Organisational Management And Social Behaviour
Effective Communication
In this modern world with the advanced technology where people are creating changes to themselves, leaders are leading their employees to create a change in the organizations. There are various types of leaders such as transformational, visionary, value-based, and charismatic all these leaders play a big role in terms of their leadership styles to influence and inspire their employees by performing work and a strong relationship and bond in between their employees and leaders. And if a leader is not able to create such environment or not able to even communicate to their employees for achieving companies goals than it could impact negatively on the organization like the previous CEO of the company Sim’s hardware, where people were facing issues because of poor communication, lack of vision and accountability and many other things, and it directly impacted on the revenue of the organization. I understand the number of employees for the position of CEO in the company, but I believe that I have the entire requirement they need for this position and can demonstrate the qualities of a productive and unique leader (Queen, 2017).
I believe that a strong communication plan or strategy are a key to the most current and the concise information that should be always available and being conveyed to the internal and the external audiences. Organizational goals, mission and the objectives that all are a part of the planning process and I believe that the five key elements such as ’Who’, that refers to the targeted audiences and the communicator, then ‘Why and What’, that refers to the purpose of the message and the main goal that ‘why and what are we doing? ’,’then’ When’, this includes the particular time of communicating the message to the audience and the final ‘Where and how’, these include the plans and strategies, company should focus on. This way of communicating with stakeholders or the employees help in achieving the goals and objectives along with it helps in maintaining the success and the growth with companies’ reputation (Caprino, 2013).
Alignment between the organizational goals, objectives, values, group and the individuals are important to ensure the contribution of an individual and a group of people to the accomplishment of the company’s goals, so I will be ensure that every individual will have a clarification about their job description which will be linked to with their goals, objectives and the values of the company that how will they perform to accomplish the organizational goals and mission, and this will influence on the individuals’ productivity and satisfaction (Cardinal, 2015).
I believe that addressing the expectations of stakeholder gives a based plan to the organization for achieving its goals and mission and helping them to understand the basic need of the business. The business should be attentive to its host people because that increases its reputation and strengthens its market existence. On the other hand, if the business chooses to disregard its host people, that disregard becomes a black mark on its reputation and can result in other authorizations if relations become bad enough (Infoworks, 2016).
Alignment of Organizational Goals and Values
In case of major incidents in the organization it is require taking the immediate action such as safeguarding the area or preserving the scene and notifying the relevant people, along with communicating with the internal as well as the external stakeholders about the situation and planning for the investigation, collecting the required data and analysis on it and taking corrective actions and making a report of it for the future perspectives (CCOSH, 2018).
I will build a support team in the organization by establishing leadership, by create a relationship with each of the company’s employees, by encouraging and motivating them to work effectively, I will also provide them with a company goal and team value in the organization (Cardinal, 2015).
To demonstrate and develop an understanding in terms of technology, advancement, and globalization there are basic steps that needs b taken such as identity and discussing about the driven technologies in the current era, an evaluation of technology that how it will advances the processes in the organization and how it reflects on the priority and ambitions of different generation (Najam, Runnalls, and Halle, 2007).
For supporting work teams I would communicate them clearly about the company’s objectives, I will identify the key players out of them to delegate the tasks and will create a appropriate plan that every organization needed to survive in the change environment (Phillips, 2014).
I think for creating a positive image of the organization in the media and the community, active social media presence is important, along with a good website appearance. Also, organizational culture and company should demonstrate willingness to the company’s goals and also it should be vibrant and lively in nature. Company should also take part in the charity and public profits to make a vibrant image in the public and media (Infoworks, 2016).
For demonstrating the personal and professional competence it is important to have an understanding of the company objectives, addressing issues as soon as they seem to emerge, encouraging and rewarding the behavior of an individual or group for providing a good value to the company. By ensuring about my own self performance and professional competence is continuously improving through taking part in the professional development activities, and participating regularly in the industry networks and groups as networking is an important key to success for every organization and I believe it is as important for Sim’s hardware as well (Limsila and Ogunlana, 2008).
Being a leader of any organization I believe that building employee trust is an important topic and it takes hard work, I need to be honest and supportive that will give them the confidence, I have to be consistent and need to build accountability (Limsila and Ogunlana, 2008).
Being a leader I know how I can communicate to my employees, to motivate them and to encourage them, it is really important to communicate with employees on daily basis for their issues or problems, also it is important to ask them to take participate for providing ideas and their feedbacks for achieving company’s goals and mission (Limsila and Ogunlana, 2008).
