the implied needs in order to rise in the management of quality. There are different quality programs and some of these are as follows:

Whether the particular product is eligible of being used, that comes under fitness for use.

Is the product that much capable of meeting the purpose, this means fitness with the aim to know the product viability?

Another aspect is to know whether the product can satisfy the needs and expectations of the customers.

It should also confirm whether all the requirements are met by the particular products.

Any business gets profits after selling the products or services for a price. In order to improve in the quality of the products, this company should practice the quality management approach (Holschbach and Hofmann, 2011). Different steps should be followed in the production process in order to enhance the products as well as services. Quality is the basic criteria that every organization needs to focus as because it helps in improving marketing as well as sales schemes. In order to compete with the global market, each business enterprise should make its products and services unique in terms of excellent quality (Ennew, Binks, and Chiplin, 2015). 

Most of the companies have started adopting the policy of John Lewis, where all believes in building trust that adds as a beneficiary to the organization. Companies who believe in this concept often find it difficult to sell its business to a third party (Gimenez-Espin et al. 2015). This ultimately provides stability, as well as long term running of the business enterprise. As far as other business is concerned, they follow the hybrid structure to represent the organization. Further, the processes that are used by John Lewis are the optimal filters that will help in optimizing especially the vision applications (Pennells et al.2014).

Vision applications are considered to be one of the most sophisticated systems that are automated and are used for the purpose of inspection issues (Rolstadas, 2012). Moreover this system cannot be used without proper lighting so proper emphasis is made in order to improve rise in the quality level so that it proves to be beneficial to the organization. The additional benefits are that it can be used to provide a fundamental research that will automatically be responsible to optimize the vision application of machinery parts (Madu, 2012). The sensor technology should be chosen wisely because it can only help in the final solution in order determine the vision sensors as well as vision systems. The function of lens is to improve in the quality so that the desired information can be easily communicated to others. Quality management is an important that are taken care of by each organization in order to compete in the global market.

Quality Planning

QMS means the Quality Management Scheme that focuses mainly on the customer’s requirements as far as quality is concerned. Continuous improvement is required to understand the needs and wants of the customers so that they can make ways in improving the quality of the products or services. Some of the attributes that helps in adopting the commercial operations are as follows with proper justification for the same (Goetsch and Davis, 2014).

Quality planning- it is the process that helps in identifying the standards of quality on the basis of various products or services so that the business is able to maintain the quality standards. It is important for the business to identify the scope statement, policy of the quality, description of the product, as well as to implement rules, regulations for the enhancement of products and services (Oakland, 2014). Further, efforts has to be made to use the concept of cost benefit analysis, flowcharts and benchmarking in order to maintain the quality of the current status.

Quality Assurance- It means to evaluate to check on the overall performance on a daily basis. It takes place to improve in the quality management, evaluation of results as well as measurement with the help of operational factors. The overall performance can be evaluated with the help of quality management tools, audits for quality purpose that will improve in the production level. Therefore, it can be noticed that quality assurance has a direct link with the quality scheme of managerial purposes.

Quality Control- It will help to determine the quality standards that will help to recognize the poor performance on the overall production process (Doherty, Shakur, and Ellis-Chadwick, 2015). This measure is used in order to check on the inspections, sampling of statistics, as well as viewing at the low performance in the process of production levels.

Total Quality Management- Quality standards can be improved in a way that it can monitor the products as well as services in an effective way (Lewis and Kelly, 2014). The employees who are working in the organization should be able to understand the training, planning as well as induction process so that they do not face any difficulty in the near future.


Almost all the schemes on quality are based upon standards of quality as far as products and services are concerned.

The schemes on quality control as well as quality planning are responsible to take the corrective actions in order to minimize in the poor performance of the entire production process.

Quality Assurance

Both quality control as well as quality assurance aims at evaluating the current levels of quality that will ultimately be helpful in the decision making process.

There is continuous change in the quality in both the approaches to bring down the most effective quality features of a particular product.

As far as quality planning is concerned, it is only based upon maintaining the quality levels of the previously owned schemes and policies.

In case of quality assurance, it only considers the parameter up to which it can be judged.

