Organisational Behaviour Analysis And Solution For The Star Gold Coast

Company Overview

Organisational behaviour is a way to interact in a group and the possible way to create a more efficient approach in business. There are some scientific approaches in the organisation that need to follow and employees have to address the process for the development of the company. Individual difference and perception are the two basic fundamental concepts of organisational behaviour.  

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In this paper, service sector organisational issues are highlighted. Motivation is one of the major issues in organisational behaviour and the change in behaviour or approach mitigates organisational productivity (Lazaroiu, 2015). The service industries are very much affected by that scenario and that is the main reason behind the significant difficulty that the modern managements are facing during the retention of employees. Motivation is the only factor that can change the intention of employee and their work progression. The Star Gold Coast is a casino and hotel. The hotel needs a different kind of efficient employees for the development of the business and motivated employees who can change the dimension of the hotel in case productivity and business expansion.

The Star Gold Coast is a casino and hotel located in the Gold Coast in Queensland. The hotel was started in the year 1986 and the initial name was different from the current one. The organization is able to reach higher heights in the Queensland hotel and casino industry and that is because of the service excellence of the community-based groups. There are seven restaurants, eight bars, a ballroom, a theatre, health spa and gym, conference facilities and 590 rooms (, 2018). The numbers signify the grand service quality of the hotel and that determine the number of employees needed for that process. There are some renovations processes as well in the hotel and customer satisfaction processes are included. In 2010, the company rebranded as Jupiter Hotel & Casino (, 2018). In 2011, the Echo Entertainment group was associated with that and the name changed. Employees are the main asset of the hotel as the communication is direct in that case and motivated employees will engage with customers in a better way.

The major problem in The Star Gold Coast is based on the employees’ motivation. Employees’ retention policy is not good at all and that reflects in case of productivity for the organization. Apart from this, it is also considered as one of the main reason responsible for barring the growth of the organization as per the desired growth rate. In the case of a hotel, direct communication is needed and that is the reason most of the employees are recruited on the basis of their education in catering the customers and guests. They have the quality to mitigate conflict situation and their accountability and involvement approach in the company is the major aspect in that case (Porter, Riesenmy & Fields, 2016). The company’s growth is significantly based on customer satisfaction and they have the mentality to serve best quality service to all their customers. There are some issue regarding wage, environment of the organisation, power relation and barriers in technical advancement confront employees’ satisfaction in the organisation. The culture of the company is important in some cases, as the development of employees’ behaviour and their approaches towards the management are consolidated in that formation (Ahmad et al., 2014). The learning and development opportunity is a motivation factor and in The Star Gold Coast, the entire process of learning and development is being staged due to the immense pressure of guest handling. As the numbers of employees are limited, and the amount of work pressure is increasing with the significant rise in the tourism industry in Queensland, the training chances are less in this hotel. There reward system is not effective in The Star Gold Coast and employees are not motivated enough by the amount of incentive provided by the company.

The Organisational Problem Regarding Motivation

The company needs to revise their incentive policies and also needs to maintain a good relationship with employees and management so that power related conflicts between them do not arise. This is the way in which the long-term success can be achieved. This is the situation where improvement in leadership will also come and organisation will find a better pathway through this (Kauppila, 2018). Monetary rewards for extra work will be applicable from the part of the organizations to make sure that the rate of employees’ retention decreases. In the case of The Star Gold Coast, casino system is also available and extra security and care for customers is needed in such a situation. A good organisation has that mentality to create a free space where an employee can share their thoughts and innovative ideas will come. The process evaluates the position of the employee and their feedback which is significantly valuable for the organisation. Hence it is significantly visible that the employees of the organization were facing significant amount of challenges in three different aspects which are the absence of motivation, the dissatisfaction generated due to the incapability of the employees in serving as per the desired ratings of the quality and the lack of communication among the employees and the management. This had the potential to create significant amount of issues in the behaviour of the employees inside the organization and was instrumental in barring the growth of the organization in the desired manner.

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There are motivational theories for the organisation in which they can consolidate the organisational infrastructure and maintain better productivity. Maslow’s hierarchy theory is a theory of human motivation as the extended idea of motivation is the key approach in this theory. There are five major steps in this theory and all these stages directed towards the change in management and delivery possible motivational approach that helps employees. Physiological needs are the first stage of this theory and in the case of the organisation employees’ salaries, managing life and safe and secure organisational activity and work-culture are important aspects (Kuppuswamy et al., 2017). After the process, safety need is the second stage which contains environment, emotional and physical safety and security of employees. Job security, safe and hygienic work environment is the concerted approach in that case. The managers need to take care of that situation so that employees are motivated to their work. The next stage is the social needs and the need based on the love, affection, care, belongings and friendly environment in the organisation. Teamwork and encourage work activity as a team is the concern approach in that case and the process encourage other employees to be motivated and act as a team. The fourth stage is esteem needs. There are two types of esteem needs like internal esteem and external esteem and these two factors are contains with self-respect, recognition, attention, admiration, and status. In the case of an organisation, reward and recognition are important and employees get their define position in the organisation (Gopal & Chowdhury, 2014). Self-actualization need is consisted of gaining more knowledge and self-contentment. In organisation employees, skill and competencies are the best self-actualization process that encourages growth opportunities as well.

Solutions for Increasing Employee Motivation

Theory X and Theory Y of motivation by McGregor is a theory of assumptions. Theory X stands for the traditional belief and Theory Y is for the research and behavioural science. These assumptions are important for the employees’ behaviour. The management is at the top in Theory X and employees are in the bottom and they dislike the nature of the work and try to get rid of this. The controlling process is formulated by authority. There is little ambition of employees and so as their future opportunities. On the other hand, employees are on top in Theory Y and they have enough attachment with their job role and that comes as an output. Some innovative decisions are taken from their end and that is the reason this theory is important for organisational use (Syafii, Thoyib & Nimran, 2015). Employees have self-esteem, and opportunities in this organisational situational and thus the theory is important for employees motivation.

