Organisational Behaviour Management Analysis For Buymore Consultancy
First issue: Decision making and Teamwork
Organisational behaviour theory and implementation consistently continues to be crucial in every business. The content of this paper analyses teamwork and decision making as well as communication and conflict with relation to organisation employee management and behaviour. The paper content discusses specific issues concerning relevant management and behaviour theories. The two issues are further discussed based on the chosen fictional business. The preferred business for the assessment is Buymore which is a consultation firm located in Melbourne. The location of Buymore enables to access a more significant number of customers. The company has 1500 employees who work based on specialisation. The employees at Buymore consultancy work based on three specific line of service provision including taxation consultancy services, financial audits and advisory. The content of the paper further recommends the Australian restaurant unit and concludes based on the analysis.
Decision making and teamwork as a management concern has an impact on the behaviour of an organisation such as Buymore consultancy. Decision making is the process by which the concerned individuals within an organisation undertakes a sequence of activities such as problem identification and recognition, research to get information on the problem, find the alternatives and settle on the course of action (Griffin and Moorhead 2011). Teamwork, on the other hand, is the articulation of a task in a group of two or more. Teamwork involves coming together for a specific objective (Baker, Day and Salas 2016, p. 1590). Buymore Consultancy is composed of the various section with various categories of employees. Based on the nature of the firm, shared leadership is crucial for decision making.
Team leadership may appear formally as appointing the team leader. However, that is not the case (Pearce, Conger and Locke 2018, p.288). Team leadership involves the emergence of leaders into teams. In Buymore Company each team or section has a leader who should come together during decision making. Conversely, shared leadership require leaders from every sector of the firm to share leadership by encouraging the team members to take up the administration rponsibility as each of the team members have particular expertise. According to this theory, membership and leadership join at the hip roles (Pearce, Conger and Locke 2017, p. 622). In as much as each sector of the firm may have one formal leader, every employee at that sector have a say when it comes to decision making based on the fact that each worker in the firm has an investment in ensuring that goals and objectives of Buymore consultancy are achieved.
Teamwork under shared leadership results into a pool of various alternatives views crucial for decision making. In a firm that values organisational behaviour, the decision making is not only the responsibility of the manager or the supervisors as different expertise are involved (Pearce, Conger and Locke 2017, p. 650). Working with a team is therefore essential as opinions are obtained from every sector, and the reached decision is a result of a combined effort.
Team and shared leadership enables the firm’s management team with the ability to make quick decisions. This is because they make decisions based on every employees’ opinion and more so the fast-moving teams can help generate perfect choices which can help clarify the decision-making process. Teamwork also is crucial as slow-moving sectors can consult and improve their work based on the conclusive decision.
Shared leadership theory
Shared leadership and teamwork in decision making motivate the team thus increased productivity. The theory requires every member to participate in decision making. Participation in decision making makes each to feel important thus increased productivity and profitability.
As an entrepreneur, I will use shared leadership and teamwork to achieve high service provision at Buymore Consultancy. The firm’s workforce is divided into teams, where some of the employees deal with auditing, advisory team and tax experts’ team. To achieve improved service provision at Buymore, the advisory group will have one formal leader, and every member of the first team will have leadership responsibility. I will employ the same strategy in organising the remaining groups. Involving every employee in decision making will motivate employees thus increased service provision and maximisation of profit.
Decision making in most of the occasions is a reserved obligation for the executive management. However, shared leadership should be employed for improved productivity and profitability. The middle managers of the company should not just make decisions and dictate them to the employees but instead should not try to dictate any instruction to the employees. It is therefore recommended that when a task should effectively work in partnership with employees and facilitate the assigned task to completion.
The difference in employees’ ideologies within workplace results in workforce conflicts. Employees within an organisation should get organized in a systematic manner such that they can adjust with one another. At Buymore scuffle must be avoided and prevented. Communication within the organisation is crucial as it plays a significant role in conflict resolution and management (Mohr and Spekman 2014, p.137). The existing evidence shows that poor communication always results in misapprehension between employers and employees as well as among employees themselves leading to conflict. Selection of a perfect communication channel is therefore appropriate for organisational conflict management (Hinds and Mortensen 2015, p.290).
According to critical communication theory, it is assumed that workers tend to have conflict in most of the time with the management. To avoid such misunderstandings, the fixed communication theory developed by Weber is crucial (Lovelace, Shapiro and Weingart 2011, p. 775). According to this theory, the communication is passed from the administration to the bottom. Based on the shared leadership theory discussed above, vertical communication is applicable. The vertical or classical fixed communication is hierarchical, fixed structure which is more explicit compared to other forms of communication.
Vertical communication is crucial for any organisation as information is channelled through a fixed process. The use of vertical connection helps to avoid conflicts which may arise directly between management and employees as well as among employees (Jablin and Putnam 2010). The conversation flows from the manager, supervisors to the team leaders and finally the other staff members who are also involved with shared leadership responsibility.
To prevent and manage conflicts that may arise at Buymore, as the manager, I will employ Weber’s approach of direct and fixed communication. The communication will be channeled in a more transparent manner where information will rely on the top management to the team level (Spaho 2013, p.115). The communication will come from the manager to the supervisor then to the respective team leaders (McQuail 2010). The universal communication will be done in the form of recurring open meetings and revolving indoor meetings. I will also involve mentor with meaning to overlook some boarding procedures, and this can be achieved through shared leadership. The application of vertical and fixed communication procedure will enable the company to be inherit, manage conflicts and develop a communication culture.
To ensure increased profitability and productivity based on the organisation behaviour at Buymore. The management must provide for the following:
When it comes to improving organisation productivity and conflict management, it is crucial for the administration to make it clear that communication flow is clear and precise. The administration should develop a hierarchical flowchart and distribute it to every sector so that every employee should be able to understand every manager and their responsibility. When it comes to solving and running of the organisation, communication performs an important role and can help the organisation avoid confusion and misunderstanding. It is therefore recommended for Buymore to come up with workflow software for the communication flow.
In conclusion, the content of the report discussed two major organisational theories crucial for growth, expansion and increased productivity and profitability. The content found that for Buymore as a firm to succeed. The management must enable teamwork in decision making through shared leadership theory. The study further in section two found that vertical communication is one of the most appropriate approaches to communication that can be used to control, prevent and manage workforce conflicts. Based on the importance of the issues the paper recommend for an Australian auditing unit to implement shared leadership and fixed communication theory.
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