The control in quality is all about bringing a continuous change in the overall performance in the practice of quality.

Every organization needs to be well versed with the difference between quality assurance as well as quality control. Both the concept is unique and it is related to management of quality as it is the integral part of any organization (Plsek, 2015). The shareholders as well as the management should understand the effective of this type of quality measures. To be successful in any project, it is required by the project to follow both quality assurance as well as quality control measures. Quality control is actually used to verify the quality of the desired output. On the other hand, quality assurance is all about managing with the assigned quality.

The concept on Six Sigma as well as Total quality Management is mostly mutually exclusive as far as business is concerned (Leavengood, Anderson and Daim, 2014). Total Quality Management is one of the quality approaches that include development, control process as well as implementation that will help in controlling various types of organizations with application of various processes.  On the other hand, Six Sigma approach put more focus on the improvement in the quality as well as finds way to correct them. TQM tries to come out with general information keeping in mind about the collaborative approach that will affect the cultural part of the problem. Sigma, as compared to TQM also makes efforts to get into various departments.

It has been noticed there is a fundamental difference TQM as well as Six Sigma that means TQM focuses more on the quality control and the way it can change the approach in order to meet the product requirements (Harmon, 2015). Relational quality is maintained by the Six Sigma where large number of customers actually views at the value rather than quality. A holistic approach is undertaken by six sigma that aims at quality improvement in order to work for the overall business rather than focusing on the process created by individual. In order to implement six sigma approach, professional are required who are well verses with the technique. TQM, on the other hand, does not need such kind of dedicated as well as full time professional in order to measure the quality management selected by a particular organization (Augusto, Lisboa and Yasin, 2014).

The Quality management is defined as a set of collective process that ensures the maintenance of quality in all organizational processes, to have a better outcome as product. The fundamental motto behind this field of management is driven towards customer satisfaction, as customers are considered as the driving force of an organization, upon which the survival and the market position of the organization, depends. The customer satisfaction is considered as the primary priority when the total quality management is strategies (Ennew et al., 2015).

The term customer satisfaction is a co- local in the field of marketing, which is a measurement of comparison of the quality of products and services provided by the company and the customer expectation. Customer satisfaction can be the defining factor of the products and services provided by the organization. Service provided by a particular enterprise can be concluded as good is the quality and the quantities measures of the service have the potential to meet customer expectation, and if not the services can be rated as a bad service. If the organization has the potential to provide a service that exceeds the customer expectation, the service can be termed as an excellent one.

The idea has reversed when the modern quality management approaches are concerned, which exhibit the sole focus towards customer satisfaction.

There are several roles of a customer that has the impact on the company strategies and policies as the customer satisfaction is the sole focus of the quality management policy. The fundamental idea is to provide products of more efficiency to increase customer retention through satisfaction (Talib et al., 2011)

According to a recent study a set of benchmark factors are determined to achieve customer satisfaction which can be controlled by a proper quality management approach, that are-

Company reputation

Promised services

Warranty provided

Relevance of price.

Features of the products

Company performance

Contentious improvement can be defined as an ongoing process that includes an analytical aspect of constantly observing and seeking opportunities and factors to improve performances and the controlling aspect which deals with the strict application of the company policy built on evaluated data obtained from the analysis (Kim et al., 2015). The fundamental objective associated with contentious improvement is a constant application of resources to achieve high profit in a relatively short amount of time. Contentious improvement has a potential contribution to balance the profit formula of a company.

Fig: PDCA model for contentious improvement.

To explain the contentious development a traditional PDCA model is used, which combines four fundamental aspects of contentious development set in a circular monition. The ‘plan’ involves the aspects of making a strategic blue print based on the assessed data from market scanning, field analysis and customer reviews. After the constructing plan and policies it is now the turn to execute the plan, which involve direct instructional approaches and strict managerial control and supervision. The data obtained from the performances is important to analyze and evaluate to aid to the quality management approaches. This is the fundamental stand point for updating the policy and understands the validity and efficiency of the policy, work force and other resources. A continuous monitoring is important to understand the nature of the business field and to keep the development in a steady motion. According to the evaluation a proper set of action is strategies and applied (Blut et al., 2015).