Herzberg Two factor theory of motivation is also important for the development of the organisation. Employees’ motivation can be evaluated through this theory. The motivating factors are based on responsibility, job satisfaction, recognition, achievement, and advancement of employees and these factors are providing job satisfaction to employees. The promotional aspect of employee and their opportunities in organisation deliver mental satisfaction to understand their position in the company. Another factor is the hygiene factors that related to payment, quality of supervision, job security, physical working condition, company policies (Kuranchie-Mensah & Amponsah-Tawiah, 2016). These are the positions that associated with employees’ retention policies and job satisfaction and employees’ retention is associated with this process.

According to McClelland’s theory, some motivational needs are important for employees. The need for achievement, need for affiliation, and need of power are the three main aspects that maintain the dominant motivator process. Through achievement, employees set their goal and take the calculative risk to reach their goal. Regular feedback process helps employees to work in a legitimate way. Affiliation helps them to maintain a group and provide a specific objective for the group to ensure their objectivity and purpose of the business (Khuong & Hoang, 2015). This process is not based on any risk-taking situation as the collaboration mitigates the risk situation in the organisation. The last section deals with power and its control and influences others to maintain the aim and objective of the business. This process can triumph all arguments and enjoy every competition and also maintain the status and recognition. These theories help managers and administrations to think over different ideas that can actually help employee retention and motivational process. The organisational power of retention is not there but the arrangement of certainty is there to align motivated employees.

Motivation in the organisation helps employees to remain in the organisation and also directed them for a better outcome. This is the reason most of the organisation tries to maintain employees’ satisfaction level by applying different strategies of motivation. There are different motivational strategies and these strategies help to initiate employees advancement in the organisation. Employees are directed by intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors and these factors are directed them towards organisational success and also gain a better position for them (Shahzadi et al., 2014). A common method of motivating employees is providing monetary rewards. But there are other influences besides money that affect employees’ level of motivation. The motivation of hospitality workers is essential to produce the organizational obligation to the guests and the hotels and therefore the awareness about what stimulates and gratifies them is very crucial. The analysis also maintains motivational drive for employee and leaders and administrations have to maintain the fact. Some specific situational analyses and promoted theories are applied over this and that signifies employees’ attitude towards the goal (Lau & Roopnarain, 2014). The theories of motivation are widely promoted but the application of these theories is in the hand of managers and they have to think, what exact motivational factor is missing and what they have to introduce for the development of the business.


Considering the Maslow’s hierarchy theory, the safety needs of the employees will be the main motivation for them. It is significantly visible that the increasing turnover will make sure that the company suffers and at the same time, the employees loses his or her livelihood which will be dangerous for the employees. Hence the employees of the mentioned organization are in need to get convinced by the management of the organization so that they be able to understand the importance of the organization in their career (Kaur, 2013).  On the other hand, following the McGregor’s theory, the introduction of the rewards are significantly necessary for the organization and apart from that, for the employees who are operating efficiently, the organization needs to involve them in the decision making regarding the improvement of the operations inside the organization so that they feel motivated (Lawter, Kopelman & Prottas, 2015). Apart from that, the theory of McClelland portrays that the employees of the organization need to be motivated by availing them the power to take the decisions regarding the operations of themselves. This will encourage the employees and make them feel important for the organization. Apart from that, the theory claims that the good work of the employees needs to be recognized by the management of the organization so that they feel motivated in conducting their operations (Kuhl, 2013). In connection to the Herzberg Two factor theory of motivation, the organization is in need to make sure that they be able to place a situation which will be high hygiene and high motivation (Yusoff, Kian & Idris, 2013). As the mentioned situation will be the best case for the employees, the management needs to make sure that they be able to provide the motivators like the recognition of the good work that the employees are conducting and the encouragement for the involvement in the decision making along with the factors for the high hygiene like the rewards, increased salary, vacation opportunities, job security and an improved working environment for the employees of the organizations.

The difference in their work and their dedication to the work will be visible after the implementation of the specified actions (Mikkelsen, Jacobsen & Andersen, 2017). The reason behind the changes is the attachment and the motivation provided by the administration.

In the case of the hospitality industry, work pressure is huge in some cases, so the distribution of workload inefficient manner and sustain organisational success is the recommended process that encourages employees also in the way of advancement. Advice and meeting with employees and take their view in some cases help them to understand their position in the organisation and they will associate with the work also. Cultural autonomy and workplace environment need to be good. Cultural diversity has to be maintained so the employees are not hesitating to attach with each other or share their views.

Incentive or special gifts for employees or providing rewards and respect in front of all the employees motivate them to work in a proper manner. Other employees will be motivated through this process. This strategy helps to inspire employee and motivate them for the legitimate work rate. Set some small and measurable goal also encourages employees to achieve their target will be motivating for each employee.  Employees have to stay position about their work and this positivism will be gained by the leaders or managers. Proper health and safety process in the organisation will also help employees to sustain in the organisation and this will be considered as another recommended process.


Therefore the paper can be concluded that The Star Gold Coast has some problem in employee motivation and this is the major issue in the organisation. They have to implement some effective strategies for the development of business and also encourage employees to work for the company on a long-term basis. The sustainability will come as the employees’ motivational factors are fulfilled. Service sector companies are having more engagement of employees and the employees need to communicate or maintain their mannerism in an efficient way to manage the situation. The company needs to ensure best policies so that employees’ sustainability will maintain.


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