Organisational Change: Impact Of Internal And External Factors

Internal and External Factors That Influence Organisational Change

Organizational change refers to the processes that are related to the changing processes that are involved within the various cultural factors, procedures, processes, strategies and the technologies that are related to the organizational performances (Lozano, Nummert & Ceulemans, 2016). The organizational changes further take into consideration the various factors that are related to the effects of the concerned changes on the matters that pertain to the overall performance of the organization (Pollack & Pollack, 2015). The following assignment tends to deal with the various factors that are related to the role played by the various internal as well as the external factors in facilitating a change in the organizational management. The assignment also considers the matters that pertain to the roles that are played by the line managers as well as the senior management of the company in light of the facilitation and the implementation of the within the concerned organization. The assignment further attempts to throw light on the various common causes that might lead to the resistance of the changes, the steps that should be followed in order to implement the various changes within the organization and the various strategies that might be adopted within the organization for ensuring the proper execution of the changes within the organization.

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The internal and the external factors both play an important role in the matters pertaining to the implementation of the several changes in the matters that relate to the organizational performance (Georgalis et al., 2015). The various internal factors that play a role of a driving factor for the organizational change are the various matters that consider the matters like the changes in the work culture that is prevalent within the concerned company, the various changes that might take place within the expectations of the concerned employees of the organization and the various crises conditions that might arise within the concerned organization (Godemann et al., 2014). On the other hand, the external factors that might influence the changes within an organization relate to the factors that might deal with the factors like the changes in the various technological factors, the diversity in the workforce of the business organization, the management of the ethical behavior that is portrayed within the business organization and the factors pertaining to the globalization of the many sectors of business within the business organization (Al-Haddad & Kotnour, 2015).

The various supervisors and the managers might play a huge role in communicating the various changes that might take place within the organization. The employers are advised to put forth the various changes that might be taking place within the organization to the concerned employees of the organization. The concerned managerial staff also play the role of the advocators of the changes that might be incorporated within the concerned organization (Forés & Camisón, 2016). The concerned employees might also be encouraged to play the role of the coach for the various employees who constitute the workforce of the organization (Lozano, 2015). The management of the concerned business organization might need to consider the factors pertaining to the training and the development of the concerned employees of the concerned organization regarding the various changes that might be incorporated into the concerned system (Bolden, 2016). The concerned management of the organization might be responsible for the information that needs to be communicated among the various employees of the organization and the concerned project teams (Van der Voet, Kuipers & Groeneveld, 2016). The management is also responsible for solving the matters that pertain to the factors that are related to the resistance that is maintained by the concerned employees within the organization to the various changes that might be implemented by the concerned organization (Ferreira, Cardoso & Braun, 2018).

Role of Supervisors and Managers in Organisational Change

The major reasons for the resistance to the changes are the factors that pertain to the differences in the thoughts of the identified workforce members of the business organization (Belay & Mamo, 2016). The factors might relate to the matters relating to the loss of the job security or the status of the employee in the matters that pertain to the office that the employee might hold within the organization (Rafferty & Jimmieson, 2017). The poor reward system within the organization might pose to be one of the factors that is a reason for the resistance to the changes that might be implemented within the concerned organization (Hornstein, 2015). The other factor that might influence the resistance depicted by the concerned employees in the matters that pertain to the implemented changes are the facts relating to matters pertaining to the peer pressure that might exist within the concerned organization (Sharif & Scandura, 2014). The concerned organizational workforce of the organization might also resist the changes due to the increase in the conditions of the distrust within the concerned company.

In order to demonstrate the employment of the various effective change processes within the organization, the concerned management within the organization might need to define the change in a clear manner thereby aligning the concerned change to the various strategies and goals that are followed within the business organization (Memon, Shah & Shah, 2017). The business organization might also need to consider the factors that are related to the determination of the various impacts of the proposed changes at all the various operational levels of the concerned organization (Chappell et al., 2016). The next step the might follow in the implementation of the changes is the fact that the concerned management might relate to the development of the proper communication strategy that might help in the matters pertaining to educating the employees on the several changes that might be implemented within the company (van Hilten, 2018). The management of the company might need to implement the proper training within the concerned organizations in order to facilitate the incorporation of the various changes within the concerned organization. This might include the arrangement of the various sessions for training employees wherein the benefits of the implication of the changes might be discussed. The company might also be advised to install a support system that might help the employees to adjust to the changes that might have been implemented within the organization (Van der Voet, 2014). This might assist the management in dealing with matters pertaining to the loopholes that might exist within the concerned changes that have been implemented within the organization.

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Resistance to Change and Effective Change Processes

The concerned firms might be recommended to align the leadership strategies that might be implemented with the concerned program objectives and the vision of the concerned organization. The company might also be guided to deal with the matters that relate to training the concerned employees on the implementation of the changes within the organization (Isett et al., 2013). The management of the company might need to implement the proper training within the concerned organizations in order to facilitate the incorporation of the various changes within the organization. The concerned managerial staff of the business organization might also be directed to deal with the several matters pertaining to the establishment of a continuous program that might be used to deal with the improvement within the organization (Kickert, 2014). This might help the concerned organization to bring about the sustainability within the organization as well as bring forth a continuation of the strategic growth and the technological advancements within the concerned organization.

Thus, from the above discussion, it might be pointed out that the concerned organization might need to deal with the training and the development of the concerned employees at large. This might aid in the successful implementation of the changes within the concerned business organization. The successful implementation of the changes within the business organization might aid in the improvement of the overall performance of the business organization thereby helping the organization to gain a better competitive advantage within the concerned industry wherein the company might have been operating.


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