Organisational Culture And Motivation: A Case Study Of Chapel House PZ, Penzance

Chapel House PZ, Penzance Company

The report will highlight the overall concept of culture and motivation. It is important to maintain the culture of the organization so that it can be easy to boost the overall productivity level of the employees in the competitive market. The company which will be selected for the task is Chapel House PZ, Penzance . So, the overall discussion will be made by the taking Chapel House PZ, Penzance into consideration for this paper.

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 Chapel House PZ, Penzance is one of the companies of hotel sector. The company is situated UK. The detail of the company is related to elegant lodging in Georgian townhouse. The rooms of the company are airy with the sea view. It is analyzed that company emphasizes on maintaining the culture of the company so that it can be easy for the employees to efficiently manage the overall activities of the company. Also, motivation can help to boost the overall productivity in the competitive market and it is considered by the company so that competitive advantage can be maintained.

It can be seen that there are various organizational culture. The first culture of the organization is related to Power culture. In this, it can be seen that there are few rules and regulations in the power culture. The workers of the company are judged by what they attain and that how they manage the overall activities. One of the major consequences of this can be related to the quick decision and also the decisions cannot be best for the long term interest of the company.  It can be seen that power culture is concerned with strong culture (Alvesson and Sveningsson, 2015).

The next type of the culture is related with role culture in which it has been seen that it is based on the entire rules.  They are managed and controlled in the workplace and also it focuses on the roles and responsibilities. The power in relation to the role culture is related with the position of the person in relation to the structure of the organization. Role culture is created on the overall structure of the organization which can be tall and have the long chain of command. Also, it can be slow and the company does not take any risks. The overall culture of the company is bureaucratic. In role culture, it can be seen that people have proper authority delegated with the highly focused structure. There is hierarchical bureaucracy and also the power derives from the position of the individual. In this culture there is little scope present in the expert power.  

Organisational cultures

It can be seen that task culture forms when teams in the workplace are made to focus on the specific issues. The main task is essential but the power can be shifted depending on the overall combination of the team members. In task culture it can be seen that teams are made to resolve the issues which are specific.  The power derives from the expertise as long as the team needs the expertise. There is no single power in the workplace and also matrix organization is followed. Team also creates own objectives which can have risk involved in the overall process (Alvesson, 2016).

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In this structure it can be seen that people believes in themselves to be superior to the company and also the business can full of the individuals with training and backgrounds. There are common in companies of the professionals like accountants and lawyers.  The power also lies in the group of people as it can help in accomplishing the overall goals and objectives in the competitive market (Driskill, 2018).

In this it can be seen that if there is high PDI score, then society can accept an unequal hierarchical distribution power. The low PDI is related with the share of the power and also it is widely dispersed. In Chapel House PZ, Penzance, there is low PDI as there is flatter organization. The supervisors and employees are also considered as equals. They can suggest the top management to take the right step so that activities can be managed effectively.

It is related with the strength of the ties that people have for others. It has been seen that IDV score show the weak interpersonal connection between those who are the part of the family. In Chapel House PZ, Penzance, there is low IDV as the focus is given on building the skills and also to be trained in something. In this people work for intrinsic rewards and also emphasize is given on maintaining harmony among the group members which overrides the moral issues.

This is related with distribution of roles between the women and men. The role of men and women overlap less and also the men want to behave in assertively. In this sector there is no distribution of work. Women and male work with own responsibilities and duties. In this there are low MAS, as people are relationship oriented and also focus on maintaining the quality of life.

Hofstede’s culture

In this focus is given on minimizing up with the anxiety. In this there is low UAI as the company focuses on accepting the new change and also considers innovation. They are more inclined towards the open ended learning (Minkov, 2018).

In this the focus is given on time horizon of the people in the society. In this the focus is given on short orientation as people have strong convictions and also the focus is given on values and rights.

The sixth step is related with gratification of own drives.  In this it has been seen that there is high score of IVR as people focuses on their emotions and drives (Minkov, 2018).