Contentious development captures the overall aspects of the market scanning, strategy construction, strategic audit and flexibility. This is a helpful approach to improve the profit by identifying the non efficient factor and resources during constructing a strategy. All such insufficiencies can be eliminated during execution. The approach of contentious development provides a platform to achieve optimization and identify innovation. This is an efficient approach for the improvement of performance growth of an enterprise.

In the modern era of marketing a policy must be efficient, relevant and convenient. Every aspect of a policy must contribute to the overall value of the Profit formula. In case of an investment in quality management the results might be indirect of might face a lag period before proving its contribution.

As per the growing competition between the organizations associated with similar genre of products, the most obvious strategy to survive in the field is to focus on customer satisfaction and retention policy (Oakland, 2014). The maintenance of quality within an affordable price is one of the most efficient ways to achieve customer retention. The total quality management has a long term effect as well, with the potential to create and re- innovate the company reputation. The approach of quality management involves a proper analysis to identify internal costs associated with the low quality production, and application of strategic implementations to reduce those costs as well to provide a high quality product at a lower price.

The products need to be user friendly as well to cope up with the market demand. It a is the job of a quality control manager to ensure the simplicity and convenience of a product.

The analytical components of quality management can also serve as a source of information and production intelligence, that provides insights through ideas and intelligence associated with the technical aspect of management.  The quality control ensures the efficiency not only by the terms of marketing but the manufacturing also. The quality control manages most of the factors related to the downstream processing, and the collected knowledge and experiences ensures the aspects to be covered during a strategy construction. A company policy is immensely dependent on the data obtained from the quality management.

Quality management is useful to manage the additional aspects such as by product management as well. A strict quality control management contributes to reduce additional costs as well, such as the expenses due to the returned or damaged products. A roper quality control approach ensures the ultimate efficiency and outlook of an organization.

In this age of information there is a growing demand from the customers for the information related to a product. Customers are well aware about the possible hazards associated with a particular product. There is a constant demand for the information about the ingredients, price relevance and the quality maintenance as well.  Several companies provide information about the mission, vision, future aspects and the related products associated with the brand, but in a number of cases customers demand for detailed information about the product.

The basic information is generally provided on company website, excluding the technical details and tread secrets. The information related to the price, new product lines, and positive critical reviews. Other information are also available such as the historical information related to company foundation.

In this era of competitive marketing constant updating of company website with various information on new offers and the VIPs related to the brand promotion, to create an attractive outlook. Global achievements made by the enterprise can also be seen in official website of the company. A number of information on the supports provided the company, which includes security essentials, home support and contact information related to the customer services. The addresses and email addresses of several company outlets can also be seen in the official website (liu et al., 2011).

There are a number of enterprises that are associated with a number of charitable, educational, health care, disaster management programs as an effort to modify their image and humanitarian outlook. Information about the affiliated and partner companies can also made public. As an effort to cope up the trends of web based communicative marketing, the links recruited to redirect to those social networking website pages can also be seen. Several company policy and business news are also published on the website with the goal to establish the reputation of the company (Sallis, 2014)

Different methods to measure quality management

In order to excel in the business, it is important to manage with the quality of different products in order to meet customers’ needs that will help in achieving the overall organizational goals and objectives. There are various dimensions that can be found in maintaining the quality of the product and some of these are as follows with proper justification:

Reliability- This will help in performing the services in the most accurate way as far as any business enterprise is concerned. In case f a software company, the services provided are the technical knowhow of the various application that includes billing as well as information of the product.

Assurance- This is a method by which customers can trust the product according to their needs as well as requirements. The customers build an amount of trust in handling the particular software that helps in navigating a particular site, reputation and most importantly information generation as far as clarity is concerned.

Tangibility- As far as software application is concerned, tangible here means the overall appearance, the product features, and specifications. This helps in getting a overall requirements in the navigation features, flexibility as well as accessibility of a particular software.

Responsiveness- basically, it is how quickly the customers can access to the product as well as promptness of the concerned service delivery pattern. As in the case of software services, this particular dimension actually means how prompt the customer’s problems are taken into consideration in any of the products or services.