Stakeholder Management
When we work in a company there are many objectives and targets to achieve on daily basis and as a leader I can only ask to my team to stretch and manage only when I can do the same. Also, there are different types of work and processes and people to manage them it is important for me to be adaptable in nature (CSS, 2018).
Risk management plans is a key factor for any organization which helps in identify the hazards and it is important to have a clear understanding on this topic. Also being a leader I would take the decision with the help of other leaders in the organization as I believe in the unity and participation of each individual who are taking participate in this particular job is an important person as they only will know the depth of this risk (Chung-Wen, 2008).
I believe that ensuring about the decision making with the both stakeholders internal and external expectation is important as their expectations influences the goals and objectives of the business, so I think identify the stakeholder’s expectation for every such situation helps in taking decision (Chung-Wen, 2008).
Being a CEO of Sim’s Hardware I will have the enough power to empower my team or an individual for completing a particular job, after identified the particular skills need to do a particular job that would be enough for me to empower an individual or a team with a set of target (Chung-Wen, 2008).
I have some set of abilities to create a positive environment at a workplace. Communication with employees is an important element which helps to motivate them and brings positivity at the workplace, showing gratitude to each individual for their work performance, spreading happiness by celebrating great moments and wins of the company, encouraging them with positive thoughts and by changing the way of respond (Limsila and Ogunlana, 2008).
For encouraging team members by exploring initiatives without any fear of retribution, by sharing ideas and taking ideas and opinions from them, by asking to share their skills, knowledge, their suggestion and I will also reward the best idea and approaches out of it. I will provide them the opportunities to explore their skills and capabilities in the organization as because of lack of communication and advantages people are suffering in Sim’s hardware (Business Victoria, 2018).
I believe that company’s ethical goals, climate, policies can all have an important impact on employee’s behavior so if I expect from an individual or group to behave ethically first I would need to change the culture and create some certain policies that will force them to behave accordingly to maintain an ethical environment in the workplace (CSS, 2018).
I believe that verbal and non-verbal communication is important at a workplace, I do not just speak but I also believe in listen to the people, I have ability to negotiate on the required topics, I can be a good leader to solve their problems also I will take participation in decision making (Wile, 2018).
I think that for continuous improvement within a workplace it is important to focus on improving the things are done on daily basis. And this can be done by incremental improvement or focusing on the achieving larger process improvements (Bass, and Bass, 2009).
In the conclusion of the above text, they have asked all the question that were needed to choose a right CEO for the Sim’s hardware, so that they do not mistaken for the future references in finding a productive and qualified CEO for the company.
Bass, B.M. and Bass, R., (2009) The Bass handbook of leadership: Theory, research, and managerial applications 4th ed. London: Simon and Schuster.
Business Victoria. (2018) Improving innovation[Online]. Available from: [Accessed: 04/12/2018].
Caprino, K. (2013) 6 Essential Ways To Build A Positive Organization [Online]. Available from: [Accessed: 04/12/2018].
Cardinal, R. (2015) 5 Steps to Building an Effective Team [Online]. Available from: [Accessed: 04/12/2018].
CCOSH. (2018) Incident Investigation [Online]. Available from: [Accessed: 06/12/2018].
Chung-Wen, Y., (2008) The relationships among leadership styles, entrepreneurial orientation, and business performance. Managing Global Transitions, 6(3), p.257.
CSS. (2018) Focusing on Continuous Improvement in the Workplace [Online]. Available from: [Accessed: 04/12/2018].
Infoworks. (2016) Why Stakeholder Management is Important [Online]. Available from: [Accessed: 04/12/2018].
Limsila, K. and Ogunlana, S.O., (2008) Performance and leadership outcome correlates of leadership styles and subordinate commitment. Engineering, construction and architectural management, 15(2), pp.164-184.
Najam, A., Runnalls, D., and Halle, M. (2007) Environment and Globalization: Five Propositions. Canada: IISD.
Phillips, A. (2014) How to Lead Your Team Through Change [Online]. Available from: [Accessed: 06/12/2018].
Queen, G. (2017) How to build a strong corporate communication strategy [Online]. Available from: [Accessed: 04/12/2018].
Wile, E. (2018) Ways to Encourage Ethical Behavior in the Workplace [Online]. Available from: [Accessed: 04/12/2018].