There are various motivational theories that are considered by the company in the competitive market. It has been seen that without motivation it will not be possible to accomplish the desired goals and objectives in the competitive market. The motivational theories are Maslow hierarchy of needs and Alderfer ERG theory.

It can be seen that without motivation it will not be possible to accomplish the desire set of goals and objectives. Motivation is the best concepts that can help to boost the overall motivation level of the employees in the workplace. It is important for the company to focus on the motivating the employees so that it can be easy to achieve the set targets and goals in the competitive market. There are various motivational theories that should be considered by the company so that it can be easy to boost the overall growth of the employees in the market.

The first motivational theory that is considered by Chapel House PZ, Penzance  is Maslow hierarchy of needs. It is important for the company to manage the overall needs of the employees so that it can be simple to boost the overall productivity level of the employees in the competitive market. In this the focus is given on various stages. Like the first stage is related with physiological needs that should be considered so that it can be easy for the employees to give their best towards the overall operations of the company. The second stage is related with safety needs that focus on security of the employees and also it is necessary as it can help to attain more profits in the competitive market. The third stage is related with belongingness and love needs that should be there so that trust can be maintained in the competitive market. It is important for the employees to maintain trust in the workplace as it can help in boosting the overall working structure of the employees in the competitive market (Bolman and Deal, 2017).

Motivational theories

Esteem need is the next stage that focuses on the prestige and feeling of accomplishment. It is necessary for the company to maintain prestige of the employees so that it can be simple in accomplishing the desired goals. The last stage is related with self-actualization needs that can help in enhancing the potential of the employees in the workplace.

The next theory is related with Alderfer ERG theory that should be there so that it can be easy to enhance the motivation factor of the employees in the competitive market. The first is existence needs that focus on the basic needs and it is important as it can help in maximizing the satisfaction level of the employees.

In Chapel House PZ, Penzance , the company focuses on the Maslow hierarchy of needs that should be there so that it can be easy to satisfy the basic needs of the employees in the competitive market. Chapel House PZ, Penzance also focuses on satisfying the needs of the employees as it can help in motivating the employees to give their best towards the overall goals in the market. The incentive policy is offered to the employees so that it can be simple to satisfy basic needs of the employees in the competitive market. It is the best strategy that is considered by the company and it helps to boost the overall confidence level in the competitive market (Elsbach and Stigliani, 2018).

This theory focuses on the overall motivation of the employees and it is the overall outcome of the requirement of rewards by the employees.  In this the company has the expectancy of the boosting the overall performance in the workplace.  In this the performance of the employees is related with the overall factors of the individual like personality, skills and experience.

Also, the instrumentality is one of the factors that emphasize on the overall valued outcome that will be attained.  In this the focus is given on proper relation between the performance and outcome. Trust in the people is also one of the factors that will be considered to take the decision.  In the hotel sector, trust between the employees is important so that it can be easy to attain positive outcome in the competitive market. Also this theory emphasizes on the overall perception of the employees which is important to be maintained so that positive outcome can be attained in the market (Miner, 2015).

It has been seen that organizational culture impacts the overall behavior and performance of the company.  If the culture of the organization is positive then it can help in generating positive behavior and also it boosts the overall performance of the employees in the competitive market. Also motivation is the important factor that can help in boosting the overall performance level of the employees in the competitive market.  It is seen that motivation brings modification in the overall behavior of the employees. It can be seen that performance is also one of the factor that can help to manage the overall performance of the employees. As through motivation the employees feel good and happy and also it is the best way that can help to improving the overall quality of the company (Hogan and Coote, 2014).