Empathy- one of the dimension in improvement of service quality is empathy that means understanding the needs of the customers and providing them with utmost personalized attention. As far as software application is concerned, this includes all the customized applications, security privacy, as well as understanding the preferences of the customers by one to one attention scheme.

User surveys are done by the existing customers in order to introduce with the new product offerings and features. The main thing that is required utmost attention is the customer satisfaction because that is a way in which it can be verified that the product was in success or not. This survey is conducted in order to understand the needs, requirements of the customers because it changes with the recent trends as well as fashion. This will provide a guidance to highlight the limitations so that those things are given proper attention while the production of the product takes place.

Non-user surveys are mostly done by the customers who are not consuming the particular goods or services. These customers have converted into non users because of not liking the features or quality of the product specifications. These surveys are conducted so that the companies can understand the loopholes of their product and make effort to bring changes according to customer’s tastes and preferences. Due to high price, customer usually find it difficult to afford it that also affect the reason for less demand that needs proper attention. Companies like Adidas are conducting these surveys to understand thought process of customers and produce the products according to their needs and wants.

Identification of weakness: First of all, the customers always try to find the weakness of the particular product. This can include the color, the size, the price, etc and then this all feedback is taken by the companies in form of surveys. This helps to understand the perception pattern, the way the customers think regarding a particular product.

Identification of low quality points: Sometimes, it happens that customers find the same defects every time and this makes them to trust less for any branded products like Adidas. But, the company makes it a point to improve in defects as per the customer’s requirements so that they can retain the existing customers and turn them into a brand loyal one.

Problems regarding after sales service: Many a time, it can be an issue that the staff providing with the product could not attend the customers in way of providing solution to their problem.  After sales service is a very vital concept that the customers are interested for keeping a complaint as soon as they found any defects in the products or services. The company should make effort in listening to the complaint so that the customers can build a trust in the particular products or services.

Current position of the company:

The John Lewis partnership can be mentioned as the pioneer of successful employee partnership policy, the company has created the example through achieving sustenance and growth with their unique and innovative business policy.

The Southern England based company was overtaken by the partnership in 1937 and since then the company own around 42 official outlets and about 272 Wait rose super markets. The 91,000 of company’s permanent stuffs are also termed as partners according to the company policy and own their shares in retail outlets and wait rose supermarkets. The partnership spreads through by the terms of partnership, as new departmental stores or supermarkets are incorporated in the brand. As the initiative effort, the addition of 19 Safeway branch stores contributes to the size of the organization. Twelve shops were brought from Morrison’s in the following year. To address the further efforts- the wait rose purchased five stores from Somerfield. During 2007, the wait rose supermarket, set at the northern England included a Chesdle Hulme, Greater Manchester. By the date of January, 2009, wait rose purchased thirteen additional departmental stores from Somerfield.  Wait rose also have their focus on the aspects of online shopping. They have dedicated marketing channels, such as ocado as an online supermarket store for wait raised brands. They were the firsts to propose a free online delivery.

The john Lewis partnership had a prominent virtual growth of around 8.6 per cent rise in revenues up to 8 billion pounds and has achieves a profit of around 376 million pounds.  The company forced its focus towards opening new distribution centre, which is supposed to strengthen their multiple channel business approach.

In October 2012 the Birmingham outlet had become a subject to be invested on with the efforts to transform it with the new flexible format’ for a departmental stores. This new format of stores included 60,000 to 12,000 square Feet sized stores are classified as full time departmental stores and at home shops.

The company is currently standing on three prime approaches, those involves maintaining a diversification of products to provide customers with appropriate choices.

Provide products of best value in comparison with the business rivals.Deep interaction and communication with customers, which involves not only listening but also, serve according o the customer’s decision.The maintenance of company sustainability through in a long term, with a proper customer satisfaction and retention strategy.The stores achieved an 8.5 per cent growth in last six weeks before Olympics.The stores have been benefited with the innovation and marketing of new technologies, such as apple ipad and digital television system.Along with other partners, Wait rose and John Lewis achieved a remarkable sell of 10 billion pounds with a mentionable profit growth of about ten percent.The betterment of the partnership relationship and awareness, leading towards a stronger unidirectional movement; supplementing the overall growth.The remarkable performance of the treading team is considered as a reflection of the partnership policy, to improve the performance in further degrees such aspects would be prioritise on the basis of employee satisfaction and facilities.The focus on long view prospects is mentioned.

The fundamental aim of this policy is to make the employees feel involved and to be benefited by their contributions as well.

The communication has the prime purpose to serve for the harmony in the working environment (Truss et al., 2013). The proper communication in every corporation lever should clarify the company motto to every employee that can lead to harmonised efforts contributing the overall long term growth view.

The proper communicative approaches can supplement to the proper value and knowledge of the work each employee is doing. Such an approach should lead to an increase of effort in individual performance without a stress induction strategy, which with not only increase the overall long term growth, but also the instant performance of the enterprise.

Primarily, to understand the nature of growth of the company and comparing the data with the theoretical growth strategized by the management. The performance is analysed on the basis of the calculations done comparing these two sets of values. This approach is important to design further strategies.The practise of keeping records enables the company to review different aspects of expenses during execution. As a controlling approach the unimportant operating costs are eliminated and financing for the key areas associated with possible potential benefit are sanctioned. Records serve essential purpose during budget making.It is important to keep records in mind while developing a strategy, as records can serve as essential databases for various purposes-Possible risk assessmentIncorporation of new methods and technologiesTo judge the possible productivity associated with a theoryTo preserve a corporate memory.

Importance of stuff consultation:< >A proper communicative approach minimizes the possibility of misunderstanding between employees during a process of developing a strategy. The approach of a proper staff consultation has the potency to improve the company performances and the decision making policies (). This provides employees the chance to express their view and share their experiences. That not only contributes to the versatility and compactness of the strategy, but also rewards employees with a sense to be appreciation for being a valuable part of the company.The staff consulting policies contributes to the spirit of team work associated with a venture. The employees are featured with the facility to provide feedback as an individual part of the company (Grunig, 2013). This sense of satisfaction will be helpful for them to perform better.This will help with the employ retention policy and reduce the employ turnover rate.Such policies are helpful to increase the job satisfaction for the employees, leading to tendencies towards performing better.This provides employees a potential career possibility for the employees and the choices to maintain a balanced work- off work life.

Memos The approach helps to strengthen the enterprise- employee relationship. The sense of security and job satisfaction would trigger the loyalty for the company. To: Head of the quality, John Lewis

First, I want to congratulate you for the remarkable success of last year sales. I was eager to share my perspective and context associated with the situation.

A fresh marketing approach can contribute to the performance growth of the company by the means of sales and profit even higher. As the working compass for the marketing operations has been modernized, new approaches can be considered to reach out to the customers and to cope up with the digital marketing approaches as well.

Discussion: As the employees have the role to serve as the termed as partners, their proper training is important to increase the skill and knowledge. This will be helpful to prepare and motivate them to perform their unique roll to contribute to the company.

Marketing through social media websites can be helpful as a platform of marketing. With the growing number of users these website can serve as potent marketing tool. This approach requires less investment and presents a bigger influence relative to traditional campaigning approaches. These website also provide a communicative platform where customers can exchange their views and thoughts about the brand or the products. The advertisement approaches introduced by social networking websites are also useful in their function to serve as a platform for environmental scanning for the company and the customers also.

The company can be benefited from both the constructive and critical reviews provided by the customers. The company has the chance to interact with the customers to build a deep connection. This will help the organisation to understand the changing demands of customers and to increase customer loyalty. A number customer uses these websites as a platform for price comparison, which should be helpful for the company as far the pricing policy of the company is concerned.

Thank you for your co operation and kind attention to my memorandum.

Kindest Regards,


At the end of the study, it can be noticed that maintenance of quality is important for any organization in order to sustain in the market. The John Lewis approach focus on the employee centered policy where employees are given more preference in the decision making process. It is useful to maintain the key attributes, like, quality control. Quality assurance as well as total quality management because these will help the organization to continue in the production process in an effective manner.

Surveys should be conducted in order to understand at the customer’s tastes and preferences and the company can produce the products according to their requirements. Customer’s put more emphasis on the after sales service facility so that they can build a trust in the product and their problems can get solved in a short span of time.

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