Organizations implement motivational theories to determine the key factors which affect the behaviour of employees. These factors either positively or negatively influence the performance of employees in the workplace which affects the performance of the entire company (Skudiene and Auruskeviciene, 2012). Therefore, corporations rely on these theories to ensure that they positively influence the behavior of their employees. Maslow hierarchy of needs theory evaluates various needs of employees are necessary to be determined by the company to ensure that they are motivated to achieve their targets. The corporation is able to improve the team morale by relying on motivational theories to ensure that they work towards achieving common organizational goals. Organization behavior policies also assist in increasing motivating among employees by positively influence their attitude towards their job. For instance, Maslow hierarchy of needs theory is used by Chapel House PZ, Penzance  in order to evaluate the needs of its employees operating in different levels of the enterprise and the company implements policies to fulfil those needs. It increases job satisfaction level among employees, and they are more likely to be dedicated towards their work (Cao et al., 2013). Employees who receive appropriate motivation from their top-level management are more likely to spread positivity in the workplace which creates an organisational culture of support. Employees prefer to interact with others in the workplace, and it promotes employee engagement which is a key factor that contributes to the success of the company. Herzberg’s two-factor theory is a good example; this theory defines two types of factors which influence job satisfaction and dissatisfaction of employees.

Based on these factors, the company can ensure that employees are not dissatisfied with their job; however, it did not mean that their productivity will be increased (Ghazi, Shahzada and Khan, 2013). In order to increase their productivity and performance of the organization, it is important the company provides key factors which contribute to their job satisfaction such as recognition, appropriation, personal development and the work itself. In case the employees have a negative workplace environment due to lack of motivation, then it is more likely that conflict will arise between employees and the management and it hinders the performance of everyone. The corporations have to understand that positive behavior of employees is a key to increasing their growth as well because, without support from the workers, it is difficult for the company to manage its operations in effective manner. The use of motivational theories plays a crucial role in this approach to ensure that the employees are motivated and encouraged to perform at their highest capacity. This is also supported by the ERG motivation theory which is also based on the needs of employees. The categories in which the needs of employees are categorised by this theory include existence, relatedness and growth (Caulton, 2012). The top-level management has to ensure that these needs of employees are fulfilled, or else it creates psychological barriers which make it impossible for the company to ensure that its employees have a positive attitude towards their work which also influences the performance of the enterprise.

Following are various recommendations for the management of Chapel House PZ, Penzance which can assist the company in effectively using motivational theories to form strategic policies which are focused on motivating employees to improve their performance to ensure that they are focused on achieving the organizational goals.

The management of Chapel House PZ, Penzance should understand that reward program is one of the easier and simplest ways to motivate employees to perform better and reach their target. It also reaches to a wider number of employees since they all want to earn extra income (Cerasoli, Nicklin and Ford, 2014). This program should be based on motivational theories such as Hierarchy of needs theory, two-factor theory or ERG theory to ensure that the management understands the needs of employees. The rewards program should allow employees to fulfill their needs by improving their performance in the workplace. For example, the sales department receives incentives after they achieve their target for a specific period. In offices, the employees should receive rewards for working efficiently and achieving their targets within the deadline. The rewards and incentives should not be limited to only specific employees since it may lead to a negative workplace environment due to competition (Aguinis, Joo and Gottfredson, 2013). Instead, the rewards and incentives should be available for everyone who performs better which will encourage employees to help their friends to reach their targets as well.

Effective training is a key to build skills and knowledge of employees to ensure that they are able to perform at their highest capacities. Many times the employees are unable to deliver good work due to lack of skills and knowledge of the work. Chapel House PZ, Penzance  should provide a training program which focuses on evaluating the current capabilities of the employees and compares them with required capabilities to develop them. This will assist in motivating employees to perform better since it is a part of personal development which is a key factor of job satisfaction as provided in Herzberg two factors theory (Rajhans, 2012). The company should focus more on providing on-the-job training since it will assists employees in learning from their fellow colleagues, and they will also be able to practice their leanings.

The importance of positive workplace environment has increased across the globe which is a major factor that drives the performance of employees. In case the employees did not receive a positive and friendly environment, then it creates psychological barriers which stop them from achieving their targets (Hasle et al., 2012). They are more likely to think about workplace conflicts rather than finding out way to improve their performance. Similarly, employees are more likely to get frustrated by the management because they believe that the management did not care about them and they are not taking appropriate actions to resolve their queries. It also increases attrition rate in the workplace which is a major factor that slows down the performance of an organization. Therefore, Chapel House PZ, Penzance  should implement a positive work environment to motivate and encourage its staff members to improve their performance.


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